Member Reviews

I really enjoy single parent romances and Griffin is a great dad. Not only that, but he helps pull Sadie out of her shell after her family issues. A very sweet and sexy story.

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Each book in this series gets better and better. I love a good hockey romance and this story did not disappoint. The chemistry between Sadie and Griffin is amazing and you can't help but love them.

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When It’s Right

**received an ARC in exchange for an honest review**


This series has been an emotional roller coaster, but i have enjoyed every moment of it, even when it gets tough. And Griffin and Sadie’s story just shows how two people can help one another through the tough times and still be one another’s rock. I love the way that Sadie is so strong but she lets herself be vulnerable with Griffin. She knows that she needs that time to regroup herself so that she can be a pillar for her family. Griffin is that silent support, but so much more at the same time. He pushes Sadie and himself in a way that will have you hoping that they figure out how to make their relationship work. A great read for this series and definitely a must read.

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I'm doing this series backwards. I read the forth and last book in the series first I'm working my way to book 1. I don't mind - these are all standalone although it does have a story arch that follows this tight-knitted family dealing with their father's ALS. But Victoria Denault does a great job writing these books in a way you still follow even though you haven't read the previous books.

WHEN IT'S RIGHT is the story of Sadie and Griffin. Sadie is everybody's rock. She is reliable, steady, level-headed. But put enough pressure on something and it will crack, no matter how tough it is. When Sadie meets the Thunder's goalie coach she's already spread thin with everything that is going on with her dad's condition and has nothing else to give but Griffin is a temptation that is hard to resist.

“I’ve never had a first and last kiss at the very same time.”

Griffin has his own troubles that should make him give Sadie a wide berth. His ex-wife is gearing up for a custody battle for their daughter and he just doesn't have the capacity for a relationship. But just like Sadie he is irresistibly drawn to her, this beautiful, sweet, wild woman and he wants nothing more than to be a rock for her.

“I miss all the time I never got to spend with you.”

Sadie and Griffin were cute together. They hit it off from the get-go but found a lot of reasons why this wouldn't work so this actually makes for a pretty slow burn romance. Their obstacles aren't something to cough at and both of them have a very good reason to believe that it's pretty shitty timing for a relationship. But, you know, when it's just work for it, fight for it and if you have to battle for it with dirty means. I loved how they held on to each other - their path wasn't without detours but they quickly got back to where they supposed to go.

"Everyone in your life needs you to be strong, but I don’t. You hold up everyone else. Let me hold you up.”

Sadie's strength, her steadfastness, the way she was the buffer between her family and her ill parent made me admire the hell out of her. She was amazing and with every blow she took I was only waiting for her to break. But she didn't. She was the superhero in her family.
Griffin was a good man and his love for his daughter was my favorite thing. He was the best dad. And when Sadie needed to lean on him, he was there, no questions asked. I hated his ex though so I'm glad she got in the end what she had coming.

I fell in love with this family in NOW OR NEVER, their dynamics are fun and sweet, their tight bond so tangible. Everyone should have a family like that. Their antics, especially the sisters taking their brother down a peg or three by giving him shit yet doing it in such a lovable way, are hilarious. My heart went out to them watching them coming to terms with ALS and what it would ultimately mean for their family.

WHEN IT'S RIGHT is a beautiful story that had my heart in my throat at times and laugh out loud at others. It was quick and satisfying, emotional and sweet.

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Love and family…

The Braddock clan are dealing with a family crisis that have bonded them in ways that nothing else could. At the same time, they are living their lives, building their careers and, if lucky enough, falling in love… Griff and Sadie are my new favourite characters in this series that once again has brought the family together in tragedy and love….

Griff is part of the Thunder family and, proving that there are few degrees of separation, quickly catches sight (and the eye) of Sadie. They are hesitant at first, and survive a few courtship bumps, before deciding any drama is worth trying to build on the feelings they have. Feelings of desire and a clicking of souls as they face each challenge with heart and hope…

Each couple’s romance is sweet and sexy with just the right amount of drama. At the same time there is a bittersweet plotline that connects each story together. What struck me again was how jumbled up this story/series makes me feel. The writing style makes it seem so easy. Each tough conversation, each heartbreaking revelation, inviting me to share the funny moments as well as the ones that have me reaching for tissue.

A story – a series – that makes me laugh and cry means one that I can’t get enough of! ~Diane, 4.5 stars

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Overall an entertaining story; I liked that both Sadie's and Griffin's issues are pretty realistic, and hit me emotionally in different ways. It did take me a bit to get into the story, but after a few chapters I was caught up in the story and couldn't wait to see how everything would turn out.

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Received in exchange for a honest review.


* The sibling relationships and sense of family you have
* Griffin-he’s strong, kind, amazing and with his daughter he is wonderful
* LOVED the writing - engaging and has you feel you are with the characters
* Sadie and how she was so sweet and kind but scared of relationships
* the romance was organic and not instalove

Griffin’s love for his daughter and how he fights for her and also Sadie is great. I hated seeing Sadie pull away and let outside factors come into the relationship more than was needed.

THE BAD (but not necessarily in a bad way):

*the ex and her drama was just wrong added to the story but she was not a character I was fond of

YAY or NAY: Yes the story was tender and had romantic moments that have you melt. The characters had you smile and laugh and you feel at home with them.

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I love Victoria Denault’s hockey stories and I enjoyed reading WHEN IT'S RIGHT, her third book in the San Francisco Thunder series. This story has an engaging storyline and is emotional, fun and sexy.

Ever since Sadie received the devastating news that her dad has ALS, it has consumed her life. Sadie is an ER nurse and once she learns about her father's disease, she spends all her time either with her family or working. Sadie meets Griffin, the Thunder goalie coach when one of his players is brought into the hospital where she works. Even though Sadie is immediately attracted to Griffin, she knows she doesn’t have time to date.

Griffin oozes sexy appeal. He is a divorced, former hockey player and is now working for the Thunder hockey team. He has a six year old daughter, who he adores and a difficult ex wife. Griffin finds Sadie refreshing. She has a sassy attitude and yet she is also nurturing and easy to get along with. Although Griffin likes Sadie from the moment he meets her, he is hesitant to get involved with her because his life is so complicated. Griffin is sweet, charming and shy and unsure of himself when it comes to dating. He stole my heart.

Griffin and Sadie have a lot of chemistry and I enjoyed all their interactions. They are each going through some life changing events and don’t have time for a relationship, but they find it impossible to ignore the strong pull between them. Sometimes you meet the right person at the wrong time. Can they make it work? Although this is an emotional story, it also has funny interactions between many of the characters, creating a nice balance to the story. This heartwarming story left me with a good feeling and I can’t wait to read more in this series.

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I loved this romance! This is the third book in the San Francisco Thunders series but it would work just fine as a stand-alone. There are some ongoing family issues that continue throughout the series but I think that everything is explained well enough for readers jumping in with this book. This was a pretty quick read that I found hard to put down.

Sadie and Griffin were both fantastic characters. They had fantastic chemistry from the very start of the book and I couldn't wait to see how things would develop between them. They made such a good pair and just worked well together from the very start. I loved the way they seemed to see each other in a way that others didn't.

I really liked the fact that these characters were dealing with some pretty tough issues in this book. I found my heart breaking just a bit for Griffin, Sadie, and the Braddock family. Griffin had his priorities in the right place but it seemed like everyone was working against him at times. Sadie was trying so hard to be what everyone needed her to be and take care of her family. I found the parts of the book that dealt with her father's decline to be both touching and heartbreaking.

The side characters were a lot of fun in this book. Sadie and her two sisters make a rather interesting team and I loved their interaction. Their older brother, Jude, was also very close to them. I loved how they all teased and joked with each other. Griffin's daughter, Charlie, was adorable and added to the story as did his brother, Hunter. Sadie's father played an important role and I thought the fact that he had some really powerful scenes.

I would recommend this book to fans of contemporary romance. I had a fantastic time with Sadie and Griffin as they fell in love. I am very glad that this book is told from alternate points of view because the reader really gets a chance to see what each character is feeling about everything going on in their lives. I can't wait to read more from this amazing series!

I received an advanced reader edition of this book from Forever Yours (Grand Central Publishing) via Net Galley.

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this series just keeps getting better.
Sadie and Griffin two people really not looking for love but sometimes you have to go with the flow.
Loved it !!

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I absolutely love the Braddock Clan and I think this one has been the most emotional out of the series so far.

The last thing Sadie Braddock is looking for is a boyfriend. She has enough on her plate trying to help guide her family through their father's sickness. It's a lot on her plate. One she's not too happy with having but being the nurse in the family, her father is counting on her to be the strong one and help her siblings understand his choices whether they like them or not. But she next expected Griffin to walk into her life and for him to have such a huge pull on her.

It's been 2 years since his divorce and he thought things were good between him and his ex when it came to their daughter. But he thought wrong. Everything seems to be in an upheaval - including his heart. Why would Sadie Braddock want to have a divorcee in the middle of a custody battle as her boyfriend? But the pull to be with her is so strong, he can't seem to shake the feeling as much as he tries.

Griffin and Sadie were perfection together. Sweet, sexy and sassy. Both had their own huge problems but fate was on their side when these two met. This is definitely a book full of emotions and I loved every minute.

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The Braddock family is by far one of my favorite families in fiction. I fell in love with them when I read Slammed and that love has only grown stronger after reading When It’s Right. What I love about this family is how funny and supportive they are of one another. They are going through a really hard time yet they still manage to find something to laugh about or celebrate. And watching Griffin and Sadie fall for each other was definitely something to celebrate, especially since Sadie takes on so much of the burden for her family. I laughed and even cried reading this fun hockey themed romance. This is a series I would say you need to pick up. I still need to read book 1, but 2 and 3 ae fantastic!

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What did I love about When It's Right? Victoria Denault combines passion, romance, family, sports and humor into an all around entertaining novel. As numerous characters appear in all the books oft he series, and updates may spoil prior books, I dont think WIR stands alone. That is not to say that it isnt a complete novel. I am fairly certain readers that choose WIR will quickly seek out the other books in the series, sio why not do yourself a favor and read in order?
When It's Right has strong, clear voiced main characters, the chemistry is a slow build, but quite satisfactory. Plenty of passionate interludes serve to move the story along. I think that what I appreciate most is the family aspect of the series, and the totally spot on humor and dialogue Ms. Denault captures. I cant wait for the next book.

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Victoria Denault's When It's Right left me utterly speechless. First off, hockey coach falling in love with a player's sister? Oh, scandalous! Love that. There's Griffin... Hot as sin hockey coach that is a dedicated father? Yum. Let's not forget Sadie, the glue that is holding her family together during a difficult time. Can I hug her? All of this in a pretty package with that cover? Holy heck, where do I sign up?

All joking aside, there are no words that can explain how much I loved When It's Right. I've already fallen in love with Victoria's hockey heroes and the women that captured their hearts, then she goes and breaks my heart with the difficult time both families are going through. Every scene with the Braddock father just about did me in. Seriously, I was on the verge of tears for a good chunk of the book. I loved that about this series. I've fallen so deeply for Victoria's characters that I hurt along with them.

It's the lighthearted moments that made me not want to put this book down. Watching Griffin try to find his spot in Sadie's life and her family was adorable. With Sadie, he's all in. I loved Sadie's fierce nature. She's protective of everyone, including Griffin's daughter. She tries to be the rock in the family, but there's only so much she can do and watching her slowly unravel was heartbreaking.

Plus it's also sexy as hell, which is something I love with my hockey heroes.

I adored When It's Right. It was amazing. Although I'm still a bit new to Victoria's books, she is already one of my favorite hockey romance authors. I love that she's Canadian and actually knows the sport. That definitely gives her books a level of realness that can sometimes be lacking. I still need to read the 2nd book in her San Francisco Thunder series. That will definitely be happening before the next book comes out. Not going to lie, I'm a little afraid of how sad the 4th book will be. It still can't come soon enough, though. In the meantime, I have her other series to keep me company. Bring on the hockey hotties!

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DNF 20%

This was far too easy. The instant connection between Griffin and Sadie was just too unbelievable. I wanted at least one of them to pull back, to question the instant attraction to the other person or at least a little drama surrounding them being together. Nope...

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San Francisco Thunder #3, This was an emotional one that had almost as much dealing with family drama than romance, but it's a hot romance. I missed book two which I'm going to rectify as soon as I can. This one is focused on Sadie Braddock and Griffin Sullivan. Sadie is sister to the infamous Jude Braddock of the San Francisco Thunder Hockey team and Griffin is there new goalie coach. They meet when the goalie, Eli who is also Sadie's soon-to-be hopefully brother-in-law he's dating her sister Dixie, gets injured during the game and is rushed to the hospital where Sadie works as an ER nurse. Instant chemistry, they both flirt and Griffin ends up asking her out and she says yes but a bad turn of events and Griffin ends up standing Sadie up. It reminds both of them that they have other responsibilities and a love life will have to wait.

Sadie has been the rock for her family since their Dad was diagnosed with ALS. As the nurse in the family they rely on her to understand everything and explain to them so they can make plans. Sadie, however, doesn't have anyone to lean one she's the strong one, the one that keeps everyone else from falling apart. Griffin has shared custody of his daughter, his ex-wife is being a pill and has filed for full custody and says she's going to move them to New York to be with her boyfriend. Griffin and Sadie say they are going to be friends but the attraction between them is to strong and even just one night isn't going to be enough. Griffin can't in good conscience start a relationship with someone if he has to move to New York just to stay near his daughter and with Sadie's dad's health declining she can't be away from her family. The relationship feels like it's doomed before it's even started and they both know it or are they both going to try hard enough for the chance at being happy?

Overall, between the relationship with Sadie's family and her Dad and the seemingly doomed relationship with Griffin this book had me tearing up. I enjoyed this one so much more than Score. I loved Sadie and Griffin, he is such a great dad. I love the banter and the dynamic of the Braddock family, they tease each other because they care. I love insta-love so that didn't bother me, it was well done and they tried to keep it slow but they were just too horny. Charlie, Griffin's daughter, is so freakin' cute. I enjoyed the conflict of responsibilities over personal happiness and trying to find a balance between the two. I can't wait for Winnie's story.

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Single dad? Check!
Hockey players? CHECK!

This story is full of heart and humor. I FREAKING LOVED IT! Their family dynamic is one of the best I've ever read. I need to go back and read the first 2 books because now I'm obsessed!!!

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I’ve been meaning to pick up this series for a while and for some reason or another I never do. But I admit this cover did me in. I mean, maybe it’s the abs or maybe it’s the colors but I couldn’t resist it! I had read this author before and I had a feeling this would be a winner. I really wish I hadn’t waited this long to dive in. As a hockey romance fan, this was a great series to add to my list.

WHEN IT’S RIGHT is about two people that are at very difficult points in their lives. Sadie moved to San Francisco to be close to her father after he was diagnosed with ALS. As a nurse, she knew what the next few years would mean for their family and they all needed to rally. But she’s taken on the role as the rock for everyone, putting her whole life on hold. Griffin has taken on a new position with the San Francisco Thunder as the goalie coach. Two years after his divorce, he’s still struggling with his ex about custody of his six year old daughter. That needs to take priority over anything else in his life.

This was a surprisingly emotional story with a decent amount of hockey. Basically, it gave me everything I was looking for! Griffin is just a really nice guy and extremely sexy, so how can anyone resist? I thought the chemistry between Griffin and Sadie was there on the surface all the time, so I was glad the author didn’t make too much extra drama in their connection. There was plenty all around them pulling them apart so I was glad.

I can also attest that this is fine read as a standalone, but I will be going back to read the rest of the series. I really liked the Braddock family and their dynamics so I am looking forward to reading more about them. Can’t wait!

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4 1/2 STARS!

Heart-wrenching emotional drama! With the next book in the San Francisco Thunder series, we get Sadie's story. We've already gotten knee deep into this family's story with the previous books in the series, and this one plays it out further. Jude is the only boy of the family, surrounding by interfering but loving sisters ... and as the family reels from his father illness, they all rally around in support of each other. Sadie is the health professional, so she's carrying the burden of making sure the family accepts and supports her dad's decisions through it all, and it's taking a beating on her heart. When she meets Griffin, it's a breath of fresh air to have something to take her mind off of it for even just a few hours. The story line is emotionally riveting with a side of playful. Really enjoyed it!

As a single dad sharing custody of a precocious 6 year old while working the crazy schedule of a hockey coach with the San Francisco Thunder, Griffin Sullivan knows how to juggle many things at the same time. He's not actively looking for love because he was burned already, and who has the time right? When he rushes his star goalie to the ER after an injury, he meets someone who just might have him second guessing that feeling!

ER nurse Sadie Braddock is pulling her hair out left and right as she deals with a hectic job on top of all of her family drama. Since here dad's diagnosis with a horrible illness, her life as been turned upside down with a move to California, and shouldering the responsibility of keeping her family from panicking and causing their dad any further discourse through this difficult time. She's trying to keep it all together, but it's really running her ragged. Now she's met a guy who interests her for the first time in forever, but she just doesn't have the time or energy to give him what he deserves.

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3.5 stars- WHEN IT’S RIGHT is the third instalment in Victoria Denault’s contemporary, adult SAN FRANCISCO THUNDER hockey, erotic, romance series focusing on the Braddock siblings and the San Francisco Thunder professional hockey team. This is thirty-something, hockey coach and single father Griffin Sullivan, and twenty-seven year old, ER nurse Sadie Braddock’s story line. WHEN IT’S RIGHT can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Griffin and Sadie) WHEN IT’S RIGHT follows the building relationship between hockey coach Griffin Sullivan, and ER nurse Sadie Braddock. Just your typical night in the local ER finds Sadie Braddock facing her future when her sister’s boyfriend and the goalie for the San Francisco Thunder Eli Casco, is side-lined with a possible concussion. Enter the team’s goalie coach Griffin Sullivan, and the man with whom Sadie will fall in love. What ensues is the slow building relationship between Sadie and Griffin, and the potential fall-out as Sadie struggles with family responsibility, and Griffin’s past makes for some difficult situations.

Sadie Braddock battles between head and heart with her attraction to Griffin Sullivan. Sadie’s father struggles with ever worsening ALS, and our heroine takes full responsibility for the family, their problems, and her father’s continuing care. A martyr to the end, Sadie forgoes any personal happiness in an effort to ensure she is close at hand. Griffin Sullivan, single father, hockey coach and former professional goalie has his sights set on Sadie Braddock but troubles with his ex-wife begin to spiral out of control pulling Sadie into a potential media nightmare if Griffin isn’t able to reign in his former spouse.

The relationship between Sadie and Griffin is a case of insta-lust but slow to develop as Sadie fights her attraction to Griffin in an effort to remain available for her father’s care. A persistent Griffin will finally convince Sadie to take a chance on love, a chance that will be derailed by Sadie’s need to be close to home. The $ex scenes are intimate, erotic and seductive.

There is a large ensemble cast of colorful and energetic secondary and supporting characters including Jude Braddock and Zoey (Score #1), Dixie Braddock and Eli Casco (Slammed #2), sister Winnie, as well as their parents Enid and Randy Braddock; Griffin’s daughter Charlie his brother Hunter, Griffin’s ex-wife Lauren, and her boyfriend Cale. The Braddock family camaraderie is spirited and real.

WHEN IT’S RIGHT is a thought provoking tale of family, responsibilities, emotions and love. The premise is intelligent and engaging; the romance is spicy and hot; the characters are sassy, fun and energetic although Sadie’s need to martyr herself was questionable although understandable because there is always one child / one sibling that takes on more responsibility than all of the rest. WHEN IT’S RIGHT is an impassioned look at a debilitating disease that affects every member of the family, and the people they love.

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