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Brought to you by OBS reviewer Heidi

Sadie Braddock is the rock of her siblings especially now that their father has been diagnosed with ALS. As a nurse Sadie knows exactly what the future holds for their dad and it isn’t pretty. Her father has actually asked his doctors to share any test results with Sadie first so that they can discuss anything that happens and she can break any bad news to the family and make them understand.

Between everything going on within her family, and her busy shifts in the ER, Sadie doesn’t have time for a social life, let alone a boyfriend. At least that’s what she thought until Mr. Hot and Dreamy walks into her ER with her sister’s boyfriend! Eli was injured in a hockey game and Griffin is his goaltending coach, who accompanied him to the hospital. Sadie starts out texting him updates on Eli and before she knows it he’s asking her out!

Unfortunately, Griffin’s world is about to be turned upside down when his ex-wife decides she wants to change their custody agreement of their six-year-old daughter! A budding romance can never survive a vicious custody battle, especially when Sadie has her own problems in her life to deal with. However, it doesn’t stop the heart from wanting what it wants even if it can only end in heartbreak!

I always enjoy Denault’s books and this was no exception. I love the Braddock clan, especially seeing how the girls mercilessly tease their only brother, Jude. And, I have a friend that has a very similar personality to Jude and I can easily picture him saying and doing all the things Jude does. I think it makes me enjoy his scenes that much more.

“Hey, Weepy. Come grab a drink with your legitimately hitched favorite brother.”

“Man, I hope Dixie marries Eli soon so I have better options for this Favorite Brother category,”

This book didn’t seem quite as fast-paced as the other books I’ve read of the series. The constant stop and go of the relationship really slowed things down. The focus always seemed to get shifted away from the romance to either Sadie’s father or the impending custody battle. But the love of family always prevails and thankfully that was the case in this book as well.

This was an enjoyable read, just don’t expect a big swoon-worthy romance as there was just too much other stuff going on for that!

*OBS would like to thank the publisher for supplying a free copy of this title in exchange for an honest review*

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I found this book a little harder to get into for some reason. I did Sadie and the way her character was for the most part throughout the book. I also understood that there needed to be some of the story about their father and ALS. I just felt that her sister’s and also her brother wined a lot and for him to be a hockey player he seemed at to be complaining the most. Maybe that part is just me but that is what I got. It also took me awhile to get into the whole Sullivan character who was a coach, but there was no scenes of him actually coaching. There even was not any hockey scenes only talk of them. There was some hospital and him dealing with his ex. I did like his daughter and her character helped move the story along, but for me it just did have it this time. I have given the first two books in the series 5 stars but I can only give this book 3 stars this time sorry.

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WOW!! It didn't take me long to read this book.
I was so into the book that I forgot to make dinner last night.
I love the characters and the story.

I do highly recommend

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“This isn’t going to be easy, I know that. But I don’t want something that’s easy, Sadie. I want something that’s worth it.”

When It’s Right is definitely right—the right book for me at the right moment. The right characters, with the right amount of feels, and the right mix of heartache and heart-happy.

I have to say, I LOVE this series. Victoria Denault has created a family—the Braddock family—that are impossible to ignore and impossible not to root for. Their story has made me swoon and sob, and each installment so far has made me laugh and left me with a smile.

And this book was no exception. It was borderline instalove/instalust, but that worked just fine (or just right) for me because I cared for both Sadie and Griffin. I enjoyed their moments together. I understood their need to be apart. I wanted the best for them on every page and in every moment, and by the time I was flipping the last page, I was ready to proclaim this my favorite of the San Francisco Thunder series.

Whether that’s true or not… I can’t be sure. I loved the earlier books and there’s still more to come, so it’s perhaps wise to reserve judgment. But that doesn’t mean I can say this: I feel more than alright recommending you dive into this book—and series—ASAP.

“Have you always been so fucking incredible?”
“Do you always make women want to fuck you in public?”

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I love the Thunder and this series isn't shy about giving me what I want. When It's Right is Sadie's story. As the middle child in the Braddock clan, Sadie is considered the most dependable. Whether it's her job or the ability to remain calm in chaos, Sadie is the rock her family leans on while their sun, her dad, slowly dies.

It's hard. Life isn't fair. There's no time for relationships. No time for outside drama. But a chance meeting in the ER has Sadie questioning everything.

It's about time too. Watching Sadie slip into the girl from before is smile inducing. It doesn't hurt that the object of her lusting, longing, and desires is the goalie coach for a certain, San Francisco Thunder. He is pretty, rugged, and an amazing man. Oh and a gorgeous, single dad.

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***ARC Provided by the Author and Publisher via NetGalley***

Life is complicated. It's full of ups and downs, of things that take over when you least expect it, and of things that happen at inconvenient times.

So, how do you know when the thing that you have found, even if it is inconvenient, is somehitng too good to pass up? Griffin has a difficult (understatement) ex wife and a son. Add in a demanding and time consuming job, and he has a list of reasons to stay single. Sadie has a sick father, and family expectations, and a life she is trying to live while dealing with the potential end of a close family member's (not a spoiler, but an overarching story line in all the titles) so, romance is not on her list.

And, then, Griffin meets Sadie. And he resits the attraction. And then she does. And then he does.

And, then, they both realize that it's not going away and that maybe that's just how life works, that you have to take what it gives you when it's good as you never know when that will be taken away. This is definitely the theme of the book, and in both of their lives...and the duality of this for both of them allows them to finally move forward.

The writing is strong. There's a lot of drama and some really serious stuff going on in this book, but it avoids the maudlin and never makes the reader feel that they are being bogged down in things that are heavier than they may want from a romance. A delicate line to walk, for sure and it's handled very well in this title.

I enjoyed this book, and I recommend it.

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I am so loving this series !!
Sadie and Griffin two people really not looking for love but sometimes you have to go with the flow.
Sadie is strong, sweet, quirky and yes says whatever is on her mind. Working in an ER has given her a sass and strength that those around her admire.
Griffin is a goalie coach for the hockey team Thunder and has had the privilege of meeting many of Sadie's family but he has never had the pleasure of a run in with the lovely Sadie until his player is presented at the ER.
A immediate attraction , witty banter and undeniable sexual chemistry but they both feel as thought it is not the right time. Sadie's family is in the midst of dealing with the heartbreaking realization the ACLs is moving quickly on her father and Griffin is dealing with an ex that is attempting to take partial custody of his daughter away! Just when you may think timing is all off one bright man may enlighten you as to what may be right before your eyes!!
Loved it !!
~~Michele McMullen ~~

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I quickly fell in love with Victoria's stories when I discovered her a while back, with each story I have found new characters that I want to hold on to, When It's Right was no different. I loved the characters, and I loved the story even more. I knew Sadie was was going to have an amazing story when we first met her in Score. I don't think I could have picked a better person for her than Grant. this story has so much humor, family bnter, strong relationships, and some smokin hot scenes. It is basically the perfect recipe for a book.

Overall I loved this story, Score is still my favorite in the series, but that doesn't mean I loved this one any less (it's like choosing a favorite child). The only thing that kept me from giving this five stars is the fact that I felt that a little bit of chemistry was missing, at times it almost felt like Sadie and Grant were more like friends than anything. Now I'm just anxious to see what's next.

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With an ailing father to help care for, her demanding job, and her family pulling her into a zillion directions Sadie Braddock barely has time to sleep, which means a love life is pretty much out of the question. When they learned that her father had ALS the whole family turned to her because of her medical expertise, and from there a lot of the decisions surrounding it fell into her lap, which has been more than a little stressful. Everyone has been pressuring her to go and out an live a little, maybe even date, but no one seems interesting enough to spend what little free time she has on... that is until a certain sexy hockey coach wanders into her emergency room!

Between his job, traveling for work, battling with his ex-wife, and spending what free time he has with his daughter Griffin Sullivan doesn't have time for love, or dating for that matter. But at his brother's insistence, and a chance meeting with a beautiful nurse he decides to make a little time to date, and discovers a happiness he has never known. But when his ex decides to throw a wrench into his plans, it threatens his new found happiness, and the best thing that has happened to him in a long while..

When It's Right is a dramatic and romantic page-turner that is sure to keep you enthralled from start to finish! Between the family drama, a budding new romance, and a custody battle this one comes with a load of emotion to wade through and non-stop drama to get wrapped up in, it was downright addictive. I really enjoyed this newest installment to the San Francisco Thunder series, it gave me the chance to revisit old friends, meet a few new ones, and feed my little hockey romance addiction. If you like steamy hockey tales, I highly recommend you check out this series, the men of the San Francisco Thunder are sure to have you swooning!!

I requested an advanced copy of this title from NetGalley, and I am leaving my honest opinion.

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I read Victoria Denault's Slammed a couple months ago, and fell in love with the characters and the Braddock family. I was so excited when I saw that When It's Right was FINALLY coming out, and I requested an eARC as fast as I could.

Overall I enjoyed the newest addition to the San Francisco Thunder series. Initially I was a little disappointed, but I know it's because I read a phenomenal book right before this, and When It's Right wasn't AS good. The more I read, the more I fell in love with the story and the characters.

"Nothing is promised to us forever. But we have to take it when we can get it. Even if we see the expiration date coming"

When It's Right follows Sadie, one of the Braddock siblings, and Griffin Sullivan one of the Thunder's coaches. The two meet when Eli is rushed too the emergency room and Sadie is working as a nurse. The two hit it off immediately, and make plans to go out together later that week.

I was a little confused while reading the first couple chapters, but that's only because it's been a while since I read Slammed and I couldn't immediately remember all the characters, and what happened in the last book. Once I refreshed my memory, I flew through the book.

In this addition to the San Francisco Thunder series, the Braddock family is dealing with their father's illness, which is getting worse. Since Sadie is a nurse, she's basically been put in charge of holding the family up during this difficult time. She doesn't mind being the pillar for her family, except that she has no one to hold her up and listen to her cry...until Griffin.

"My world is shattering, splintering, and people are just...continuing on."

The family dynamics are FANTASTIC. It's so easy to see how much the Braddock family cares for one another. They're going through a difficult time, and have so many sad moments together, but they also lift each other up and support each other whenever necessary. I absolutely LOVE Sadie and her sister's relationship. It feels like such an authentic representation, and I love how the rest of the family makes fun of them and calls them a sorority.

My one complaint is that the infatuation between Sadie and Griffin happened a little too quickly for me. They immediately were infatuated with each other and talked about how ~real~ their connection felt. Once their relationship was more established though, I couldn't stop cheering for them. I also liked that there was some angsty moments, since both characters are dealing with huge issues that threaten to keep them apart.

Overall, this was a great addition to the series, and I cannot wait to read Winnie's story!

Have you read Victoria Denault's San Francisco Thunder series yet?

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**4.5 STARS!

It's got the best family dynamic, those moments that'll threaten to rip your heart out, your steamy AF parts (of course), and then full on belly-aches due to the banter and teasing from Sadie? A million times YES!!!

I swear, each book in this series just keeps getting better and better. The hero's get sweeter and sexier; the heroines get sassier and more hilarious!

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I enjoyed When It's Right. It's a cute story that has some depth to it as both Sadie and Griffin have some real life stuff going on. While Sadie's was more heartbreaking, Griffins issue made me want to rage. I adored Sadie's family and I can't wait to go back and read the books in the series that came before it.

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I LOVED THIS BOOK! The chemistry between the main characters was great, I loved Griffin's daughter, and I really enjoyed all the secondary characters. I can't wait for more in this series.

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I think the biggest thing for a romance novel is that it has to make you believe. Believe the chemistry; believe the love, lust, and emotions. If as a reader this is missing, then unfortunately the book will fall flat no matter how great the writing or the story.

For me, When It's Right falls into the unbelievable category. I didn't see or believe the connection between Griffin and Sadie. They fall heavily into the insta-lust/love category and I personally do not like that trope. I did like how they were there for each other during difficult family times.

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When I found out that Sadie and Winnie (the other two members of "the sorority") were getting their own books, I could not wait to get my hands on them! Victoria Denault did not disappoint and I loved Sadie and Griffin’s emotional and heartfelt romance! Though this is book 3 in the San Francisco Thunder series, it can be read as a stand alone. I do highly recommend Score and Slammed, however, since they're amazing and because the characters from these books do appear in When It's Right.

I loved how honest Sadie and Griffin's story was. Yes, there is instalust right from the start, but the reality of their lives and the struggles they face are very realistic and significant. This book isn't just a love story between a man and woman. It's also a love story between parents and children, siblings, spouses, and friends. It's a story about timing and the joys and cruelty it can deliver. I think this is the most emotional and poignant book I have read by the author. Her heartbreaking and truthful portrayal of loss, grief, and mortality had me an emotional mess at times, but she balanced it so well with the sweet, sexy, and wonder of new love. Griffin was a fantastic hero and had me swooning and grinning like a fool! Unicorn indeed! ;)

It's no secret that I love the Braddock family, and honestly, I fall more in love with them after every book. I see pieces of my own family and childhood in them, but also things I strive for with my own children and husband. One of the best parts is the banter between the siblings, especially between Jude and Sadie. Those moments of levity kept the book from getting too heavy and had me laughing out loud. The Braddock's are definitely one of my favorite fictional families. I also loved the appearances by Jude, Zoey, Dixie, and Eli. That epilogue had me shrieking for my favorite goalie and his lady love! I honestly cannot wait to see how Winnie's story unfolds, but I also know there will be tears, as the Braddock's prepare for a final goodbye.

4.5 stars

*I voluntarily read an advance reader copy of this book*

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Rating: 4.5 Stars

I was so excited to be back with the Braddock clan, and they did not disappoint me.

Since Papa Braddock's ALS diagnosis, Sadie has served as the rock of the family. They relied on her as a nurse, and expected her to be the professional in situations where the others may let their emotions get the best of them. But who was there for Sadie?

Enter Griffin, retired NHL goalie, divorced dad, and the new goalie coach for the Thunder. Eli's injury brought them together, and awakened things in both Griffin and Sadie, that had been latent for several years.

I just loved these two together. Sadie probably has the best banter game of the Braddock clan, and the interactions between her and Griffin kept me grinning. They were fun, flirty, and sexy, but their relationship eventually went deeper, and there was a lot of support and true affection behind their words.

Griffin was a standout hero. Sadie referred to him as a unicorn, and I have to agree with her. He was all sorts of perfect, patient, and delicious. There was a lot of swoony sighing coming from me as I read this book, because Griffin charmed the pants off of me. It wasn't just his romantic game that won me over either. His interactions with his daughter were so sweet, I think I got a tooth ache, and the herculean effort he made with his ex-wife was worthy of sainthood.

One thing I really, really love about this series is the Braddock family. I loved the family dynamic and all the love that was shared between them. Recent years had been difficult for the family as their father further deteriorates, and I cried for Papa Braddock, but it was heartwarming seeing the siblings be there for each other and for their mother. I understand how painful it is to see someone you love suffer, and it was beautiful watching them face it together.

Yes, dad's health issues were sad, but Denault filled this story with some really wonderful moments too. There were two very joyous occasions shared with us, and watching Sadie find love and seeing her romance with Griffin bloom and flourish balanced out the painful moments.

I am gearing up for the last book, and still hoping Denault finds some secret Braddock love children in the woodwork, because I am really going to miss this family when it all ends.

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Eh. This one was pretty subpar.
I love the family dynamic that this series provides. And that's about all I enjoyed about this one.
The romance was blah. Instant attraction but complicated lives are keeping them apart.
What really failed here is the dialogue and said romantic relationship. Both were trying too hard and they just weren't good. The dialogue was typical cheesy tropey romance.
Oh, and when you gotta state how much of wild girl you are(multiple times) it probably means you actually aren't.

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When It's Right is the third book in the San Francisco Thunder series, featuring the Braddock siblings. This book is about Sadie Braddock, one of the sister's of Jude Braddock, a player on the Thunder hockey team. Sadie works as an emergency room nurse and has been the rock of the family since they learned their father had ALS.

Everyone wants her opinion on their father's care, and her father puts her in charge of explaining his test results and how he wants to proceed with his treatment.. It puts a lot of pressure on her, and while her family leans on her, the only person she has to lean on is Griffin.

Griffin is the new goalie coach for the Thunder. He's dealing with his ex-wife, who is trying to get full custody of their six-year-old daughter. Dating Sadie will be complicated, not only because of the battle with his ex, but because he coaches the boyfriend of one of her sisters, and her brother is a player on the team.

I liked Sadie and Griffin together, and I loved how he was her rock, the way she was the rock for her family.

It was heartbreaking to see how far Mr. Braddock's condition had deteriorated from the previous novels. The family is clearly struggling as it becomes apparent that he probably doesn't have much time left.

When It's Right has become my favorite book of the series. While it could be classified as a sports romance, it is more of a story about family and the struggles they face.

**A copy was received via NetGalley**

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This is the first book that I have read by Victoria Denault and I have to say that it was a really great read. I love hockey and I love romance and this book had both. I would also like to say that this is the third book in the series and I didn't feel lost at all. It felt like I had been reading the series from the start. Griffin and Sadie made an amazing couple. The chemistry when the two of them first meant was hot. They just clicked together. I loved everything about this book. All of the characters were so great. I am going to go and get the first two books in this series because I want to read Dixie and Jude's stories too. I cannot get enough of this family. Honestly while I was reading this book the word that kept coming to mind was home. This book was about a family struggling to move forward when all they wanted to do was go back. It was about Sadie struggling because she was trying to be every bodies rock. Griffin was trying to move on with his life but his ex kept throwing things in his path. Through it all they all stood strong with each other. I cannot say enough about how great this book was. When a book can make you laugh and cry in the same chapter you know it is going to be way more then a 5 star read. Thanks Net Galley. I voluntarily reviewed this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Y'all, I spent the entirety of this book vacillating between giant schmoopy grin and sobby little hiccuppy tears. Perhaps more importantly? I couldn't put it down. I was sucked into Sadie and Griffin's story from the very first page, and they (with a little help from the Braddock family) held me in thrall until the very last.

The feelings between Sadie and Griffin ignite very quickly, first as a physical attraction and then quickly evolving into something much more. There were times it felt almost a smidge too insta for me given the amount of time they actually spent together, but their chemistry was on point and it was easy to root for them nonetheless. There were moments and lines that squeezed at my heart and melted me into a puddle of ooey gooey goo. They're a fantastic couple, and set against the backdrop of the Braddock family dynamic - the whole thing comes together beautifully!

And, if I haven't made it clear? I 100% adore the Braddock family. They are right in the middle of breaking my heart, but I love them fiercely. The dynamic between the Braddock siblings is hilarious and heartwarming and, as I mentioned, as a backdrop for a blooming relationship - it was guilty of a lot of scene-stealing, and more than one goofy grin and giggle.

In all, this is another stellar installment in a series that has quickly become one of my favorite hockey series. I loved Sadie and Griffin, I loved the balance of lightness and heaviness in the storylines, and I loved getting to spend more time with this amazing family. Excited (and braced) for more to come!

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