Member Reviews

This book definitely went a little deeper than I initially thought it would. Overall a good and quick read and I would recommend.

The Leading Edge of Now was a quick read and thoroughly enjoyable. I would suggest it to any readers looking to break out of a reading slump!

This book is a hard read due to the the topic and what Grace goes through. However the book is written really well and deals with the topic in a very moving way. I didn't enjoy the book due the heavy subject but I did find it very emotionally moving

Although Curtis is an excellent writer and this topic is exceptionally important, I did not have a chance to finish reading it. I think it hit a little close to home for some of the teens I work with and my personal world view. That being said, I am sure there are many who would find this story deeply affecting and impactful.

I really enjoyed this book, I have read a few similar to this title however this came out at the better end of the spectrum. I was shocked and enthralled. Will certainly look out for other books by this author

2021 is the year of being realistic and realistically I just do not foresee myself finishing this book despite picking it up time and time again which is really sad because this cover is drop dead gorgeous!!

Read Oct 19
TW: Rape
Grace has just moved in with her uncle after her father’s death and going back to the place she grew up is starting to awaken memories long buried. Moving back is also giving her the chance to reconnect with best friend Janna, and her ex-boyfriend Owen, Janna’s brother. Being back and remembering that awful night, Grace’s priority is to find the truth about the attack she initially blamed Owen for but there are half-truths and blocks everywhere. This is an intense, emotional novel that is not easy to review. Just read it.

Good day! Before anything else, I would like to extend my deepest, sincerest gratitude for sending me a digital review copy of this book (via NetGalley). Thank you very much for the opportunity!
Unfortunately, I am sad to say that I have lost interest in this particular title, and consequently, I have decided against finishing it. Forcing myself to finish a book I am disinterested in (solely for the sake of finishing it) can only negatively impact the entirety of my reading experience, which, in turn, could result in me writing an unfairly negative review. That is a circumstance I hope to avoid. With that said, I believe that the best course of action is for me to simply not read it and to refrain from publicly posting any feedback regarding this book.
I hope you understand where I'm coming from. Again, thank you for the lovely opportunity!

I received an Advance Reader Copy from the publisher. This in no way impacted on my view.
This book just blew me away, completely! I read it back in 2018, and honestly couldn't put words down about how good it was. I will admit I went into this book with no idea about what it was about, and requested it probably just because of how gorgeous the cover was.
In The Leading Edge of Now, Grace is struggling with the death of her father, and the fact that she is now an orphan. When her estranged uncle comes to claim guardianship, she finds herself facing the return to New Harbor, which once had such good memories, but since the last time she was there, has been tainted with the awful fact that she was raped. Every summer used to be sent in New Harbor, with her best friend and boyfriend living there, and all she can remember from that horrific night is saying goodbye to her boyfriend. The longer she is in her uncle home, the memories swiftly return, and she finds herself facing the reality of the fact that she was raped, even if she never spoke about it, and through flashbacks, and reuniting with her old friends, the truth finally comes out.
Obviously this book is hard hitting, and it really was. The content was difficult to read at times, but the author did it in such a way that it was cathartic for Grace, and also that it was respectfully done. Grace's character was so well done, and I just found myself falling more in love with her as the book progressed. I felt what she felt, and was with her until the end. Some of what happened in the book was unexpected, but I was just gripped, and this book really stayed with me for months after I finished it. Definitely a book that everyone should read, if they are able to.

I don’t know why I’m so drawn to foster/adoption stories, maybe for the potential of a found family and second chances at finding where you belong. Bring tissues while you read and prepare for your heart to break and mend while reading.
Included in the list: "Book Buying Recommendations for Mood Readers" on The Young Folks: https://www.theyoungfolks.com/review/140005/book-buying-recommendations-for-mood-readers/

Very emotional read. Especially with all the #MeToo stories in mind, I couldn't help but cry. Such an amazing story.

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC and the publisher for the ebook in exchange for my honest review.
Trigger warning - deals with Rape.
This was an extremely emotional and intense read. Grace has a lot to handle. Her father recently died and she isn't too sure what excatly happened two years when she was passed out. She has an idea and that scares her even more. This book deals heavily with survivor guilt especially the guilt that the victims of sexual abuse sometimes go through.
I did finish this a few weeks ago, but really needed sometime to recover and gather my thoughts.

This was such a surprise! I didn’t know anything about this going in, except that it may be an emotional read. And that it was. It definitely hits the feels pretty hard. This is a very powerful read and really made me think.

I swear through out the book I was scared for the lead so much, worrying that she is going to be scared for life even though she already is.
Disclaimer: I was provided with a ARC of this book by Netgalley so I could give an honest review.
Also the book contains trigger words like abuse and rape, so if you are not ready to read something like this, I would suggest you think twice before picking up this books.
Grace Cochran once living the perfect life filled with love and family now struggles as every day ends. With her father gone and her uncle missing from her life, she has no way to find her way back to the once happy life she lived.
Just as she begins to adjust to her foster care life, two years after her father's dead her unreliable uncle Rusty signs her guardianship papers. Uprooting her life once again. Too many reason why she does not want to return to the place that scared her the most, took her best friend, love and more.
The book heavily plays on the mystery around who Grace's rapist while she has been believing her Boyfriend and childhood crush aka best friend's brother is responsible. As much as painful that sounds I don't even want you to image what happens next.
As she deals with the aftermath of all kinds of losses and picking up the pieces Grace beings to find comfort in the old familiar New Harbor.
What bothered me the most in the book is its structure a bit , in which the mystery lasted 3/4th of the book we got very little time to actual deal with the culprit. I am aware that's not what the book is about but after seeing grace go through all of it I just wanted her to be angry more angry.
I thought she'd be more angry, I dont even want to think about what she goes through. It is a tough topic and harder to write about. Let alone let the world read it.
I did like how Marci Lyn Curtis manages to deal with the topic in a very serious and subduded manner, focusing on Grace her life and moving forward.

Warning: Rape is discussed in this book.
I LOVE love love this book. This book is great for the YA and teenagers. I will highly recommend this book to anyone.
Marci has written a brutally honest and emotional novel of a young teenager who is learning about herself. She has gone through hell and back. She struggles as she moves back in with her uncle after being an orphan for three years. She struggles with her new neighbors who happened to be her close friends before she became an orphan. She struggles thinking her ex-boyfriend had raped her but it turns out it wasn't the case as she tries to remember who had raped her on that fateful memorial's day at a party. She struggles with the death of her father. This is her year of learning about herself as she realizes that she has to find her truth, face her truth, and speak her truth in order to heal and come out okay.
The book isn't just based on sexual assault. This book focuses on many things that YA and teenagers deal with nowadays. I enjoyed the wry humor from Grace. I was able to relate to her because she was real as real can be.
I promise you won't regret reading this novel.
I'm giving this book a high 4 stars
I received this ARC from Kids Can Press through Net Galley for in exchange for my honest and unbiased review. Thank you

Mini review:
Trigger warning: Mention of death and alcoholism. Up till the point I read.
I received this E-ARC via the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
I was really looking forward to reading this! I’ve read the authors debut and loved it! Unfortunately it wasn’t for me.
The writing style was alright in the beginning. As I read on it really started to irk me. To the point I couldn’t continue.
Still recommend.

Trigger warning: rape. Overall this book was good. I thought it was moving and the length was perfect. As someone whose father passed away, I could relate to Grace in that aspect, but that’s about it!

Thanks to Netgalley for providing me with an ARC of The Leading Edge of Now by Marci Lyn Curtis. I voluntarily read and reviewed this ARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Trigger warning - rape
The Leading Edge of Now by Marci Lyn Curtin is an suspenseful and emotional ride. Going in I didn't know what to expect, but was pleasantly surprised. Grace is an orphan who is placed with her Uncle Rusty, after two years. This brings Grace back into a house where she has a painful memory, memories that aren't exactly what she thought they where. Slowly Grace starts to uncover what really happened to her that night. I won't say any more because that will ruin the plot. But you will discover why it took two years for her Uncle to take her in after her father died, what really happened that night and how Grace deals with her grief and being a survivor.
This story is heartbreaking. You discover things about that night at the same time that Grace does and her realization hits you like a ton of bricks. The suspense had me hooked. I suspected everyone, except the actual person who did this horrendous act. The ending felt natural and realistic. You really experience Grace's growth and her slowly getting her life back.
Marci Lyn Curtis wrote this book beautifully and I can't wait to pick up more of her work. I highly recommend this book to anyone. But as mentioned above, be aware that it deals with rape and the aftermath.

Although it took me a while to get into, I did get hooked in the end. A truly difficult topic handled in a thoughtful and sensitive way.

This book was just okay, I read through it quick and it did hold my attention for the most part, but it wasn't a mind blowing book, although it was focused on a very serious important topic, it was still just lacking something for me.