Member Reviews

A really cute novella! I had an ARC of this that I was way overdue reading and I wish I had picked it up sooner. This was perfect to read in a day with a sweet romance between two likeable characters.

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This unfortunately wasn’t great for me. I felt the story was too slow paced for what I was hoping for and I just didn’t love where the story went or the characters!

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Thank you so much for allowing me to read and review your titles.
I do appreciate it and continue to review books that I get the chance to read.
Thanks again!

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I unfortunately was not able to read and review this book before the digital ecopy expired. The synopsis sounds great though, so I will be buying a copy of my own to read soon!

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This book was awesome, and I thoroughly enjoyed the hot chemistry between Noah and Lexi during their crazy adventure together. I highly recommend this book if you enjoy a bit naughtiness and heart with this romantic comedy!

I definitely look forward to reading more by Tawna Fenske!

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As always, Tawna Fenske has written a novella that makes me wonder why I ever disliked novellas! Her writing is amusing, witty, steamy and always draws me right in. The animation aspect is an interesting one! I had access to an advanced reader copy that did not include the animation (thank you to the publisher and author for that opportunity in exchange for an honest review!). So I borrowed it again via my kindle unlimited to check it out.

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Tawna Fenske's Going Up is an adorable must read! I love the characters and their interactions. It truly is a laugh out loud book.

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I have been reading the book for years and I have never regretted not owning a Kindle device. When I was reading the book, for the first time I regretted not owning a device because the reading experience would be enchanted. If I had the media option I would have been able to see everything that the author wanted to show us. I was still able to enjoy the book but I feel like I was missing something and I would have felt 100 times better if I was able to experience everything and see the pictures. Lexi and Noah had a good story, with some weird drama happening, but I loved it. The characters belonged in the good section and I was rooting for them. They had their ups and downs, but everything worked for them and me I might add, in the end. I was satisfied with the book and I would recommend it.

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Lexi Allison is used to men hitting on her. It happens all the time, especially in her line of work as a bartender. But when she becomes stuck in an elevator with the gorgeous Noah Donovan, she can't help but resort to her ruse that she's married. Not that it's true, but it's the only way she can ward off unwanted advances. However, when she leaves her cute and cuddly packrat behind in the elevator, Noah tracks Lexi down to give the cuddly rodent back. Will Noah be able to win Lexi over once he learns the truth about her being single or will they lose their shot at happy ever after?

Ms. Fenske always writes such fun and interesting reads with plenty of great banter between the main characters that either makes me laugh or smile and I've got to say that this story was no different. Really, I loved the way this story started, which drew me in immediately and made me want to get to know more about the main characters. Why does the heroine always use the ruse of being married to ward off unwanted advances? What happened in her past that made her need to use such a ruse? Is she coming off a bad break-up and not willing to give her heart to another man? However, it was from the moment the hero and heroine come face-to-face for the first time where this story really gets interesting, as the hero and heroine find themselves stuck in an elevator together. Will they be able to handle being stuck in the elevator?

As for the dialogue, it was very entertaining and I loved the banter between Noah and Lexi, as they get to know each other, even if there are plenty of obstacles along the way such as lies, misunderstandings and a case of mistaken identity. Moreover, I really liked both the main characters and could understand the heroine's need to protect herself by using the ruse after all she's been through. It's actually quite genius, even though Noah turns out to be a good guy and wouldn't push her into anything she wasn't ready for. Yet, she has to decide that for herself. Not everyone is as good a guy as the hero.

Furthermore, with the main characters, I loved their back stories and their growing relationship, which made this story go really fast. The heroine is strong, brave and I liked that she gave Noah a chance. Really, she couldn't have found a more perfect guy than Noah, which is proven by all he does when it comes to the heroine's packrat. While the hero, I absolutely loved him. He's kind, caring and I enjoyed how he won the heroine over, especially since she doesn't trust easily.

Overall, Ms. Fenske has delivered a really good read in this book where the chemistry between this couple was tangible from the moment they meet; the romance was worth the wait, as their relationship goes from platonic to physical intimacy; and the ending had me worried that a misunderstanding could end this couple's relationship. Will Noah allow the heroine to explain? However, it was the epilogue that wrapped this story up wonderfully, as I loved the playful banter between Noah and Lexi. I would recommend Going Up by Tawna Fenske, if you're looking for a quick entertaining read or if you enjoy books by authors Marina Adair, Jill Sanders, Avery Flynn and Catherine Bybee.

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This was such a cute read!

I was in a bit of a reading slump when I picked this up and it was perfect to get me out of it. I loved the characters, a nice quick read, it was slightly predictable, but that didn't take away my enjoyment any less!

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A sweet story, a bit predictable but still nonetheless entertaining. A few comedic situations and reactions, but more contemporary than romcom.

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Lexi and Noah meet stuck elevator. They have an instant connection but they part away with thinking that they will never see each other again. But destiny has her own ways when Noah comes back and finds Lexis packrat in his lunch. Destiny is the one who connects them again. I loved this quick read although quick it had well-developed characters, very likable. I loved that it was funny. And what I loved is that it wasn't instalove it was just the feeling that Lexi felt safe with Noah and they both have feelings of connection that matters. The word love is then mentioned in the epilogue. I enjoyed reading such a great story. Recommended.
I volunteered to review an ARC of this book for Netgelly

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This book was light, fluffy and cute. It’s not a book to make you think, but one you will feel good and smile as you read. Short and sweet compared to typical novels in this genre. I think I missed out on illustrations reading this on my Kindle as there was a bio for the illustrator at the end.

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This is a really cute story! It was easy and fun to read. I really liked the characters, but I wish that I could have known more about her. The novel is short because the story itself isn’t that long, but I still feel like there is more that could’ve been said about the characters. I still enjoyed reading this in one sitting, so I’m not exactly complaining. If you’re looking for a feel-good novel, this is the one for you!

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This was quick, cute read. I loved Noah and his clear awareness of how intimidating he might look to people and that rather than take offense to it, he does his best to reassure them that they have nothing to worry about. Unless you’re a purse snatcher!! I liked that Lexi was wary of a stranger but not so closed off and afraid that she didn’t give him a chance. The star of the story for me though, was Bartholomew!!! Who knew anything would ever make me want a pet rat?!?

I understand this book is a Kindle in Motion book but because I received an ARC or just because my device didn’t support it, I didn’t get to see that aspect of the story, so I cannot comment on it.

*I receive an ARC from NetGalley for voluntary review

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This was a quick, predictable and sweet rom-com. This book is actually supposed to be in motion but my version didn't have that part, not that that took away from it by any means. I especially liked the hilarious dialogue.

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Going Up is a cute, short story that is quick and engaging. Can you imagine losing a packrat? Twice. Oh yeah and finding him twice. Bartholomew is the cutest little thing and the story really does revolve around him. Granted Noah and Lexi play a role too. I love Corrie and hope she gets a story. I would love to see who can tame her and how. But she is Lexi's best friend and she takes great pleasure in playing that role with Noah. Enjoy the adventure.

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Cute read. I thought this was going to be more of a comedy. While there was some banter, it was more of a contemporary romance than a romantic comedy. Good book!

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This was a fun, quick romance about how the unexpected can bring great happiness into your life. When Lexi gets stuck on a broken elevator with Noah, she worries about her safety and that of her packrat Bartholomew. These two hours will forever change her life as she learns outward appearances are not always the whole story.

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I really enjoyed this book. It was very humourous and a easy light read. I have read other books by 5e author as well and they are always very entertaining and sweet.

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