Member Reviews

Very short but very cute novella. I was stuck in the car with 4 kids yesterday but I had a smile on my face the whole time as I read this book.

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This is a kindle motion novella. I didn't realize that my kindle doesn't have those features--I was completely bummed out about that. But the novella itself is a sweet romance.

Lexi Allison is used to warding off unwanted advances from men--she is a mixologist at a premier bar that she owns. She doesn't wear a fake wedding ring for nothing. Getting stuck in an elevator with an intimidating Noah Donovan was not part of her plans. Lexi hates confined spaces. But being with Noah wasn't so bad--two truths and a lie helped relax Lexi a bit. Learning details about Noah and the softer side of the large tattooed construction worker--mason.

Well until later that night when Lexi realized that her best friend's packrat disappears that she was babysitting.

Noah finds a little extra something in his lunch box when he returns home for the night after being trapped in the elevator for an hour and thirty-five minutes. He was a bit disappointed when the elevator began to work.

Somehow Noah found a way back to Lexi and to return her packrat before her friend returned from vacation.

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Short, fun read!

This is a Kindle in Motion book, but unfortunately, the motion doesn’t work on my Paperwhite. This is a short story with lots of laughing out loud moments.

Lexi is stuck in an elevator with a handsome man! And a Packrat named Bartholomew who is mischievous and really brings the two together!

I voluntarily reviewed an ARC received via the author Tawna Fenske and NetGalley. I am providing my honest review.

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Going Up is a Kindle in Motion novella - which features short clips and animation, which is a fun addition to the story line. In Going Up, the technology is meant to enhance the readers experience, providing another aspect to the tale - but the story stands if you are unable to utilize the feature (for instance, while you will be able to view the animation on a Kindle Fire, it is not available for a Paperwhite, etc)

This was a fun short story - sweet and romantic, with plenty of Fenske's trademark humor. The character's were funny and tender. Our protagonist, Noah, is a stone mason - a big burly man with an equally big heart, while our heroine Lexi is a slightly skittish Mixologist with her own bar. When they find themselves trapped in an elevator together, they discover they have a lot in common, despite the differences they assume to have at first glance - but neither expects to ever see the other again when they're finally freed from their elevator prison.

Except...she's pet sitting a friends pack rat, who stows away in Noah's lunch box, and so begins the adventures of Bartholomew the rat and his role in bringing Lexi and Noah together.

The characters were a blast to read - I recommend you one click this puppy today!

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This was fun.

Here we meet Noah and Lexi. They, in turn, first meet when they get stuck in an elevator and form a bond with the help of a little packrat named Bartholomew. What could’ve been a stressful situation turns fun with the three of them.

This was a super fun read, I loved these characters and I wanted them to end up together from the very start. There were some misunderstandings, but they lasted so little it wasn’t much of a big deal. I was glad they resolved that quickly.

The only thing was since this was a novella, it was rather short, so some things feel like they happen rather fast. However, I didn’t feel it rushed at all, lol. I thought it was a great pace, and I wished it had been a longer story. :-)

And I loved the ending, super lovely! <3 Also, it was such a fun thing with the 'motion' thing going on. :-)

*Thank you to the author for providing a copy for which I’m giving my honest opinion*

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I've got to say that Tawna Fenske is quickly becoming a must read author. If you love romantic comedies you must check out this author.
Noah & Lexi meet for the first time in a lift. For many people being trapped in a lift, isn't a good thing.
In this case its the start of something wonderful. Sparks fly as these two get to know each in the lift.
Of the many things i enjoyed about this book. Is the lesson that we shouldn't judge people on how they look. Noah is a tall tattooed man a stone mason by trade. When Lexi first meets him she is instantly on edge. Partly because of a bad experience and partly because how he looks. As she gets to know him, she realizes what a nice guy he is. When the lift is fixed, they go there separate ways, not expecting to see each other again. Thanks to Bartholomew the pack rat they do meet again. I never thought i would think a pack rat was cute. But i did.
I highly recommend you check this novella out.

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Prepare yourself to laugh and melt all at the same time. Several people get on an elevator, some get off, others are still on. Elevator stalls. The fun begins. Noah is a large man, tattoos, a bucket of tools and would be concerning passing on a street but to be trapped in a elevator alone with this strange man is almost more that Lexi can take. She is claustrophobic, paranoid of strange men, and here she is trapped with both. Noah realizes he is intimidating so he tries to make people comfortable with him but he is failing with this strange beautiful woman. Then Lexi pulls out a surprise and Noah becomes less scary to her.

This novella is so well written. The characters are funny and the conversations they have in their own heads will keep you rolling. The supporting characters and surprise character are hilarious as well. It's a page turner for sure. As an added bonus this book is animated. I received an early copy to read and review and give my honest opinion. I loved it and HIGHLY recommend it. Oh and you will love Bartholomew.

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This is another great, albeit shorter, story from Tawna Fenske. I absolutely love her wacky sense of humor, and her characters are always interesting. Noah and Lexie have an adorable meet-cute in an elevator, and I fell for Noah right away. He’s sweet and endearing, and has a great sense of humor. But while he and Lexie have an immediate connection, Lexie is wary of men thanks to a bad experience and they end up parting ways. Enter Bartholomew. This little guy, a bushy tailed wood rat, is such a matchmaker and a definite scene stealer. He helps get Noah and Lexie back together (and managed to charm his way into my heart, too).

Since this is a “Kindle in Motion” I suppose I should review that as well. I have to say that, while the concept is an interesting one, I really wasn’t too impressed with it. I read the book first without the animation and enjoyed it. When I eventually saw the animation it didn’t really add anything, plus the actor who portrayed Noah didn’t fit my image of him at all. I guess I just prefer the version of the book Tawna’s words and my imagination built in my head.
I still absolutely recommend the book. It has heart, heat and an adorable pack rat. You can’t beat that!

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book for an honest review.

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This is simply a fun lighthearted story that will leave you with a big goofy smile on your face. There's nothing like meeting a great guy while you are stuck on an elevator. That's exactly what happens when Lexi Allison and Noah Donovan find themselves sitting in an elevator waiting to get rescued. There is an instant attraction between the two but....

You want to read this hilarious story to see how a little white lie and a furry varmint can have a huge impact on this budding relationship. I definitely recommend it.

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I’m a big fan of Tawna Fenske and this book is the reason why. Her characters are humorous and entertaining to read. You can’t help but like Noah and Lexi. If you’re not a packrat fan this is the book to change your mind! This book kept me laughing throughout. ***I received an ARC for my honest review. ***

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After an awkward meeting in a stuck elevator stonemason Noah and bartender Lexi, who both lied about being hitched with a significant other(s), cross path again.

This is a funny, feel-good novella with likeable characters and a romantic kick.
As in the other books I read by the same author she has a talent for outrageous funny dialogs without being silly. Well done!

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Sooo cute! Sooo swoony! Sooo much fun! I’m definitely buying this one online so I can get the animations. I loved it.

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Loved this book! Jack & Allie's story was sweet. Enjoyed the mystery of the money and hidden treasures found in the attic. However, my favorite character was Paige. Her precocious, adult like responses cracked me up. Was sort of hoping for Skye and Wade to have a HEA, but maybe next time. Was given an ARC for honest review.

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“Out of all the people in the world, I’m glad I got stuck with you on an elevator.”

Okay, this book is so flipping adorable. And I cannot wait to download the full version—this review is based on the ARC—to see the “motion” part of Kindle in Motion, because I suspect it’ll only make a wonderful story even better.

Though… it’s hard to imagine how this one would get better, since it was pretty perfect. Noah, Lexi and Bartholomew were cute and bantery and had Tawna Fenske’s signature charm. In fact, Going Up is actually a prime example of what makes Ms. Fenske one of my favorite authors—the aforementioned charm, along with steam, a flirty quirkiness, and an ending that guarantees you’ll feel good, really good about what you’ve just read.

Since this book is a quick read, I’m certain I’ll be re-reading it before too long… and not just for the animations.

…somehow I feel like I know this guy. That’s dumb, since we’ve been acquainted for less than half an hour. But still, there’s something about him that grabs hold of my heart and whispers, “Oh, hello—it’s you.”

~ FIVE Packrat STARS ~

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This was such a cute romance! I loved Noah and Lexi. Noah meets Lexi when the elevator they are on becomes stuck for over an hour. They get to talking and sort of bond over the pet pack rat that Lexi is watching. That pack rat has a lot to do with these two getting together. Bartholomew (the pack rat) stowed away in Noah’s lunch bag when the elevator got repaired and Noah had to hunt down Lexi to return him. Lexi was leery of men after an incident earlier in her life but there was just something about Noah that told her he was exactly who he seemed to be and she could trust him. Noah was a nice guy that he didn’t hold Lexi’s paranoia about guys against her and actually went out of his way to make sure she was comfortable with him. This was a sweet romance and a fast read. Would recommend this book to others.

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Going Up is a really fun, light, sweet and romantic novella. Despite th.e short length, the story doesn't feel rushed or like that the characters were plain, in fact I liked them both very much, specially Noah!
The heroine Lexi has been hurt in the past so she is wary about relationships and guys but Noah is incredibly sweet trying to lower her defenses so she can give him a chance; oh and let me tell you that certain packrat makes a great secondary character.

Would definitely recommend it.

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Cute and funny quick read. Noah is a 6’5” 280 tattooed stonemason with a heart of gold. Lexi is a mixologist with some trust issues. From their meet cute in the elevator to Bartholomew, the sparkle obsessed pack rat, this is a delightful read.

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A super fun novella. I loved the gentle giant Noah and :Lexi is his perfect match. Bartholomew tried to steal the show here, but the romance was only enhanced by him and his shiny ways!

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*I received an e-galley of Going Up via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own!*

A cute and fun novella! I don't read novellas often because I tend to find the characters underdeveloped and the romance unbelievable, but this was not the case for Going Up! The characters had some depth to them, and I did like the romance. Due to the length of Going Up, there were never times when the pacing slowed or I became bored with the story. I think a novella is the perfect size for Noah and Lexi's story. If this were to be a full length novel, I think the misunderstandings and miscommunication would have been to drawn out and would have become melodramatic. My only issue with Going Up was the very end. I thought that the ending was cliche and unnecessary. Despite this, I am interested in reading more from Tawna Fenske in the future.

3.5 Stars!

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Super cute laugh out loud read. I love chance meetings and Noah and Lexi have just that. Who says you can't find love in an elevator. Noah and Lexi have this connection you will love. With a little help of a packrat named Bartholomew Noah and Lexi are thrown together. You will simply love the little trouble Bartholomew gets into. Tawna Fenske did a marvelous job with Going Up. She keeps you glued to the pages and you wont be able to put this one down. Be prepared to fall in love with Noah and Lexi and a packrat named Bartholomew.

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