Member Reviews

Going Up by author Tawna Fenske hits all the right notes. A light read containing fabulous characters that one can be read time and again.
Review copy received from Montlake Publishing via Netgalley

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This is my first book by this author and I thought it was a fun and cute novella. It was a quick read that made me smile a bunch and I thought both Noah and Lexi were adorable together. I mean, I wouldn’t hate being stuck in an elevator with a six foot five hottie. I’ve never heard of a packrat before, so that little guy and his shenanigans were cute too.

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This was the first book I've read by Tawna Fenske, I definitely plan on reading more of them! This was a fun and sweet story. I loved Noah and Lexi, but also fell in love with Bartholomew!

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A cute, fast paced novella by a new to me author. I loved the pack rat! I'll have to read more of her work.

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Having read an advanced copy of Going Up, I didn't get to experience the Kindle-in-Motion graphics except for a couple of preview clips prior to reading. I anticipate that the videos will create a fun interactive experience, yet at the same time the story shined beautifully without them. I attribute reading this novella in one sitting to the well-timed and witty humor, fabulous characters, and fun plot. Don't even get me started on what an amazing hero Noah is. In fact, Fenske always writes the best heroes. Regardless of it's novella length, the story was fully developed and satisfying. Proving time and again that I'm never disappointed in this author's ability to craft an engaging story that has me longing for her next release.

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more! this book was way too short. i didn't realize this was a novella and i was surprised at the quick pace and then all of a sudden its the epilogue. the bratwurst mugging had me laughing out loud. the author always puts a smile on my face with her dialogue. who would have thought a packrat would have so much to do with romance either?

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Lexi Allison is wary of strange men after a bad experience so is devastated to find that she is trapped in an elevator with tall and hulking Noah Donovan. She catches his eye and is great to talk to, too bad she’s married to a cop. Another quirky, funny story from Tawna Fenske.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This was a laugh out loud book! I couldn't put it down. I had to read it all in one sitting.

Noah and Lexi are the type of people that I love to read about. They both have their issues but yet are willing to give it a try and see how things go. I loved that even though Lexi was given a reason to not trust, that eventually she was willing to trust Noah. I understand a persons wanting to protect themselves but I liked that she was willing to open herself up.

I absolutely loved Noah. Though at times, he broke my heart. From the moment you meet him, he is just this gentle giant who is always having to make himself seem less intimidating based on his size. He is having to worry about what the woman is seeing when they look at him. As you read about him, you find out very quickly how good of a guy he is. I loved the brat scene!!

These two characters were really fun to read. I'm so glad I got the opportunity to read about them. My only complaint was that my Kindle was not one that allowed for the "kindle in motion" thing. It would have been interesting to see that.

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4.5 stars...

This was a really cute and fun read. The book is told in Noah and Lexi's alternating POV and is a complete standalone. I loved them from their first interaction and the way the author includes a unique storyline for the pets. Noah's character was very like-able and Lexi was a bit quirky and fun. I'm interested to see the animation once it becomes available.

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This was my first book by Tawna Fenske but I have fast become a devoted fan! Going Up: A Novella is a fun and quirky read about strangers who get stuck in an elevator together...with a packrat. And the fun continues from there! It is also a novel about learning to trust oneself and others. I can't wait to read more from Fenske!

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This was a quick, fun, cute read! Noah and Lexi are perfectly suited for one another.

I’ve read quite a few books by Tawna Fenske and have loved each and every one of them. She is a talented writer and knows how to make situations and characters come to life.

Grab this book in kindle motion and enjoy the story of Noah and Lexi getting trapped in an elevator, you’ll fall in love with Bartholomew! I know I did!!

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A flirty, light, quick and fun summer read! Everything I've come to expect from a story by Tawna Fenske.

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This was a easy read. I really enjoyed my self. The plot wasn't long and complicated. The characters were sweet ( a little to good to be true) but enjoyable.

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This was a cute and sweet novella! I really enjoyed the dynamic between Lexi and Noah they were really great together. An unlikely meet up when they both get stuck in an elevator allows them to get to know a little bit about each other. Noah is a very sweet and was protective of Lexi. She is a very down to earth character and was easy to relate to.

This was a quick, sweet, and enjoyable novella and I definitely recommend it!

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Cute short story about Noah and Lexi, who meet while being trapped in an elevator. Both are quirky in a cute way. Add in a cute packrat, who helps the couple come together and you have an adorable tale!

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I enjoyed this quirky novella about a chance meeting between two characters stuck in an elevator. Lexi and Noah were quirky and fun characters. I liked that their story, setting, personalities, etc. were a little off the wall but authentic. Unfortunately the animation wasn't available on my device, but I bet it was really fun.. This was a fun change of pace in romance books. I felt like the whole story just made me feel cozy.

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As cute and fluffy as the packrat who features prominently in the plot, this short novel from Tawna Fenske is a charming interlude. As an Oregonian, I enjoy Fenske's Portland-set stories, which always include a few easter eggs for locals. The story here is low-stakes but entertaining, and the hero and heroine seem like they'd be fun to be friends with.

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Short but oh so sweet! I loved this novella and think I can safely say that I am Fenske fan girl. Noah was a dreamy hero but the packrat was definitely the star of the show.

I will be rereading this one the next time I need a pick me up.

I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Loved this book - I just wish it had been longer!

Noah and Lexi meet when they get trapped in an elevator together. He thinks she is married and she thinks he has a girlfriend, so when they are rescued from the elevator they go their separate ways. But Bartholomew the packrat has other ideas, and soon they are thrown back together again.

Entertaining read and looking forward to reading more from this author.

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This is a fun fast novella. Sparks fly when Noah and Lexi get stuck in an elevator (with the packrat she is babysitting). But Lexi has been badly hurt in the past so it's difficult for her to trust. I loved watching Noah break down her walls and fall in love.

I loved Noah! He was intent on making Lexi comfortable and secure. Noah and Lexi had an instant connection that only grew stronger as they spent more time together. This novella had all the sexy, quirky fun I have come to love in this authors romcoms!

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