Member Reviews

Brilliant plot, impeccable twist. I really loved the characterisation too. 5 stars, favourite of the year.

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Elizabeth goes to live with her aunt and is told to ignore any sound that she may hear during the night and stay in her room. Elizabeth is a headstrong young woman who does what she wants so one hearing a sound she goes and investigates. She soon becomes embroiled in a smugglers outfit with a dashing young man called William. It is a love story with adventure and suspense to keep you wanting to read on.

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The cover drew me in RIGHT away. And plus I was looking for a quick and fun historical fiction. I was so happy to be able to read this!

This was SHORT so I had to keep reminding myself that it is short. Things happened SO quickly that it seemed unrealistic. Love and lust at first sight. Okay - short story, short story.

Ignoring the quickness of things, I did enjoy the story.

The story follows Elizabeth who was sent to her aunt's place on the coast after the death of her family. Super sad. Her aunt is part of a smuggling group. Her top guy is the hottie, Will. Elizabeth is a curious person and she gets herself involved. That would probably happen to me too...I am too curious for my own good sometimes so I totally get it. Things happen and it is up to Elizabeth and her auntie to save William.

I liked Elizabeth and William was okay. I liked him a lot until a certain scene and I lost some points. Yes, yes, he is a man of time and it was supposed to be a "hot" scene, but no. I would've punched him in the eye. *grumble* But besides that he was not bad.

I do wish this had been longer. I am glad we got an epilogue so it helped a bit with my curiosity on how everything would work out between these two. Seems so impossible, but they make it work. Hopefully, he truly stops his criminal ways! A dangerous thing being a smuggler.

In the end, I liked this. It was quick and fun. I nice romance to cuddle up with in this cold weather. I'll give it 3 stars.

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This is a nice easy read, interesting character and a sexy romance.
Ideal for vacation beach read.

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Elizabeth is alone after her parents did in an accident. She goes to live with her Aunt Judith. She is told that no matter what she hears in the night, she is not to get out of bed and come downstairs. One night, she is awakened by voices and her curiosity gets the best of her. She goes downstairs to see her Aunt and a very handsome man talking. She suspects that there is smuggling involved as there are crates and packages with them. William is a smuggler who wants to do one more run and retire. While Elizabeth's aunt is gone to visit a friend, she thinks that there must be tunnels leading out of the house. She looks for a passage and finds one. She goes into the tunnel and is grabbed by William, the man who was with her aunt. They find each other very appealing. Meanwhile there is a new revenue agent looking for the smugglers. He plans to destroy the smuggling ring and hang all involved. There is a spy in William's crew who is giving information out. As William is coming into port, the spy is going to give him away and William will be caught and hung. How can Elizabeth and Judith warn William? Will he be caught or his ship sunk? I really liked the.storyline and characters. This book has explicit sex scenes for those of you are offended by them. If you like erotica with a story, this is your book. I received this book from Net Galley and BooksGoSocial for a honest review and no compensation otherwise,

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great Historical Regency story.
Drama,action,adventures pirates romance and a little humor.
Really like Elizabeth who is very curious,,William who is a mystery and Aunt Judith is a delight.
Enjoyed reading.
Voluntarily reviewed.

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Smuggler's Bounty is an enjoyable read and was a page turner. The characters were well written especially Aunt Judith who was really into her smuggling adventure and William and Elizabeth who found love at first sight. Lots of danger, treachery, intrigue, traitors, etc. Loved it.

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I guess I should have read the author's profile first so that I would have been prepared. I was expecting an historical romance, with maybe some sexy parts, but it was full on detailed sex scenes. Book porn.

This is not my genre.

I liked the storyline and most of the characters seemed realistic and relatable. I just would have preferred the R version instead of the X one.

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When I was in my teens my (male) cousins and I watched a movie adaptation of "Frenchman's creek" by Daphne du Maurier about an English noblewoman who falls during the Restoration for a French pirate who is hunted all over Cornwall. I hoped this novel would be as good.

"Smuggler's bounty" is a bit similar. A young English noblewoman moves to family on the coast and encounters a dashing smuggler.

My teens are long long in the past so maybe that is why this novel does not impress me so much. There is a lot of fondling going on and a bit of smuggling but I think this book is more for teenage virgins than for seasoned middle aged lawyers.

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The historical elements of this tale are deployed in service of the erotic romance, spiced with a spanking fetish that would be very much in tune with those times.

Liebe's style is a bit stilted and short on immediacy, but gets the story elements across well enough to serve the above goal. The two characters are thrown together for maximum number of trysts.

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what a fun fast read. I enjoyed fast paced love story between Elizabeth & Willian. Seeing Elizabeth trying to do every she could to help save her love. Even to the point of courting another man. Just a hot fun time.

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This is my first book by Vanessa & it was a cozy rainy erotic read .... The story has action,smugglers, mystery,danger ,romance , sizzling erotic sex & chemistry...It was a short straightforward story..

the writing was simple with a no nonsense attitude... I am always fascinated by books written in the Regency Historical era where the story is based on the background of pirates, spies ,smugglers ...Smuggling in those times was famous in Cornwall what with hidden caves,tunnels underneath the houses,manors...

This story is also set in Cornwall....The heroine Elizabeth Thornton goes to live with her Aunt Judith after the fatal accident of her parents... she stumbles upon smuggling activities going on in her aunt's house ... Her Aunt Judith is hand in hand with the smuggler William ( The Hero )&helps them by giving them use of her Manor to hide goods smuggled .. William and Elizabeth are at loggerheads at first, but then the passion,love, sex takes over.

Elizabeth has to play up to Captain Albury, who is after William and the smugglers.. she in the middle of this dangerous cat and mouse game to keep William and his crew safe, but her Aunt and herself are also in jeopardy. The plot kept me captivated & the pace of the book was fast ...I liked the Epilogue also as it adds another dimension to William's mystery ...he is the lost son of a Marquess...would definitely like to read read about the other Blakeney brothers stories in this series ...If u like a Erotic or Steamy Romance with thrilling adventure,action this is the book for u..

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