Member Reviews

Sam and Alex fight against Religion to find the missing Urn. However, is the Urn real - or some Conspicacy theory?

This is the second instalment of the Alex Hunt series, and proved to keep the reader on their toes, with every twist and turn. Trust no one in this amazing novel.

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I really wanted to enjoy this book and unfortunately I was disappointed with it. I could not immerse myself in the plot as there were so many glaring errors that simple editing could has resolved and having now looked at other reviews, I can see that this is a common fault with this book. I felt as though too much happened within the book that there didn't need to as much of or more of a lull that would have improved the fluidity of the plotline. I also feel as though this book was a bit immature for me, I usually love the occasional middle grade novel but this felt juvenile and this took away from my immersion and enjoyment throughout.

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Thankyou to NetGalley, BooksGoSocial and the author, Urcelia Teixeira, for the opportunity to read a digital copy of Alex Hunt and the Golden Urn in exchange for an honest and unbiased opinion.
I found the storyline to be well thought out and written. The characters were engaging and the descriptive narrative made me feel like I was treasure hunting beside them. 3.5 stars.
Worth a read.

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Alex and Sam are the perfect pair for this scavenger styled hunt.
They have a very well balanced relationship that plays well with the story.
I love that the hunt takes them not only to the jungles of Cambodia but also the speedier side of society that's rarely described in such fascinating details.
They travel from the city to the most beautiful temples, to the jungle and beyond.
Truly a story worth reading more than once.

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Alex Hunt and the Golden Urn by Urcelia Teixeira. Book number 2 in the Alex Hunt Adventure Series. Published by Urcelia Teixeira, May 2018. I received a Kindle AR copy from Netgalley & BooksGoSocial in exchange for an honest review.

I want to start out by saying that I have not read book 1 in the series yet. I didn’t realize this was a book 2 until I already got started on it. I did not have a hard time following along with the story because of missing book 1. There were plenty of references to the first book that helped me get an over all idea of who Alex and Sam where. While I would have liked to have read the first one before hand, it was perfectly fine starting with book number 2. So there is no need to worry about reading it out of order. Yay!

An entertaining action story. A very fast paced adventure. Very Indiana Jones. You can tell those movies have been a great inspiration to the author. It is pretty clear to see her passion showing through the whole story. You can tell she loves treasure hunts, puzzles, lost ancient relics, and more. I really enjoyed that because I love the same things that she does. I could really connect to her love of these topics. Those sort of fun, passionate themes and mysteries keep the reader engaged all the way to the end.

I kinda went back and forth on liking the main character, Alex Hunt. Sometimes it was great because she was a strong female character. Sometimes, though, it seemed like she was kinda being hostile or bitchy without adequately explaining why she was being that way. I get that she had some sort of gut feeling, but it wasn’t really explained in a way that made us understand where she was getting that feeling from. Instead it just made her sound like a paranoid grouch. Also, sometimes it felt like she was too inexperienced to be the lead archeologist on a project of this kind of importance.

The mystery in the book is actually based on a true story. Some 2500 years ago, Buddha’s remains were gathered in several golden urns and shared with his followers in holy burial urns. In 2013, The Golden Urn believed to have contained Buddha’s hair, fingers, and ashes, disappeared from a shrine in Cambodia. The whole situation was highly shady. I thought it was extremely cool that the relic was not your typical relic that we see all the time in treasure seeking adventure stories. Most times it’s some sort of christian biblical artifact, and it was a nice change up to have a relic from a different religion and culture as the treasure to find.

I enjoyed the trip through Cambodia. It is a location you do not see often in fiction. As an added bonus, on the author’s website, you get behind the scenes photos from trips to actual locations from the books! I thought that was really cool to include! It is always fun getting to see or hear about how the author researched things for the book and the photos added to the experience of really filling like you are there with the characters when you are reading the book.

The twists and villains were a little bit too predictable. It didn’t ruin the story or anything, but it felt like Alex and her partner Sam should have seen some of these things coming. It was a little bit frustrating.

There is something a little off about the writing style. Nothing terrible, and it’s a little hard to put my finger on it exactly… You know how sometimes in a new series, the first couple of books are a little rough in some spots because the author is still finding their rhythm? That is what this book felt like. I think this series will be one to keep an eye.

The Golden Urn was a pretty decent relic seeking adventure. A few small bumps here or there, but over all entertaining. A fun pick for action adventure fans, and fans who enjoy Indiana Jones.

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Alex and Sam are at it again. The search for the golden urn is a page turning, conspiracy laden thriller. Doubly interesting that it was based on a true story. Enjoyed the development of Alex and Sam' relationship. Just when you think you are on to the people who want them dead another piece of the puzzle explodes. Can't wait for the next one in this series.

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Where is the real Golden Urn? Alex Hunt might be a world class archaeologist who hates to give up but this time she is worried.Sam Quinn knows that Alex won't give up until they have found the Golden Urn but this time the danger outweighs the find. Cambodia isn't going to be kind to these two as someone wants them dead but why? Will Sam be able to protect Alex are will the danger be too great even for him? The people that hired Alex& Sam have their own reasons for wanting the real Urn and will it test both of their wills as they battle an evil that will stop at nothing to get what they want. Can Alex figure out the puzzle and save Sam before it is too late? A great read full of action and suspense. The sexual tension between them is amazing I wonder if they will ever act on it? Great to read about why this piece of history is so important to the Cambodian people and what it means religious as well. I was lucky enough to receive a copy via Netgalley and the publishing house in exchange for my honest review.

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