Member Reviews

An American professor travels to a remote hotel in Iceland that has a reputation for catering to those with a unique desire. Will her sex research be cold and stiff without emotion or feeling?

What will happen when she meets the owner and he offers her a chance to do hands on research during a blizzard? With nowhere to go and plenty of time, they set rules and boundaries. Will she find the answers she seeks?

Intimacy is different for everyone and when Professor Margot Cavendish states that it's a hard no, will she be able to resist her attraction to Thor Ragnarsson?

Elements of BDSM in this scorchin hot read.

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"Unleashed" is a fun, hot romance novel with opposites-attract main characters. Straight-laced and inexperienced intellectual Margot visits Iceland for research on sexual cultures and feminism, where she meets Thor Ragnarsson (at Hotel Viking, hah!). Sparks fly and sexy times begin. Overall it is a quick, steamy read.

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Unleashed by Caitlin Crews is the first book in the Hotel Temptation series. It is a short and intense erotic romance that packed more punch then I was expecting.

The Good
* Unleashed is 50% sex and 50% intense conversations about feminism and sexuality between two people who believe very different things. For many reasons this book should not have worked but Crews weaved the two expertly. This lead to there being a surprising amount of depth for this type of novel.
* It was very character driven. The whole book is an exploration of Thor and Margot through sex. Both characters stretch and grow over the pages in a way that I found satisfying.
* Over 60% of this book takes place over one night. This worked for me because it allowed the reader to see how the characters were thinking and growing over the period. It didn't cut away or skip a few days. It allowed the intensity to flourish. This may not work for some readers but for me it was a clever dynamic that really worked.
* Despite this being set (mostly) during one night the ending didn't feel rushed or silly.

The Bad
* Because of the themes this book explores it takes a while to get going and the chemistry between Ivy and Margot was slow to build. This led to their first sexual encounter to feel a bit clinical.

The Ugly
* Not much to be honest. I really quite enjoyed this book but both Ivy and Margot could have had more personality. They are serious people and a little lightness or humour would have been nice.

Unleashed is a marmite book. I really liked its dynamics and the clever way Caitlin Crews worked through things but I don't think it will be for all readers. I appreciate that Crews tried to do something a little different here and for the most part it worked for me.

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I enjoyed thia one! From the banter and chemistry between Thor and Margot, I was hooked. I am looking forward to more from this series.

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Rating~ 3.5 stars

Enjoyed it! Been trying out some Harlequin dare, some are definitely better than others and this one falls under that category.

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I beleive this book was meant for someone else as I don't have it noted on my list to read and I'm not interested in the story based on the blurb. Sorry, I won't be leaving a review.

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Notorious seducer Thor Ragnarsson runs the scandalous Hotel Viking in Reykjavik, where tourists go to fulfill their wildest fantasies. When straitlaced American professor Margot Cavendish gets snowed in while studying Icelandic sex culture, Thor challenges her inhibitions with some very hands-on research—soon she’s exploring every inch of his delicious body. It’s only one night of passion, but when the snowstorm clears they’re left aching for more…
This was an ok read. There were parts of it I liked, and parts I didn’t. This was the first time I’ve read this author, so wasn’t really sure how it would work for me. The names were a bit hokey, but ehh...
**I voluntarily read and reviewed this book

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I never know quite what to expect when I read a Harlequin Dare novel, some have been quite good, some not so much, and I'm happy to state that Unleashed by Caitlin Crews certainly belongs in the quite good category and in ways I never expected. It gets 4 stars from this reader.

Professor Margot Cavendish is in Iceland on sabbatical, doing research on the correlation between sexual cultures and feminism. She's an outspoken, independent yet straitlaced feminist through and through, or at least, that what she'd like to believe about herself. She's been trying to interview the owner of the Viking Hotel, an exclusive, expensive and upscale sex hotel where anything goes, but the owner has been quite is elusive, has been evading her calls, until she is stranded at that hotel due to a raging snowstorm.

It's in the cocktail lounge at said hotel, where the owner, Thor Ragnarsson (yes, his name really is Thor, and yes, the author went there) first approaches her and although his description matches that of the Norse god after whom he's been named--tall, blonde, muscular, handsome and powerful, Margot treats him to a cold shoulder, since she thinks he's one of guests who's attempting to pick her up. It's only after she's been rather rude in fending off what she sees as his unwanted advances, that he finally introduces himself, and the two begin a conversation which is more a battle of wits, wills and attraction, all of which leads to 24 hours of more conversation and some of the hottest, most explicit and contentious sex it's been my pleasure to read in quite some time. This is most definitely for the mature reader.

While it seems that these two characters truly have nothing in common, Margot's feelings about sex being rather puritanical, and her prior sexual experiences rather bland, Thor's attitudes toward sex are diametrically opposed. He sees sex as a fun and highly enjoyable pastime between consenting adults, where anything goes, and where an emotional connection between sexual partners is totally unnecessary, but he's intrigued by Margot's opinions, laughs at her prudishness, and yet is attracted to both her intelligence and her looks, and both characters are soon about to learn things about each other that neither ever expected to find.

While I enjoyed the way these two characters spent much of their time together engaging in snarky
banter, as well as fiery and explosive sex, there were times when I thought the author went a bit overboard on the narrative of their differing views, which became a bit redundant, and spent not quite enough time in building the foundations of their relationship, or giving us a more fleshed out look at what they found in each other. For this reader, it was a bit too much of a treatise and not enough of a romance. Granted, these two characters are only together for 24 hours, but when the storm ends and morning comes, I felt that Thor's abrupt dismissal of Margot was far more cold, unfeeling, and almost cruel than it needed to be. After the time they shared in and out of bed, and the deference Thor showed Margot throughout, his version of the cold shoulder seemed a bit out of character. I had the distinct feeling that the abruptness of their parting was more an issue of the narrow page limits of the Dare imprint than it was an issue of the author's oversight.

Of course, the parting of these two characters is not where this tale of love and lust ends, this is a romance novel after all, and I certainly won't spoil the ending for you. I will tell you that Thor has two half-brothers and a half-sister, all of whom he never knew existed prior to the reading of their father's will, which is how Thor came to inherit the Viking Hotel, and his male siblings their own hotels, and I'm eager to read more about them, the women they'll encounter, and see their contentious relationship grow and change in the upcoming novels in which they'll be featured.

I voluntarily read an advance reader copy of this novel. The opinions expressed are my own.

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It was a quick and easy read but I found it very hard to connect with the characters as well as the writing. But for the most part, it was nice quick easy to read that didn't take much time to get through.

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Caitlin Crews adds another feather to her extremely talented cap with her first title for the sizzling new Harlequin Dare series, Unleashed! A red-hot romance packed with emotion, intensity and passion, Unleashed is sure to go down a treat with Caitlin Crews’ legion of readers and win her scores of new fans.

Margot Cavendish is a straitlaced American professor who is desperate for some one on one time with Icelandic seducer Thor Ragnarrson. A man whose prowess in the bedroom is legendary and who runs an infamous hotel in Reykjavik where plenty of X-rated activity between consenting adults happens, Margot does not want to be another notch on Thor’s bedpost, but merely wants to pick his brains for her latest academic project. Margot’s relationship with sex is perfunctory, prosaic and superficial. She regards sex as another basic human function which has seldom provided her with the same satisfaction which the Hotel Viking seems to provide to its many clients. Margot is curious to find out more about Iceland and the country’s relationship with sex and Thor Ragnarrson, with his reputation as a lover, is sure to provide her with plenty of insight – but it’s just a shame that Thor does not seem to want anything to do with her! Has Margot made the trip to Iceland in vain? With a storm raging outside, she finds herself stranded at the Hotel Viking with plenty of opportunity to grill the Icelandic sex god himself. However, little does Margot realise that she is about to get a lot more than she originally bargained for…

Thor is immediately intrigued by the buttoned-up American professor and he decides to help her out – but on one condition! He is willing to impart all his knowledge and wisdom with Margot, providing that she consents to spending a night of passion with him! Despite of her proviso that there is to be no kissing between the two of them, Thor finds himself determined to explore every delicious inch of Margot’s body. However, he is ill prepared for the barrage of emotion that consumes him when he finds himself trapped in close proximity with her. Margot has managed to get under his skin, but is he prepared to take the ultimate risk and fall in love?

As the storm clears, will Thor and Margot find the courage to admit the truth about their feelings for one another? Or will they let their own fears and insecurities hold them back?

Caitlin Crews has penned another winner with Unleashed! A gifted writer who never fails to imbue her breath-taking contemporary romances with powerful drama and steamy sensuality, Unleashed is a spellbinding tale that features a strong and intelligent heroine and a charismatic and sexy hero that will keep readers on the edge of their seats.

I adored the fantastic repartee between Thor and Margot, their scintillating chemistry and the heartfelt emotional connection between the two of them. I also thoroughly enjoyed reading a book set in Iceland and the contrast between the arctic weather and the scorching attraction between the hero and the heroine!

A fabulous romance from one of the genre’s most talented writers, Unleashed delivers on all counts and has me eagerly awaiting the next outstanding tale from this fantastic storyteller!

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Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

Avid Reader – ☆☆☆☆
M/F Romance – some power exchange

Thor is a hotelier who is known for his sexual prowess. Despite being known for his sexual exploits, he realizes that he has never truly been in a relationship that was give on both sides.

Margot is a professor who is doing research and in doing that, she goes to Thor's hotel to explore the whys and hows of people's sexual appetites.

This story is not super well-developed. It's more about analyzing the attraction that Thor and Margot have with each other. They have some very intense and steamy scenes, but the overall story is mainly snippets between their sexual exploits.

I think that this would have been a five-star story for me if there had been more about their individual selves. However, I enjoyed the dynamic between them too. Each was able to be a better self with each other in their lives.

Mary – ☆☆☆☆
American professor Margot Cavendish is in Iceland to learn the sexual culture, but she was not ready to be taught the things about herself that Thor teaches her.

Thor Ragnarsson runs the Hotel Viking in Reykjavik, where all you fantasies of the flesh can come true. When he gets around Margot, he wants his own fantasies to become real.

These two are total opposites and they work hard at not wanting the other. Margot doesn't think love is worth it and Thor knew after one night that he was in love, but he needed to prove to her that love was worth it.

I love the heat and passion between these two but would have like more story development, more background, or more future, I don't know, just something more. It seemed all about her research and not them most of the time.

Anyway, if you are looking for a quick, steamy story, then bring along something cool to drink, sit in front of the A/C or a fan, and read this one. It is a really good story.

Ruthie – ☆☆☆☆☆
This is such a hot read that I am surprised the Icelandic glaciers haven't all melted! Thor and Margot are such unlikely bedfellows, yet from an interview which is extended due to a snow storm, they burn up the sheets.

Margot is intellectual and inexperienced, whereas Thor is world-weary and very cynical. She may research sexual issues but has very little practical knowledge. Thor most certainly has the knowledge, but as a recreational act... so when feelings get involved, they are both thrown!

This is a super sexy read because it does engage both the brain and the heart... have a cold drink to hand (at least!).

Dawn – ☆☆☆
It took me a while to get into this book, but when I did it was a pretty hot read.

Straight-laced professor Margot Cavendish is in Iceland doing research on the sexual cultures and feminism. That's what brings her to Hotel Viking, where she meets Thor Ragnarsson.

The couple couldn't be more different; however, when they get to the bedroom, the sparks start to fly.

Like I said, the book is pretty hot and an easy read. I would have liked a little more character development.

Overall a three-star read for me.

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Margot is a Professor whose research into feminism and sexual cultures has led her to Iceland and to Hotel Viking. The Hotel has a reputation for fulfilling all desires, but it is the Hotel’s owner Thor that she wants to interview.

When the weather leaves her and Thor stranded together he decides to show her by action rather than words exactly what his and the Hotel’s reputation entail and she is a more than willing student. The storm outside pales in comparison to the storm inside but what happens when morning arrives?

These two just seem to fit together and their chemistry is electric. He makes her realize that there is more to life than books and she inspires feelings in him that run much deeper than attraction. I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

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I knew I had to read this as soon as I saw the heroes name was thor and he ran Hotel Viking.

Margot wanted to interview Thor but all of her calls to speak to him had been denied so she decides to just show up and see if he'll talk to her. She didn't expect to find herself snowed in at the hotel though. While all she wants to do at first is talk, interview him about his thoughts on sex, he has other plans. He wants to show her in person why he owns a sex hotel as she calls it. At first she says no, but he's persistent and soon she's following him back to a room.

Since they're at a sex hotel, I thought that it would be more exciting than it was. The sex between these two is mundane at best. It was nice for both of them but I wouldn't call it earth shattering. I was really thinking these two would blow the top off the building and leave me breathless but is was more luke warm if you ask me. 99% of the book is the one night they shared in his room and all the conversing back and forth they did.

I really like the idea of a pleasure hotel where people go to live out their fantasies. This place sounds like a lot of fun. These two not so much. The book was entertaining to read if you're looking for two strangers having sex for the first time and a lot of conversation. But if you're looking for a deep dark fantasy with lots of kink, look elsewhere because it's not here.

Disclosure: I was given this ebook for free via NetGalley but all opinions are my own.

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I absolutely adore Caitlin Crews' stories and have a soft spot for her Viking Dystopian series. For that reason when I saw that her new novel was taking place in Iceland I could not jump on this book fast enough. Thor and Margot were fiery and deeply connected and I could not get enough.

When Professor Margot Cavendish decides to embark on a passionate one night stand with Thor Ragnarsson for the sole reason of academic research neither of them could ever have expected for their one night of passion to irrevocably change them both. He made her see beyond her textbooks and academic findings and showed her how to embrace her innermost desires and wants without having to shoulder any stigmas. Likewise, Margot made Thor feel all the emotions he usually kept out of his sexual relationships. He wanted more for the first time and wanted it with her.

Gah! I thought this story was great. The banter was fiery and addicting. But while their chemistry was passionate and intense, I did feel an emotional disconnect at times where their intellectual connection was highlighted more than their emotional one. This story also had a lot of telling vs. showing which was frustrating at times. All in all however, this was a great first book in the series and I plan to read the additional books in the future. 

I would like to thank NetGalley and Entangled for an advanced copy of this book for an honest review. Bravo! 4 stars! ~Ratula

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a totally great story with an actual plot. I really enjoyed reading "Unleashed" and can't wait to read more by this talented author.

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I started this book ages ago, put it down, and the picked it back up again today. I’m very glad I gave it a second chance. This really resonated with me because of how Margot’s worldview lines up with mine and how we’re both trying to be more like Thor. Another great addition to the Harlequin Dare line.

Thank you NetGalley and Harlequin for the ARC!

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Straight laced university professor Margot Cavendish travels to Iceland to study feminism and the hook-up culture and gets snow bound with notorious seducer Thor Ragnarsson who just happens to the be the owner of the infamous Hotel Viking. This book started off a bit slow but WOW it sure did pick up. The steam level of Unleashed is thru the roof *fans self*. Overall a definite 4.5 stars.

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Unleashed by Caitlin Crews is the first story in her steamy and seductive series about half siblings left an inheritance of boutique hotels by their wealthy and previously unknown father. This one is set in Iceland and features a playboy businessman and the woman who shakes up his carefree but emotionally unattached existence.

Margot Cavendish is researching feminism and sexual culture in the country that has plenty of both – Iceland. Her nights spent along Reykjavik’s bar scene have led her to Hotel Viking and its owner Thor Ragnarsson. The hotel purports to be a place where all manner of sexual desires can be fulfilled and Margot wants to interview Thor and find out more about him as his reputation intrigues her.

Stranded during a snowstorm, Margot gets more than she bargained for when Thor offers her a chance to explore her own sexual needs with him in a no strings attached night together. Intellectual curiosity isn’t the only thing that attracts her to the modern day Viking and with full consent on both sides they heat things up as the storm rages. But will it be so easy to go their separate ways when its over?

I love Caitlin Crews romances and her Harlequin Presents ‘voice’ is present here, but with a decidedly sexier bent as befits the Dare imprint. A lot happens in this one night for both Margot and Thor, making them challenge their assumptions about each other and about sex in general. What should be a forgettable hookup for Thor instead becomes an emotionally bonding experience and one he doesn’t want to end. Yet he doesn’t know how to deal with the fallout from his new feelings and that makes the conflict both an internal and external one.

Margot struggles equally with how she’d viewed sex from the outside in her research, and from realizing what she’s previously experienced doesn’t hold a candle to what Thor does for her. There’s a fair amount of intellectual discussion in this story, about feminism and sex and hookup culture but it serves to make the sex scenes more intimate. It’s a very entertaining and sexy read, and I’m looking forward to continuing the series!

This review will be posted at Harlequin Junkie and feedback updated with the link. It will be posted at sale sites and goodreads after Oct 1.

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First off, before you start reading this book, make sure you have a nice big cold beverage ready. This story is HOT!

Margot and Thor couldn’t be more opposites if they tried. Margot is a professor from the University of Ohio researching Iceland’s reputation for being the most feminist country in the world and how the country’s hookup culture intersects with those feminist values. Thor owns Hotel Viking, known for fulfilling people’s sexual fantasies. Margot has no desire for a relationship and doesn’t want or need a man in her life. Thor is everything Margot disliked about men. When Margot is waiting to interview Thor, she finds herself stranded at the hotel during a snow storm. When Margot spends the night with Thor, all in the name of an experiment, Margot discovers a side of herself she never knew she had. Once the weekend is over and Margot and Thor go back to their normal lives, they can’t seem to stop thinking about each other.

This book took me on a journey to a place I ever would have thought of going. Iceland. I never knew anything about the country or culture, so this was a learning experience for me. At first I wasn’t sure how the story would actually turn out with all of the intimate scenes in the beginning of the book, but I found myself really getting into it. Margot and Thor both had interesting backgrounds that helped form their characters and the story. The dialogue was a bit brainy for me as I had to look up a couple words, but I understand that was because Margot was so intelligent. The wording fit her character. Thor was an interesting character too and I really liked learning more about him. Overall, this is a fun book to read, but only if you are open to a very passionate story.

Thank you to Harlequin and NetGalley for allowing me to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I feel like I was just ghosted by summer, so it must have been the perfect evening for a book set in Iceland. Bring on the large, dominant, Viking men to get me through winter! I downloaded this book and read it in one night. It was good fun. I'm ready for a trip to Hotel Viking in Reykjavik. Thor Ragnarsson is our sexy hotel owner, but he is elusive in the first scene. Dr. Margot Cavendish has been trying to get a hold of him for a while, for some research, but Thor has been ignoring her requests. Margot decides to drive to the hotel and just drop by. Fortunately, she has been working in Iceland, so it was not a stretch that she would end up there.

I love that Margot's academic side came out in her dialogue. While Thor might not have been the academic that Margot was, he gave as good as he got. I think it's super sexy when both characters value some brains behind all the steamy hot passion. I think that Thor's backstory is important. Especially to establish the fact that he did not set out to own a "sex hotel." I don't know that I have ever considered the cultural norms towards sex, but there really was a valid argument in this story.

This book is a great addition to the Harlequin Dare line. It's perfect for winter, especially during a snowstorm. Grab a glass of wine and don't expect to go to bed until this book is finished. I loved it! Oh, and I really am loving these covers. This one really captures the couple in the book.

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