Member Reviews

Madeline has been asleep for hundreds of years. Her mate, Lev, never gave up looking for her, or their son, who slept with Madeline. When she finally awakens, it’s to find that her son is no longer in her arms. Vasilisa is a Queen who has protected Madeline. When dark witches attack the palace where they are staying, Vasilisa and Madeline’s son, Trevor, disappear. In order to find them and beat the dark witches, Madeline must trust the white wolf, who is her mate. She’s terrified of the wolf, and draws dark pictures of it constantly, but the longer time she spends with Lev, the more she realizes she’s not as scared as she was before. Madeline’s not sure who to trust and she’s not sure who is the villain as she’s getting conflicting information. Can she remember the love she had for Lev and save her son as well?

This book was…incredibly confusing. I didn’t read the two previous books in the series and I definitely should have in order to understand this book. I found this story to be incredibly disjointed, but would I have if I’d read books 1 & 2? IDK. I wasn’t sure why Madeline had been sleeping, why her and Lev had been separated, what the deal was with Vasilisa (was she evil or was she good?)…I was just confused for most of the book. Most of my questions were answered by the end of the book, but I spent most of the time confused. Not necessarily my idea of a good time.

Madeline was a warrior of sorts, but she was weak for most of the book from sleeping for so many years – 1000 years, I think. She was also afraid of the wolf, which was Lev, so a huge portion of the story was spent with them together, yet apart. I didn’t feel the connection between the two of them because of this, and it diminished the romance significantly.

I have to say that the writing was decent and kept me reading, despite my confusion with the story, so that right there earned this an extra star.

Would I recommend this book? Maybe? If you do, be sure to read books 1 & 2 first so that this one won’t be so confusing.

Rating: 2 out of 5

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He loves her so much that he's become a beast for want of her. She's been in a magical sleep holding their baby for hundreds of years. When he finally finds her, There's a magical attack and she blames him for it as well as for the lost of her baby. She's afraid of the beast!
As the two of them try to track down and save her baby, the fae queen, they're going to have to re-discover their love otherwise it's all for naught.
This is a great series that I've enjoyed very much.

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Madeline drew yet another picture of the white wolf from her memory. No matter how many times she drew his likeness she never exercised him from her mind.Good that she remembered in case she had to protect her son Trevor if the white wolf came back. That story day she had woken up hundreds of years ago it had been Vasilisa who had broken the crystal chamber and taken Trevor to keep him safe Madeline had slept over one thousand years when ill. Vasilisa had been the cool presence that had helped her. Madeline had woken from a long illness but her mind hadn’t. Every sight that met her eyes dazzled confused her. The Queen encouraged her drawings. There was a life very unlike the world she had woken to on Vasilisa’s island Karjina that she had lived. Vasilisa was the Light Valkyrie Queen. Madeline protected her when she realized that Vasilisa had protected Trevor from the white wolf. Vasilisa had rushed to break the crystal chamber when the white wolf appeared on the island. His appearance had woken Madeline from her long sleep. She had risen to face his attack but she hadn’t been strong enough, Vasilisa explained everything as she helped Madeline. Most of all she took care of Madeline’s infant son Trevor who was still sleeping. She explained Trevor had to wake up slowly. Madeline hadn't forgotten her baby, the white wolf, or her ruby sword. Vasilisa treated Madeline like a daughter and Trevor as a grandson. Vasilisa had said the white wolf had once been her champion but he had become wild and a savage monster that could no longer be trusted. Madeline exercised in secret and was growing stronger every day. Then there was a sudden quacking of the earth beneath Madeline’s feet when she got up and looked back out the window the Queen and Trevor were gone. The palace was under attack but it wasn’t the white wolf it was witches fighting each other. She noticed the witches attacking had black marks on their forehead. She heard a voice say this way from one of Vasilisa’s sitting rooms and the door clicked shut and there was only darkness. Madeline said she was looking for Trevor. The voice explained “they’ve taken him and the queen’s last orders was that I should keep you safe.” It was one of Vasilisa’s older servants. Then Madeline wanted to help fight but the woman said “ sleep now then you can seek the white wolf’s help. The last thing Madeline heard was the white wolf's howl. The journey from Krajina had been long. Vasilisa had told Madeline that she had once been a warrior for the light. Madeline felt the truth in her heart. But now there wasn’t any sort of ability in her muscles or her mind. To Lev Romanov - the white wolf himself. Legend said Vasilisa had created champion shapeshifters to stand with her against the Dark. She had forged three enchanted swords to be wielded by the wolves mates. Madeline knew she had to save Trevor. Then a woman offered Madeline some tea Madeline knew there was a but Madeline knew something was wrong and told the woman and refused it the woman said your link to the white wolf was broken. Then Madeline demanded where her son was. But the witch backing away and now had the black marks appear on her forehead. Then the witch said it didn’t matter she’d be back and she wouldn’t be alone. The Valkyrie assassin got away. The savage white wolf was a shapeshifter and at one time had been her husband and Trevor’s father. Madeline knew she had been told the white wolf couldn’t be trusted but she had no one else to turn to for help. Back when she had awoken the white wolf had finally found her but she treated him like an enemy. Madeline had raised her sword and had wanted to kill him he then became a broken man and his twin brother-Soren took him home. He was still the man he had shifted into on that day as he was unable to shift into a wolf since. He had protected Madeline and Trevor against Vasilisa as she was cursed. When she got to the castle she recognized no one until she seen Anna - Vasilisa’s daughter and the Light Valkyrie’s princess. And she said “ she marked them they had once Light but they’d been corrupted by their thirst for power. Then she added” you came for Lev’s help.but he hasn’t recovered, he may never recover. She had seen Lev for the first time in six months Lev decided her would get Trevor back to Madeline and kill Vasilisa and then go from there alone and wild.
I enjoyed this book. From the first page until the last. This had a great plot. I didn’t like how magic could make Madeline not remember her mate/husband Lev at least in some sense deep within her. This had : witches, Valkyrie queen and princess. curses, betrayal, misunderstandings, evil, trust issues, white wolf, shifters, magical swords, a long sleep, and so much more. I advise you to read the series in order for an easier smoother read. I loved Lev and Madeline together. This story had me from page one until the last page. I would have liked to rate this a 4.5. I loved the characters and the ins and outs of this book and I recommend it.

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Madeline slept for over a thousand years and then her queen smashed the glass that enclosed her and her infant son and woke her. Madeline didn't remember much of her life before but she remembered her infant son. Before she could get her son to wake up as well, he was kidnapped. So she goes to ask for help to the only person she knows will help her, the baby's father.

Lev didn't sleep while his wife and son were cursed to sleep for over a thousand years. Instead he became a formidable, lethal white wolf and never stopped searching for them. He knew who caused the curse that put his family to sleep and he would get his revenge one day, of that he had no doubt.

While this was a good story it was also long and drawn out. They are on the run for most of the story, running from witches, wolves and other bad guys while they try to make it to the place where their son is and rescue him.

Lev remembers her and misses her. He's never stopped looking for her while she and their son slept and throughout the story she slowly starts to get her memory back. I really liked her character. She's not a scared, weak heroine. She wields a ruby sword and can fight like the warrior she's always been.

At first she's afraid of the white wolf because of her memory loss and the lies that are told to her but as Lev and Madeline get closer and get to know one another and she remembers their past, her fear disappears.

There are a coupe of good twists in this book and the ending was really good. I liked these two as well as the secondary characters.

Disclosure: I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book via NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This paranormal fantasy romance has a bit of a fairy tale feel to it as the heroine has been in an enchanted sleep for a really long time and once she awakens she has to join her mate and fight the evil bad guys, but of course it’s not as easy as all that. This fascinating read has some captivating characters and fascinating plot with a wonderfully different world, one that certainly captured my attention and keep me turning the pages. The romance between Madeline and Lev is one that has some major odds to overcome as there are misunderstandings, curses, magic, evil and trust issues to get in the way but the love and the attraction is still there and burns bright if they can just trust their hearts.

The plot is steady paced and flows smoothly throughout all the trials of tribulations of this couple’s journey to save their son with magic and thrilling battles adding excitement to the story and some unique elements spice things up as well. If you are like me and haven’t read the first two, please do because reading this story without having read them, left feeling a little lost at the beginning until I got quite a bit into the story and figured out what was happening, that’s not to say that the story wasn’t enjoyable because it was quite fascinating and kept a hold of me until I had figured it out and of course by then I really had to know how it was going to end, so I have added the previous books to my TBR pile and will hopefully get to them soon.

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