Member Reviews

What an excellent idea.. take three great authors, create three best friends in a small town called Pine Cone, and have each author write a romance. As a series junky I was sold on the idea – a clever twist on the frequent ensemble mini-series.
Take My Hand - Missouri Vaun
“Take My Hand” by Missouri Vaun brings Manhattan gallery owner River to Pine Cone to settle her aunt’s estate. When she wrecks her car on the hair salon lawn, local tow truck driver Clay comes to her rescue, with a tow and a loaner. Pulled together by mutual attraction both Clay and River fight the temptation, one isn’t staying, the other isn’t ready to try again, but art becomes a link which will bind them together.
Take a Chance - D Jackson Leigh
In “Take a Chance” by D Jackson Leigh the new police officer in town is finding her feet before taking on drug runners with her canine partner, Petunia. Every time she’s on duty she finds a truck illegally parked, and quickly decides the owner has entitlement issues. When her path finally crosses that of the local vet Trip, their past connection brings back issues both need to come to terms with.
Take Your Time - VK Powell
Finally in “Take Your Time” by VK Powell local police officer, Grace Booker gets left with a raucous African parrot by a passing girlfriend. Doing her best for the parrot involves help from the new vet, Dani, whose background as a zoo vet gives her a broad spectrum of experience. Their attraction is mutual, but Dani doesn’t want small town life and plans to get back to the city as quickly as possible, leaving Grace facing another heartache.
All three romances build and enhance the others, with the three close friends grounding the series while each author concentrates on one and introduces a new character. Having three authors gives each MC a literally different voice and adds an extra twist to the tone. All three are well done, subtly different but nevertheless meshing into a most satisfying whole.

Although this is the last book in a tetralogy written by various authors, you do not need to read the first three books in the series to appreciate. In fact, I had not even heard of this series before the publishers granted me early access to this book.
The Pine Cone Series follows a group of friends who live in Pine Cone, Georgia. This volume focuses on Grace, a police officer, and Dani, a veterinarian. Powell chose to switch point of view between the two protagonist so the reader ends up with a clearer picture of how the relationship unfolds. The book relies on many tropes romance readers expect to find, butt there is a reason why some of these books are formulaic: The formula works; especially in the hands of a talented writer like Powell.

Pretty standard for the genre. The chemistry was okay. I would be willing to read another book by this author. A solid 3 stars for me.

The 3rd and final book in the Pine Cone Romance Series. This book was also my very first book by Powell. I really liked Grace in the books. I was excited to see where she landed. However, I am still not entirely sure I like Dani. I thought several times Grace deserved better. Powell really had the hardest book out of the series. I give her mad props for pulling it off. She had to keep in character a lot characters. That is difficult. I think this book was my least favorite, and not because of the writing. Not because of the story or the fact I had just read several parts of this book twice before… I really just didn’t like Grace and Dani together. I did however decide I should read more of V.K. Powell’s books. I picked up one I plan to read soon on a daily bargain through BSB. I liked her style of writing, but just felt like book three was an uphill battle from the start.

I feel like this book was a little lack luster. Grace was great but Dani was confusing and very hard to identify with. And the story really jumped around and cut out Super important parts. Parts that if fleshed out, could have made this much better.

What's it going to take to get me to love a lesfic book? No, seriously tell me because I'm getting desperate here...
Ugh, I wish I liked Take Your Time, I really do, but it just wasn't working for me. I know there must be awesome lesbian romance out there but it's really hard to find.
In all fairness, contemporary romance is typically my hardest genre. This book was a contemporary small-town romance, which can be tricky to pull off.
My issues with Take Your Time was pretty much twofold. For one, I thought that it was sloooow. I mean, just plain boring at times. There wasn't enough action or adventure in the first part of the story to grab me and I found my mind wandering while I was trying to read. For the first 40%, the most exciting thing that happens is that a parrot starts freaking out and yelling cop slurs at Grace.
Dani, on the other hand, was irritating. Like, really irritating.
I was sick of Dani's negative, judgmental attitude by 15% in, and I didn't get what Grace saw in her (other than her body, I guess). Dani was flat-out rude to Grace during the whole beginning of the story, and then she just toyed with her emotions. It was off-putting. It got so bad that I wasn't even rooting for them as a couple.
I read this book as a stand-alone, but it's pretty clear who the other two couples were. I couldn't figure out how this fit into the timeline, then I figured out that the stories overlap (I think?). It was a bit confusing with all of the people weaving in and out, but I made it work. I wish I got more of a sense of their physical traits as many of the characters blurred together for me.
Overall, I don't think this was a bad story, but I don't think it's the one to turn me into a devoted lesfic reader.
*Copy provided in exchange for an honest review*

very lovely book great finish of the series. i did tho like the second then the first book more but just cuz i feel like i connected more to the characters than dani and grace. regardless its well written and organized
highly recommended its great to see the story of each character
thankfully i was giving a free copy for an honest review.

This is the third book in the Pine Cone Series trilogy written by three separate authors: “Take My Hand” by Missouri Vaun, “Take a Chance” by D. Jackson Leigh, and “Take Your Time” by V. K. Powell. The trilogy tells a story about three friends: Clay, Trip, and Grace, who live in a small Georgia town called Pine Cone. Each one of these books can be read as a standalone romance, however, I feel readers will enjoy the story as it unfolds through the eyes of the featured main characters of that book.
Grace Booker is a police office in Pine Cone. She is single and would love to find a good woman with whom to spend the rest of her life. Her friends, Clay and Trip, have each found a partner. Grace, unfortunately, always seems to end up in relationships that leave her sad and alone. Dani Wingate is new to Pine Cone and works as a vet in Trip’s veterinarian hospital. She only plans to stay in Pine Cone until another job opening occurs in a large city zoo where she can work with a diverse clientele of animals. Having had a troubled childhood, Dani does not wish to get into a relationship so she plays the field and enjoys one night stands.
I have enjoyed all three of the books in this series. The authors have presented a very good story that has been well thought out. I found their approach in telling the story very interesting. After having read other books by the authors, they were able to apply their individual style to their characters. This melding of their techniques in telling the story was unique from the other lesbian romances I have read.
Readers will find excellent character development. The rich personalities of the three friends and their partners were described so well that you will feel connected to them. At the end of this third book, all the storylines were complete with no loose ends.
I recommend this book and the other two books in this series. I rate this book 5 out of 5 stars.
I was given this ARC in return for a fair and honest review.

This is a first book for me by this author so I didn’t go in with any expectations (from previous writings). I was pleasantly surprised, the book start out jumping right into the main characters and didn’t slow down one bit.
Right at the start you get the impression the one main character Dani, has some baggage and is guarded with others and the other main character, Grace is the opposite, nice to the point of a bit naïve-and in that you have the basic crux of the story line as the story progress with Grace meeting Dani.
This is a book that is tied to two others, all written by different authors, that I have not read, but I found this was a good stand-alone book if you have not read the others yet. I did find that since the other characters for the 2 books do come into the story line of this third one, it does make me want to check those out as well, the seemed like fun characters to get their back story on-ok back to this book.
The time line is around 2-4 months I think, along the summer time and it takes place in a small town. Grace is a lifelong resident and local cop, Dani is from a big city that needed a vet job but doesn’t ‘plan’ to stay long. I found the characters believable and well developed. The dialog was well written that all the way to the end I felt I knew each of these characters and could really feel for both-especially Dani who has a lot of difficulty in getting close to people, she really tugged at my heart.
The author does a wonderful job of really bringing out the essences of small town living, her writing really draws you into the atmosphere and characters.
This book will be added to my 'watch for author' list for new books, and I will most likely pick up the other 2 books that go along with this story line.
I received an ARC through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review, but would have written the same opinion if I had come across this book on my own.
To see my Amazon review, it will be under CC-Great read.

a href="https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/38898436-take-your-time" style="float: left; padding-right: 20px"><img border="0" alt="Take Your Time" src="https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1519947081m/38898436.jpg" /></a><a href="https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/38898436-take-your-time">Take Your Time</a> by <a href="https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4530738.V_K_Powell">V.K. Powell</a><br/>
My rating: <a href="https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2540335969">4 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
I rec'd an ARC from NetGalley/Bold Strokes Books for review.<br />The third and final book written by three different authors in the Pine Cone Series. Ms. Powell has written a clever romance with leads Grace (cop), Dani (vet) and a scene stealing parrot Dirty Harry. Small town intrigue, gossip, love and laughter - take your pick.<br />Three authors, three interlocking books that kept me interested.<br />4 stars.
<a href="https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/31134832-gail">View all my reviews</a>

I ended up reading this in less than 6 hours and boy, was this a ride! I loved Grace and Dani's relationship and how it progressed. Powell made the couple believable and i enjoyed the rapport the two ladies had. From the offset when Dani said she was only staying around until another job came up, i knew that they would get together. Im not saying the obviousness was a bad thing as i like that when it comes to the romances i read. The stroy was done very well and was a quick and enjoyable read. It's a shame half stars don't exist as this is a perfect 4.5 tale and rating it 4/5 is underselling it!

I really enjoyed this book. It is in a series of three and all three books are set in the same time period just from a different point of view (or at least I am assuming as I did not read the first book -- yet). Having read Take My Hand by Missouri Vaun I quickly picked up on the similarities between the two stories. The Pine Cone Romance series is set in a small town (Pine Cone) in Georgia and center around a group of three friends. This book is Grace Booker’s story. A fun romance that I rather enjoyed.
You do not need to read the other stories, but I do recommend them as they will fill in the bits for the other two friends that we only get glimpses of in this story.
I was given a copy of this book by Netgalley in return for an honest review.

I finished this book wishing that I had read the previous two, so I think that's a good sign! The concept of different writers writing at the same point in time but from different characters perspectives is a really cool idea too.
I loved that Grace would stick up for herself and not let Dani get away with not communicating. I did still feel like she put up with her closing off a lot more than I would have thought, but it was refreshing to see a character stick up for themselves.
Dani grew quite a bit from the beginning of the book until the end. She definetly grew much more than Grace did, but it worked since she had a lot more growing up to do. Sometimes you're just waiting for the other person to get their shit together, and I felt like that was an underlying theme in their relationship.
The one critique: Sometimes it would switch perspectives in the same chapter without acknowledging the change, so it got confusing at times. Having a least a ~ break would have been great.
Overall it was a fun read!

‘Take Your Time’ is the third in the Pine Cone romance series and rounds off the series in a way that pulls all of the threads together and answers so many questions. VK Powell, D Jackson Leigh and Missouri Vaun each took one couple and told their story. Seeing the events from all different angles was fascinating. ‘Take Your Time’ was the story of local cop, Grace Booker and her growing attraction for new vet to town, Dani Wingate. Grace and Dani get off to a bad start when Dani makes assumptions about law enforcement officers and assumes Grace is typical of the species. Finding out about Dani’s backstory made me understand her a lot more and I could see why she acted the way she did. Grace was sweet, caring and fun and the kind of woman anyone would want to be with - so why did Dani keep backing away? I loved how all of the stories of the triumvirate of friends - Grace, Trip and Clay- were woven through each other. I had gotten to know Trip and Clay in the previous books and they were strong characters whose love lives impacted on each other. This was a big strength in this story as it gave depth and made the town of Pine Cone come alive for me. I felt that ‘Take Your Time’ was the most emotional of the three stories and I really appreciated how the author dealt with some difficult issues. A very good story.
|I was given this ARC from Bold Strokes and Netgalley to review.

This is another installment in the Pine Cone trilogy, and it's just as charming as Take A Chance. This one though focuses on Grace and Dani and their slow burn romance. It's a constant push-pull between them, and even though I didn't think much of Dani at first, I grew to like her bravado and protectiveness. She was so flawed it was hard not to fall for her better side.
You don't have to read the Pine Cone trilogy in any specific order, and I love the concept of each author taking one of the books. It must have been a challenge writing them, but a lot of fun too.
I'm off to find Missouri Vaun's contribution now!

This is the third Pine Cone Romance, replaying the same period of time as the other two books, but this time from the perspective of Grace and Dani. It’s a really neat concept I think.
Grace is a lovely, kind-hearted and generous femme police officer and one of the three core characters of the series. Dani is a small animal vet but otherwise the opposite of Grace. Nevertheless, the attraction is instant, and even as they go through the inevitable trials and tribulations, the reader will root for them.
This book neatly ties up the three stories. Yes, it revisits some of the same scenes with some of the same characters, but the authors have a done an excellent job of creating different but consistent viewpoints of some very key scenes.
This telling of Grace and Dani’s path does add to the wider story of Pine Cone, with an ending to wrap up the series and a fitting closure. Read all three in order as I think Missouri Vaun’s Take my Hand is the best of them, although they are all very good.
Definitely recommended - ladies, feel free to collaborate like this again!

An honest review thanks to NetGalley. I didn't realize this was the third book in a series until I finished reading it. I will say that I felt I got a good feel for both Clay and Tripp who the previous two books were about through this book. This was a nice romantic read, I really liked Grace, but it took me a while to warm up to Dani. Harry was a constant comedic relief in this book that kept me wanting to flip pages to hear more about. Truthfully I really liked Tripp and wanted to know more about her and Jamie's relationship. Even with the brief preview to it, I will be picking up the second book in this series next so I can dive into their relationship.

It wasn't until after I'd finished Take Your Time that I realized it was one of three books. I read the blurbs for the other two and realized that the stories in the three books happen simultaneously. This explains why I believed there were plot holes, incomplete side stories, and under-developed secondary characters.
While I'm able to take that into consideration now that I know of the "3-part" thing, it doesn't take away from my thought that I was left wanting. It's a really nice story. A lovely romance. And I liked it quite a lot. But, knowing there are 2 other books that I need to read in order to get a full, complete picture makes me feel that Take Your Time would function more strongly as part of a collection, rather than as a stand-alone.
Again, I really like this story. It's well written. It's a very nice romance. There are interesting characters. I just feel like I *must* read the other two books in the Pine Cone romance series in order to get a full picture. Which means, take this review with a grain of salt.
Once I've read the other two, I will write up a full review on my website for sharing with the world. But, for now, I'm just going to have to stick with, "I really, really like the story. But I want more." So, give me time to get more and then a full review of all three will be forthcoming.

Third book in the Pine Cone trilogy and a terrific final chapter, as well as an enjoyable read all on it's own. Engaging characters with interesting back stories and excellent chemistry. This is the first book I've read by this author, but it likely will not be the last. Big city vet, with an aversion to law enforcement and a deep seated fear of intimacy, meets a small town police officer with a heart of gold. Solid romance with a butch/femme flair. The heat between the two characters is palpable, the barriers to their connection are largely self inflicted, so when those barriers are finally removed their connection is especially satisfying for the reader. Any reader of lesbian romances would enjoy the books in this series, especially if they have a penchant for the butch/femme dynamic.

This is the third book in the ‘Pine Cone Series’. Missouri Vaun wrote the first book in this series following the romance of Clay Cahill, River Hemsworth, then D. Jackson Leigh wrote the second book. That one followed the romance of Trip Beaumont and Jamie Grant. Now with Ms Powell's book we get to see how Grace Booker and Dani Wingate come together. All these books follow the same timeline and plot so much of the book is repeated but believe me there is enough difference to make reading them well worth your while. Grace, Trip and Clay grew up together and are still best friends. The supporting characters are the same for each novel and help to make this a very nice read. It’ll be interesting to see if the authors will give this original concept another try. Hope so. Great read. Enjoyed very much.
eARC via NetGalley