Member Reviews

I received this book as an ARC from NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books in exchange for an honest review.

This was not as good as I wanted it to be. I guess I built it up so much in my head I wanted so much more from it. So this is the bird book in the Pine scone Series and the only one I got was any good was the first one. Since we have already let Grace and got some background this book starts off right where the other two did since all three take place within the same time frame. Grace is a good character strong, compassionate and loving. She was a nice addition to Trip and Clay but I didn’t like all the reference to butch and femme and Grace needing River around to be her femme best friend. Overall the story seemed stilted and rushed. There didn’t seem to be any really chemistry between the two mains. It just seemed they were the only two left so the authors put them together. Dani was the worst and I’m not sure why Grace felt the way she did, but it is just a book. Good writing, but terrible character development. Overall this seemed like a rush job in the worst way.

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<i>I received an ARC of this book from Bold Strokes Books and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.</i>

This is the conclusion of a three book series, each book written by a different author, and all three books set during the, roughly, same period of time. The difference in all three books is which specific characters are the lead characters.

The first book in the series, 'Take My Hand' by Missouri Vaun, follows Pine Cone resident Clay Cahill, and Pine Cone visitor River Hemsworth. They meet when River accidentally drives into a hair salon while attempting to avoid driving into an illegally parked horse trailer – which I mention because the horse trailer belongs to Trip (star of book two in the series), who attempts to help her after the accident, and the police officer to talks with her is Grace Booker, star of book three. Clay is the tow-truck driver who drive up to pull the car away from the scene of the accident.

The second book in the series, 'Take a Chance' by D. Jackson Leigh, follows Veterinarian Trip Beaumont and police officer Jamie Grant and her smelly dog. I've not read that one so I can't say more, though both of the characters appear in all three books. Which I can say since they star in book two, and I've read book one and three.

The third book in this three book series is this book here.

All three of the locals who match up with ‘outsiders’ are best friends. Trip and Clay are on the ‘butch’ side of things, while Grace is on the femme side.

Of the ‘outsiders’, River is also femme, and Dani is androgynous. Jaime, the ‘other’ in book 2, is in other parts of this series, both in book 1 and 3, but, as I’ve not read book 2, I cannot ‘pigeon-hole’ her.

Right, now that’s out of the way, this specific book here.

Grace Booker is a sheriff’s deputy, the . . . a . . .well, she’s also some form of Sergeant. The book opens with her having to deal with the fact that her latest roommate has fled, leaving behind a freaking out parrot. Which is how Grace and the other main point of view character meet – Grace needs help and stops by the local Vet office, expecting to talk to her friend Trip, but she’s out. She has to, instead, ‘deal’ with Dr. Dani Wingate. I say ‘deal’ with because Dani has already come to a negative view of Grace, simply because she wears a cop uniform. It is one of many things the two will have to get over, in the course of the book, for the two to have a relationship.

Dani, see, had ‘previously meet’ Grace when she was in a store. While there the store owner had grabbed and detained a youngster for shoplifting. Dani, while hiding her presence, watched as Grace handcuffed and lead the youngster away. What really happened, and yes what Dani saw wasn’t the whole story, wasn’t explained until after Dani witnessed Grace restraining a drunk man and leading him off.

A cop being a cop, negative vibes being created in the watcher? Dani grew up in a poor neighborhood – her only interaction with the police was when they would come and ‘hassle’ the residents, once even destroying her food when they raided her parents place.

The book unfolds with the two being interested in each other but having reasons to not pursue the other. Dani: Grace is a police officer and Dani doesn’t plan to stick around the small town. Grace: Grace just had one relationship (not really a relationship, but . . .) implode, and is still trying to get over a previous relationship that was an actual relationship in which Grace let her heart be open; plus Dani isn’t planning to stick around.

Somehow or another, largely due to: 1) attempting to deal with the bird issues; 2) living in the same bed & breakfast and therefore running into each other a lot – the two developed some kind of relationship.

I liked the book; though felt that there was a little too heavy focus on sex for my own enjoyment. Ended up rating this one about a half star less, not for the sex, than the first book in this series.

This is the first book I’ve read by this author and now I need to check some more out by them.

Rating: 3.78

July 24 2018

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I love Dirty Harry. Very entertaining. This is the third book in a series that was written by three different authors. I thought the premise of big city small town was written in such a way that it did not feel "been there, done that". A group of three women that grew up together and decided Pine Cone is the place for them. Clay Cahill was the focus of the first read. Trip Beaumont was the focus of the second read and Grace Booker is the focus of read three. The femme/butch characterization was sweet and bounded the three friends as they navigate day-to-day life and relationships. To some extent their behavior and reactions were over the top but in other ways, on point. Animal science, law enforcement, and art, how varied and interesting. I really enjoyed Grace's character and the introspective way she viewed life, her surroundings and relationships.

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The third book in the Pine cone romance series is as good as I expected it to be. Both Grace and Dani are intriguing and wonderful protagonists perfect for the story set for them.

My only gripe is that major plot lines had already been foretold in the previous story. This makes 20% of the story and plot to have already been told in previous books. Even though we only know the thought process and view point for one person only but reliving the same events is no fun. Also I wish that there was some more of this story or rather that the previous book wasn't up to the 85% mark of this one. !

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This is the third book in the trilogy of romantic novels starring three childhood friends and set in a southern town called Pine Cone. The particular thing about this trilogy is that it is written by three different authors and the three stories run at the same time, so in the three books there are common scenes explained from the point of view of the author and the protagonists of each book.

In particular, the romance that develops in this book, starring Grace, the femme of the trio of friends and deputy of the local police, and Dani, the newly arrived veterinarian who does not intend to stay long in town, has It seemed little coherent and too recurrent, since Grace and Dani go back and forth, with little explanation of their behaviors. Their chemistry is nothing special either. And the truth is that Dani is an unfriendly person.

In general, the trilogy can be read in the order that is preferred, it is not necessary to follow a specific order, but in each of the books you can discover part of the plot of the others, although it does not spoil in excess or could make to lose interest in the other two.

I think the need for the three stories to be coherent in their development and to share common scenes among their protagonists has forced the histories of each particular book a bit, although they are three interesting books each in itself.

So in my opinion and after having read the three books I think it can be a light and entertaining reading for anyone who is interested in light romances butch / femme in rural environment.

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Take Your Time (A Pine Cone Romance #3) was the third book of a three part series about three friends living in the small city of Pine Cone, Georgia. I didn’t read the first, jumped in with part two and now see with part three how the authors set it up. Many of the key scenes of book 2 were repeated all be it shown from a different point of view. It still made for a lot of repetition though.

Take Your Times centers around Pine Cone local cop Grace Booker and her dealings with dr. prickly pear Dani Wingate, the new vet. I liked Grace a lot better than dude-bro duo Clay and Trip. She was friendly, warm and relatable and it was a big mystery to me why she fell so hard for Dani.

Because yes, Dani had a troubled past and I can understand that motivates certain behavior in the present, but she was a very unsympathetic character all throughout the book. Her epiphany came only after she burned a whole truckload of bridges behind her. By then I almost wished for Grace to move on and find her happiness with anyone else but the yankee vet.

V. K. Powell’s style suited me better than D. Jackson Leigh. It was less sentimental and gave more focus on the relationship, although Leigh gave me much more Southern flavor and incorporated the people of Pine Cone more.

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3.75 Stars. This is the third and finale book in A Pine Cone Romance series. For anyone who doesn’t know, all the books in this series are by different authors. I have to admit I was a little worried how this book would be. I felt like book 2 gave away some spoilers for this story. Luckily, Powell writes really well and even knowing what would happen, I found myself sucked into this story. This was better than I expected and I enjoyed it. The way these books are written, you could read this book without reading the others first.

This series is about three best friends that live in small town Pine Cone Georgia. This book stars police officer Grace and new vet Dani. Grace is a sweetheart but has always been unlucky in love. When she meets the new vet she can’t help her attraction, but Dani is giving many mixed signals. Dani has had a hard life and is in Pine Cone only for her job. She misses the city and just wants to go back to Baltimore. Can two women with such differences have the chance at a relationship, or is Grace destined to be heartbroken again?

This book starts off around the same time as book 1, maybe even a little earlier, and then it continues past where the second book ended. Because of that there are some scenes that you have already read (if you read the previous books) but this time it’s through Grace or Dani’s POV. Book 2 did the same and because of that it felt a little repetitive. While there is some repetition again, most of the scenes I felt you learned new things. For instance maybe the scene would start the same but Grace would leave the room, so you learn about new things happening that you missed in other books. I hope I’m explaining this since it’s a little confusing if you have not read any of these books. My point, Powell handled writing familiar scenes better than Leigh (author of book 2) did. I didn’t find myself bored reading scenes I had actually read three times already.

What also made this book work for me was Grace. Grace is the most likeable out of the three original best friends. She is just so damn likeable. And she is also smart and most of the time acts like a normal person should. She is not full of drama or stupidity. She is just a nice, kind character. Dani on the other hand can be a PITA. It took me a while to warm up to her. She causes a little too much angst for my liking. Way to much push/pull. Luckily her character evolves in the book and I found her deserving of Grace.

Another plus was the romance. While it was the annoying push/pull, “yes we can”, “no we can’t be together” kind it still had really good chemistry. The sparks and heat were there and believable. While I’m not really a fan of romances where the claim that “we can’t be together” doesn’t really have that great of a reason, I totally fell for these two as a couple anyway. Even the sex scenes were pretty well done.

For me this was much more enjoyable than book 2 was. It was a good romance and even summed up the series nicely for all the characters. If you are new to the series, you could actually start here. Powell writes the other characters well enough I don’t think you would be lost. If you enjoyed either book 1 or 2, I think you will be happy with this one. This book was a good reminder that I need to go read more of Powell’s back catalog of books.

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