Member Reviews

This is an entertaining romance written by Ms. Beers. I have read all her books and have found them to be enjoyable and this one is no exception. The plot was interesting and the characters were well developed. It did take me a few chapters to get into the story, but once I did, it was smooth sailing.

One of the two main characters is Rebecca McCall, a personal trainer. She teaches classes at the local fitness gym. One of her classes is for brides-to-be so that they are in tip-top shape by their wedding dates. Spencer Thompson, the other main character, is one of the brides who was signed up for the class by her fiancé. At first there is friction between Rebecca and Spencer, then attraction takes over. A great deal of the book dealt with the workout routines. At times I found this slowed down the pace. I would have enjoyed reading less about the exercise program and more about the romance.

Over the course of the story, readers see the emotional changes in Spencer. Her growth is related to the physical changes she experiences.

Although this romance is not one of Ms. Beers top 5 books, I do rate it 4 out of 5 stars. The Shape of You will provide readers with a light weekend read.

I was given this ARC in return for a fair and honest review.

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I typically enjoy Georgia Beer's books (I have read all of them), however, this book did not seem to flow as easily as the others. The characters are typical. One is a trainer and the other a client. Sparks fly. However, there is no tidy ending. It is left to your imagination.
It is not a terrible book. It is not one of Ms. Beer's best. ** Spoiler alert** If cheating destroys all chance of you enjoying a book, beware!

I received an advanced copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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There are a few reasons this book is an enjoyable read. Georgia Beers, a very experienced writer with many books to her credit, knows how to tell a story, and so the writing always flows well in her novels. The theme of fitness that promotes the philosophy of “it’s not about what you look like but what you can do” is a welcome one. The choice to make one of the protagonist a cheater, knowing that it’s a topic many readers of this genre do not take to kindly to, is a brave one. And to write an end that seems like a beginning with no big declarations of love is a realistic and sensible one. Glad to see one of my favourite authors trying to do something different with her stories.

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I had very mixed feelings for 'The Shape of You' by Georgia Beers. Ms. Beers is an exceptional author, and it shows in the way she handles some difficult issues in this book.
The two main characters in the story have kind of a rough beginning. Spencer Thompson's fiancee has signed her up for a "Be Your Best Bride" exercise class at the local gym without consulting her. The class is being taught by Rebecca McCall, a personal trainer at the gym. Sparks fly almost as soon as the two meet at class, but the sparks are not necessarily good ones to begin with. When Rebecca finds out how Spencer was signed up for the class, she has an immediate negative reaction to Spencer that taints how she treats her in class. The sparks are not all negative, however, and this leads to some very interesting and and earth shaking events (for these characters anyway).
I have to admit I spent the first half of the book yelling at Spencer to please find her backbone. I was also a bit ticked at Rebecca at the way she was treating Spencer. There was once or twice during that first half when I almost stopped reading the book, but I couldn't. Ms. Beers had hooked me with the characters and the story. I had to see how everything ended. That told me right there what a good author she is.
I was very glad I did read to the end, and I know you will be too.

I was given an ARC in exchange for an unbiased review.

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The Shape of You is an interesting take on a romance. Spencer Thompson had a bad experience in love and became a passive participant in her own life. She ends up engaged to a driven, self-absorbed lawyer, Marti Daniels. When Marti signs Spencer up to a gym class, led by a reluctant trainer, Rebecca McCall, the old Spencer begins to surface. Unfortunately, Marti gets the fallout.
Marti isn't a bad person, she just takes charge of Spencer's life because that's what she does, and Spencer lets her without complaining. Spencer is a difficult character. I felt for her, and I loved the way her and Rebecca were drawn to each other, but also didn't like the way she handled her relationship with Marti. Not nice but then, life isn't always nice, easy, or straightforward. If you have ever been drawn to two people and struggled to choose, you would understand, I think.
For me, all the elements of this story are well woven, and several relevant themes are touched on - hurt, withdrawal, body image, confusion and more. While not perfect, on balance this is a good, well put together romance and I enjoyed reading.

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"She wasn't there to make her clients skinny. She was there to get them healthy"

* *
2 / 5

Rebecca McCall is a personal trainer at a gym. When her colleague falls ill, she takes over the "Best Your Best Bride" fitness class that Spencer has been signed up to by her fiancee Marti. This book hit a lot of the wrong notes for me, from the unrepentant cheating, the fact that over half the book takes place in the gym (and I like the gym!), and both women being fairly unlikeable.

What I loved about Rebecca is her attitude to fitness; she encourages the women in her bride class not to focus on becoming skinny, but on becoming healthy, fit and strong. I think that this is a great attitude towards working out. Unfortunately I really did not like the way that Rebecca treats Spencer - unfairly singling her out in the group, being overly harsh towards her to the point where she quits the class - because she has a crush on the woman.

On the flip side, Spencer doesn't seem to have much of a life outside of her fiancee Marti. Yet, neither of them seem to make each other very happy right from the start of the book - I have no idea why they are even together, let alone getting married! When Spencer cheats on her fiancee she doesn't even seem to regret it, despite the fact that whilst Marti isn't really suited to her, she certainly didn't deserve that. I'm really not a fan of the cheating plotline, so this book requires a specific type of reader with different tastes.

The Shape of You is easy to read and it has some great aspects - I loved Spencer's jewellery making and the way she came out of her shell, and Rebecca's role as a personal trainer - but a lot of the scenes left a sour taste in my mouth.

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This was my first Georgia Beers book. I'm very glad I was trusted with an ARC in exchange for a review. It was a nice bit of escapism. I thought the fling between the two main characters was at least a nod to the way lust can lead us to poor choices. I like that bit of realism in my reading. Some of the characters were very well fleshed out while others needed a bit more, like Marti. I was very happy to meet characters like Zoe, Lucy and Bobby. I thought they rounded out the cast quite nicely.
I have no idea if this is Ms. Beers best work or not, so I can't speak to that. But I do know that I read this book relatively quickly, enjoyed it a great deal and thoroughly look forward to reading more of Ms. Beer's work.

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Georgia Beers is on to a real winner with this one. She has the skills to describe the characters with such a passion that will make you the reader feels as if you know then. The chemistry between Spencer and Rebecca is instant, and the build up a real tease. To me the ending lacked that little bit of something, but on the whole a book well worth reading

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I had been looking forward to this new Georgia Beers release for quite some time, I will admit that the plot had me a bit doubtful because when it comes to cheating I believe the subject past to be treated in a very delicate manner, however, i was very hopeful because the author has touched this subject in a very elegant manner before.

I am conflicted when it comes to this particular novel. Above all it was a fairly good read, however I do not believe it is the author’s best work. Both of the main characters slacked chemistry, their relationship seemed a bit forced, and I personally struggled with the pre-conceived notions one of the main characters had towards the other, Mostly I believe that this I is why this is not one of my favorite books, due to the animosity one of the main characters had towards the person that she was supposed to be romantically linked with, She was not fully understanding of the way that she was acting and was being mean towards her, and even went as far as to single her out which was was just a big dealbreaker.

When it comes to the cheating part, everything was good, but I was just not feeling the plot and the way both characters behaved towards each other.

You cannot have a good romance book lacking chemistry and passion.

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Written well and held my interest enough to make me want to continue reading, but not this author’s best work. The story was missing the usual angst that makes the reader yearn for a happy ending. Not bad, just not great.

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The Shape of Her was an fun read. I enjoyed the light heated banter of the gym and could feel for Spencer starting at the gym. Spencer has a controlling fiancé that wants her to get in shape for their wedding and so enrolls her in the Bride class. You knew there was trouble in paradise right then. Georgia Beers takes you through this love story with nothing but angst from

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When I first started to read The Shape of You I just could not get into it. So much so I considered just dropping the book. Good thing I reached out to a reading group before giving up. They suggested I stick with it and I am glad I did.

The story turned out to be well written with likable characters that I would have missed out in had I closed the book on this one.

Slow beginning aside the story was actually well paced and I found myself cheering on the budding romance. The story wasn’t all roses and perhaps even a bit of a hard topic at times (trigger warning: cheating partners).

Overall I give it 3.5 stars but rounded upbto four.

I was given a ARC via Netgalley for review purposes. All opinions are my own.

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*I was provided a free download of The Shape of You by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.  Thank you to Bold Strokes Books for affording me this opportunity.*

It's been a long time since I've written a review. Heck, it's been a long time since I've read something new. I've been spending the last many months dealing with health stuff, preparing for a conference, and watching all 14 seasons of Grey's Anatomy. Twice. Oh, I've done some reading. And I've listened to audio books. But they've been repeats. With all of that behind me - and the need to fill my time until season 15 of Grey's Anatomy starts - I decided to jump back into reading the new stuff. 

For years now, I've had the pleasure of reading Georgia Beers' novels. I've loved some and they have become part of my "comfort reading." I've liked some and have re-read them when I felt the urge. There are some that were okay and I probably won't read again. And that's okay. Not every single book knocks it out of the park for me. The authors I know have heard this from me. I've yet to have one of them be offended that I've told them that. Because they know, just like I do, that my least favorite of their books will be someone else's "comfort reading." That's okay. If we were all the same, what would be the point? If all readers disliked every book an author put out, what keeps that author writing? If all readers loved every book an author put out, what keeps that author improving? Readers and our varied opinions, likes, and dislikes are important. Essential, even. We motivate and we stimulate. We keep authors writing...and writing better.

That's where I want to start with this review of The Shape of You by Georgia Beers (Bold Strokes Books) - better writing. 

Having read so much of Beers' oeuvre, I've seen how her writing has developed over the years. One thing that has always remained strong is the story she has to tell. I've said over and over in my reviews that the "Romance Formula" is essential - no matter how many times people complain about novels being "formulaic", I will scream from the highest mountain, "It's a ROMANCE!! We want the formula! It's what brings us back!" The structure of the novel is formulaic, yes. The story, the romance is not. So, yes, the structure of this novel qualifies as an example of the "Romance Formula." And for that I'm grateful. But, once again, the story that Beers has crafted is unique. The romance is fresh and inviting. The characters are well - developed and likable (even when they aren't). Secondary characters are wonderfully integrated into the main characters' lives and made essential to the story. So well done.

Look. Georgia Beers is a staple in the world of Lesbian Romance. It's just the way it is. But that doesn't mean that every book is a winner or that she has hit the highest point in her career. I know this. You know this. Beers knows this. Because...growth. Because...challenge.

But here is what I will say: I think this book is a winner. Rebecca and Spencer are great romantic leads. They have depth. They each have their issues, but we - readers - don't spend the entire novel mired in their angst. Yes, it's there. But it's spread out and it's palatable. It's blended wonderfully throughout the story. We get to take sips rather than gulps. Beers, as usual, builds the sexual and emotional tension in ways that keep us engaged in the story. Engaged in the characters. (Have you ever talked back to a character in a book they way you do a character on TV? Yeah, that.)

The Shape of You is definitely a Georgia Beers novel...without being just like the other nineteen.

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Unknown to Spencer Thompson her fiancée, Marti has signed her up for a class, ‘Be Your Best Bride’ at the fitness center where Rebecca McCall works as a personal trainer. Rebecca wasn’t scheduled to teach the class but when her coworker isn’t able to she’s asked to take over. The very idea of working with a group of Bridezillas makes her cringe. But it’s her job so when she meets with the class the first time the only one to really stand out is Spencer, not because she’s in such great shape but because she’s very easy on the eyes. On the other hand Spencer finds the good looking trainor Rebecca unfriendly and harsh. She seems to go out of her way making Spencer question just why she’s there. The only good thing about the whole experience is meeting a new friend, Lucy. Add Spencer’s family and friend/coworker Jennifer along with Rebecca’s best friends Nick and friend/coworker Sherry what you might think at first is just another fluff piece turns into a very nicely l
ayered story. Now that I think about it Ms Beers has never given us a fluff story. A really wonderful read. Enjoyed very, very much.
eARC via NetGalley

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Georgia Beers has definitely become one of my favorite F/F authors. Any time I get the opportunity to read any of her books, I jump at it.
I was just as excited about the “Be Your Best Bride” as Spencer and Rebecca were. It just sounded like the easy set up for mean girl, queen bee situation. But Rebecca was the most surprising character. As a trainer I thought she was going to be hardcore, angry fitness instructor. Instead, she was much different. She looked at fitness as, feeling your best and not only worth doing to become a skinny model type.

Spencer, well I could relate to a little too well. I do have to say I have a little more bite than Spencer did. If my wife to be signed me up for a twelve week fitness class, I would have been livid. Then we would have had a talk and probably would have no longer been wives to be. Because if you don’t like the way I look now? Twelve weeks in a fitness class isn’t going to change it. Instead, Spencer was very passive and just took things. I have a feeling she felt like she didn’t deserve the happiness she was chasing. She just settled.

The main issue of this book, which I knew of from the get-go was the fact that there would probably be infidelity at some point. Spencer is engaged while she’s attracted to her class instructor. Spencer and Rebecca’s chemistry was intense. They were a bit antagonistic towards each other before they figured out what was really going on between them. I think the fact that Spencer was so not in love with Marti and Marti was such a workaholic jerk, that I was rooting for Spencer and Rebecca to get together. They had the passion that soon a to be married couple should have. They communicated with each other, they worked together and then had explosive sex. If you aren’t excited by your partner, or can’t remember the last time you were intimate with them, you may need to stop, think and have a sit down with them.

Rebecca brought Spencer out of her shell and challenged her to be the person she had once been. Then Spencer brought gentleness out of Rebecca that kind of made my heart melt. Just a little.

I like how there is always a healthy dose of reality in this. Spencer’s friends and family weren’t all happy about what she had done, but they did encourage her to think her wants/needs through in order to decide what she truly wanted. Then Spencer and Rebecca didn’t immediately get together. Time passed. Spencer had to figure out who she was.

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Awww. That hit the spot for a very nice, very aww sort of novel. That's not saying that there wasn't some tension through the book and it wasn't an always happy narrative.

It's the story of Rebecca and Spencer. Rebecca is a Personal Trainer who is made to take on a co-worker's 'Be Your Best Bride' class over. Spencer finds herself in that class because her fiancee Marti signed her up. The two women get off to a bumpy start and then go back and forth for a bit. But then something happens that changes everything.

I liked the characters, although, I wasn't sure whether I'd ever get to liking Rebecca, but, Beers came through.

I also really liked the secondary characters (well, 'cept for Marti heh). And I definitely liked Bobby and Travis. They were two of my favorite secondary characters.

As I said above, it seemed like an 'aww' sort of novel to me. Perhaps, it was partially because I think that for the most part it was a body positive sort of novel and for once, I think that for the most part the MCs weren't skinny no hipped wlws.

I received this book via Netgalley thanks to Bold Strokes Books.

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I received an ARC of The Shape of You through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Rebecca is a personal trainer who gets roped into leading a "Be Your Best Bride" class that another trainer has pitched to their gym. Spencer Thompson is in the class, registered by her fiancee, who thought it would be a good idea for her to lose a few pounds before their wedding. They're both attracted to each other, but with Spencer engaged to another woman, is there any point to acknowledging their feelings? CW: Infidelity

Spoilers ahead:

The summary and cover are a bit misleading, as the majority of the book takes place in the gym. There's not even a dress fitting involved, as Spencer isn't even going to have a wedding - just a trip to the courthouse. There are also no Bridezillas - the two characters who might have been in that role are introduced and then only mentioned again in passing, neither is the original Zero Body Fat instructor.

I found myself frustrated with the lead characters in the book. Rebecca behaves poorly toward Spencer and continues to blow hot and cold, which wasn't just personal to Spencer - it was blatantly unprofessional and public to the rest of the fitness class. Spencer is passive and wishy-washy, and while I could understand it to a point after learning her backstory, the book takes far too long to explain that and make her actions sympathetic to us, as readers. I also feel like the author took the easy way out of ending Spencer's relationship with her fiance. We're then denied seeing her character growth as there is a time jump to Spencer reconnecting with Rebecca and pursuing a HEA. In other words, there was a whole lot of telling and not showing.

This is my first book from this author and publisher, so I'm rating lightly. The Shape of You will definitely appeal to some readers - it wasn't my cup of tea.

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I really wanted to like this book. I love me a good romance. Romance is one of my fave genres so its hard for me to dislike one. This one dealt with some big issues: e.g. LGBT, the controversial infidelity in a romance story, etc. It had the opportunity to really be a good or at least intense romance. I was looking forward to it. But man ... this was almost painful. Half way through I looked at Danny and said "I don't know if I can finish this book" and if you know me you know I always finish the book - no matter how bad. Half the text took place in a gym, the relationships were all surface, forced, contrived and perhaps even worse for a romance - lacked chemistry. The main characters were unlikeable, so very weak, sometimes stereotypical and just boring and the conversations were so so simple. It just all felt so simple. It read like a missed opportunity to be a great novel. Harsh I know.
So, I was given a free copy for an honest review and my honest review is skip it.

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First off: Georgia Beers has quickly risen to become one of my favorite romance authors. I requested this book solely because I recognized the author's name, and she didn't disappoint with this at all.

The characters are real, in all their annoying and loving glory. The MCs character development throughout the book is very believable to me, and I find myself wanting to read more, more, more.

To be highly recommended!

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An honest review thanks to NetGalley. This book was a good read, the chemistry between Spencer and Rebecca is amazing, and I looked forward to the interactions between them. The issue that I had with this book is that I like Spencer. The entire book displayed how Spencer was very passive and just went with the flow. Her fiance signing her up for a fitness class for brides to be without telling her, her cheating on her fiance and even realizing she is unhappy wanting to stay with her. The more I read, the more passiveness and selfishness radiated off of Spencer making me dislike her more. I really did like Rebecca and having her and her friends as a part of this book let me continue reading this book to the end. Overall a good book, just issues with character likability.

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