Member Reviews

Like everyone, I love the way Georgia Beers writes. Her stories are always interesting, I always learn something new about a skill or vocation I didn't know about, and there's always plenty of subtle humor and great chemistry. The Shape of You is very well-written and tightly edited, but the story just didn't do it for me. When the main character, Spencer, cheats on her fiancee with her trainer because she's unhappy, it made me realize that I couldn't figure out why she and her fiancee Marti ever got together in the first place. In my opinion, two years is way too early in a relationship to already be unhappy together, especially if you feel enough to decide to get married. I couldn't see the "arc" of the storyline come to a definite close, it just seemed to sort of fizzle. Another thing I found odd was the cover - it looks very similar to the recent Jae "Just for Show". Out of 20 years of books from Georgia Beers, one that didn't sweep me away is a pretty good record. Still looking forward to the next one.

I did really enjoy this one from Georgia Beers. I am a fan of her work however I did find a patch of her books maybe over the last year or so that didn't hit the usual mark for me. In good news the last two I have really enjoyed and this one was no different, it's good to have her back to her usual standards.
I did struggle at first with Rebecca who was simply mean to Spencer. She was hot and cold throughout the book which did make it a little hard to really like her. Spencer was a great character who was lovely but complex. [I personally struggled with the infidelity part of the book however wouldn't say it ruined the book for me just made me uncomfortable and would have preferred it not be done that way. The side characters were a great addition to the story adding the right amount of humor.
I am a sporty person but never really liked working out in the gym however this book really made me want to go to the gym and get a personal training which I wasn't expecting.

Sweet, but also thought provoking about life and making choices for yourself rather than following along with other people’s decisions. I also enjoyed the gym setting, and was a tad tempted by the idea of spin classes until I remembered I have no co-ordination. Cute little reference to Junebug farm at the end and please a whole book on Zoe would be great.

It was a fun book to read. The characters that "needed" the gym didn't seem to need it all for their physical appearance. I hoped for a tad bit more body positiveness. The romance and affair was something you don't read often in other books of this genre. It was brave for the writer to show the unperfect side of her characters. I liked that part the best.

Georgia Beers is one of my favorite authors. I love how she teases you with the possibility of a romance until you want to scream "please tell her you love her" As a result you will find it difficult to put the book down. This story surprised me a bit. I found it interesting that she was able to put so much emotion in a gym workout. And the characters had so much warmth and depth. The only thing I missed was an epilogue. I wanted to see the white laced wedding. It ended just a little too abruptly.

I have a terrible time finding good F/F books, and I was hoping The Shape of You by Georgia Beers would break my losing streak. It didn't.
I didn't like Spencer from the start, and I didn't like her throughout the book. Spencer is engaged to Marti, who she seems to low-key hate, but doesn't ever communicate her wants and needs to her. Spencer and Marti don't fight, but I guess Marti is supposed to be a mind reader and guess what Spencer wants. Sure, Marti signing up Spencer for a brides' fitness class was sort of a dick move, but Spencer never complains or brings up any issues that she has. She just cheats on Marti.
The book was boring overall, but not horrible. The writing was pleasant enough, however, I couldn't get past the fact that Spencer acted like a child. She never took responsibility for her actions, and her hot/cold act with Rebecca was tiresome. Rebecca went back and forth with being standoffish and then unprofessionally interested. I didn't enjoy their dynamic. I actually wish Marti was the MC because I feel like there was more of a story there.
I'll be generous with my 2 star rating, but I it barely makes the "okay" mark.
*Copy provided in exchange for an honest review*

Another excellent offering from Georgia Beers. Enjoyed the slow but intense build up and the myriad of other interesting and fun characters. I highly recommend this book!

Huge thank you to Tule Publishing and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to review this book!
Being someone who would rather chew off my own foot then enter a gym, I was a bit skeptical when I first read the description of this book, but I was hoping that this story would have a little more to it than just fitness-centric storyline. Sadly that wasn’t the case. This wouldn’t have been a problem though, if it weren’t for the constant reminder that if you don’t work out all the time you’re not “healthy”. I might have been able to get past that (because I feel like that’s just a personal dislike for me lol) if the rest of the story had been more interesting, but it wasn’t.
Full (spoiler-y) review here: http://wmsreads.tumblr.com/post/176692761817/

I enjoyed the setting of the read. A fitness center where it is not so important to focus on losing weight but being healthy and feeling good about yourself. Sounds good to me. As I was reading, I thought, if you are not happy with your current day-to-day life and/or your relationship, you will be tempted to make some good and not so good decisions. Does Marti mean well by buying a fitness center membership and signing her fiancee' up for "Be your best bride" class without telling her? Maybe. Maybe not. Even though I knew some bad decisions were coming, I thought it was interesting how the author handled it with the internal and external processing and basically, two characters that are good people and difficult not to like. Rebecca McCall wants what her best friend has, a good relationship. Rebecca is tough and judgmental on women she perceives as pushovers. Spencer Thompson has a supportive family, especially her sister Mary Beth. Although she had a awfully bad relationship experience, she is willing to move on but her confidence is shattered and she needs to pull herself together and make some decisions. This read had me on a like/dislike rollercoaster of emotion. My final thought, the read was okay.

ARC received via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
I wanted to like this. I’m a fan of Beers and her books are usually enjoyable, but this one hit several buttons for me and I just couldn’t enjoy it.
The main premise is that Rebecca teaches a fitness class for brides to be and Spencer is taking the class because her <i>fiancée signed her up for it<\i>! That’s a big honking red flag right there. Everyone in the book comments on this and knows its not a good thing, but Spencer is such a doormat that even though she knows it’s insulting, she goes anyway so as not to waste said fiancée’s (Marti) money. Give me a break.
Rebecca is pissed about this because her mother is also a doormat, and this leads her to treat Spencer like crap for about the first third of the book, even though she attracted to her. Sounds like all the right elements for a grand romance, no?
We then spend another third of the book with Spencer calling Rebecca on her crap, Rebecca being nicer and then pulling away, and Spencer (and everyone she knows) questioning whether she should be with Marti. The answer is obvious, but Spencer can’t bring herself to make a decision because the girlfriend before this crushed her spirit. Spencer actually has quite a few characters giving her great advice (most memorably her sister) but still manages to bumble around and do nothing about her issues for the vast majority of the book.
Books where one of the main couple is in another relationship are always annoying, because you have to wait for them to extricate themselves before the main couple can proceed. There was way too much Marti and Spencer in this book and the last third of the book was also a hodgepodge of things that made me grit my teeth, there’s infidelity (my least favourite thing in a romance), the breakup between Marti and Spencer took too long (in all honesty, I went from not liking Marti to being sympathetic to her by the end of the book), and the ending was rushed. It seemed like we wallowed in Spencer’s wish washy woe-is-me crap for so much of the book that there wasn’t much time for the main relationship, and the ending required a time jump in order to provide the requisite HEA. In all honesty, not counting the workouts at the gym, where they did not really talk to each other, the main characters spent hardly any time together, so all I got from that was that they were attracted to each other but had nothing of substance to build a relationship on.
We spend a lot of time with Spencer’s issues, and even though Rebecca has scenes with her friends, most of the time devoted to Rebecca is in some way related to how she feels about Spencer or her trying to find someone to date, so she really gets the short stick here. Rebecca deserved better to be honest. The saving grace here was Lucy, who was a great character. Too bad she was straight, she’d have been a better match for Rebecca than Spencer was.
2 stars, I can’t give it 3. It’s getting 2 because it’s Beers and it’s well written, but that’s all this has going for it.

I am a fan of the authors but this book was a little strange, it ended where I wanted it to begin really. The story was fun and sweet and as you’d expect from Beers the characters were relatable and well rounded. I just wanted the bit after the ending, it all seemed a build up to not much really, for that reason I enjoyed it less than I was expecting.
I was given a ARC by Netgalley, all opinions are my own.

I really liked this book, I liked all the characters, they were well developed, I liked the dynamics and angst between them, I liked the story and the dialog. I've only read a few Georgia Beers, but this is by far the best.

This is not a typical lesfic romance and it won't please everyone because it deals with infidelity which is a no-go zone for many romance readers. However, talking about infidelity and lesfic, author Clare Ashton said that lesfic genre could quickly come still if authors try to please the crowd all the time (LesDoBooks podcast interview, August 2018). I totally agree with her. Kudos to Georgia Beers for writing a novel that won't necesarily be popular with her fans. So, consider yourself warned that if infidelity is a pet peeve for you as it is a mayor part of this book's plot.
After an awful and embarrasing heartbreak, Spencer Thomson leaves the driving seat of her life and is happy to have others make decisions for her. When her fiancée enrolls her in a fitness class because her body is "too soft and curvy", Spencer goes along and attends the “Be your best bride” class. Personal trainer Rebecca McCall isn't happy having to cover for a colleague on this class as she considers that her job isn't to make her clients skinny but healthy. She particularly dislikes Spencer who admits that she's attending only because her fiancée signed her up. Soon their initial antagonism transforms into attraction but Spencer is engaged and an involvement is definitely not acceptable for Rebecca. Or is it?
This is a character driven novel and Ms. Beers is unapologetic about highlighting the mains' flaws. Spencer makes a very frustrating character: she procrastinates, she allows others to make decisions for her and she's passive-aggressive when facing conflict. At the same time, she's compassionate, cheerful and loving. As a reader you just cannot dislike her but, at the same time, you want to shake her up from her lethargy. Rebecca (and the reader) know that she has to make her life changing decisions by herself and see her through this process. Ms. Beers has achieved this cleverly.
My issue with this book isn't infidelity. This is part of life and I'm happy that the author doesn't sugarcoat, judge or try to justify it. It's just a consequence of the main characters' actions and how lost Spencer is. That's were the conflict lies and the good thing about this book is that, even though this is a romance, there is no obvious or formulaic end. Infidelity is effective for this plot. However, my issue is how tension is crafted. For me, it doesn't ebb and flow in the right places. At the beginning, the tension builds painstakingly slow in multiple, almost cloned scenes in the gym. Then the story finally takes off only to almost lose the tension completely near the end. In those sweet moments when the urgency of the tension unfolds is when this book earned my 4 stars. It's a pity that it didn't quite get to pack the punch near the end.
The secondary characters are multilayered and support the characters' journey effectively maybe with the exception of the fiancée who seemed too flat. Zoe, Rebecca's friend, makes a great secondary character, I hope Beers write a book with her as a main.
Overall, a good departure of the typical lesfic romance. Recommended unless you hate infidelity in romances. 4 stars.
ARC provided by Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
See all my reviews at

This review hurts me to write, because Georgia Beers is one of my favorite authors. This one was just OK for me, leaning on the side of annoying because I was hoping for so much more.
I'll get right to the point. I didn't like Spencer. I thought she was so indecisive, delusional, and utterly unaware of herself and her relationship. The fact that the book basically starts off with a million reasons why she shouldn't be with Marti but yet she never acts like she's aware of that fact annoyed the hell out of me. Why were they even together let alone getting married? She didn't like Marti's home, her job, how much she spends her money on useless things, and even liked sleeping on her couch better than in her bed. What??? That's information you get within the first 5% of the book.
Then there is Rebecca who seems cool as hell but I basically know nothing deep about her. Her family? Not so much. Her friends? They were ok side characters that gave her an ear to talk to. Nothing else gave me a glimpse of who she was other than a little back story of how she became a trainer. The rest of her part in the book is mostly her complaining to herself and her friends the 'relationship' she has with Spencer. That got pretty old fast for me.
Last thing was the length of the book and the ending. I have to warn people that you basically never see this couple together-together. In essence, this book is about Spencer and her dysfunctional relationships without an ounce of healthy relationship time.
Georgia Beers always writes so smoothly. It was just a disappointment that this one seemed lacking in so many areas. Now that I think about it, I don't even know where this story took place...New York? There seemed to be a lot of NY football mentioned, but who knows...

When Spencer's finance signs her up for a bride-to-be exercise class, she expects to be hate it and everything it stands for. But Rebecca isn't your average fitness instructor and she puts a whole new spin on the class. Spencer begrudgingly decides to continue, for herself this time. Neither expect the intense attraction they feel for one another and neither know what to do about it.
I definitely have my issues with cheating but I found I could swallow the way it was handled in this story, even if I could never condone it. The motivation behind it was realistic and worked well for the characters and the story. The chemistry was sizzling. Wow. I really enjoyed the relationship between Rebecca and Spencer. I loved Spencer's character development. It was frustrating at times to wait while she figured stuff out, but that's what made it very realistic and the process organic. The casual development of secondary characters in Spencer's exercise class really fleshed out the story nicely. <spoiler> And Marti...I wanted to punch Marti in the face so many times. Ugh.</spoiler>
This book was full of positivity, I felt really motivated, and it was just an all around feel-good story. I even want to try a spin class now!
I received an ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Rebecca is a fitness instructor who has to take over the “Be your best you” 12-week gym class aimed at brides-to-be when her co-worker gets ill. Not thrilled by the idea, she decides to put her own spin on the class, moving it away from weight loss and more in the direction of health, fitness and strength. She takes an immediate dislike to Spencer when she announces that her fiancée signed her up for the class without talking to her about it first.
In spite of the infidelity theme I really enjoyed reading this. Beers dealt with it in such a way that I didn’t find myself judging or disliking the characters. Rebecca is an all-round nice person most of the time. Spencer is on a steep learning curve and I loved the realism of her journey. I was engaged from beginning to end by good writing, tight story line and characters with depth.
Book received from Netgalley and Bold Strokes Books for an honest review.

I didn't finish this book as it was not what I was expecting it to be. Does not mean that it was bad-- just not my cup of tea. Thank you for the opportunity. I'm sure many will enjoy it!

Well written story with an interesting mix of characters.
This was not me favorite book by Georgia Beers...I understood the process the author was going through with the characters and it flowed and made sense...maybe the characters hit too close to home, maybe the topic just bothered me. It's still well written, less humor than some of Ms. Beers books and while I didn't love this one, I look forward to more books from her.

This has been a quite entertaining story of this author. The two protagonists are Spencer and Rebecca. Spencer is a somewhat passive woman, who seems to have no personality and until the middle of the book we do not know the reason for this. This is why as a character it is a bit unpleasant, although not knowing why she acts in this way also makes her behavior incoherent in some occasions. The character of Rebecca is not presented as very nice, also, prejudging future assistants to her class of brides to be, and then despising Spencer without having real reasons to do so.
It does not play in favor of this story the fact that there is an infidelity. Maybe Spencer's situation could have been treated differently, but she is always so undecided and always goes with the flow that even the outcome of her relationship with Marti she lets it go without getting honest. I do not think it's a good ending to a serious relationship.
So without going into detail or moral dilemmas, this has been a book that I read quite easily, in which I thought that the role of the secondary characters could have been more important, with a controversial story that can make some people disinterested . It is not the best book by this author but it may be recommended.
<i>An ARC was sent to me from Bold Strokes Books through NetGalley for an honest review </i>

I was given this book as an ARC by NetGalley and BoldStrokes Books in exchange for an honest review.
Georgia Beers is one of the most consistent and good writers that boldstrokes books has. Her books are always good and I always enjoy them. Until his one. One of my biggest pet peeves is cheating and then getting away with it. It’s not cool under any circumstances. I do not like when people cheat and then excuse it by saying they were unhappy and so that makes it okay. It is NEVER okay to cheat not even in a book. I hate cheaters.
So now that I’ve said that I actually liked the premise of this book until the cheating. I thought Spencer was a good character who had a fantastic character arc, but I thought Rebecca was a bit flat and one dimensional. She seemed very shallow. Like she was there, but there was nothing memorable about that character. I’m not sure where the chemistry between them came from, it just really didn’t seem like hey should be together. I couldn’t even enjoy the one sex scene because Spencer was cheating on Marti who seemed like she meant well. Like why should Marti suffer because Spencer had no backbone.
I like the idea of getting in shape and being healthier just for you, which is where Spencer got to eventually. I liked that. I did’nt like the Angina scene, it seemed forced and unnecessary. It didn’t add much to the story.
Not a terrible book but definitely not one of my favorites and I was so looking forward to a solid romance. This one really disappointed me.