Member Reviews

This is the second of Chien's "Noodle House" restaurant featuring young Lana Lee, whose Taiwanese mother and American father run Ho-Lee's House of Noodles in Cleveland's Asia Village shopping center. When her parents go to Taiwan to help out her grandmother, Lana, not her older sister Anna May, who is studying for the bar, is left in charge of the restaurant, to her dismay: she was planning to interview for a job away from the restaurant. She's just gotten over the disappointment of having to turn down the interview when she and another tenant discover the bodies of Isabelle and Brandon Yeoh, of the souvenir shop next door, dead in their storeroom. Adam Trudeau, Lana's "maybe-boyfriend" and police officer, tells her not to get involved as she did in the previous mystery, but Isabelle was a new and dear friend and Lana wants to get to the bottom of who ended her life—and what was going on with her husband, who always seemed to disappear at the most inconvenient times.

Once again Lana and her intrepid best friend Megan Riley try to get to the bottom of things, and it's more bizarre than they could have imagined: like Brandon turning up with not one ex-wife, but two, plus a surprising third woman in the mix. And there's a dude who reminds Lana of Captain Kirk (the Shatner version) who seems to pal with Brandon a lot. Plus Brandon and Isabelle live in a fabulous designer apartment, yet can't make their business bills.

I think once you find out a fact about a certain character, you should realize whodunnit, but watching Lana juggle the restaurant, her parents, her sister, a very disapproving Adam (who actually is concerned about her investigating), free time, and on top of all that, a frigid winter, is entertaining. I really do like Lana, although like in all cozies she takes chances like people really shouldn't. But then isn't that's why we enjoy them, to live vicariously through the characters?

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Dim Sum of All Fears is book 2 in A Noodle Shop Mystery series. I had fun with the first book in this series and wound up enjoying this one even more. I'm happy we're getting more diverse reads lately and love that this series involves the Asian culture while having a great whodunit at the same time.

Lana Lee, our leading lady is working at her family's restaurant and trying to find an office job so she can leave the family business. Things don't go as planned though when her parent's drop everything and have to fly overseas to see her grandmother. The person they leave in charge for their several week excursion is none other than Lana, much to everyone's surprise. Lana winds up being quite good at being the restaurant manager around Chinese New Year, when business is booming. Things aren't going to be that easy though, it was quite a shock when Lana's neighboring shop owner Isabelle and her husband Brandon die and foul play is suspected. We unravel Brandon's secrets as the story progresses and there were quite a few red herrings along the way. I wasn't sure what the killer was until it was revealed, which is always promising for a cozy mystery!

Dim Sum of All Fears is a strong sequel I couldn't put down. This installment had a bit of everything I could ask for, a touch of romance since Lana is dating our hunk from book 1, yummy food mentions that had me drooling, and a great mystery. I'm excited to see what mystery Lana will deal with next. If you're a fan of cozy mysteries revolving around food you'll love this series.

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Dim Sum of All Fears by Vivien Chien is the second book in A Noodle Shop Mystery series. Lana Lee is surprised when her parents announce they are departing for Taiwan and leaving Lana in charge of the Ho-Lee Noodle House. Just when Lana has a second interview for a well-paying office manager position. The day her parents depart for Taiwan, Lana arrives at work ready to focus on the restaurant and show her parents she can do the job in their absence. Then Isabelle and Brandon Yeoh who own Charm City Souvenirs are found dead in their shop. Isabelle and Lana shared a common love of books and had become friends. It turns out that Isabelle and Brandon had several skeletons in their closet that are now coming to light. Despite being told repeatedly by Detective Adam Trudeau to stay out of the investigation, Lana cannot help but do a little digging. Which one of the suspects could have done the deed? Join Lana on her quest for the truth in Dim Sum of All Fears.

Dim Sum of All Fears is nicely written and has steady pacing. If you have not read Death by Dumpling, you will not be lost. The author provides the backstory readers need to proceed with Dim Sum of All Fears. There are a variety of quirky characters that include the Mahjong Matrons, Kimmy Tran and Esther Chin. In the beginning of the book, Lana shocks everyone by showing up with her hair dyed blue. I was baffled as to why she would do this when she was interviewing for an important office manager position. At twenty-seven years old I believe it is time for Lana to quit antagonizing her mother and figure out what she wants to do with her life. Lana had days to find someone to cover for her, so she could attend the interview, but waits until it is too late (evidently, she really did not want the job). The bickering between Lana and her sister especially at the restaurant in front of customers and employees (unprofessional and inappropriate) was tiresome. I was baffled by the scheduling at the restaurant. I thought it was unusual that they open in the morning (I have never seen this type of establishment open before 11 a.m.) and during the lunch hour rush there would be only one waitress on duty (the other employee would be on her hour lunch break). The mystery was straightforward, and I could identify the killer before I was a third of the way through the book. There were a couple of suspects and Lana was proactive in asking questions. Detective Adam Trudeau tells Lana to repeatedly stay of the investigation and, of course, she has no intention of listening to him. There is a cliché love triangle between Lana, Adam and Ian Sung. Personally, I preferred Death by Dumpling to Dim Sum of All Fears (it was not as silly). My rating for Dim Sum of All Fears is 3 out of 5 stars (it was okay). I hope the author ups her game in the next A Noodle Shop Mystery.

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Dim Sum of All Fears by Vivien Chien is the second in the Noodle Shop Mystery series. This is the first that I have read and it won't be the last. Dim Sum could be a stand alone.
Lana Lee is a server at her parents Noodle Shop but is wanting to try something new. Just when she thinks she has a chance, she is thrown into running the shop while her parents go to Taiwan to be with her grandmother. In addition to having to take charge of the Noodle shop, she has to deal with her sister, who feels she should be in charge, and it is winter in Cleveland, think snow and ice.
She is no sooner placed in charge when a murder occurs in the shop next to hers and it's a friend and her husband. Lana knows she must get answers.
There is a great story line, relatable characters, romance, and plenty of suspects. There are plenty of twists and turns and you are kept guessing until the end.
I was given a ARC by Netgalley for an honest review.

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Lana is back for a second helping of mystery and murder in this delightful new culinary/cozy series by Vivien Chien. When her parents must leave to help an ailing auntie back in Taiwan, she must run the restaurant, solve a double murder, and figure out if she and a certain handsome detective are dating or not. This was a very enjoyable read and I hope there are many more to come in this series!

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Lana Lee has returned to her family after she broke up with her boyfriend. While looking for another job, one that has nothing to do with food and the family restaurant, the Ho-Lee Noodle House, she is waiting tables. Her hopes are answered when she goes for a job interview that looks to be her ticket out of the family business. That is until her grandmother, in Taiwan, needs help and Lana's parents give her only a few days notice...that she will have to step in to take over managing the Noodle House. There goes the job of her dreams because Lana is, above all, a dutiful daughter. Little does she know that the store next door will become the scene of a double homicide and her very new boyfriend will be the detective on the case.
Chinese New Year is fast approaching and homicide is very bad for business in the Asia Village, home of the Ho-Lee Noodle House. Ian, who is the village manager (who also hopes to become Lana's boyfriend), begs her to investigate the victims and the ex-wives of one of those victims. Boy, are those two women forces to be reckoned with! Poor Lana - she's meeting herself coming and going with running the restaurant, dealing with her sister (the law student), her new boyfriend, a killer and trying to keep her Mom from freaking out long distance. What more could go wrong? Mom calls and says they will be staying longer in Taiwan. So, will Lana Lee manage to hold it altogether, find a killer and be around to celebrate Chinese New Years?
I liked this entry in this new series better than the first and I have the next one on my list, Murder Lo Mein coming in March 2019.

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This second installment in the Noodle Shop Mystery series features more of the same great writing and characterization that made the first book such an enjoyable read. Lana Lee is quickly becoming one of my favorite cozy mystery heroines. She is believable, sympathetic, and relatable, and she brings a bit of a younger perspective to this genre, including references to pop culture phenomena like The Gilmore Girls and concerns about choosing a career, beginning to separate from her parents, and finding love. I also really love the setting of the Asian-themed plaza, and I think the author does a nice job of making it seem plausible that two murders would be committed there, even though such a possibility is very remote in real life. I'm already eagerly awaiting book 3, Murder Lo Mein! (Thanks to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for the digital ARC!)

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Dim Sum of All Fears:
By Vivien Chien
St. Martin’s
August 28, 2018

Review by Cynthia Chow

Working in her family’s Cleveland Ho-Lee Noodle House restaurant was only supposed to be a temporary measure until Lana Lee could figure out exactly what she wanted to do with her life. It’s too bad that her parents didn’t get the memo, as they just announced that they are leaving for Taiwan in three days and Lana is to be in charge of running the business until their return. She still hoped to find time to fit in a job interview between restaurant duties, but that proves impossible when the new store owners in Asia Village Isabelle and Brandon Yeoh are murdered. Lana’s parents, not to mention the possible romantic interest Detective Adam Trudeau, warn Lana from risking herself by becoming involved, but her brief friendship with Isabelle makes that impossible. Lana’s bossy older sister isn’t shy about inserting her own opinions either, but that just makes Lana all the more stubborn to investigate.

Along with her enthusiastic best friend and roommate Megan, Lana quickly learns that the Yeohs had their share of secrets, which included multiple ex-wives, siblings, and addictions. Led by the Mahjong Matrons and the other regular diners at the Ho-Lee Noodle House, gossip about the Yeoh couple runs rampant with multiple women claiming ownership over the Yeohs’ City Charm Souvenirs store. Dealing with her own older sister’s very ruffled feathers will be easier than tracking down Brandon’s larcenous activities, which has Lana visiting casinos, banks, and tracking down a man with very distinct William Shatner hair.

This second in the series proves to be as delightful as its debut, which introduced readers to a mixed-race heroine who struggles against the traditional roles she sees in her future. Lana may declare that working in her family’s restaurant is a brief time-out until she finds a “real” career, but she can’t deny how much she loves noodles or how effective she is at running the business. This search for a purpose and path in her life is as compelling as the mystery, which becomes more and more complicated as new players enter the field and Brandon’s larcenous flaws emerge. Fans of the book trilogy and film Crazy Rich Asians will find so much to adore in this heroine, who is still learning how to balance her individuality with her mother’s culture. While Lana embraces the American dreams of pursuing happiness and individuality, her mother knows exactly what her daughter needs and only needs to listen. The hints of romance only further add to the intrigue, as the elusive detective may have his own challenges to face. This very funny novel couldn’t be more timely with its depiction of Asian-American culture, which succeeds in presenting an easily relatable and very likable heroine.

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Great to have a protagonist who isn’t white and lives somewhere other than NYC or SF. The police seemed too ineffectual, esp. considering she’s dating a detective. The secondary characters needed more development and their motivations were unclear/weak. I kept on getting them mixed up because they were fairly one note.

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Lana Lee wants to stop working at Ho-Lee, her family’s Chinese restaurant in Cleveland. But her plans to find a real job are derailed when her parents suddenly take off to Taiwan, leaving Lana in charge. Surprising everyone, Lana is running the restaurant capably. But then newlyweds Isabelle and Brandon Yeoh who just opened the souvenir store next door are found dead and Lana finds herself in the midst of another Asia Village mystery. Brandon's suspicious "errands" and the sudden appearance of two women claiming to be his ex-wives indicates plenty of odd behaviours and motives. Lana's police detective boyfriend Adam Trudeau wants her to stop snooping around but she is determined to find the truth about her new friend's death.

I received an eARC via Netgalley and St. Martin's Press with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book and provided this review.

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Dim Sum of All Fears by Vivien Chien is the 2nd book in A Noodle Shop Mystery, and another fun cozy mystery. In the first book Lana Lee returns home after walking out of her job and boyfriend. Now she is working as a waitress in her family's restaurant, Ho-Lee Noodle House located in the Cleveland Area. Lana's parents make a sudden trip to Taiwan and leave her in charge, which doesn't make her sister happy. When the newlyweds who just opened the souvenir shop next door, are found murdered Lana is determined to get through the truth. I found this book to be a quick read, with a well developed plot and characters. Looking forward to the next book in the series. If you love fun cozy mysteries like I do, than I recommend this book.

I received this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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This was a great follow-up book. Sometimes a second book in a series takes a step backward, but this one was just as great as the first. I love the humor and personality in these books. I also love that the protagonist is much younger than the average cozy heroine because I felt like I could really relate to her and some of the pressure she was facing. Overall, I really enjoyed this book and I'm really looking forward to reading more books in this series.

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DIM SUM OF ALL FEARS by Vivien Chien
The Second Noodle House Mystery

Ever grateful for the safety net her parents' restaurant provided, Lana Lee is now ready to move on. But her new job is lost before her interview when her parent's announce they are going on an extended trip to Taiwan and leave Lana in charge of the Ho-Lee Noodle House. At least Lana can spend time with her new friend. Isabelle and her husband Brandon recently opened a souvenir shop in Asia Village, and although Brandon seems a bit sketchy, Lana enjoys Isabelle's company. While things are running smoothly at the restaurant Asia Village suffers another tragedy when Isabelle and her husband are found dead in an apparent murder/suicide in their shop. Did Brandon kill his young wife before killing himself? Or was he a victim as well? Lana is determined to find the truth and justice for her friend.

I loved this second outing in the Noodle House Mystery series. Each page was a delicious morsel, the mystery, fulfilling fare. While still unsure of her future, Lana is coming into her own. Her attitude, the strength of her friendships and loyalty, make her an admirable woman...even if her life is uncertain and a bit of a mess. I would be proud to call Lana Lee a friend.

DIM SUM OF ALL FEARS is a novel of many layers. First there's the intricately plotted, detailed mystery. The well developed characters illustrate complex family dynamics, as well as relationships between friends, neighbors, and co-workers. There is no shortage of humor. Several moments had me grinning, if not laughing out loud!

Vivien Chien has created a world I want to visit and people I would like to call friends. DIM SUM OF ALL FEARS is a top notch mystery with a wonderful cast of characters. The only problem is that I have a craving for noodles!

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I think my opinion of this suffered a little because I read it right after I read the above book which I loved immediately. This one was an easy read that pulled me in right away but I didn't connect to it as much as the first one. It too a little bit longer to really get going with Lana having to navigate some family issues and is kind of stuck in a transition phase and she tries to figure out what she really wants to do with her life. I liked her friends and the different stores in Asia Village and I really enjoyed that the reader is given a real sense of the community. When the murder happens the story picks up and I really enjoyed the investigation. This involves my 2nd favorite mystery type - the person with all the secrets - so I really enjoyed watching everything come to light and come together. This was a good mystery with a unique setting and an interesting main character. While it's book #2 it didn't feel like I was missing any information or was confused. I would like to pick up the first book and will be looking forward to book #3.

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Lana Lee works as a server at Ho-Lee Noodle House, the restaurant owned by her parents. Lana longs to do something else with her life, but she is needed at the restaurant, especially now that her mom and dad must travel to Taiwan to deal with a family crisis. Things get even worse for Lana when a good friend becomes a victim of a tragic, fatal incident. Detective Adam Trudeau, Lana's sometime boyfriend, warns her not to get involved, but Lana continues to investigate to get justice for her friend.

This book is the follow-up to Chien's "Death by Dumpling". It's not necessary to have read this book to enjoy this one, although there is a large number of characters to keep track of. An old-fashioned "Cast of Characters" at the beginning of the book would have been helpful. I like Lana and most of the other main characters, although Lana's condescending sister and pushy mother are sometimes hard to take. I like the setting of the Chinese restaurant and the entire Asia Village shopping area in which it's located.

The mystery itself is interesting and Lana does a good job of questioning witnesses and potential suspects. There are plenty of surprises in the book's clever plot and I enjoyed this fast read and look forward to seeing what's in store for Lana in both her working and her love life in future books.

I received this book through NetGalley through the courtesy of St. Martin's. The book was provided to me in exchange for an honest review.

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This second book in the Noodle Shop cozy mystery series was just as fun and engaging as the first! I really enjoy the Asian Village setting and Lana is a likable main character (as well as her cute pug Kikko who I'd really like to see more of in this series)!!!
I did get confused with all of the ex wives and all of the sisters so maybe a cast of characters would have been helpful but overall I really enjoyed reading this well planned mystery. It was definitely a page turner and I look forward to reading the next in the series.

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There's a lot more going on at Asian Village than meets the eye! This is a delightful second installment - but you don't have to have read the first- in the ongoing adventures of Lana, who wants to be an office worker but keeps finding herself working for her parents at their restaurant. Throw in her sister Anna May, her friend Megan, her love interest Adam, and you've got some great main characters but watch out as well for the Mahjong ladies and Aunty Esther. This time around, Lana's friend Isabelle and her husband Brandon are murdered and then it turns out Brandon had not one but two ex-wives who lay claim to their shop. But why were they murdered? As with the first book, there are some flashes of local Cleveland color as well as good atmospherics from the crew at Asian Village. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. This is a cozy but it is not a foodie cozy- the food is secondary to the story and there are no recipes. This is not a bad thing- it's a fun book! Keep an eye for that blue maglite!

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Posting on website Sept 5 at 10 AM

The Dim Sum of All Fears by Vivien Chien (2018) - Lana Lee works in her family's restaurant, Ho-Lee Noodles.  It's a boring life that she would really love to put behind her.  Unfortunately, she has to turn down her big break when her parents go to care for her grandmother on the other side of the planet.  While they're gone, one of Lana's best friends is murdered right next door. Now she has to figure out the secrets behind it all.  The second book in the Noodle Shop Mysteries series.

This is a lot of fun little mystery.  There are a lot of parallels with Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series.  But they are mostly superficial, which allows Chien to bring a very different cultural setting to the stories.  Lana has family issues that include a "perfect" sister and a mom who knows exactly what Lana needs to do with her life.  Add in a kinda-sorta police detective boyfriend all of it seasoned with Chinese spices and you get a winning combination.

For the second time in a year, Asia Village, the small shopping center that is home to Ho-Lee Noodles, is the scene of a murder.  The owners of the gift shop next door are found dead in the store.  Lana and Isabelle had discovered that they had a lot in common and a friendship had sprung up between them.  After Isabelle and her husband are killed, Lana begins to discover that there were many mysteries that surround her friend.  All she has to do is figure out which one killed the couple.

I will admit that the title is the primary reason I grabbed this book.  I haven't read the first book in the series, "Death by Dumpling", but I was in the mood for a mystery.  My first thought was the Tom Clancy novel with a similar title, and it rang a distant bell as a quote (turns out to be from Churchill).  Anyone cheeky enough to try that title on for size deserved a shot!  Chien writes with a real affection for her hometown of Cleveland and that appeals to me as well.  All stories do not need to be set in NYC, LA, Chicago or Miami.  It turned out to be a lucky choice.

"The Dim Sum of All Fears" is brand new on the bookshelves! (Debuted August 28)

Why You Will Like It: Fun characters and an engaging mystery to solve.  You will enjoy trying to piece it all together while enjoying a trip into a culture a little different from most of ours.

Rating - **** Recommended

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I received this ARC from Netgalley in return for an honest review. Ms. Chien continues her Dim Sum mysteries and does a great job of providing a different take of the cosy mystery. Lana Lee is the second daughter of a Taiwanese mother and American father. Her older sister is in law school (and an 'overachiever'!), while Lana is still searching for what she wants to do. When her maternal grandmother asks her parents to come to Taiwan, Lana gets tagged to run the family restaurant, to her dismay and her sister's frustration. As soon as Lana's parents leave, the young couple next door are killed and Lana discovers them. As the wife was becoming a good friend, Lana is devastated and determined to find out what happened. Throw in running the family restaurant, the upcoming Chinese New Year celebrations and trying to find a love life, and Lana has her hands full! This is the second in the series and can be read as a stand-alone.

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This is the second book in the series, I have not read the first one. I loved this cozy mystery. It was a great quick read, full of entertainment. The characters were great and I loved the slight ethnic twist to what is typically a super white genre. I’m looking forward on catching up on the first book in the series and reading Chien’s following books.

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