Member Reviews

I love a guided journal, and I liked this one. Ultimately, I found it slightly repetitive and not particularly illuminating, but I enjoyed working through it and I'll definitely keep at it.

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I loved the illustrations, the quotes, the introduction and how to count your Ikigai. It really challenges you think about how to think and be grateful of your passions and even may help you find and identify new passions that you may have shelved away or did not know you had.

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“My Little Ikigai Journal” by Amanda Kudo is a wise little guide for living a happier, more authentic life based on the Japanese concept of Ikigai, or “reason for being.” This truly beautiful book offers more than 120 pages of insightful questions, exercises, and inspiration to lead you to an enhanced sense of purpose, meaning and joy. Highly recommended! 5/5

Pub Date 11 Sep 2018

Thanks to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for the review copy. Opinions are fully mine.

#MyLittleIkigaiJournal #NetGalley

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"My Little Ikagai Journal" is a delightful journal to help you bring focus, plan, priority to your life. Filled with a full range of questions & prompts - from the simple to the complex - this journal invites you to take stock of many facets of your life. The concepts of Ikagi are not new - this journal helps to pull things together and provide clarity. This journal would be helpful for anyone in a season of transition who is wondering "what's next" & also could be a great addition to yearly goal setting tools. May of the questions and prompts are worth revisiting on regular basis - this journal doesn't have to just be a "one and done" tool.

Free eARC received from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. This book is available September 11th.

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This journal-handbook is an absolutely wonderful guide to reflecting on your passions, what is important to you, and how to find meaning in life. I love the root notion: that finding your meaning in life is what will keep you alive and full of joy for as long as you live. The reflections are thoughtful, inspirational, and devoted to truly making you think about your life as you live it. The pages are beautiful and colourful. The artwork is absolutely stunning, and the activities aren’t time consuming (although there are exceptions). I am about halfway through the book, and I have already come to a better understanding of what brings me joy in life. I think this is a great companion for anyone who is feeling a little lost or can’t seem to find what brings meaning to their life.

There are a few exercises that are difficult to accomplish (for example: ask a person you admire if you can shadow them for a day). I have skipped a couple because I don’t have the means or the information to accomplish them. There is one that asks you what your hopes and dreams as a child were, and I had no idea what to write for that. I did consult old journals which helped, but I’m not sure that will be do-able for everybody. I am also lucky enough to come from place where I know what I am passionate about already. I know these exercises will be challenging for people who do not know what they love on a day to day basis.

The questions asked in the book are not deep – I am not having to look into my soul in order to find answers, yet I am coming to some great understandings about who I am as a person and who I want to be to the world. I am eager to continue with these exercises, and it has inspired to me seek more books with the same kind of theme. I give this book a 4/5 for its insightful exercises and beautiful illustrations.

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This book had awesome quotes and illustrations. I have not successfully calculated my Ikigai yet, but know that I will be able to due to the easy to follow directions in this book.

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I read Ikigai and this journal really goes with the original/source book with its details. I like it.

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An interesting read and place to start in using this type of journalling. It's harder to utilize in the Kindle format, since you can't write on the book. It was easily fixed by using a paper journal though!

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I can't even begin to tell you how much I love My Little Ikigai Journal. Everything in this very short book has help create a better structure for not only me but children. The questions you can answer with as much depth as you want. I enjoy all the creative ways for finding "reason for being."
Its a perfect journal to buy for those who are struggling life with changes that bring them away from the reason for being.
This is an inspired Journal that everyone should own and work on during their daily joys and struggles.
Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher Castle Point Books for the advance copy of My Little Ikigai Journal

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If you want an introduction to Ikigai and try a hand at practicing its basics, this is a good, with simple exercises to get you started.

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This is a sort of self help diary/notebook like many before it, the only difference is that is based on the ikigai, which is just the most recent trend of "feeling good doing what you like" magical thinking. I am not saying that because it is bad or useless, it is just not as new as one may think, as it is not the Ikigai as a concept per se, to be precise.

Questo volume é una sorta di diario/quaderno dove annotare tutto quello che ci rende felici o potrebbe farlo, l'unica differenza con tutti quelli che lo hanno preceduto è che questo si basa sull'ikigai, che é solo l'ultima moda. Non lo dico perché lo considero un libro inutile é solo che non mi sembra particolarmente innovativo, come anche il concetto di Ikigai di per sè.


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This was an interesting guide to a subject I have been hearing about a lot. I liked the prompts in it and would consider purchasing this so that I could write in it instead of reading it. This would be one that I would not want as an ebook just because I prefer to write in my journals.

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Thanks to St. Martin's Press for the ARC!

Here's something you should know: there’s no magic formula to calculate your Ikigai. You're not gonna instantly find it on chapter one. However, if you actually take your time and put some effort in your answers, you'll definitely see yourself more clearly.

I also really liked the graphic work and all the inspiring quotes.

It was a very positive experience for me. I totally recommend it.

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I think this would be great for people who have interests in Okinawan longevity techniques and overall day to day motivation. If you ever found yourself doodling on the margins of a book on ikigai, well, this should help you take more notes. A lot of the formatting got weird in the preview copy I got, which I viewed using my Kindle, but I can see the appeal.

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Ikigai means "reason for being" in Japanese and the idea behind the concept is being true to your inner self will lead to a long life of happiness. This book leads readers through various prompts to identify things like their gifts, passions, and values and see how they overlap to meet the world's needs. There are also motivational quotes from thought leaders like Nelson Mandela to inspire and guide readers through their journeys. This book is a great, simple guide for a self-evaluation tune up to make sure you're on the right path to happiness.

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I feel like I have reached a point in my life where I’ve noticed that once more I’m just drifting through the days on auto pilot, doing the same things all the time, and I don’t want to live like that anymore. I want to experience change, growth and excitement. I want to feel alive again. I wondered if some of what I am looking for is found in Ikigai because everywhere I look, these books keep appearing.

So far, I am thrilled with this book. It is broken up into 6 sections: Discovering Your Ikigai; Your Passions; Your Gifts; Your Values; Your Possibilities and Bringing it all together. The book opens up a world of possibilities because as you go through the pages, filling them out, you focus on what is important. I also love how quotes are added throughout on decorated pages. Let me tell you, you will be tempted to purchase a second book just so you can tear them out and tape the quotes to walls, bathroom mirrors or pin them to a bulletin board.

I recommend this to anyone: from teenagers to senior citizens. You’re never too young or too old to grow.

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I love this little book! It is cute and quirky. I already know which friend I will be buying a paper copy for :)

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