Member Reviews

When I read the description of the book, I imagined that it would be two courtiers who would be the main characters but making the story center on Lucilla and Gaius is genius. They’re close enough to the various centers of action all over the city and even on Domitian’s military trips that their presence never seems forced or out of place. I never once thought, “Now why would he or she be there then? That makes no sense beyond needing it for the plot to work.” Yet they’re not well known historical figures so you can do whatever you want with their private lives. I also like seeing how the little people live in history. The tiny, mundane details of making a living, where to set up housekeeping, what they ate. Which reminds me that I must try some Chicken Frontinian at some point since it’s Gaius’s favorite.

Gaius and Lucilla aren’t perfect people and that sort of endears them to me. Gaius is a mess with the women in his life and indeed goes through five wives before finally coming to his senses about Lucilla and both of them catching each other at the right time in their personal lives. Sort of like Rhett Butler chivvying Scarlett to the altar because he didn’t want to wait to catch her between husbands again. They’re two people who others know are perfect for each other but who refuse to see or act on their feelings for each other until their friends are about ready to knock some sense into them. The first night they spend together after finally acknowledging their love is sweet and poignant and so deeply moving as to almost make me cry it’s so perfect. It takes them a while to get things right but once they do, it’s forever and I have no doubt of it.

Anyone looking for a quick or easy read needs to rethink or move on to something else. This story is like a rich, dense piece of chocolate cake or a hearty lentil stew vs a puffed up slice of angels food or a quick McDinner fast food gobble. At times it is slow going and one must occasionally stop and push back from the table to savor what’s already been consumed before going on but the rewards of learning all about the world of Rome during Domitian and seeing Gaius find his Gaia/Lucilla are well worth the time and effort involved in finishing it. B

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