Member Reviews

WE loved this first book in this series and it's been on my list to buy as soon as published. I have several students already on the hold list for it.

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You Won't See Me Coming was an action-packed adventure that definitely will leave you wanting more! I loved how much this book kept me on my toes with suspense! I liked how fast paced it was as well! I really enjoyed it!

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You Won't See Me Coming is the third and final installment in author Kristen Orlando's The Black Angel Chronicles. This story picks up shortly after the events of You Won't Know I'm Gone. I urge readers to please read these books as they were released. I do so because every thing is absolutely connected. What happened in You Don't Know My Name carries over into the second book, and of course, the fall out from what happened in the second book, weighs heavily on protagonist Reagan Hollis's shoulders and the events of this book.

This is be a huge attempt at not spoiling anything. Reagan is in a sort of witness protection program in Manchester, Vermont as the story opens. She has a new name, and a new look to hide who she really is. She was supposed to be a Black Angel rescuing hostages, taking down terrorists, among other things that the Black Angels were created to do. However, Reagan has a bit of a rogue attitude ever since the events of the first book, which, again, I am not going to spoil.

Because of her actions in the second book, Reagan and Luke are now hiding from those who want her and Luke dead. This weighs heavily on their relationship. That is until Reagan's best friend Harper, ends up in trouble. Acting on pure instincts to protect her friend at any cost while ignoring the orders of her supposed superiors, Reagan and Luke begin operation rescue Harper. With minor help from others (Cameron), Reagan must deal with a humiliated and extremely dangerous foe.

I will say that there's plenty of action to keep even the most fussy reader happy. Right out of the gate, Reagan and Luke and Harper race through the streets of NYC, and across country to keep away from the assassins looking to capture Reagan and Luke. Even when she is beaten, and taken down, she doesn't give up hope of finding a way out of her predicament. Reagan has been trained all of her life as a future operative of the Black Angels. Her training and her courage more than anything else, makes her a heroine worth paying attention to. No, she is not perfect. She has made some huge mistakes over the course of this series. But, when it comes to friendship, and loyalty, she's not going to let any one get in the way.

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Keep in mind that this is not a standalone, but instead the end of a trilogy that has been building to this point. Make sure to read the books in order so you can fully appreciate this story as well as the journey that Reagan took to get here.

Shockingly, this will be a short review because I do not want to give away any of the surprising details of this action-packed, twisty finale. I loved the direction that Reagan's growth as a person went in this book, she was finally able to see her own hidden truths and tell others what she wanted. In the face of her biggest adversity, she stood up for what she believed in and trusted in her own abilities and I loved who she became.

"I grip my tongue between my teeth to stop the tears that threaten to rise from the base of my throat.
Since Indonesia, so many conversations I've had with Luke have left me teetering on the edge of tears. I
hate it."

This, this right here sums up my feelings too every freaking time Reagan and Luke talked in this book. It really just broke my heart and made my throat tighten with unshed tears. Kristen really knows how to put her characters and readers through the emotional ringer. I knew I was in for a tough read by the end of chapter one but there is no way that I would have changed my mind about reading this book or this series. I love everything about this book, I really think that each book got better and more gruesome, action packed and emotional. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed the first book in the trilogy, but You Won't See Me Coming blew all the others away and I could not stop reading. Who needs sleep when Reagan's life is on the line...again.

I highly recommend this for fans of YA thrillers such as Dare You To Lie, pick up the Black Angels Chronicles. I can't wait to see what kind of adventures Kristen will write for me next.

**Check out my 4 Star reviews for the other books in the trilogy, You Don't Know My Name and You Won't Know I'm Gone .

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At the beginning of last year I read You Don’t Know My Name and You Won’t Know I’m Gone back to back and I desperately wanted a third book after finishing the sequel, so I was excited to have a chance to read You Won’t See Me Coming early!

Since You Won’t See Me Coming is the conclusion to the series, I’m going to keep spoilers to a minimum—beware though, there will be spoilers from the previous books. You Won’t See Me Coming begins shortly after the end of You Won’t Know I’m Gone. With Torres, the leader of the drug cartel, dead and his brother out to avenge his death, Reagan and Luke are in deep hiding in a small town in Vermont. However, Reagan finds a suspicious coincidence on her best friend’s social media account and knows the cartel has found her. Not wanting to tip off the mole in the Black Angels, Reagan and Luke take off to New York to save Harper before it’s too late.

What I love about this series is how the stakes has risen in each book. In the first novel, Reagan was very torn between wanting a normal life and becoming a Black Angel. It dealt a lot more with high school and crushes, but turned more spy-thriller towards the end. The spy stuff takes center stage in the sequel as Reagan and Luke enter the training program and Reagan sets her mind on killing Torres. Now in the conclusion, Reagan in dealing with all of the consequences from her actions in the last book and how they have affected the other people in her life.

I felt like I didn’t really get to know Harper in the first book and then she just kind of vanished since Reagan went off on her mission. I liked that Harper came back in this book and that she finally found out about Reagan and now Luke’s secret lives. We do get to know her better in this novel, and I like that we find out what has been going on in her life since Reagan disappeared and how she was affected by it. It was definitely satisfying having the three all back together, even if they were on the run from kidnappers.

Overall, fans of the Black Angel Chronicles will love this action-packed conclusion!

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I had been waiting for the final book in The Black Angel Chronicles by Kristen Orlando, You Won’t See Me Coming, for a long time now, and it is safe to say that it is a strong conclusion. The book is extremely fast-paced, and it is easy to see the main character’s growth. The writing style is also immersive, and it adds to the suspense. I would definitely recommend this secret agent thriller to anyone looking for an intense and exhilarating read.

This book is the final instalment of The Black Angel Chronicles, and the stakes are higher than ever as Reagan’s best friend has become a target. Torn between going against orders and saving Harper’s life, Reagan and Luke decide to do what’s right and face danger. I loved how fast-paced the plot is, and there are many shocking twists throughout. This is a solid conclusion to an excellent series.

Reagan has really transformed throughout the series, and she is so strong. I enjoyed how determined she is to keep her loved ones safe and do what she thinks is right. The challenges she faces in this book are tougher than before, however she faces them with intelligence and skill. It is clear that Reagan has learned from her mistakes in this finale, and I loved seeing her be her best, authentic self.

The way the story is written is probably what made it so enjoyable to me. The style is incredibly suspenseful but also pretty harrowing at the same time. This is intensified as there are many ethical choices that must be made, and I truly don’t how what I would do in the characters’ places. It is easy to become immersed in the story and feel the characters’ emotions because of this. Honestly, I don’t know if I’ve ever been so on edge while reading a book, but I liked it.

You Won’t See Me Coming is the ultimate culmination of The Black Angels Chronicles. The book is action-packed and thrilling, and the main character is fierce. I especially enjoyed the suspenseful writing style. I am sad that the series is over, but I will be looking forward to Kristen Orlando’s next work.

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May Contain Spoilers

Going into You Won’t See Me Coming I was extremely nervous. It’s the end of one of my favorite trilogies that never left me disappointed which is some pretty big shoes to fill for the final. I can gladly say though that this book did not disappoint for the most part and It had me on the edge of my seat throughout the whole book.

You Won’t See Me Coming starts a little while after You Won’t Know I’m Gone ended. We see the fallout that happened from the choices that Reagan made and how they have affected the people she loves most.

“You know how some people have the golden touch? I have the poison touch. Everything I do turns bad.”

That quote is very true when it comes to most of this book it seems. It’s easy to see how Reagan feels that way when you consider everything that has happened to her in the past year. She’s lost so much and is still dealing with what see saw and made happen in South America. This is also why I’ve loved this series so much, not everything is happy go lucky or oh this bad thing happened but everyone is still okay. Instead we get reality which is some people end up broken because of what they saw and things aren’t instantly forgiven. Reagan has a lot to make up for in this book and while she doesn’t realize it right away she does know what she needs to do.

“She said I wasn’t meant to be happy. I was meant to change the world.”

Luke is still very present in this book, besides Reagan’s dad he is the one current constant in her life and I think the only thing keeping her from completely losing it in the beginning. No, things aren’t perfect between them and it shows, it’s more realistic for a change in real relationships and that’s why I actually truly do like them as a couple.

“I’ve been trained my entire life to maybe die one day for someone else.”

In this book, we also get to see some characters we knew in You Don’t Know My Name. Harper was Reagan’s best friend and when it becomes obvious that she’s in danger Reagan takes things into her own hands again with Lukes help. This sets of a chain of events that really brings the whole trilogy together, by tying up the loose ends that were left from the previous two books.

“Torture of the heart is far worse than torture of the body.”

It lead to some of the most heart-stopping moments of the whole trilogy. I didn’t want to stop reading and I truly couldn’t read fast enough at some points because of what was happening. Orlando did an amazing job of keeping the heart-stopping moments coming while also giving you little reprieves where you could try and figure out with Reagan how they were going to get out of the situation.

Overall You Won’t See Me Coming was the perfect ending to one of my all-time favorite trilogies. I’m going to miss Reagan and Luke so much. I truly do love spy novels and this one was my favorite YA one I’ve ever read. I’m sad to see the trilogy end because I’m going to miss the characters, but I’m also very happy with how everything was wrapped up.

I now leave you with my favorite quote from this book:

“I find it kind of unnerving that this man has anything resembling a normal life down here. Like, it’d be less disturbing to me if this basement was filled with trophies from murder victims and machetes.”

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You Won't See Me Coming starts off right where the last book ended. Reagan and Luke had to leave the Black Angels. They changed their appearances and have new names. They are working and living together in a small town on the east coast. Their cover story is high school sweethearts, but Luke can barely stand to talk to Reagan. They do a good job pretending in public and have remained hidden. Reagan still talks to Cam by secure phone. She also secretly checks in on Harper. Reagan notices that Harper is talking about a guy, Mateo, and something seems off about him. Reagan has Cam look into it and he finds out that Mateo's story is fake. Reagan and Luke risk everything to go save Harper in NYC. All three have to go on the run because the Torres' cartel is after them. And it's Christmas. So now, not only is Luke's old life over, but now Harper's is, too.

I was so thrilled to see Harper back again. I loved her so much and she doesn't disappoint in this book. I feel like I relate to her quite a bit and she really added a lot to this book. It focused a lot on Harper and Reagan's friendship and how much you would do to save the people you love. There was also a focus on Reagan's regrets. She realizes how selfish she was being and would do anything to go back and change things. She hates that Luke and Harper are away from their families and in danger. I felt like we saw some growth from her in book three.

There is a lot of fast paced action throughout the book. It made it hard to put down and I flew through it at times. I think the ending was good, too. It feels like it's ok for it to be over, but also could leave things open to continue. Overall, I really liked this one (and the whole series). I gave You Won't See Me Coming 4 1/2 stars (rounded up to 5). Thank you to the publisher for my copy for review for this tour (through Netgalley).

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You Won't See Me Coming is the third book in the Black Angel Chronicles. The series is a definite must read for young adult fans of spy novels and action/adventure books.

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Thank you net galley for the advance read copy of this novel. This was the third in a trilogy and it did not disappoint. I enjoyed the conclusion to the Black Angles story line. The author crafted a YA wonderful story to with all the right elements of suspense, romance, danger. And teens proving themselves. The art for all three covers was wonderful! I can't wait to see where Kristen Orlando takes readers next!

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This is a wonderful conclusion to the Black Angels Chronicles by Kristen Orlando. I was hooked on the first book, You Don't Know My Name, and thrilled to finish the trilogy in a way that stayed true to the magic I found when I read the first novel. Picking up after the second book, You Won't Know I'm Gone, Orlando sets her characters up for a life outside of the Black Angels training that Reagan has known her whole life. After taking care of her mother's killer, she is being hunted and is on the run with Luke, the young man she has a very complicated relationship with. When Reagan realizes that her best friend from the first novel, Harper, is being hunted as well, her training kicks in and she breaks cover to save her. I liked the way that Reagan has been developed over this series. She has real emotions and she doesn't always think things through. Reagan is a believable teenager, except for the whole raised to be in a secret government program. I was very happy with the direction the story took and I was surprised by a few things! Overall this is a great group of books and the final book didn't leave me disappointed... just wanting more of this world! Thank you netgalley for this arc in exchange for my honest review.

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