Member Reviews

It is evident that 2019 will be a great year for me proven by the fact that my first read is without a doubt, five stars. I would like to the thank TorTeen for accepting my request to review this book and myself for making the decision to read this book (I'm so good to myself).
I have been racking my brain for the right words to describe how exhilaratingly brilliant this book is. From the very beginning to the end, I was enthralled by the detailed action-packed of awesomeness this story is. With a strong female at its core the story follows a linear path in telling the story of Isoka as she is recruited by an enemy to on a journey where she meets countless of amazing people for the sake of someone she holds very dear to her. Ship of Smoke and Steel is a fierce read not for the weak minded for it features languages and images that some might find unfitting. Detail, was the strong suit of this story. Nothing was left vacant, from the setting to the fighting scenes, everything was described as it should be creating a clear world.  From the moment I saw this story, I knew that it was meant to be, and I was not disappointed.
The Sixteenth Ward and the Ghost Ship were the only setting that mattered to me. The Sixteenth Ward is were we see Isoka for the first time kicking some butt with her Well magic. The Ghost Ship is were the fun begins. Made completely out of steel and floating on water, The Ghost Ship, arrives rarely and when it does it asks to be given something or more specifically some people. Isoka is sentenced to a time-important mission to do something on the ship and she does not have the luxury to fail. 
Isoka: is a vicious character that does what she must to keep herself and those she hold dear alive. No matter the cost. From the very start, she was someone who held no condolence for those she killed or will kill. She raised herself to be ruthless, so someone who she held dear could grow up in more secure and safer environment. To me, personally I felt that she has a very masculine presence. There is nothing wrong with it, I simply find it interesting since I've never read anything of the sort before.
Meroe: is a southern princess who was sent to the Ghost Ship by her father. She is the light to Isoka's darkness. She brings is the only one who is able to touch Isoka's locked goodness and softness. 
The writing was just as strong and had an edge to it that befitted the story. However, I had an issue with the excessive and just simply annoying use of the words, "rot" and "rut". Please, for the love of goodness STOP using these words. The first time it was used I understand it goes with the diction and all but, no more, please!

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