Member Reviews

This was alright - just alright. Nothing special, and very teen drama-esque. They're friends - oh no, he's in love! Oh no, she's going to ask another guy to prom! A bit of a snooze fest really, but still cute. You can predict everything that's going to happen by reading the book description, but sometimes that's okay!

I really enjoyed this onw. It was a bit slow for me at first. But the more I got through it. The more I really got into it.
It was so cute. And I really enjoyed the character development. It had a little of everything I like in a story

Alex and Bailey are “secret” friends. They hang around outside of school. Alex is a lacrosse player for the high school team. He is also cute, popular and rich. Bailey is the exact opposite. She works two jobs and lives in a travel park. She is by far not a rich popular girl.
We learn fairly early that Bailey wants to be a film producer and is working hard to achieve that (she has her life planned out) while Alex is sort of laid back and no goals or ambitions in life.
The book opens up one month before prom and Alex has decided the only person he wants to go to prom with is Bailey and for the first time he is doing the asking and that is a big deal to Alex because in the past its always been the girl asking Alex to the prom. He is all set to ask her when she blurts out that she needs Alex’s help to do a promposal because he is the Love Guru and if anyone knows anything about promposal its Alex.
Alex decides to struggle through it and help Bailey with the promposal even though its killing him inside. He wants Bailey to be happy but he always wants Bailey. Will all go according to plan or will this blow up in their faces?
Looking back at my prom (many, many, many years ago) you realize how quickly things have changed. I mean back them you either asked or the guy asked, nothing fancy like it is today. How was it when you went to prom?
I really enjoyed reading this and devoured it in one sitting. I will definitely be checking more books out by this author. It was a super fun and cute read. The perfect book to get lost in for a few hours and dream about or think about prom.

One of my favorite tropes is friends to lovers and this book was just that. A really fun and cute love story. I liked the way the characters were reltable. Bailey and Alex are adorable. You are routing for them the entire time. Between the movie references and the promposal this book has you laughing. If you are looking for a sweet romance with lovable characters this one is for you!

Loved reading this! I wasn't sure what to expect, but this book is so much more than I first thought! So good!

Entangled Publishing is definitely the best published that published a wonderful book that makes me a reader's heads over heel on every book I read. I will get swoony with all the characters and this Love and Other Secrets are one of the cute and sweet reading and that put a smile on my face for the entire reading.
Alex met Bailey at the check out counter and that's the beginning of their friendship. Alex's friendship with Bailey is a secret. He wants Bailey all to himself. When the prom night is approaching, he ready to invite Bailey as his date, however, it was cut off when Bailey decided to a promposal for Alex's friend. His reluctant but he goes with the plan to help Bailey but he can no longer hide his feeling for Bailey anymore.
I love Christina Mandelski's writing and I am so looking forward to her next book. Love and Other Secrets is a sweet, cute and makes you swoon all over the story. I really do enjoy my reading.
4.5 stars

Oh, this was so much fun! All of my favorite tropes in one, plus hockey and ridiculous high school shenanigans.

This is book 2 in a series but it is a stand alone novel. I thought this was a fun, cute YA read centered around two friends creating a prom-posal. This was a super fast and easy read that kept me engaged the entire time.

Rating: 3.5/5 Penguins
Quick Reasons: cute, swoon-worthy, adorably nauseating; so much teenage angst!; I still don't understand the whole "prom-posal" thing, but I was never prom-posed to, so that makes sense I suppose; as happens with teenagers, things got a little overly dramatic
HUGE thanks to Christina Mandelski, Entangled Publishing, LLC (Crush), and Netgalley for sending a free egalley of this title my way in exchange for an honest review! This in no way altered my opinions on or read of this book.
Jiminy Christmas. My mother says that all the time, and oh my God, it fits right now. I have just been hoisted onto the back of a real live cow.
I'm wearing the hat, a bandana around my neck, and the vest. Yes, he left the vest, and I put it on. All the while I'm trying to hang onto the two pieces of poster board that ask the question. O'Dell holds the rope that's attached to the cow's mouth, but I'm uncomfortable. I'm hot as hell in this flannel shirt, and I probably should have worn jeans because the inside of my legs are itching like crazy. I don't think I'm allergic to cow, but I've never been this close to one, so how do I know?
As with all lovestruck teenage romances, this title was filled with angst. Having met these characters--however briefly--in a previous novel, I was super excited about sitting down with them again, to get to know them better. I was not overly disappointed--Christina Mandelski did them, and their own relationship struggles, just as much justice.
As much as I love my teenage angst, however, there were some more serious subjects touched upon here. Bullying was the biggest of them, though the author handled it with grace and aplomb. The "prom-posal" aspect seems a little ridiculous to me--mostly because that wasn't really a thing when I was in high school. In fact, the guy who asked me to go didn't actually ask me. I*** said somthing (in a note!!! I might add) about prom, and he was all, "Yeah, we could totally go together if you want. I guess." (Guys, amiright?!)
I have no business going anywhere with someone so hot.
"You look--" I begin, after hugging her mom and shaking hands with her father, who is nice to me but also looks like he might want to kill me. I can't think of a word that fits how Bailey looks. "Like a movie star," I finally finish.
Overall, this was super cutesy and quick to read. I really enjoyed getting to know these characters a little bit better, in their own story, not as side characters in someone else's romance. The "prom-posal" aspect brought a fun and interesting twist to the teenage angst, though I don't fully understand it myself. I'd definitely recommend the read to lovers of high school romances, drama, and contemporaries. Now tell me--how was YOUR first kiss, Penguins?

I love reading light and fluffy teen romances and Entangled Teen Crush books never fail to win me over. They’re delightfully adorable, swoony, and just really fun to read. Love and Other Secrets was no exception and certainly had me feeling the FEELS.
I enjoyed Christina Mandelski’s “The First Kiss Hypothesis,” so I was really excited when I read the blurb for Love and Other Secrets. With promposals, stolen kisses, slow dancing, and cuddling with your secret best friend, I couldn’t wait for the swoons, butterflies, and heart melting moments. There were definitely many of those, but what I liked the most about this book was the nostalgic feeling I got while reading -- going through all the emotions, heartbreaks, and confusion as a teenager dealing with falling in love for the first time was bittersweet and relatable.
Let me back track for a second. I actually requested for this book (because of the synopsis) and was also invited to review it. I also joined a blog tour, but unfortunately had to back out cause of something personal that happened. I don't want to get into details about why I took a hiatus, but Love and Other Secrets was a lovely pick-me-upper. I wasn't in the mood for anything too heavy or serious so this book was exactly what I needed to get back into reading. I just wanted a nice little fun escape to make me feel happy... and this book did that. It was a wonderfully cute and entertaining friends to lovers story that made me smile, laugh and aww. And when a book does that, well, that book's pretty much a big YASSS for me.
Now let me get into what else I liked about this book. The writing style was easy to read so I breezed through this fairly quick. Both the POVs were really great too, but I definitely had more fun getting into Alex’s head… even though I did want to slap him a few times. The storyline was enjoyable with plenty of sweet surprises. I thought Alex and Bailey were likable, charming, and just so adorable together. I loved their frustrating, but undeniably cute chemistry. Yes, I got annoyed a few times with all the drama and miscommunication between them, but that never stopped me from rooting for Alex and Bailey to have their HEA. I thought the promposals were outrageous, but so hilarious to read about. LOVED LOVED LOVED the ending! It was satisfyingly heartwarming I couldn’t stop smiling. So, yes... I absolutely had an awesome time reading this story and cannot wait for the next installment. (Crossing my fingers for it to be about Caleb).
Love and Other Secrets by Christina Mandelski was a quick, funny, and somewhat cheesy read, but overall a fantastically cute story from start to finish. If you’re looking for a best friends to lovers YA romance that involves some crazy promposals and plenty of swoons, or just want to read something entertainingly adorable, then I think this is the perfect book date for you.
I received an advanced reader copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts, swoons, and opinions are my own.

Tw: underage drinking, neglectful parents
As I read books about teenagers falling in love, I've come to the realization that I am old as hell. Everything that happened in this book could have easily been solved if these two teens JUST COMMUNICATED. Don't get me wrong, the tension and drama makes for excellent stories but good lord. Halfway through the book, I was just begging for the release of the tension and just begging for them to do something. ANYTHING.
Alex and Bailey's lack of communication certainly made for an interesting story, as I mentioned above. But holy hell, it was starting to get so irritating. It was obvious they both really liked each other. They were super flirty with each other and everything but they just couldn't see it. Everybody else could so it but them. I wanted to shake them.
Another reason why this book reminded me of my age was the theme of promposal. The entire book was about Bailey's film project, which was about promposals. Back when I was in school, we didn't do promposals. We just asked the person if they wanted to go with us and they either said yes or no. It was interesting to see how the times have changed since I was in school.
Maybe I should talk about the actual book and not my age. I loved that Bailey was so interested in film. Her aspiration was so amazing. She saw a lack of women film directors and wanted to change that. I hope teen girls see that and become inspired to go beyond the “gender boundaries” in jobs.
Overall, this was good. It is part of the First Kiss Hypothesis world. But honestly, it could be read as a stand alone. If you are into tension and cute love stories, then this is the book for you!

This book was ok, but I felt like it sent some conflicting messages. It did feel a little cheesy and the love triangle seemed almost forced. Who decides randomly to ask a guy to go to prom and who decides that "asking" means more? Maybe it would appeal more to junior high age.
I received an advance reader copy in exchange for a fair review.

Cute YA romance. A little younger than I usually read, but still cute, It is a nice change to my reading.

A friends who are in love with each other but deny it book. As with books like this there is a feel good ending that makes you smile. The plot is fluffy and well known but it doesn't matter. The characters are perfect for each other and you can't wait for the happily ever after.
A perfect read for a anyone who wants something cute, happy, and just plain adorable.

Love and Other Secrets tells the story of Alex and Bailey. Alex’s been in love with his best friend Bailey for such a long time that he’s finally going to ask her to prom. Bailey is determined to make an amazing promposal film for the NYU application and she’ll need Alex’ help to prompose to someone…
Love and Other Secrets is your typical best friends who are in love with each other but deny it. I still like reading these books because I’ve been in love with my best friend for such a long time and now we’ve been together for 4.5 years. It always reminds me of my own relationship and that’s why I’m always attracted to books like Love and Other Secrets.
I really liked Alex and Bailey. They’re both so different, but they are still perfect for each other. Bailey is such a lovely character, and I can relate to her in so many ways. And Alex is not just your typical jock because he has a soft side that only Bailey knows of.
Love and Other Secrets is the perfect book for when you’re into a best friend romance and a happy ending!

I love reading YA high school romances, so when I saw that this one was going to come out soon, I just knew that I had to read it!
Bailey was such a unique character. She wasn’t rich and worked two jobs to save up for college and film equipment. She had dreams to win awards for her films in the future, but to get there she must succeed at winning an award for a short film and getting into a local film festival. At first, she doesn’t think anything of just finding someone to ask out for prom. But then, she realizes that a promposal is harder than she thinks, especially when she can barely string a sentence together around the person that she wants to ask.
I thought that the main plot of this book could have been solved simply by Alex and Bailey really communicating with each other and discussing their feelings. They both liked each other, but Alex just thought that Bailey wouldn’t go with him and Bailey thought the same thing about Alex. It was really a lot of dancing around, even though people around them thought that they had been dating from the start. Some parts of the novel that I can’t say because of spoilers had me facepalming because the conflict could have completely been avoided had they spoken to each other. This had me just laughing at times and cringing at others.
The only thing that irritated me was when both Bailey and Alex’s relationships with their parents were shown. Alex was upset with his parents because they always left him to go on their own adventures. But then, later in the novel, he says that he went on vacations to other countries with them sometimes. He never even really gave them the chance to be nice to him, as he was constantly hostile, even when his mom was trying to be nice to Bailey. He even got mad when he got in trouble and they tried to “parent” him, saying that they had never been there before. So which is true? Were they never in his life and just left him at home as they traveled, or were they in his life sometimes and sometimes took him on their travels? Then, Bailey introduced Alex to her parents, and she was also hostile to them. Was this just a theme in this book? Hate your parents for just…existing? Her parents were poor, but they did care about her and did try to provide for her in their own way. They even had a weekly movie night with her, which was really sweet. This was the one thing that kinda turned me off the story.
Besides this hiccup, the overall story was pretty enjoyable! I even ended up liking the people who were supposed to be “villains”. It just seemed to be a realistic YA romance novel that could be relatable to actual YA readers. I also liked that the romance stayed clean, which means that young YA fans could still read it!
I would recommend this to any YA fans looking for a romance novel of decent length revolving around getting ready for Prom.
I received an advance copy of this novel and this is my voluntary review.

Alex and Bailey are friends outside of school. He's a popular, rich lacrosse player. She works hard to afford everything and is very smart.
Bailey wants to make a prom proposal film for her project to get into film school. She asks Alex to help her make this promposal film but to ask a different guy. Alex wanted to ask Bailey and now has to help her ask someone else...
This is a cute YA light read. I do wish that their friendship was explained a little more to get a better connection with the characters but overall I enjoyed reading this book.

Another amazing sweet romance! Christina Mandelski is a new author to me, but I enjoyed her writing and her take on romance. Love and Other Secrets was a quick read. I've read it at least four times by now.
Thank you Entangled Teen (Crush) and Netgalley for the reading opportunity!!

Alex/Kov and Bailey were so stinking cute together. I thought this story was so relatable for teens and also enjoyable to adults. Why was there no Alex at my school when I was in high school?

I think I loved this book even more than The First KISS Hypothosis. The characters were wonderful, just like they were in First Kiss, and the story was nicely original. The characters had so much backstory that they felt like real people, and Koz was the perfect hero for this story. If you liked First Kiss Hypothesis, you will LOVE this book!