Member Reviews

The devil's lieutenant by Shervin Jamili.
This was an absolutely fantastic read. I loved Michael's character. Cant wait for more to come. 5*.

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Painful. The writing was impossible to read. I dislike first person anyway but it was stilted, jerky, and had very little flow. The jumping around between scenes did my head in and I couldn't get past the second chapter. Concept great, shame about the writing.

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I noticed this book on NetGalley classed under ‘Mystery and Thrillers’ and, although there was the following warning: ‘Graphic violence and profanity included’ I somehow didn’t pick it up. So, if you do decide to read this novella please take this into consideration otherwise it may come as a bit of a shock.

Nevertheless, once I started reading I was hooked because even though this is quite violent both in action and language it is a fascinating storyline with quite a heart wrenching tale. Well written, with good plotting and a nice twist at the end which I really liked.

Michael, the main protagonist, is not portrayed as a loveable character he is after all working for the Devil and committing terrible deeds but, by the end of the story, you will understand why he became what he did and why he did what he did. For all that he is in a very tough place and when the end is revealed well you may – perhaps, even will – sympathise, but can you agree? It’s a bit of a quandary and maybe the real mystery of this story.

It is fast-paced, gripping and a quick read this is not for the faint hearted but it’s not a scary book. Things in this book are not always what they seem and it challenges your way of thinking, it shows you that ‘judging a book by its cover’, as the saying goes, isn’t always the right thing to do. Although the cover of this book is terrific, don’t you agree?

I would like to thank Books Go Social for an eBook of The Devil’s Lieutenant via NetGalley in return for an honest review. I have not received any payment in relation to my review.

Rating: 3.5*

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Fun quick read. Great story with a nice little twist. Creepy, yet not too scary. I received a copy free from Netgalley, but my review is my own.

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The Devil's Lieutenant is a fast-paced, quick read, coming in at about an hour's read time. The story is pretty straight-forward and nothing that hasn't been done before, which didn't leave much in the way of surprises. There are a couple of interesting twists, but again, it's almost impossible not to see them coming. The chapters hop back and forth through roughly fifteen years of Michael's life. That time jumps wouldn't be a big deal, but given the length of the book, that style was more a disservice to the story than any benefit in my opinion. The biggest drawback for me was the lack of depth. Taken at face value, the book is an entertaining read and a decent way to while away an hour or so, but I came away wishing there were more to it. Be forewarned: the story is graphic and there are parts that hard to take.

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The author penned a modern-day supernatural thriller that dates back to early childhood and played to our worst of fears. Only now I’m too old to seek safety hidden under the covers. The graphic scenes took me on a guided path through the menacing hallways of a tortured mind consumed with evil. It was time to buckle up for a rough ride.

Lucifer walks among us and made his presence known to someone he could easily manipulate, Michael. But then again, he could easily manipulate anyone. The main protagonist was clearly defined.

It was only five years ago when Michael, a police officer, walked in to find his wife with a gun in her hand kneeling over their murdered son, Eli. She began to raise the weapon and without hesitation he drew his backup piece and shot her in the forehead killing her instantly. From that moment on, life as he had come to know came to a screeching halt.

The only form of solace he could find would be in the familiar mind-numbing brown liquid inside a bottle. Deep down, he knew all too well, his never-ending grief could never be drunkenly washed away. Every day was one tortured moment after another. This was no way to live. It was only a matter of time until he ate a bullet.

Then one day in a typical blind drunken stupor, he was visited by Lucifer. At first, he thought he was having a hallucination. Even in his inebriated state, the king of Hell convinced him that he was indeed the devil. With the wave of his hand, Michael was instantly sober. That made a believer out of him.

Satan produced a crystal ball right there in the kitchen and showed him the pain and suffering his wife and child were going through in the bowels of hell. It was one endless, tormenting moment after another. Turning his head, he could not bear to watch and said he'd do anything to get them released, sent to heaven. It was just what the devil wanted to hear.

This brought a broad smile across Satan's face. In return, he offered Michael a way out. Of course, there’d be many strings attached. He knew his human sufferer would do anything to secure his family's timely release. Anything.

Michael was tasked to commit abominable acts upon his fellow man that in his wildest dreams he would never consider doing. He agreed to do them on blind faith not knowing if the devil would honor their agreement. There was only one way to find out. As far as he was concerned, he had no choice. Let the savagery begin.

I extend my thanks to NetGalley and BooksGoSocial for this digital edition in exchange for an unbiased review.

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The writing style was confusing in the beginning but, I was able to grasp better as it went on, I am referring to the flashbacks.
The book is dark and depressing with a lot of questionable language and deaths.
Not my style, sorry.

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The theme of someone working for the devil and/or getting in some way involved in a fight between light and dark powers has been done and done and done some more. This random novella found on Netgalley brings nothing new to the table, but it does its take on the subject fairly decently, if only all too predictably. Gee wiz, who can a guy named Michael with a wings tattooed on his back and a convenient amnesia be? And should he really be making deals with the devil? Well, he does, he can’t help himself, the immortal souls of his dead wife and child are on the line. So he becomes a contract killer, but it’s never the good guys, clean conscience all the way, although not without moral qualms. And then there’s a showdown of sorts and then it’s left up for the sequel. So really just a tease, but it’s pretty much ok for quick (60 minutes at most) mindless entertainment if you don’t expect too much and in the mood for something like thriller with a supernatural angle. Thanks Netgalley.

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Thankyou to NetGalley, BooksGoSocial and Shervin Jamali for the opportunity to read and review a copy of The Devil's Lieutenant.
First of all, I love the cover of the book. It grabbed my attention before I even read the description which only further drew me in. I was blown away.
The storyline was well thought out and vastly different from anything I have read in the past. I absolutely loved it.
This book has action right from the first page and has plenty of twists to keep the reader engrossed. I have also purchased the next book in the series.
Definitely well worth a read.

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I believe it was a good read. But I think it was not my cup of tea. I have many thoughts about the twists of this story. It is very short storyline.

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