Member Reviews

Okay, this is one of those books you should read straight through. There are a lot of different characters involved in a lot of different ways, but it's all wound together so well and becomes clear as the book ends. I appreciated getting to see the after scenes, and also having an opportunity to hear from the one person who could explain in detail what actually happened (keeping my review vague so I don't have to mark for spoilers!).

I really liked this!

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What an addicting read! I absolutely LOVED this book! I found myself hooked from the first page and trying to figure out who was telling the truth and what really happened. Such an intriguing story!

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Be careful who is watching you. All towns have their secrets, some more than others. This is the story of a town and it's people, all with secrets of their own to hide. How does murder in the present connect with a supposed suicide in the past. The trail form there to here is certainly tangled and it seems everyone is wrapped up in it.
This book had me blowing through pages to get to the bottom of things and Lisa Jewell ties it all up nicely for you in the end. An intriguing read for sure.

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Lisa Jewell has proven to me several times over that she’s a force to be reckoned with, there is something utterly intoxicating about her writing style that just captures my attention from beginning to end and this was no different. The premise/title combo appealed to me greatly, nothing really creeps me out more than thinking about being watched or stalked and once I really got into this one and realized who was watching whom I was completely hooked!

There are quite a few characters here and it’s told from their various perspectives, but there’s not so many that I couldn’t keep track of who was who. It opens with a murder, a sure fire way to reel me in and throughout the book there are transcripts from police interviews with the residents of the neighborhood. It was a clever tool and one that I appreciated, it was interesting to see what each person would reveal in their interview as they all had secrets they were desperate to keep.

I don’t like to discuss the plot of Jewell’s books too much because she writes such intricate books that are best discovered on your own as you read them. I will say that this one did focus on obsession, betrayal, lies and paranoia and what a killer combination that turned out to be in the end. Jewell is a fantastic writer who writes about domestic strife like no other, this is sure to be another hit!

Watching You in three words: Obsessive, Gripping and Complex.

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I have high standards for thrillers and Lisa Jewell never fails to disappoint. In recent years, thrillers have become more and more popular, with publishers cashing in on the Gone Girl and Girl on the Train phase. This has lead to a genre that is inundated with cookie cutter plots and overly dramatic characters. It is hard to find a quality read that is so engrossing it is impossible to put down. Lisa Jewell’s Watching You is certainly a quality read. Focusing on the residents of a single neighbourhood, Melville Heights, these characters give a whole new meaning to the term “nosy neighbours” Every resident is hiding their own secret, while they are carefully watching each other. It is a creepy thought, the idea of your neighbours watching you a little to closely.

Lisa Jewell is a very talented writer. She gives away just enough information at the exact right moment to keep you guessing until the very end. Watching You is the third novel by Jewell that I have read and what I love about them is that the plot and the characters are completely different in each novel. She creates unique stories that are very thrilling, yet believable at the same time. Her characters are flawed, but not in an exaggerated way. They are relatable, so that even though you mat not like them, you can understand them. I will eagerly await her novel book!

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Normally with my reviews I share the synopsis of the book, but I’m not going to do that for this one. I do have a warning, though. Apparently the edition I marked as “Want to Read” on Goodreads was the one edition that had a very inaccurate synopsis. It very clearly stated which character is murdered, however that character is not the victim. I was kind of livid about this synopsis and couldn’t understand why no other review I found was complaining about it. And then after checking 3 different book seller sites and the other editions of the book on Goodreads, I realized this was the only place I could find this wrong synopsis. So my warning to you, don’t read the synopsis on Goodreads in case you get the wrong edition (though I’m hoping this will be corrected before the book is published).

Ok, now that my little PSA is done, let’s get on to the book. Watching You follows the intertwined lives of residents in a small English town. Joey is kind of a hot mess who moves in with her brother and sister-in-law when she returns home with a new husband in tow. When she first notices her neighbor, charming and charismatic Tom, she develops an instant crush. Freddie is Tom’s son and he likes to spend his time watching and keeping tabs on the townspeople from his bedroom window. He doesn’t believe his father is the great man everyone in town seems to think he is. Jenna is a student at Tom’s school. Her best friend has a crush on Tom and Jenna finds his interactions with her friend a little inappropriate. Additionally, her mother has paranoid delusions that Tom has initiated gang stalking of her and wants everyone in town to know what a fraud he is.

I’ve read some reviews that said there were way too many people to keep track of in this book, but I have to disagree. I did not have trouble keeping the characters straight at all. Jewell is excellent when it comes to writing character development and that skill is on full display here. However, I do have to say that I did have kind of a hard time connecting to any of the characters. I didn’t feel a real attachment to any of them. I wanted to find out what happened, plot-wise, but didn’t care that much about what kind of fall out the characters faced. There were a couple of side character I did enjoy, though. Joey’s brother, Jack, and her husband, Alfie, were both really sweet. I wouldn’t have minded getting to see more of them.

Overall, Watching You kept me turning the pages, but the mystery was not as satisfying as I hoped it would be. I did like how the story showed how easily our personal perceptions could be wrong and Jewel’s writing is always enjoyable. I just felt like the conclusion was a little lackluster and the book didn’t have much of the creepy “You’re being watched” vibe that I was expecting. I also think that my overall feelings for the book were negatively impacted by that incorrect synopsis I read. I still recommend this one to Lisa Jewell fans, though, and fans of character-driven mysteries.

Overall Rating (out of 5): 3 Stars

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Do you ever get the feeling that you're being watched?

Watching You by Lisa Jewell takes place in one of the nicest neighborhoods in Bristol, England. However, there are cracks beneath the polished veneer of the houses. Each of the neighbors has their own secrets and their own agendas. What goes on behind the closed doors of Melville Heights will make you wonder what's happening in your own neighborhood.

Watching You is the second novel that I have read by Lisa Jewell, the first being The Girls in the Garden. Watching You is one of those slow burn psychological thrillers. Throughout the beginning of the story, we are introduced to a myriad of different characters, and each of their perspectives helps the story unfold. At first, I kept getting the characters confused, which made the first part of the novel a little "clunky" for me. The characters live in a place where neighbors keep an eye on each other, and that's not always a good thing. Nothing is quite as it seems, and as the story progresses, the characters grow increasingly suspicious. As the plot begins to unravel, the tension builds in a twist that you won't see coming. Watching You will be out in just a few days, so make sure you add it to your TBR! This one gets ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 from me. Thanks again @netgalley and @lisajewelluk for the digital copy of this book!

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For some reason all the women are infatuated with the chubby middle-aged headmaster brought in to fix the local school. This includes a newlywed neighbor and a young female student. Others, like the crazy woman across the street and her daughter, don't like or trust the headmaster. The whole situation comes to a head when there is a murder in this well-to-do neighborhood. Once again Ms. Jewell brings together a twisted puzzle to keep readers guessing. For me, sadly, one of the guessing was which character was which. There were too many female characters whose first names started with "J." There are 26 letters in the alphabet. Unless it is a plot device, I do not understand why so many people had to have names starting with the same letter. But that is a minor pet peeve when the story is so good!

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“Watching You” is a new mystery thriller by Lisa Jewell. The book starts with a murder in a town in England where the residents all seem to be watching each other. Joey and her husband, Alfie, have just moved in with her brother Jack and his wife Rebecca. They live in a cute neighborhood, two doors down from the Fitzwilliam’s, a husband and wife and their teenage son. Mr. Fitzwilliam, is the headmaster of a school, and it seems that everyone is infatuated with him, including Joey and some of the students at his school. His young wife, Nicola, seems to only care about him and running. Freddie, their son, is obsessed with watching everyone and everything going on in their neighborhood.

As the book progresses, we find many more of the residents watching each other, and trying to uncover what is going on in their small town. We know the police are interrogating some of the key players, but we don’t find out until close to the end who was murdered. It was pretty obvious to me who the murdered was when a key detail is given by them to another character. I just wasn’t sure which person they murdered which kept me interested and intrigued.

This is the first book I’ve read by Lisa Jewell, and definitely will read others by her. It was very well written, the chapters were not too long, and the pace was great. I like how it was told by multiple points of view which helped us to have a better understanding of the characters and what motivates them.

Thank you NetGalley and Atria Books for providing me an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you to Atria Books for the free advanced reader's copy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.

This mystery set in Bristol, England begins with a murder scene and then jumps back to a few months before the crime took place. Someone has been killed in the kitchen of a beautiful painted house in the neighborhood of Melville Heights, a place where the facade of fanciness and beauty hides sinister secrets. The narrative switches between the perspectives of multiple people in the same neighborhood and builds up to the night of the crime, and as the stories weave together the characters simultaneously unravel.

I love that this story gives a lens into each character’s perspective while keeping secrets in the right moments and unveiling information at a steady pace. While the end wasn’t shocking, the numerous red herrings had my mind scattered and curious throughout the whole book. I found this story and its characters a lot more engaging than the other book that I’ve read by this author (Then She Was Gone), and I would highly recommend it! This book comes out on December 26th.

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Thank you to Atria Books and Netgalley for the advanced ARC in exchange for my honest thoughts.

This is my first Lisa Jewell book, but I will definitely read her again. This is a fast-moving narrative that forces you to constantly question perceptions and how we understand others. We are introduced to a handful of characters who all put on performances for the people in their lives--just like we all do in real-life. I enjoyed the speculation Jewell makes you undertake while evaluating each character. We know on the first page that someone dies, but we don't know until the end who it was.

My one small criticism is that I do wish the culprit wouldn't have been given away so soon. Normally I say I don't mind knowing who the bad guy or gal is early on, but I would have preferred to have known a little less here; I figured out the culprit very early on. I will say, though, I still had questions that I had to read to the end to find the answers to.

A good, solid read; a page turner. This will make you re-consider how well you know those around you and how you project yourselves to others.

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I absolutely love all of Lisa Jewell’s books, so when I got accepted for watching you I was very excited and happy. I thought this one was a dark suspenseful read and had some good twists I wasn't expecting and such diverse characters with all different personalities all mixed into the intricate plot.

I loved how throughout the book there was added police interviews and it really makes you start trying to do your own little investigating and trying to figure out who the killer is.

Watching you was definitely a mesmerizing tale of murder that is so enthralling and keeps you on the edge of your seat. It was mysterious, dark, suspenseful, and overall just mind-blowing. Lisa did a phenomenal job with her plot, characters and writing.

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Lisa jewel keeps you on the edge of your sssg till the very last second! She creates characters with their universe and it's so distinct, you feel like you're living inside the narration. Watching you was very enjoyable. I liked it more than the girls in the garden but I don't know if it topped Then she was gone. It was great nonetheless.

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Thank you Atria & NetGalley for the advanced copy of this book - all opinions are my own.

I am a huge Lisa Jewell fan, so I was excited to dive into this new book by her - and I was NOT disappointed. Fast paced, twisting, cleverly diabolical - I devoured this in one sitting without pause.

Lisa does the most incredible work creating characters who are grounded perfectly in reality, with flaws and weaknesses that are completely believable and let the reader fully by into the cast of the story. I completely loved how this story moved from character to character, slowly unravelling the events that lead to the murdered body in the kitchen, while constantly causing me to second guess who that body might belong to, and who put it there.

I spent the entire time reading, convinced I had it figured out, and convinced I had the characters pinned down only to find again and again that I was wrong. I loved it - I love a book that will surprise me.

I won't reveal even a single hint of a spoiler, other than to say that mystery lovers need to have this one on their TBR this winter - it is the perfect book to cozy up with on a snowy afternoon. Lisa Jewell remains a force to be reckoned with.

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Watching You was an excellent read! I loved it! Thrilling and suspenseful, this book will have you guessing until the end. Full of unexpected twists and an unbelievable ending. I loved Joey, a relatable character that rings true. I thought all the characters were great and the story mesmerizing. I enjoyed this Authors writing and I'm looking forward to reading more of her books.

I give Watching You 5 stars for its Thrilling read.
I would recommend this book to fans of Suspense and Thrillers.

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Ever have that feeling someone is watching you?

Lisa Jewell has done it again. She’s given us the perfect thriller guaranteed to keep you guessing right to the end!

Joey and her husband Alfie move in with her brother Jack and his wife Rebecca. It was intended to be temporary stay - just long enough for the newlyweds to get their feet under them.

Down the street is the new headmaster Tom Fitzwilliam, specifically brought in to rescue the local school from looming disaster. Tom is charismatic, charming, suave...well you get the picture! He makes all the ladies swoon. As well as some of the school girls too.

Tom’s son Freddie is a self-proclaimed spy. He patiently watches, snapping photos of everyone on his block, all from the comfort of his second floor window. And make no mistake…no one escapes his eye! So exactly what does he see from his perch? Is he canvasing the neighborhood watching, searching for something specific?

Paranoia is settling in as everyone on this block is keeping a wary eye on someone else. Maybe for good reason. Everyone also has something to hide. You feel the tension building and sense it’s all leading to a murder in this quaint neighborhood. But who is the murderer? More importantly, who’s the victim?

Lisa Jewell has the perfect recipe to add just enough intrigue and red herrings to keep you glued to the pages trying to fit all the pieces of the puzzle together! Another fantastic thriller by this author and I cannot wait to read her next!

A super thrilling buddy read with Susanne!☃️

Thank you to NetGalley, Atria Books and Lisa Jewell for an ARC to read and review

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Thank you for the opportunity to review "Watching You"! See below for my review:

“Watching You” is a mystery/thriller that plays with perspective in a really clever way. A key theme in this story is the idea that we think we can know what other people’s lives are like just through observations of them. A second key theme is that these observations are often wrong!

“Watching You” follows several different story threads, centered around the enigmatic Tom Fitzwilliam (one of those “women want him, men want to be him” types). A the story unfolds, you think you know where things are going. As it unfolds further, you realize that the main characters’ assumptions (and likely your own) aren’t always completely accurate. The story definitely kept me guessing right up until the very end.

I’ve seen some mixed reviews of this book, with some readers feeling that the twists didn’t make sense or came out of nowhere. I think those are somewhat valid criticisms, and I honesty struggled a lot to come to my rating for this book. At the end of the day, I was really drawn into the story and was still thinking about the book days after finishing it. For me, those are key signs that I ultimately enjoyed the book. Despite some of the flaws in this story, fans of the mystery/thriller genre will (probably) (hopefully) still enjoy it.

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Awesome thriller that proves you shouldn't judge someone you don't know just by watching them! I read it in two days and this is my first Lisa Jewell book but won't be my last!

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The neighbors in Melville Heights are extremely alert, and everyone seems to be "watching you." Even though Joey is a newlywed (married to Alfie), she has a major crush on her neighbor, Tom (who is married to Nicola). Their teen son, Freddie, spies on his neighbors, taking photos and logging everything he sees. Another neighbor, Frances, insists that others are watching her but should her teen daughter, Jenna, believe her, or is her mom's paranoia out of control? And, what about Joey's brother, Jack, and his wife, Rebecca, who also live on the street? Are they watching anyone?

The story opens with a murder, so the reader is left wondering, who was murdered and why?

As each new character is introduced, the suspense continues to build, and the short chapters totally tricked me into reading one more, just one more, until it was the middle of the night. For the last quarter, I found myself flipping the pages even more frantically because I had to know what happened and why. Even though I guessed who was dead and why, it didn't spoil my overall enjoyment, and I definitely didn't guess the final twist at the very end. Yikes.

I would highly recommend this one for fans of a suspenseful, twisty tale. If you'd like to read more from this author, I'd recommend Then She Was Gone (4 stars), which I read and loved.

I received an advance copy of this book from BookishFirst. All opinions are my own.

Location: Bristol, England

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This is the first book I have read by Lisa Jewell, an I liked it so much, that I want to read more of her books in the future. This book was a psychological thriller in a way, a murder mystery, and very creepy and scary at times.

This book takes place in a nice community where murder has never happened before, so it causes quite a stir. There are so many good characters and the murder takes place at the beginning of the book, so as I got to know all the characters, different families, teens and the main characters what is unveiled is a shocking plot that started years ago, and now has been fulfilled by the killing of the school director's wife!

On top of this there are subplots running through this story as well, and no one is immune to these plots not, even some of the teens that live there, as they are all affected in some way or another.

Then at the end, which I had no idea was coming, the murder, who was behind it and what caused this terrible event to happen was way off my radar, but made sense!

I loved this book and gave it five psychological stars!

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