Member Reviews

Although I had a little difficulty following all the characters and the back and forth, I found the storyline interesting and compelling. And I certainly didn’t guess the ending, or at least the last chapter. A hit for Lisa Jewel for sure. Thank you for the opportunity to read it!

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Watching You by Lisa Jewell is a quick reading edge of your seat psychological suspense thriller that will leave you guessing right up to the very end of the novel. This book has murder, mystery, intrigue, and suspense all woven together into a fast-paced read. Joey is living with her brother and his family in a nice neighborhood. She's newly married and is trying to figure out how to become the adult she knows she should be. She becomes infatuated w/her neighbor, Tom. This infatuation will lead to an explosive and possibly life-altering evening. Read and enjoy!

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Ms. Jewell has done it again! Another well written fast paced page turner that literally keeps you on your feet. Every time I even remotely thought I knew where this book was headed Ms. Jewell did what she does and showed me how wrong I was. If you are a fan of Lisa Jewell, you will not be disappointed, if you've never read Lisa Jewell buckle up for a fantastic ridge. Enjoy!! I received an advance copy of Watching You curtsey of NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thanks once again for the fantastic opportunity.

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I made the worst mistake as a book reviewer. I read this, then got busy and didn't write this review for a couple of weeks. So as much as I enjoyed this book, I am struggling to remember its details. That doesn't mean I didn't like it, but I guess it wasn't a story that sticks with you long after you read it.
Watching You kept my attention, and it did keep me guessing until the end. In truth, I struggled a bit with some of the decisions characters made, which seemed dumb. But I know that as a writer, your characters need to do dumb things to further the plot line. All in all, it was a good book with a twisty plotline that I really enjoyed. Don't let my short review make you think otherwise.

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4.5 stars

Watching you is a fabulous title for this book. I grew up in a community where neighbors kept an eye out for others. They also knew your business and you knew theirs - at least you thought you did! So, what happens when a new family moves into your quiet, safe neighborhood? What is their story? What are they up to? Tom Fitzwilliam is an educator who frequently moves his family from town to town as his job involves coming into troubled schools and "fixing" them. His wife, Nicola, is a frequent runner and his son, Freddie, enjoys taking pictures of his neighbors and "watching" them from his room. When they move into the tight community of Melville Heights, Bristol, all eyes are on them!

Joey and her husband, Alfie, recently moved in with her brother, Jack and wife, Rebecca, who reside two doors down from the Fitzwilliam family. Joey quickly develops a crush on Tom Fitzwilliam. He has confidence and swagger which intrigues both men and women. Jenna, who lives in the neighborhood, is a student at Tom's school and she is not impressed with Tom Fitzwilliam at all. He is a little too friendly with her best friend, Bess, who also has a crush on Mr. Fitzwilliam. Complicating things for Jenna is the fact that her mother is also obsessed with Mr. Fitzwilliam.

So, what is Tom Fitzwilliam's story? Could the rumors about him be true? Is he the victim of vicious rumors? What is it about him that makes him so appealing to others?

This book starts strong and immediately drew me in. Someone has been murdered in the beginning and the reader does not know who or the motive behind the murder. I love when I get to put on my super sleuth hat and attempt to figure out what is going on in a book. Jewell did not disappoint. She provided interesting characters - some more likable than others and presents us with information and rumors which kept me guessing and turning the pages. This book is told through various POV's and through police transcripts. This really worked for me and I was determined to figure out just whodunit and why. I did figure out the ending, but it did not hamper my enjoyment of the book at all. There are a lot of characters in this book, but I found it was easy to keep track of them. Each has his/her own purpose in this book. I enjoyed how this book looked at obsession, attraction and how our personal thoughts/emotions/perceptions shape how we think, react, and the interpretations we make based upon what we see and hear.

I was captivated by the story and enjoyed how the plot unfolded at a nice pace. I found this book to be a fast read, with its revelations, twists, turns and aha moments.

Thank you to Atria Books and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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This book was a complete page turner. It had me guessing until the end. I completely devoured it and went looking for other books by this author!

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I received a free e-copy of Watching You by Lisa Jewell from NetGalley for my honest review.

An amazing, gripping, edge-of-your seat thriller that is sure to please. A gripping read that will have you up all night and wishing it would never end.

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Lisa Jewell’s latest, Watching You, is set in an upscale English neighborhood where everyone knows everyone and someone is always watching. When one of the resident’s is found murdered, the police are called to investigate. In doing so, they discover the long buried secrets of people who are not who we think they are. Told from multiple viewpoints and alternating between past and present.

Lisa Jewell is one of my favorite suspense writers. Her works consistently have an easy flow to them as well as being fast-paced and suspenseful. This was no exception. The many personalities of the multiple characters were well-described and enticing and there was an unexpected twist at the end. 4 stars!

Many thanks to Netgalley, Atria Books and Lisa Jewell for my complimentary e-copy ARC in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

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From the beginning Lisa Jewel’s new book Watching you had me captured. I love her writing and how she develops the characters in her books. I wanted to know where this book was going with the twist and turns it keeps you guessing. Would definitely recommend this book.

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This was a great read. I flew through the chapters because I honestly had no idea where the story was going or how it would end. The author did an incredible job keeping all the main characters straight and unique to one another which can be challenging with so many people in the mix. I thought the interviews by the police that were sprinkled throughout really kept the plot moving forward (and your mind spinning!) I enjoyed the intertwining of the characters and how their relationship played out in the end. This is a great read and I would add Lisa Jewell on my list of authors to watch. Thank you, NetGalley and the publisher for the e-ARC. All opinions are my own.

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From the opening scene in the prologue, Jewell’s new book captures the reader and keeps them guessing straight through until all is revealed. There are too many suspects to count AND the reader isn’t even quite sure who was killed until much later in the novel, making this a true page turner! Would have preferred a little less language as it didn’t add anything to the story and was offensive at times. Otherwise, it was well done.

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A compelling, twisty mystery with a "Rear Window" feel, this novel had me guessing well into the book. I loved the neighborhood feel, that everything was taking place within a few blocks, and there were a perfect number of altering perspectives to keep the book moving, interesting, and twisty. A worthwhile mystery to add to the cannon of good reads that aren't exactly formulaic or gruesome.

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Tom Fitzwilliam is the new fifty something school headmaster who seems to be a magnet for the attentions of many of his female students as well as a young newly wed neighbor. He also is the focus of the ravings of the paranoid mother of one of his students as his son spends much of his time recording the comings and goings in the neighborhood. There is a murder; who is it and who did it?

While the characters may not be the most likable, I did enjoy the book which is a quick read. There are teases and hints that are dropped as the story progresses from different points of view in this well written novel.

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This is the second book I've read by this author and I have to say I have become a huge fan of her!

4.5 watching stars!

A cozy picture perfect neighborhood with bright colors that makes anyone want to live on this street. Behind closed doors... someone is watching and is watching always.

Joey and her husband Alfie have recently moved in with her brother to help get their lives sorted. Joey I feel like is going through something as she stumbles across her neighbor Tom Fitzwilliam. Tom is the headmaster of the local school and lives with his wife and son Freddie. Joey becomes OBSESSED with Tom... watching his every move and somehow trying to come up ways to run into him.

Sadly, someone is found murdered in this cozy neighborhood. Who is to blame and why? Everyone is forming their own opinions and a darkness is hiding behind one of these homes. A darkness that NO ONE will expect.

This book was fantastic. It was so addicting and kept me intrigued the entire story. Sometimes if there are too many characters... I tend to get confused. But Lisa Jewell did a very nice job painting each character and how in the end the stories were brilliantly interwoven with each of the characters.

I spot the final twist and murderer but the author gives you small hints that are played out nicely. This only intrigued me more to find out if I was right! :)

AND... that final final twist in the last page was just epic! :)

I highly recommend this novel!

Huge thank you to Atria and Netgalley who provided an arc in exchange for my honest thoughts.

Publication date: 12/26/18
Published to GR: 11/18/18

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As many compelling psychological thrillers do, this one begins with a crime scene. Soon we observe the discovery of a red tassel and a bit later the owner of said tassel. . . and dun, dun,dun . . . we are hooked! Told from the POV of a young woman, a teenage girl and a teenage boy we view events leading up to the horrendous event alongside transcripts of police interviews done directly following. With a neighborhood that harbors so many secrets, many a plot twist is in store.

Rounded up from 4.5 stars. Thank you to Atria Books and NetGalley for a digital ARC of this exciting thriller.

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Wow! The very last page chilled me to the bone. This book was terrifically and terribly frightening on so many levels. Lisa Jewell immediately had me in her grips from the very first page until the very end!

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Passion, paranoia, and obsession- In her novel Watching You, Lisa Jewell depicts the tragic misunderstandings that can result from their controlling influence. The main character, Joey (Josephine) Mullen, thinks she may have finally escaped her impulsive tendencies now that she has married and returned to settle down in her hometown. She hopes that a rewarding career and all the trappings of a stereotypical suburban life will propel her into mature adulthood. She soon discovers, however, that personal change is not so easily attainable. Forced to live with her successful brother and expectant sister-in-law, Joey takes an entry-level job while her husband tries to drum up work as a home painter. Dissatisfied and disappointed, she yearns for the excitement they had during their whirlwind courtship. When Joey sees an elegant, attractive older man during her commute, she feels an instant but unwelcome attraction. She keeps running into him, since he lives nearby and is the new headmaster at the local public school. Tom Fitzwilliam emerges as a central figure in the book, and much of the action revolves around him. Joey is not the only one drawn to this man. The schoolgirls are besotted with him, a paranoid neighbor is convinced that Tom is spying on her, and his wife seems to acquiesce to his every need. Only Tom’s own son and one female student at his school seem to be resistant to his charms. Tension builds as these two teens begin to uncover secrets from Tom’s past and temptations between certain characters prove irresistible. Interspersed throughout the book are police interviews, hinting that a deadly crime has occurred. Jewell uses the different perspectives and flashbacks to tantalizingly reveal the details. She keeps the reader guessing all the way to the end and turns assumptions upside down in a satisfying resolution. Watching You is a welcome addition to Jewell’s already admirable collection of fast-paced and deservedly popular novels.

Thanks to Atria Books and NetGalley for an Advanced Review Copy of this book.

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It was hard to put my finger on why I didn't enjoy this book, particularly because there were so many aspects of it that were well-done. The author masterfully chooses her point-of-view character to maximize the suspense and mystery of the story and plants future gotchas well throughout the prose. The endings, both of the case at hand and the epilogue, are great and very satisfying. The pacing, for the most part, is also good.

My problem I think was that I didn't start off well. I found the beginning section to be pretty slow and it wasn't helped by my never really connecting or even liking Joey. All of the characters were interesting but I didn't feel invested in what was happening to them until much later in the story, if at all for some of them. (I did really like Jenna and Freddie though.) There are parts of the novel that seem dragging and/or repetitive to me, which slowed my pace and my interest. It's odd because the other, bigger pieces of the novel are very good but overall I found the book to be okay more than great. However, others seem to really like it and I would still recommend it to others based on that.

Note: I received a free Kindle edition of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. I would like to thank NetGalley, the publisher Atria Books, and the author Lisa Jewell for the opportunity to do so.

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It is amazing what you think you know about your neighbors. You watch them come and go. You read about them in the paper. You chat at the local pub. But do you really know them? Freddie wants to be a spy and makes notes about many of his neighbors. But does he really know his own mom and dad? Spouses have been married for years and seem like they do not really know each other. There were so many twists and turns in this book, I never knew who could be watching at any given time. At times I loved many of the characters and then I would despise them soon afterwards. The world has become a crazy place and the people in Watching You have taken crazy to a whole new level. This book kept me riveted from beginning to end!

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This is the second book from Lisa Jewell that I have read. I had high expectations on this novel since I loved Then She Was Gone. Lisa Jewell’s newest thriller follows a group of neighbors who live in this nice posh little area, but something isn’t right. The head school teacher, Tom Fitzwilliam, is loved and adored by everyone, but there are a few people who question his character. Overall, this was a mediocre book. The plot was intriguing, however, I wasn’t a fan of the writing style. The first half of the book was extremely slow. Some of the characters were outright irritating and I didn’t really care to know more about them. The ending was pretty good even though I felt like it was a bit predictable. I wouldn’t recommend reading this novel as there are so many other great thrillers out there.

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