Member Reviews

4.5 Stars
Millie Morris is a 29 yr. old woman who grew up in Seattle, and loves her job as a professor of criminology at UC Santa Barbara. She has four male colleagues that have become her best friends. They are all single and these wonderful men have become her tribe. Being together platonically had become their default. She'd become like on of the guys, and they were her chosen family.

They all have a work function coming up that they will need a plus one for. Their circle makes a pact to join an online dating site to find dates for the event. As the guys find matches, Millie has more trouble. She's always been fun Millie who pretends she doesn't have a past. When conversations got too deep, she'd be the one to change the subject. She's bottled up, and isn't good with feelings. Then she creates a fictional profile where she can be herself. She finds herself in the position to connect on a deeper level with a man she's always felt an intense connection and chemistry with. A connection she's never thought to explore until now. She's more vulnerable than she's ever been. She wasn't good at talking about emotions in person, but online she could relax and be more open. She can discuss her fears and feelings, and be honest and authentic. She could unload and be anonymous.

I don't want to say too much more about this story or the guy because it's best going in blind, but I really enjoyed this friends to lovers romance by this amazing writing duo! It's about friendship, love, being yourself, and being brave with your heart. Taking chances and going after what you want. It's another fabulous book by Christina Lauren!

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4.25 Stars

Okay, before reading My Favorite Half-Night Stand, I might have been one of the last people on the planet to read anything by Christina Lauren! I know, I know! Where have I been?! I've been seeing their books reviewed all over the place, especially over the last year, and I was thrilled when I got a chance to read their latest! It was the perfect read for me right when I needed it because it was a witty, funny, sexy rom-com that I blew through in a night. The laughs alone and the happiness I felt while reading it was more than enough of a reason for me to tremendously enjoy this book! I've found a new favorite writing duo everyone, woohoo (I have most of their books on my Christmas list)!

Let me just say that I love Millie Morris! And her job is seriously awesome...why when I decided to become a university professor did I not think of being a criminology professor and teach about serial killers since I share her quirky obsession for them?? What a fascinating job, right? I will say that wish more of her obsession had been explored in the book since her job rocks. Oh well!

The dynamics between Millie and her bestie guy friends are just fantastic! It really made this book such an entertaining read. I loved reading the many interactions between Millie, Reid, Ed, Alex, and Chris whether it was all of them getting together to play Monopoly and have drinks, talk to each other in chat, or giving each other advice (sometimes not the greatest either). You can just tell how much this group of friends loves each other by their dialogue and back and forth teasing banter; they are seriously funny! Plus, their already funny and quick-witted conversations are given an even funnier quality with avatars for each of the characters when they send each other text messages and too cute conversation bubbles!

Then there's Reid and's obvious before their "half-night stand" that the two have feelings for each other deeper than friendship even though they both swear that everything is just platonic. Come on guys, the attraction is steaming off the pages! When the gang decides to join a dating site to find dates for the gala that Obama will attend, things don't go quite as planned. First, Millie being Millie has to write the guys profiles so they don't sound like Neanderthals, which in turn makes them very desirable since she captured the true essences of her besties. All of them start getting lots of great matches...Reid especially gets matched with a hottie named Daisy...but does her IQ match her looks?

Things don't go so smoothly for Millie in her online dating quest since she's pretty tight-lipped about herself and her emotions even to the guys, even to Reid, which is one trait about her that drives him nuts!! Her picture and profile is pretty generic and elicits matches with assholes sending her inappropriate pics...what is up that anyway??

So what do you do to get rid of the creeps?? You make a new profile of yourself using your middle name, Catherine, share more personal and emotional info in your profile than you'd ever do in person, and use a picture that only vaguely shows part of your shoulder and jaw! It's not lying if it's really you, right?

Of course, Catherine, aka Millie, is matched with Reid! ♥♥♥

What ensues is a rom-com that will keep you spellbound. It's humorous in all the right places, but it has its deep moments too as Millie explores her deeply rooted issues with intimacy and sharing her deepest thoughts and secrets. Reid isn't looking for a superficial person to fall in love with, and there's no doubt that Millie is anything but that when she's hiding behind the messages of her computer as Catherine...but can Millie be that person in real life? Is there a chance for Reid and Millie outside the world of cyber-dating? I guess you'll have to read the book to find out!

My only peeve with the book was that Reid, who is Millie's best friend and loves her, couldn't tell from all the clues in her messages that she was Catherine! That bugged me, but oh well, I'll chalk it up to him being a nerdy, but hot, professor! I know about a 100 of those--nerdy, hot not so much...

If you're looking for a book that you won't want to put down and will make you smile (and make you tear up a time or two), then this is your perfect read! It's not the perfect romance novel, but it's close enough! It would make for a fab movie!! My Favorite Half-Night Stand publishes December 4, 2018, and I definitely recommend that you grab a copy!

**Thank you NetGalley and Gallery Books for an ARC to read and review in exchange for my fair and honest review.**

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Rating: 4.5 stars

The first book I read by Christina Lauren [which I didn’t realize was actually 2 authors until after I’d finished] was their YA debut, “Autoboyography.” And OH BOY was it wonderful. It talked about two gay teen boys, one who was the son of a Mormon pastor (and an extremely Mormon family + community) while the other was an “out” boy who loved to write and was more-or-less comfortable with himself and his relationships (his family was so damn supportive, it was great). I gave that book 5 well-deserved stars.

“My Favorite Half-Night Stand” is the second book I read by the duo, and I was not disappointed!!! This novel was FANTASTIC. I loved the main character, Millie, and her friend group, who were all guys. They were all very close-knit and fun and jokey, and I thought it was different that this group all worked at UCSB – not many friend groups [in books] have a setting at a university.

Millie was relatable in that she had emotional difficulties – she couldn’t express her true feelings, she sometimes didn’t even know how to express them, and when in doubt, tell a joke to get the attention off the serious stuff! I can totally relate. It was super cool that she was obsessed with serial killers, too, although I would’ve liked to see more of that.

The dating life represented was soooooo accurate. Endless online questionnaires, women getting dick pics and nasty requests while men get legit dates, the awkwardness of meeting an internet friend face-to-face, and so on. I loved the text/chat formatting that the group used, too – I’m very fond of books that use multiple formats to tell a story (see: The Illuminae Files).

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Millie Morris is an UC Santa Barbara professor, single and best friends with 4 other professors who all happen to be guys. They treat her like one of the guys too. When the gang realizes that they each have to have a date for a formal work event, they all decide to join a dating app. On the same night, Millie and her best friend, Reid Campbell, end up hooking up. Reid has always been drawn to Millie but she has a problem letting people in to her intimate thoughts and that really bothers Reid. After a spectacular night together, they decide to just stay friends because they don't want to lose their friendship.

Millie sets up everyone's profiles on their accounts but didn't set up a real profile for herself. Millie ends up getting garbage replies back so she decides to set up a real, honest profile but with using her middle name. Imagine her surprise when she is matched up with Reid. These two set about having great conversations because Millie can hide behind her unknown account. Reid is enjoying conversing with "Cat" and another woman, Daisy, which makes Millie jealous. Even though these two agreed to keep their relationship platonic, they hook up again.

As feelings deepen, Millie must decide if she can open up for real and give Reid what he really wants from her before he finds out that she really is Cat. Of course best laid plans don't always work out and it takes a huge leap of faith from both Millie and Reid before these two can get their happy ending.

I just loved this story. Because of things from Millie's past she has a problem being open with people but Reid just wants to bring those walls down and love her. Millie just wants to be loved but is just afraid. This was a fun story, a little "You've Got Mail"ness to it. I loved the texts back and forth between added a fun, quirkiness to the story. Overall, I highly recommend this story.

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*I received this book free from Gallery Books via NetGalley.*

Millie and her four single guy friends are kind of like a geek squad. Scientific minds, zero game. Which is why they decide they need dates for a special upcoming event and decide to try a dating app. Of course before everyone's profiles go live Millie and Reid cross that invisible best friend line and have a night both will never forget making it a little difficult to go back to the way it was before. Although they both give it a try, they keep finding themselves unable to keep their hands (and bodies) to themselves.

"I really, really want sex tonight," she admits. "Specifically, I'd like sex with you, but if you're weirded out by this, then it's cool if you leave and I dive into the drawer of sin in my bedroom."

When Reid gets a match on the dating app who seems sweet and beautiful it drives Millie a little green with jealousy so when her second profile matches up with him she can't help, but respond. Although her intentions are pure at the beginning she realizes that she likes being open with Reid like this. She can be herself without feeling likes she's oversharing her emotions. Problem is she's falling for him and he doesn't even know it's her, which leaves him confused because he wants them both.

Even best friends can't always survive deceit, but add in a broken heart on top of it and nothing will ever be the same.

My Favorite Half-Night Stand is endearing with sprinkles of humor. I loved the comradery between the friends. They all had such unique personalities that their friendship actually held the book together. The were the glue while Millie and Reid figured out their stuff. Can't beat a book with several wonderful characters!

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My Favorite Half Night stand was completely adorable. The characters in this book were all great. I loved the dynamic and their friendships. Millie, hands down, stole the show. Her personality is infectious, she’s funny, and brilliant. I truly loved everything about her. I really enjoyed Reid as well he’s the type of guy you would definitely want to take home to your parents.

Millie and Reid seemed perfect for each other from the beginning, but what kind of book would it be if there wasn’t a little fork in the road. This was a light, fun, read about friends to lovers and I completely devoured it. I truly enjoyed it.

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Christina Lauren delights readers with a modern day tale of dating and disasters in My Favorite Half-Night Stand!

Millie Morris, a professor at UC Santa Barbara, along with her four best guy friends attempt to navigate the online dating world in order to have a plus one for the University's upcoming gala. Things get complicated though after a half-night stand with her best friend and fellow university professor, Reid Campbell. Deciding to keep their relationship strictly platonic despite that one hot night, they set up their profiles and wait for their results. The guys are instantly bombarded with matches, but Millie's results are meager. Wanting to shake things up, she secretly makes a second profile under an alter ego, adding to it what she was too afraid to say as herself. And what do you know, Reid comes up as her match. Not wanting to out herself but curious to see where it might lead, Millie begins an online relationship with Reid as Catherine, while their relationship in real life also deepens. When Reid begins to fall in love with both Millie and Catherine, Millie must learn to expose both parts of herself before Reid finds out her secret and she looses him as both a friend, and a lover.

My Favorite Half-Night Stand was a cute and fun story that tugged on my heartstrings. The author duo weaves an ingenious story-line full of raw wit and fresh insight into today's online dating world. With an entertaining cast of characters, there wasn't a dull moment to be had. Millie was an endearing leading lady who is a criminologist with a bit of a lady serial-killer obsession. She's emotionally closed off, but tries to hide that fact with a wicked sense of humor. While she could be frustrating at times because of this, and the conflicts that it caused in her life, I think we can find a little piece of Millie in all of us. Her authenticity shined bright from the pages. The story is told is dual point of views, so readers also get insight into Reid's persona as well. Loyal and charming, he really is an all-around nice guy who just happens to he incredibly hot as well. He shouldn't have any problem getting a date himself but tends to focus more on his work life than any personal one. Reid irked me a little towards the end of the story, but I enjoyed his character overall. His family was fun as well. These two had a pulse-pounding chemistry and when they finally gave into it, it left me tingling in all of the right places.

This romantic comedy had a little bit of everything. Secrets, betrayals, misunderstandings, forgiveness, reveals, love, and friendship. The flow of the plot was great, and how the chat's between Chris, Ed, Alex, Millie, and Reid were depicted was a brilliant touch. My Favorite Half-Night Stand was a thrilling friends-to-lovers novel that I loved every moment of, and I dare you not to love a Christina Lauren book!

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4.5 laugh out loud Stars!! Loved it!

My Favorite Half-Night Stand by Christina Lauren is another fabulous friends to lovers RomCom with a quirky cast of characters that are warmly endearing, zany and laugh out loud funny! These are characters I would hang out with.

Millie and Reid stole my heart. Their friendship is such an important relationship, despite Millie being a bit closed off when it comes to sharing details about herself. Yet she knows him and all the guys so well. But things change between them one night. They say it won’t be weird. They say it won’t be awkward. They say it won’t change things. We know that’s so untrue! So begins the dance!

The push/pull is intense. The banter is witty, sarcastic and fun. I especially love the group chats and texts. So funny, relevant and relatable! Enter the online dating app, personal profiles, along with an accidental secret profile and hilarity ensues along with enough angst to have me a bit anxious at the outcome when it all comes to light.

Authors Christina Lauren never disappoint. My Favorite Half-Night Stand (a term I love) is a wonderful addition to their amazing collection. It is funny, sexy, sweet with just enough angst and surprises that will keep you laughing and turning pages to the end. Definitely recommend. Although it is a stand-alone, I’m hoping some of the other characters end up getting their own book.

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Another hilarious, sexy, sweet and fun read by the dynamic duo - Christina Lauren. These two never fail in delivering a best-selling romance book! My Favorite Half-Night Stand is about best friends, who find that their one soulmate is the one person in their little group - staring right at you in the face. It just takes time to figure that out.

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Christina Lauren is the amazingly witty writing duo that will capture your heart with each new book they write. They’ve been favorites of mine since the beautiful bastard series released and I just know that when I pick up a Christina Lauren novel, I’m sure to get lost and in love.

My Favorite Half-Night Stand is a new and exciting twist on online dating. It’s filled with humor, sexiness, and most of all, thought-provoking situations where you just have to stop and ask yourself is this okay? or what if I were in these characters’ shoes?

Millie was the only girl in her group and she was okay with that. She fit and their relationships worked. I loved her unique personality and how she seemed strong yet vulnerable all at once. She was relatable, and I connected with her immediately. Christina Lauren did an amazing job of showing us how hard it was for Millie to open up emotionally and let her guard down. I think any woman can relate to that.

Reid is the type of guy you can’t help but fall head over heels for. He’s witty, down-to-earth, and sexy as hell. Together Millie and Reid fit…as friends and, come to find out, as more when a celebratory drink leads to a hot rendezvous for them.

Yes, you heard me the two friends share a night of hot, hot passion but later decided to keep their friendship platonic. So with a huge gala event for work coming up the group of friends do what any single person in the 21st century would do….they try online dating. It goes okay for the guys, but for Millie it’s nothing but d*ck pics and creeps. This pushes Millie to create a second profile that is the real her, not the person she has built herself up to be.

From here the book progresses at a good pace and we see the dynamic of Millie and Reid’s relationship easily. Even with Millie’s newest profile the chemistry between the two main characters is always there along with the heavy dose of friendship that seems genuine and real.

Overall, this is a great read and I finished it all in one day. Christina Lauren never ceases to amaze me with her down-to-earth characters and well written plots. I loved every second of My Favorite Half-Night Stand.

***Thanks so much to Gallery Books and Netgalley for the arc***

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FINAL DECISION: This was okay. Not great but not terrible. I enjoyed a once through reading, but never really connected with the heroine, and the hero was way too accommodating of her.

THE STORY: Millie Morris is one of the guys, the only woman hanging out with a group of male friends. But one night, she and her "best friend" Reid Campbell end up having sex. Millie doesn't want to ruin her friendship so she insists that the two date. Along with their friends Millie and Reid sign up for an online dating service. But when Millie doesn't like her profile, she decides to sign up for a new one under a different name and is surprised when she and Reid are matched. So while Millie and Reid are dancing around one another in real life, Millie's alter ego and Reid are hitting it off online.

OPINION: This book was okay, but all the interesting parts in the blurb really felt like insignificant to the actual story. First, there is little with Millie's interest in serial killers. She might have been interested in polar bears and it would have made no difference to the story. It's only a tiny part of this book even though it was part of what peaked my interest in this book. Second, I didn't find the online connection as compelling as I expected. There didn't seem much to it and the two only communicated for a short period. I have read other stories with online dating and this one didn't work as well.

I really loved Reid and honestly, I spent most of the book thinking that he was much too good for Millie. She didn't feel closed up, she felt like a jerk for most of the book. Unfortunately, while that gets resolved, her dogged determination to not share even basic facts -- her middle name? -- with her "friends" made her seemed like she needs a whole lot of therapy rather than a relationship.

On the plus side, I really enjoyed the relationship between all the friends. That felt fun and lighthearted. I thought that the complications that arise as Millie and Reid's relationship developed were funny and I enjoyed seeing the difficulties that arose. I also really liked the good parts of Millie and Reid's relationship as the two moved from friends to lovers. Their interactions in real life made me smile.

Overall the book was okay, but not as good as I wanted it to be. Readers who just want a fun romcom would probably enjoy this more.

WORTH MENTIONING: I wish that the other friends hadn't had their stories resolved, it might have been an interesting series.


STAR RATING: I give this book 3 stars.

NOTE: I received an ARC of this book via Netgalley in helping to prepare this review. I was not required to write a review or to write a positive review. All opinions contained herein are my own.

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I really loved this book. It had a great group of friends, realistic conversations between these friends, and I felt like I was a part of the group. And the best part, some of them were nerds! I love when books show that yes, nerds too can find love.

I always end up developing a crush on Christina Lauren’s male characters and this book was no different. Reid was such a sweetheart!

Likewise, this author’s female leads are always women who I’d be friends with in real life; smart, independent women. Millie could definitely be described like this and she was a joy to read.

Overall, this book was entertaining, witty, romantic, and I was very happy with it!

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i really enjoyed this one! i had high expectations after josh & hazel, but i've just come to expect good things from this author duo. i had a hard time relating to millie sometimes, though i absolutely loved her thoughts about her dad - that sounds heartless, but so many times in books characters are all selfless or have no issues with family (unless they are hardcore no relationship issues) and it was nice to see realistic thoughts and feelings about a loved one who needs help. not sure if that even makes sense. anywho, the characters really shine in this one, i loved all of them and their relationships/friendships. it was a very sweet book and i definitely recommend. can't wait for their next one!

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What a super-cute story!! Millie and her buddies join a dating site to find dates for an important work function. She's not impressed with her profile so creates an "alter-ego" profile. What could possibly go wrong? This book takes a hilarious look at online dating and how who you get to know online might not match with the person once you meet IRL. SHOCKING! It's a sweet and sexy friends-to-friends with benefits-to-lovers story. Reid is sweet and sensitive while Millie is sweet but incredibly closed off. The supporting characters and the banter between friends create a real, loving, hilarious backdrop. Fun read!!

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This was a friends to lovers romance with a group of friends, four of whom are guys and then there is Millie. Millie is an extreme introvert, one of the guys. She and Reid, one of the fivesome of best friends actually have an attraction to each other but are not consciously aware that it exists. I loved their journey to finding each other but also to finding out who each was individually and what they wanted in their lives. This was such an enjoyable read and i am certain it will be a hit with those who like Rom Cons. Christina Lauren write such wonderful stories and i am so glad i found her as an author.

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Final Score - 5 Stars!

This book blew me away with it's own unique brand of cheekiness, wacky, sensual, LOL moments I had such a difficult time putting it down, but alas a girl needs sleep - and sadly this girl needed some!

Millie and Reid ... I'm not sure who I was frustrated more with! I wanted to bash them against the other's head quite frankly speaking. I could see the writing on the wall that these two "got" each other in a way no one else would. Their emotional journey towards that is what solidified their endearing qualities to me. I totally ship and heart Millie and Reid.

I loved the slow, in depth build up of getting to know these characters, flaws and all. I do hope that Ed and/or Alex gets their own book. I would love that!

This is a definite must read if you love reading about the ups and downs of the dating scene & trying to find the one - as well as the comedy of trial and error that takes place along the way. Christina Lauren has written a gem that leaves in you both laughter and tears but with good feelings afterward that will surely have you running to tell your closest girlfriends about.

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As a criminology professor with a particular interest in female serial killers, Millie Morris’ dating life is in dire need of resuscitation. To be honest she’s more than happy spending countless hours towards research for her book deal, but an upcoming black tie gala at the university forces her to dissect her dating life.

Her first thought (and most easy option) is to ask one of her four best friends who also happen to be her co-workers. Like her they are all career driven professors, and more interested in reading the latest educational journal than trawling through dating apps. But not ones to shy away from a challenge they come up with an alcohol fuelled plan to create dating profiles and secure genuine potential love interests to take as their plus ones to the gala.

Although they are all firm friends Millie has always had the closest relationship with Reid. When she allows herself to, she can admit to the underlying sexual tension that escapes through the layers and layers of denial. It’s been a long time coming *wags eyebrows* but they eventually give into the low-key raging attraction between them. It’s the most intense experience she’s ever had, but thought of ruining her friendship with Reid is greater than the unknown of exploring things further, so they mutually agree to keep things platonic.

Maybe it’s because she’s the only female in the gang but Millie gets roped into creating an honest but interesting profiles for each of them. Officially she resents doing it, but unofficially it’s kinda fun. A by-product when it comes to her own profile is it starts to expose just how little she offers personally/emotionally in both her friends and relationships.

What starts as a simple idea quickly escalates into hilarious escapades and dating disasters. What should be a distraction from her attraction to Reid only serves to heighten it, and results in some actions that are far from friendly.

I absolutely adored the supporting cast and I’m secretly hoping this will develop into a series.

This year has seen me become a huge fan of Christina Lauren. They have pretty much monopolized my favourite reads shelf this year, and with this swipe right romance I image the same will be said by many others.

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3.5-3.75 stars. This was a pretty good book. My favorite half-night stand is Reid and Millie's book. Millie and Reid are friends and colleagues, both professors at a university. They are part of a friend group with 3 other male professors that spend all their time together, with Millie being just another one of the guys. They are all single, so the friends decide to join an online dating website to find dates to a faculty party. One night, while drunk, Millie makes a move on Reid and they have a "half-night stand", where they hook up, but don't spend the night together. They both agree it was a one-time thing, and it came out of nowhere seemingly, as they had never thought of each other romantically before. They both enter the world of online dating, and Millie begins mistakenly "catfishing" Reid. Things get really complicated between them, fast. But they manage to work it all out between them and fall for each other.

As someone who didn't love the last few Christina Lauren books, I did feel this book was an improvement. I do think it's worth reading. It is a good story, has emotion and complicated characters with depth, as well as good writing. It is not a bad book at all. For me, though, what's missing was chemistry. I wanted to feel more of a spark between Reid and Millie. I also wanted to see them actually together in a relationship before the epilogue. I did like Reid and Millie. They're likable, easy to identify with characters. I do think that when the big conflict came to light, Reid was a bit rougher on Millie than I wanted. I felt pretty bad for her. I thought if he loved her and understood why she was the way she was, he should be a little more understanding. Still, I did enjoy the book. It had some serious moments, some emotional ones, and some lighter, funny ones.

Overall, I do think this is a book worth reading. I just didn't totally fall in love with it. Still, you should read it for yourself and see what you think. In the meantime, I will just keep holding out hope that Christina Lauren will write another sexy couple with good chemistry that I can really truly love. I need another Will and Hannah.

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My Favorite Half-Night Stand tells the story of moving beyond the friend zone.

Reid, Chris, Alex, Ed and Millie are best friends and colleagues. They are all scientists and teachers at University of California Santa Barbara. When their college schedules a black tie dinner with President Obama, they worry about finding dates. They decide to use IRL, an online dating site to find some.

Millie’s real IRL profile attracts just douches and dick pics. Millie decides to create another profile for “Cat”. When she is matched with Reid, she becomes unexpectedly honest behind the anonymous profile and they hit it off. In the meantime, Reid and Millie have a somewhat drunken night of hot sex. They try to return to just being friends afterwards. But why is Millie jealous of Reid’s IRL girl Daisy? And why is Reid asking Millie about the mysterious Guy who she met on IRL? He doesn’t even realize Guy is actually him.

It is easy to see parallels between this story and Pride and Prejudice. In the latter book, British rules of politeness prevent the speaking of one’s mind. In My Favorite Half-Night Stand, it is nerdy shyness and introversion that prevents Reid and Millie from talking about their feelings. Overall, this a great book for a cold winter evening when you just want to settle in your book nook with some undemanding chick lit. 4 stars!

Thanks to Gallery Books and NetGalley for an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Millie Morris is just one of the guys- literally. She’s 1 of 5 friends who work as professors at UC Santa Barbara and meet for meals, video games and hanging out.\
Millie is emotionally distance and private.
Even her best friend of the group, Reid only know surface facts about her – even after their friendship ends up with some half-night benefits.

All 5 friends decide to join an online dating service to find a date for a university gala.
When Millie’s 1st profile attempt only attracts the creeps, she decides to create a second one using her middle name with an artsy photo that hides her face.
The dating app. matches her second profile with Reid and their “anonymous” pen paling allows her to open up to him about her personal life, fears, and regrets.
Reid begins to fall for her

Millie throws out some subtle hints via direct message assuming Reid will figure out it’s her, but when he doesn’t and their online chatting also allows her to gain a better understanding of her friend, she lets it go on too long to confess.

Any other info. Is a spoiler and it’s more fun to read it for yourself.
The story is told from both Millie and Reid’s POV with the friend’s group chat conversation interspersed.

With the writing duo’s sense of humor, unique take on romance and smart witty banter, My Favorite Half-Night Stand is a page-turner just like their previous books.
If you never got around to reading Josh and Hazel’s Guide to Not Dating, read that one too.

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