Member Reviews

Third Grave dead ahead by Darynda Jones.
Paranormal private eye. Grim reaper extraordinaire. Whatever. Charley Davidson is back! And she's drinking copious amounts of caffeine to stay awake because, every time she closes her eyes, she sees him: Reyes Farrow, the part-human, part-supermodel son of Satan. Yes, she did imprison him for all eternity, but come on. How is she supposed to solve a missing persons case, deal with an ego-driven doctor, calm her curmudgeonly dad, and take on a motorcycle gang hellbent on murder when the devil's son just won't give up?
Another fantastic read from this author. I love this series. I love Charlie. My favourite part was when she got home and Walker was there. I loved the ending. Brilliant. Looking forward to the next book. 5*. Highly recommended.

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This series is always in high demand at my library. The characters Daryna Jones uses are delightful and my readers love getting to know them more each book. Fabulous series!

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Charley learns more about her connections to the son of satan and what she is to him. She is trying to solve crimes and also make sure the demons don’t find her because...well I can’t tell you why. You just need to read this series! They are quick reads and so enjoyable. Thanks to NetGalley for allowing me to review this whole series!

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Third Grave Dead Ahead is the third book in the Charley Davidson series by Darynda Jones. I highly recommend reading this series in order. While there are explanatory asides to help newcomers and those that have gone too long between reading books, there is a lot of ground to cover and it is much more fun if you already know the major players when you start reading.

Paranormal private eye. Grim reaper extraordinaire. Whatever. Charley Davidson is back! And she's drinking copious amounts of caffeine to stay awake because, every time she closes her eyes, she sees him: Reyes Farrow, the part-human, part-supermodel son of Satan. Yes, she did imprison him for all eternity, but come on. How is she supposed to solve a missing persons case, deal with an ego-driven doctor, calm her curmudgeonly dad, and take on a motorcycle gang hellbent on murder when the devil's son just won't give up?
Third Grave Dead Ahead is a solid continuation of Charley's story. She wants to help Reyes, but they are still fighting with a serious trust issue and no matter what she does she cannot seem to sleep without a visitation from him. Her battles with sleep left me wondering a couple times what was real and what was dream, and Charley had the same concerns. I like Charley's dedication to finding the truth and helping people, even when it would have been easier to ignore the fishy missing person's case and focus on the drama unfolding with Reyes and her family. While not as funny as the previous books, because there was so much danger and so many crises involved, there were still some witty moments and plenty of humorous asides from Charley. Again, the book offers a good wrap up and some unexpected twists, but still left me eager for more.

Third Grave Dead Ahead is another great installment of this series, which blends humor, danger, and emotion pretty close to perfectly. My binge reading will continue...

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Continues to be an amazing series. Darynda Jones is masterful at managing the balance of genres. It's completely addicting.

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I love this series so much, it truly has some of my favourite characters ever and is so fun to read. I just wish every book didn't make me need to read the next one so badly.

Book 3 of the series picks up pretty much straight after book 2 with Reyes really not that happy with Charley and Charley trying (unsuccessfully) to stay well away from him. On the non romance front Charley has a new case and like the previous book it's another missing wife but this time it seems like the husband is guilty of something. Add to that some trouble with a motorcycle gang and family drama and this is a book that's packed full of action and quite a few laughs.

I always love how much is thrown into these books but yet again it felt like the balance between the story lines was a little off and it was more or less dominated by the relationship between Reyes and Charley. I did find the case of the missing woman intriguing but it seemed to be constantly getting pushed aside as Charley obsessed more and more over Reyes.

Unfortunately I am not a fan of the Reyes and Charley romance. I have no objections to a bad boy romance but this takes it too far. He's out for revenge so is nasty, cruel and violent towards her. There are reasons but none of them sufficient to justify his behaviour and Charley is so obsessed with him (mostly due to how good looking he is as far as I can tell) that she keeps going back for more. It's frustrating as hell.

On the plus side his torment of her does lead to a very sleep deprived Charley and some hilarious moments. Obviously I don't really condone driving around when you haven't slept in days, particularly when you're possibly hallucinating a knife wielding girl on the hood of your car, but Charley is so funny that it's easy to overlook and I loved how it kept you guessing what was real and what was not.

The highlight for me however was, as always, the secondary characters. I really want to join the Cookie and Charley club, their relationship is friendship goals and Charley's relationship with Uncle Bob is hilarious. I loved that sister Gemma had a much bigger role this time around, it's nice to see Charley's relationship with her family improving and getting to know more about them and their backstory. There were also a few new characters such as Donovan, who were great additions to the story and who I hope will stick around.

Overall, despite my reservations over the romance, this is yet another great installment in the series. Action packed, laugh out loud funny (don't read in public) and with some wonderful characters and relationships you can't help but become invested in. The biggest problem is that ending which was absolutely brilliant and means I'm going to have to read the next book asap.

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Second and third book are pretty similar - missing wife, uncle Bob’s tail, sleep deprivation (this time voluntary), missing Reyes, bullseye on Charley’s back, Charley’s torture, bloody but “happy” ending. It would be a problem, if the author would not say, that it was eerily familiar even for Charley. But still, it was humorous and fast and surprising and this time it had all the hot stuff as well :).

Good read, good start to a year!

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Since I read all of the Charley Davidson in one long run, yes, I had not read any of the series yet, I decided to write one review for the previously released books and one for the last book in the series.

First let me say, these are wickedly awesome books! Loved the story line, the writing and the characters. For me it was great to read them all at once and a little sad, since there will not be anymore. One of the things I loved about the books was Charley and her balls to the wall, help whoever, whenever she can attitude. Now that sure got her in lots of trouble, but it was so much fun to read. I loved the snarky witty dialogue and the quotes at the beginning of each chapter cracked me up. Now, it is not all fun and games in this story, there were points when I was crying and points I was on the edge of my seat with the action going on. I have to say on the whole this is one of the best and most well-rounded series I have read where I was not once bored or wanting to put down a book.

I am not sure what this Author has coming next, but she has me on the hook for whatever it is.

5 Big Stars for all of the books in the series

*I voluntarily read reader copies of each book provided by the publisher for review.*

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Third Grave Dead Ahead by Darynda Jones is a 2012 St. Martin’s Press publication.

This third installment in the Charley Davidson series deals with the fallout from the controversial conclusion of book two.

Let’s just say Reyes a quivering with rage and leave it at that. Meanwhile, Charley’s father tries to convince Charley to find a new occupation, while she tackles a missing persons case. Not only that, Charley faces the irony of dealing with a motorcycle gang, along with Reyes’ unrelenting advances- which leaves her living on caffeine and adrenaline.

This installment settles down just a little, although it is still very chaotic. While still humorous and action packed, but the high pitched emotional edge didn’t carry over from book two. This one felt more like a standard procedural, although there were still a few very interesting developments with Reyes which includes a worrisome revelation. Reyes, is a bit too aggressive for my taste, although he has pushed the envelope of consent from the get- go. For some reason, that really stood out in this third book, and made me squirm a little.

Other than that, this is still a solid addition to the series, and I’m still on board for book four.
3.5 stars

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Another great installment of the Charley Davidson series. This is now my all-time favorite series. When Dr. Yost comes into Charley's office wanting to hire her to help find his missing wife she knows he is responsible. So she decided to look into the case on her own.

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I want more and can’t wait for the next book!

I love Charley and her funny way she works. Charley's life is getting crazy. Cookie and her daughter are right by Charley as she is trying to keep her life straight and moving forward. Charley is trying to work but her Dad is driving her crazy. She needs sleep but when she does Reyes is there driving her crazy. What does she need to do to get back to normal? or will her life be crazy from now on?

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The third book of the series has Charley going full speed ahead. Nothing unusual about that. She has several cases to solve, while doing her Grim Reaper thing, and now she has to do it without sleep. Why? When she bound Reyes to his body he got...miffed. Now every time Charley tries to sleep Reyes haunts her dreams. This just compounds the chaos of Charley's life, yet she manages to keep the humor and sass. This book also reveals more of Charley's abilities, not to mention a few other things! I think this book is the gateway to a knockout for the future editions to this fantastic series. These just keep getting better.

Thank you to Net Galley for the free e-book.

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This is the third book in the series. Charley, the Grim Reaper, is now looking for a missing woman while trying to prove Reyes' innocence. Not only does she have her hands full with her daily life and mysteries, but she is also asked to find out who has been killing/injuring the motorcycle club's Rottweilers. If you think that things can't get worse for Charley, life as she knows it is thrown in to a corkscrew when her father gives Charley an ultimatum and Reyes continues to be livid with Charley.

As I read each book, I can't help but think that this can not possibly get better, but I am very wrong. Ms. Jones not only introduces us to a supernatural world, but she does it in such a way that your sucked in and left wanting to know what will happen next. In this book, I did get upset and felt several different emotions through-out the story. I love how Charley is not only sassy, but she also stands up for herself and others no matter what she faces. Thank you Ms. Jones and Netgalley for allowing me read your books. I look forward to finding out what is in store for Charley and the gang.

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Third Grave Dead Ahead is the third book in the Charley Davidson series.

I have enjoyed the previous two books recently and I am so hooked into this series so far. I have been loving the storyline so far but I think this book is my favourite so far in the series.

If you are looking for a good paranormal romance I do highly recommend this series.

I am giving this 5 out of 5.

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Third Grave Dead Ahead
By Darynda Jones

4 stars.

Darynda Jones new fiction series combining action, supernatural and romance. Featuring Charley Davidson: part-time private investigator and full-time Grim Reaper. Charley sees dead people, and it's her job to convince them to "go into the light." But when these very dead people have died under less than ideal circumstances (i.e., murder), sometimes they want Charley to bring the bad guys to justice.

While not my usual genre, I found the books engaging and face paced to keep me picking up title after title.

Thank you to Netgalley for providing a review copy in return for an honest review. All opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.

#NetGalley #ThirdGraveDeadAhead

Reviewed by Heath Henwood

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These are always a light fluffy read for me. A little bit of mystery to keep the story moving along.
We have two story lines moving in each installment. The over all theme keeps Charley occupied but the continuing drama ties all of the books together. We learn a little more about Reyes, a little more about what Charley is capable of and solve a mystery. By book three the formula is well known and holds little surprise.
I currently have the whole series so I am continuing on with the story to see how it progresses. I hope there is lots and lots of Swoops coming up <3

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ARC Kindly provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I have read these books over and over and over, and everytime I read them I fall more in love with it. The only thing that frustrates me is the waiting in between and for the ultimate fight, other than that and is like an addiction.

I am too sad to see this series over, but something tells me this will not be the end at all.

If you haven't read this series, start now, it is just amazing!

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Thank you for the early copy.

I recommend this third novel to fans of urban fantasy. I'm a fan of the main character and will keep reading the series.

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Charley has been hired to find a missing woman but really that's the least of her problems considering she's just found out that the man Reyes' has spent the last 10 years in prison for killing may actually be alive after all. Determined to track down Earl Walker and get Reyes out of lock up she's taking more risks than ever, and she's doing it in a state of exhaustion as she tries to stay awake to keep Reyes out of her head. Ever since she bound him to his corporeal body the only time she sees Reyes is when she's sleeping and let's just say he's not too happy with her right now and she'd rather avoid having to deal with his anger. Yes, life is definitely complicated.

This series just gets better and better and I can't believe I left it so long to go back to it. The only advantage of that is that the entire series has been published now so I don't have to wait months for each new book to release. You can definitely expect me to binge the rest of them over the next few weeks! I love Charley, she's such a fun and sarcastic character but she's also fiercely loyal and would do anything to protect the people she cares about. I love her friendship with Cookie and the great relationship she has with her uncle Bob but I have to admit I'm really getting sick of seeing how badly her dad treats her. He crossed a line in the previous book but in this one he goes a step further and if I was Charley I'd seriously be considering whether I even wanted him in my life anymore. I'm sure he has a lot of guilty feelings about using her abilities when she was younger to help him solve crimes but his attempts to protect her now are totally over the top and unwarranted.

In this book we start to get more of an insight into Charley's abilities and what that might hold for her future, she still has a lot of learning to do about her powers though and I'm looking forward to learning more alongside her. We also finally start to learn more about Reyes' upbringing and his motives, he's still very much a man of mystery but for some reason I love his character and I can't wait to unravel more of his secrets. There are a lot of revelations in this book that are going to have a knock on effect as the series continues so I have a feeling that the next book is going to be even more exciting.

These stories have plenty of humour but also tons of action and more than a little danger as Charley constantly seems to find herself in danger. There was one moment that absolutely broke my heart and was totally unexpected but overall I was extremely happy with the direction things are headed in and I'm looking forward to reading more.

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E-book/Urban Fantasy: I want to thank NetGalley for letting me have the whole Charley Davidson series in lieu of an honest review. I liked this book better than the last two. While I enjoy Charley and her Scoobies, I still don't like Reyes.

This book had more plot in it than the previous two. I was about to get upset at the ending, but the book redeemed itself in the end with a big fat red herring. Charley starts off the book with lack of sleep that includes about 15 days. There are some inconsistencies with this plot device since she is knocked unconscious three times and Reyes doesn't show up. Other than that, the book is a lot steadier than the first two. There are a lot of characters and names to remember and I like when even Charley asks Cookie who someone is. That really helps the reader.

The books are at the point where you now have to read them in order.

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