Member Reviews

Yet another amazing story to add to the series. I just love the characters and the world that has been created. The character development and relationship buildings have been great throughout. This is a 'must read' for sure!!!

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I almost busted out the 'because I have to finish the series' shelf for this one. Definitely not my favourite. Things were already kind of OTT and they definitely got worse in THIRD GRAVE DEAD AHEAD. Not to mention one aspect of the Murder-ish Mystery of the Week was painfully obvious and hurt my soul. The romance continues to frustrate me almost as much as some of the ridiculous stupid interactions between Charley and her bestie/secretary Cookie. But I still live with scenes with the uncle. Sigh.

Book four please redeem this binge.

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Solid installment to the series! Everything seems to be building perfectly. While there is still a lot about Charley and Reyes in this one, I also thought it focused more on Charley and her family. I really enjoyed that. The series is building the secondary relationships too, and that is always important. I'm excited to see what's going to happen next!

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The adventures continues and just keeps getting better with every new chapter..... emotionally jarring thrills, scorching hot sexy moments and heart pounding danger are just some of the highlights in this witty and entertaining journey. War is coming, can Charley find the strength to save the ones she loves let alone the entire world as we know it??? Loved this story and looking forward to reading the next one.

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I received a free copy of THIRD GRAVE DEAD AHEAD (Charley Davidson Book 3) by Darynda Jones in exchange for an honest review. In this book, Charley, grim reaper and private investigator, has been awake for two weeks straight. Every time she nods off, Reyes is there, and he’s angry. Despite the lack of winks, Charley must track down a missing woman, help a biker gang figure out who killed their dogs, and prove Reyes is in the clink for a crime he did not commit. So many people to annoy, so little time.

Another amazing installment in this seriously silly urban fantasy series. Love it!

#ThirdGraveDeadAhead #NetGalley

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"I received this copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review"

Paranormal private eye. Grim reaper extraordinaire. Whatever. Charley Davidson is back! And she's drinking copious amounts of caffeine to stay awake because, every time she closes her eyes, she sees him: Reyes Farrow, the part-human, part-supermodel son of Satan. Yes, she did imprison him for all eternity, but come on. How is she supposed to solve a missing persons case, deal with an ego-driven doctor, calm her curmudgeonly dad, and take on a motorcycle gang hellbent on murder when the devil's son just won't give up?

I reviewed the second book for NetGalley and I stated how I was so glad I went onto the second book after not liking the first one so much. I can say after reading the third book I am even a bigger fan of this series. Not only does it have the mystery/fantasy setting but the humour in it really has me laughing out loud at times.

Charlie is such a strong character and her character development you can tell has only scratched the surface. I love that she is not only smart and strong but she also has a great sense of humour with everything that is thrown her way.

Reyes in this one made me pretty angry. I wont give any spoilers but just say his actions in this book made me dislike him a little. Another character who well and truly annoyed me was charlies dad (it has been a while since I have yelled at a character in a book)

This book had so much happening in it but it didn't feel like it was so much or I couldn't keep up with what was happening. I am excited to get to the 4th book due to the way this book ended. I rated this book 4 of 5 stars and I will be reading the rest of the books in this series without a doubt very shortly.

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So this made me cry.

Okay, who am I kidding? So far, all of these have made me cry. And laugh. And snort soda on my monitor.

I do want that dog, though. Oh, and my own motorcycle gang. And my own dark demon dude.

I have a lot of wants.

More than that, though, I want to keep reading this series. It's actually my new favorite thing. And I still can't believe I missed this for this many years.

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I'm binge reading this books and I'm in love with this series. It's wonderful.
You must read it if you love urban fantasy and humorous books
Many thanks to St. Martin's Press and Netgalley for this ARC

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Love the Charley Daniels series; Jones continues to write engaging plots and great characters. I always look forward to the next installment!

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The darkest as of yet. These books are so enjoyable, the snark and humor abound. This one was a dark version of the past versions. Not only is it dark, but the dark is sad and twisted.

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Charley Davidson is a selfish main character who manages to encroach on the intimate moment of a person’s death and make it all about her and her suffering. Get over yourself, girl.

Things that I like about these books:
Learning about the deceased as they cross over into the unknown of death through Charley.

Things that I don’t like about these books:
How all of the male characters are good looking and everything centers around the physical appearance of their asses through Charley’s estimations.
How every man loves Charley.
How it’s okay that the man Charley is in love with physically harms her.

If you want to change the way people think about genders and their roles in real life, write parts where we can see the change. This is integral for growth as characters, and as people in real life. The ocean is not stagnant, it makes waves. Channel that motion.

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Third Grave Dead Ahead by Darynda Jones is such a fabulous thriller! I absolutely devoured this book and can’t wait to start the next. A PI named Charley is also the Grim Reaper and she goes through so much in this book. My heart was torn to shreds for her and then put back together. I sure hope she can forgive Reyes. She was one hard cookie and everyone including the people she loves and cherished the most has betrayed and underestimated her. You still have some fun mixed in with the banter between her and her best friend Cookie. I have to say the more I read the more Garrett grows on me. He is so smitten with Charley it’s heartwarming to see it unfold. I wish Reyes and Charley would work everything out but maybe that happens in the next book...... This is a new author to me but is now one of my favorites. And I love this series! Suspense, drama, witty banter, chemistry and so much more what’s not to love. I am voluntarily leaving my honest review after reading this arc.

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Charlie once again has a case! And this Time Reyes is bound to his Human body so There would be no help from him. And well he does not find od Charley for now. I would appreciate more of him, but everything played well There. There will be a lot of laughs and some piece will fall info The place. There will be also some cry as some sad events will happen (no more - so I will not give spoilers) As always the story kept my attention - the main one and The side one! Reyes's story rocks!

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Great series! This is the third book in the Charley Davidson series. I'm really loving this series. Recommended!

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Stunned. I am just stunned by the end of Charley and Reyes’ fateful third installment. I’m not sure if can handle going back for round 4. In shock, and not sure how to review this without spoilers or just a horde of emotional emojis.

In sum, almost every guy in Charley’s world mistreated her or pissed her off, and I was almost as sick of men as Charley was by the end. Reyes. Her dad. Donovan. Owen Vaughn.
But the world had been dipped in red. My dad. Reyes. Nathan Yost. Earl Walker. It was enough to bring out the anger in a girl.

And then, wham! Garrett Swopes gutted me. I know this is the story of Charley and Reyes but the supporting characters are just as real to me. So yeah, with that ending, I’ll need to take some deep breaths before I can hit book 4.

Note: I voluntarily read and reviewed this copy generously provided by NetGalley and the publisher.

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5 stars.
I can’t get enough of these characters!
I have no words for you, because I have to dive straight into the next one right now.

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Still binging these books, I'm always waiting to see what will come next for them, on to book 4... I love the covers and the story line keeps getting better

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First, if you haven't read the first 2 books, you can jump in here. Which is good and bad - good if you are a new reader, kind of bad for a regular reader of the series. There is a little too much recapping for those that know what happened previously.

Otherwise, the story continues with Charley & Reyes and some funny and harrowing adventures ;) Fast paced, gritty and even steamy!

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Book Info
Paperback, 343 pages
Published October 30th 2012 by St. Martin's Press (first published January 31st 2012)
ISBN 0312360827 (ISBN13: 9780312360825)
Edition Language English
Series Charley Davidson #3
Characters Charley Davidson, Reyes Farrow
setting New Mexico (United States)
Other Editions (29)
Source:Netgalley EARC

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Paranormal private eye. Grim reaper extraordinaire. Whatever. Charley Davidson is back! And she's drinking copious amounts of caffeine to stay awake because, every time she closes her eyes, she sees him: Reyes Farrow, the part-human, part-supermodel son of Satan. Yes, she did imprison him for all eternity, but come on. How is she supposed to solve a missing persons case, deal with an ego-driven doctor, calm her curmudgeonly dad, and take on a motorcycle gang hellbent on murder when the devil's son just won't give up?

My Thoughts

As a leading character Charley Davidson seems to many to be TSTL (to stupid to live) as her choices are not always in her best interests and lead to confrontations she somehow manages to survive despite herself. For me this trouble magnet embodies a fantasy figure whose lack of what constitutes personal safety measures is what makes Charley easy to not only like but root for as well. After all the woman is not real and since she is also portrayed as a Paranormal Being I do not expect her to have Human Sensibilities where her own safety is concerned.

Although it would be nice for the sake of family and friends if Charley thought things through a bit more before she acted as they tend to be brought to task on her behalf when things go wrong.

That quirk notwithstanding the fact remains that in this third book not only does our intrepid PI up her game but happily she, and the readers, finally find out the reason why she keeps being targeted by Officer Owen Vaughn. A silly to Charley, but embarrassing moment to Owen back in high school has caused the both of them to be at odds for years.

That is just one of the questions that finally got answered during this particular book and a few more were wrapped up as well to my satisfaction.

I appreciate and am happy with the direction taken to wrap up the mystery of the missing person's case that Charley solved. However the actions at the end taken by her own Father left me just as unhappy as they did Charley.

There are several other points to this story that will keep readers happily turning pages and just as happily continue with the series to see where its author takes one next.

I have to say that for my taste and enjoyment book three was Aces from start to finish!

[EArc from Netgalley]

On every book read as soon as it is done and written up for review it is posted on Goodreads and Netgalley, once released then posted on Amazon, Barnes and Nobles as well.

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Third Grave Dead Ahead finds Charley PI/Grim Reaper back on the job. A missing wife and suspicious husband, Charlie is determined to find the wife before its too late. Add in the usual sidekicks for a chaos driven good time. Son of Satan and Charley's major man crush, Reyes broke out of prison and needs help finding the father he was convicted of killing. Charlie charges headlong into danger with disastrous men troubles and ghostly help. Third Grave is another winning book in the Charley Davidson series with the private eye you're sure to love. The story whips the reader along an emotional roller coaster ride loaded with humor and action. Charley is my new favorite PI. My voluntary, unbiased review is based upon a review copy from Netgalley.

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