Member Reviews

The second book in the series is just as much fun as the first.

The dialogue is sharp and witty. Charley always has a witty comeback no matter how dire the situation. I loved the light humour mixed with the suspense and supernatural elements.

The characters all develop a little bit more in this instalment. Charley confides in more people about Reyes and her own abilities. We see her bond a little bit more with her sister and the light and friendly flirtation between her and Garrett is still hilarious especially as it riles up Reyes to no end.

I sped through this book in no time and I am looking forward to diving into book 3 soon.

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Back on my super late arc catchup today. I received this whole series for review years ago and still need to catch up with it. Should I have just said I wasn’t going to review them? Probably. But the first book was so fun I figured I keep my options open and maybe fix my Netgalley ratio this year? Lmao, who am I kidding?

Anyway, book 2 we are returning to Charley’s life only a couple weeks it seems after the events of book one and naturally Charley ends up with a lot of crap going on all at once. Between trying to solve the disappearance of a missing woman, a bunch of people showing up in her apartment, and dealing with a very stubborn Reyes dropping in and refusing to give up the location of his dying body, Charley has her hands full. The best part of this is all the fun characters and Charley’s sense of humor even in the face of death and/or torture.

I listened to this book on audio, and realized that he narrator is Lorelai King, the same narrator for the Stephanie Plum novels, and I could not have chosen a better narrator for these books.

I recommend these books if you are looking for a fun time. Because that’s what these books are. Just so much fun. I should probably count how many times I laugh out loud for the next book but I’ll probably forget.

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I have slowly made my way through all of the books in this series and decided to wait to review as a whole. They are amazing. Funny, smart with characters to love. They have made a believer out of me that PNR can be for me!!!

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I'm a late comer to the Charley Davidson books, but I'm already a huge fan! Charley is so much fun, and I loved how the relationships between Charley and Cookie, and Charley and her family, were delved into much deeper in this book than in the first.

Cookie asks Charley to help her find out what happened to her friend Mimi, who was going to meet with Charley and Cookie before she disappeared. I thought this mystery rolled out at a nice pace, with Charley solving a couple of side mysteries along the way.

The humor in these books has me laughing out loud, and who doesn't need a little bit more of that? I loved the relationship between Charley and Reyes as well, but I think that goes without saying to anybody who has read the first book in the series!

In summary, I'm giving this book 5/5 stars and highly recommend it.

I received a copy of this book free of charge from NetGalley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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This book continues right where First Grave leaves off. This time, Charley is tasked with helping to find a missing woman, who happens to be an old friend of Cookie's. We get to see the who-dunnit of the murder of Mimi's friend right before she disappeared. We also get to see more of the Charley/Cookie banter this series became known for. Reyes is incorporeal, and wants to stay that way, which makes for some fun arguing (on the outside looking in) between him and Charley. This one ends in quite a cliffhanger, making fans ready to dive headfirst into the next book.

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one of my all time favorite series of her's. in fact this was a re read for me , like the third time that i had read it but for some unknown reason I never went on with the series.But as soon as NetGalley had all of the books I knew i had to get them , and now I can read all of them . So far I've read books 1 though 3 , and still have books 4 - 13 to read, I'm slowly making my way though them because I don't want the series to end , and I can't read a series back to back or I just step away from it and never finish it. One of the things I love about this series is the characters and the world , and how the story just comes together .

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I started this series and read the first 8 books back to back. I love this author and these characters. The world building and storyline are so good and well developed!

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What a fascinating book. I was impressed by the storyline and the characters were all well written and complex. Where there are complex storylines combined with intriguing characters the reader experience is magnified tremendously. To have a book that is well written as well as entertaining is a delight. Reading is about escaping your world and entering another one. The word building was phenomenal in this book. Here I forgot about my own life and was immersed in the world created by the author. I would recommend this book.

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Unfortunately, I was unable to read this before the archive date. I enjoyed the first book and will likely end up continuing with the series at some point.

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OH! My!!!! My side is hurting from all the laughing that is taking place. Highly comical. I had a grand time and then some. Charley needs to take her life on the road. It would certainly provide much entertainment to the masses. Reyes needs to get himself a calendar (daily) with shots of utter hotness. The man is beyond male perfection. But there just was not enough of him. I so want more, much more.

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Second Grave in the Left was a very good book. Loved the characters and the plot. Amazing series and cannot wait to reqd the rest of the books.

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Packed with enough action and A, B, and C stories (there may have even been a D and an E story thrown in for good measure), I kept rushing back to read more. I'm really enjoying the series and am kicking myself for waiting so long to read it.

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I love the way each chapter starts with a quote from a t-shirt or bumper sticker. The relationship between Cookie and Charley reminds me of Stephanie Plum and Lulu. Between the minds of each of them, they manage to solve their mysteries all while making you have giggle fits. :)

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This second book of the series picks up about a week after the first book has left off. And it was not a disappointment. The series continues to be lighthearted and engaging.

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I was pleasantly surprised by this series, This is a twist on the idea of the grim reaper who doesn't actually kill anybody (on purpose) but is there to help persons cross over to the other side. She is quirky, fun and sees dead people, just the talents needed for a detective. These books had me laughing and even tearing up a little while trying to figure out who is the real criminal. Then you throw in the son of the devil.

Interesting read/

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Funny, sexy, suspenseful. I wish adulting would stop getting in my way, so I can devour this series! Book 3 here I come....

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"Second Grave on the Left" is a bit of a let down compared to the first in the series. I still like the writing style but I just wished I liked this one as much as the first.

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I love the whole series. I've read and listened to the series multiple times. Charley is appreciatively grumpy and snarky. I, too, have an appreciation for coffee and enchiladas. And sarcasm. (General Review for series books 1-12)

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Good, but not as good as the first book. A lot of the wit that I expected in this second book just felt recycled. I'll continue, but I have higher hopes for book 3.

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Wonderful series! In book two, Charley and her friend Cookie are trying to track down a missing woman. However, nothing is ever easy for Charley and company.

I love Charley, Reyes, and all the characters in this fabulous series.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. My thoughts and opinions are my own and without bias or favor.

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