Member Reviews

I didn’t find this book as fantastic as the first. I felt like it was mostly a recap and then all the action took place in a rush. I am invested in the story though so on to the next book!

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I loved this book by Darynda Jones. This second book is so good. The writing is very good. I loved everything about this book.

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Love this series and the characters. I recommend it all over the place. Thank you for the chance to read these books again and again.

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This is the 2nd book in the Charley Davidson "PI and Grim Reaper" series. I loved this one as much as the first book in the series First Grave On The Right. In this installment we still see the snark, hilarity, and sarcasm associated with Charley Davidson but we also get to see a little more of the serious side. This novel takes place only a couple of weeks after where First Grave On The Right left off and has quite a few story lines that are fully developed and handled expertly by both Charley and Ms. Jones.

When one of her assistant Cookie's friends goes missing after finding out about the death of a High School classmate, Charley takes the case to find Mimi. It is then she discovers that several of Mimi's former classmates have been found dead in various ways. Finding out who is killing off this group of classmates isn't the only problem plaguing our Grim Reaper.

When Cookie and Charley are following up on a lead, Charley discovers a ghost in the trunk of the Taurus owned by Cookie. And to make things more interesting, Mr. Dead In The Trunk comes home with Charley and only shows up when she's in the shower and never says a word; that is, until they figure out who owned the car before Cookie and confront the person.

And then there's Reyes; hot, sexy, Son of Satan...In order to protect Charley, Reyes takes his corporeal body and hides it from her (the demons are torturing him all the while the book progresses) and tells her that he's going to kill it. She, of course, can't leave well enough alone and makes it a priority, along with everything else, to find his body, even though that will clue the demons in to where she is.

Another great ride in the land of our funny girl, Charlotte "Charley" Davidson.

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Hidey-ho fellow SMPer! I'm just leaving a review that I don't want you to publish because I checked this book out via Netgalley and am trying to raise my score. I wish we could send ebooks from the MDL to our Kindle! Please don't post this publically haha!

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I'm going to write this review as a "series" review because, quite frankly, I binge read the whole series THIRTEEN books in one week. I literally couldn't put them down. When I read the last page of the last book, I wanted to cry.

Book one hooks you from the start. The world that Darynda built within this series is phenomenally creative. It's full of magic and mystery. The hero is the perfect anti-hero turned true hero that I've read in a long, long time. My heart broke for the trials and tribulations the hero and heroine went through to get to the end of the series. Calling it an emotional rollercoaster doesn't even cover the vast span of emotions that the author drags the reader through.

The only complaint I have is that the series ended.... there was a "the end" and I didn't want to be done yet. A complete must read for all PNR lovers!

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A re-read thanks to a promotion by Netgalley for the final Charley Davidson book. I love this series and so happy to have it in my e-reader instead of getting a loan from the library.

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I had a hard time connecting w Charley in the first book but I liked this one a lot more. Onwards I go with the rest of the series.

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I love the humour. It's constantly making me laugh. And as a concept it's great - something completely original and fresh. I am more and more intrigued by the characters.

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Second Grave on the Left is book #2 in the Charley Davidson series by Darynda Jones. This paranormal, romance, thriller would be lost in glut of the genre except for the main character herself, Charley Davidson.

Charley Davidson is not your normal private detective. It is not that she is the daughter of a retired Detective or that she helps her uncle, also a Police Detective, solve crimes. Its that often the dead themselves come to her to solve their deaths. Charley Davidson is the Grim Reaper,

This time it is not ghosts that wake up Charley from a dead sleep but her best friend Cookie. She tells Charley to get dressed and come with her right away. Cookie tells Charley that a friend of hers, Mimi, is in danger and needs their help. They rush to a midtown coffee shop and find that Mimi is no longer there. As they begin to investigate deeper they find that another friend of Mimi's has also gone missing. Could they be connected? And what is with the ghost in the trunk of Cookie's new car?

In addition to this, Charley is getting visits from the entity she is in love/lust with. Reyes Alexander Farrow who is also the offspring of Satan himself. They are obsessed with one another, but is it really attraction or is it their supernatural powers that attract one another. Reyes is leaving his body behind and haunting Charley because his corporal self is being tortured by demons. Hell wants the location of the Grim Reaper because through her, they can create a portal that will allow the fallen angels to return to heaven. But Reyes' hauntings lead to hot sex and distraction and Charley needs to keep her mind in control of her body and her desires if she is going to save Reyes and find Mimi.

Paranormal romance thrillers is a genre that has been filled with B-movie writing and poor plotlines for years now. Badly written novels that only serve to fill the pages until the next sex session comes along. You know those books. You've read those books. Now pick up a set of tales that thrives and succeeds in being something more. How? Because it doesn't seem to take itself too seriously.

Charley doesn't take her Grim Reaper status and get all obsessed about it. It is just something she has always been and its as much a part of who she is as being a woman is. She does take her detective work serious and that is her focus above all. She finds justice for the dead and through her they find peace of sorts.

These books are filled with snappy characters and good storytelling and actual mysteries to be solved.

A good fun read.
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Charley Davidson and her entire crew pulled me in with First Grave on the Right. Charley, Cookie, Reyes, Garrett, Uncle Bob, Angel, and more. I love that I'm only two books into the series and I'm connecting to so many of the characters. I like them all. I'm intrigued by some more than others. But I look forward to these books and want more. Specifically, Cookie is a lot more involved in this one as her friend is missing and is Charley's main PI case.

The writing is spot on in this series. I love how witty and funny Darynda Jones writes Charley. She's not really laugh-out-loud funny but smart and witty (I already said that)--sometimes sarcastic. She's quick. I love it. Occasionally, there were some comments from other characters that sounded more like Charley than themselves, but hey maybe she's rubbing off on them.

I wanted more Reyes in this book. The times when he was present were usually short encounters. It drove me mad in a good way. I wanted more and that caused me to devour pages hoping to see if Charley would find him in time or not. I feel like there's so much to explore between Charley and Reyes yet I wonder how it will stretch out through the entire series in a satisfying way...not too fast and not too slow. So far, two books in I'm satisfied in a dying-to-know-more kind of way.

I also enjoyed the dynamic that was explored toward the end of the book surrounding Charley's family.

If you're in the market for a new fantasy series, I highly recommend this one. There's enough romance to satisfy my heart, but it's held back to a level that has me on pins and needles in the best kind of way hoping for more soon. The writing is close to perfect. I love the quick wit. And there's so much more. All of the characters are dynamic and complex. I'm looking forward to more and will probably dive into book 3 immediately. Second Grave on the Left gets 4.5 Stars. Have you read Second Grave on the Left? What did you think? Let me know!

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I wasn't sure what to expect, but I enjoyed reading this. An interesting story with fun characters. Well written.

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Second Grave on the Left is the second book in the Charley Davidson series. This can be read as a standalone, though personally I think you should read the books in order written so you fully understand the storyline. There is violence and sex. I really enjoy this series. It is the perfect mix of paranormal and romance.

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This series is interesting, Charlie is a little funny naming her body parts. I love Reyes he sounds hot, and I love the touch of mystery in this book. I would recommend this series, I plan to continue reading this series to see what happens next.

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A free E-Book from NetGalley, the review is my own.

Another installment in the Charley Davidson series and another fun quirky read. Like the first book, I cannot help but compare it to the Stephanie Plum series.

About a week after the first book, Charley is investigating a missing persons case. While she is trying to track down the missing girl she has to deal with the usual dead guys and gals along with some demons and fake FBI agents.

I am really enjoying the series and the ending left me wanting to jump into the second book. I cannot wait to see where Charley's relationship with Reyes goes next!

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This is one of those multiple reads type of books...2nd in the series and still to this day one of the best

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This book is part of a paranormal detective series. It is fast moving, comical and definitely keeps your interest. Everyone should have a Ubi.

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I loved this next book in the series. I am mildly obsessed with Charlie and Cookie. I also wish I could be part of their team. Darynda Jones has a way with words that just reaches out and captures the reader's attention and holds on tight.

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Too little Reyes! I missed him in this book, I wish I had seen him more. And Oh, My Gosh! I love Charley! She makes me giggle. I received all these books from NetGalley in exchange for honest reviews and I pick them up at random when I need something to fall into and read for hours...and I do, read for hours. But it is so great that I can put it down and then just pick it up a few days later.

The world that Darynda Jones has spun is so cleverly built that I can see it. But it really reminds me of nowhere and everywhere at the same time. It's wild! I am completely enjoying this! 4 stars!

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Good mystery, great characters, and good storyline. I enjoy Darynda's writing and I will be reading more from this series. Hopefully they continue to entertain as reviews have been all over the place.

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