Member Reviews

I read the second fixture to the Charley Davidson Grim Reaper series and was baffled— yet again— that a female main character in the 2010s (even in a fictional book series) relies so heavily on a man to rescue her. I counted at least 4 instances in which Charley Davidson, possessor of supernatural abilities and sarcasm galore, needed a man’s physical strength to ‘save’ her life throughout the book, up until the very end; and not just a supernatural being such as Reyes, but other human men as well.

I continued on the Grim Reaper journey from Darynda Jones’ first novel First Grave on the Right in hopes that Charley would mature as a character, maybe lead less with her sarcastic bluster and focus less on tight male asses surrounding her, and more on developing key knowledge that would benefit her unearthly calling.

Jones continues to create too many storylines in one book and character development suffers because of it— several murder mysteries galore. I’m also confused and astounded by how trigger happy Charley is for OTHER people to harm the bad guys considering she is the light of God. Wouldn’t the fact that she is slitting men’s throats and almost killing them put her in the turning evil category?

The murder mysteries were slightly entertaining, but the subplots throughout the book detracted from the overall experience.

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I am a great fan if this Author and love her books just for the humour alone … never mind the characters .
I often end up laughing out loud - leading to yet again another raised eyebrow from my husband it says it all ………..his sense of humour is so different !

Charley's relationships' from Cookie , to Garrett , to Reyes keeps me coming back for more - where will it lead us ? The ups and downs .. who is friend or foe … the magic … what happens next is what keeps me reading .

A great paranormal read .. bring on the next in the series … I am seriously hooked .

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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5 stars!

This series is amazing and I can’t stop reading!
Charley Davidson keeps entertaining us in her quest for world domination. No, I’m kidding - that’s too much work and dedication for her. Her quest for uninterrupted sleep and quality coffee.

There’s so much going on at all times, but the layers are perfectly blended and ends with a kickass bang!
I can’t stress enough how thoroughly flawless the author made this world.
If you like UF then you NEED to read this series.

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Second Grave on the Left by Darynda Jones. An interesting tale written that does well in pulling you in and keeping your attention. Not overall my cup of tea but will do well in the genre.

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"I received this copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review"

If you hang around with dead people, life can get pretty complicated. Take it from Charley Davidson, part-time private investigator and full-time Grim Reaper. Complicated is her middle name. The deceased find her very sparkly. Demons find her irresistible. And one entity in particular wants to seduce her in every way possible.
When Charley and Cookie (her best friend/receptionist) have to track down a missing woman, the case is not quite as open and shut as they anticipate. Cookie's friend Mimi disappeared five days earlier. Mimi then sends Cookie a cryptic message telling Cookie to meet her at an nearby coffee shop. The coffee is brewing, but Mimi's still missing. There is, however, a clue Mimi left on the bathroom wall: a woman's name. Mimi's husband explains to them that his wife had been acting strange since she found out an old high school friend had been murdered. The same woman whose name Mimi had scribbled on the bathroom wall.
Meanwhile, Reyes Alexander Farrow (otherwise known as the Son of Satan. Yes. Literally) has left his corporeal body and is haunting Charley. He's left his body because he's being tortured by demons who want to lure Charley closer. But Reyes can't let that happen. Because if the demons get to Charley, they'll have a portal to heaven...well, let's just say it wouldn't be pretty.
Can Charley handle hot nights with Reyes and even hotter days tracking down a missing woman? Can she keep those she loves out of harm's way? And is there enough coffee and chocolate in the world to fuel her as she does?

I am so glad I decided to keep going with the series because I remember (It was a while ago since I read the first book) not liking the first book all that much. I remember thinking it was nothing special and I had not decided on if I was going to keep reading the rest of the series. I have no idea what made me decided to request it on netgalley but I am glad I did because I loved the second book so much more than the first.

Not only did I connect better with the characters within the book but I didn't feel so lost in the series. I loved the humour and the mystery and the hint of romance. I loved Charleys strong personality even though I am nothing like that and I love that she is figuring out more about what it means to be a grim reaper.

Reyes is a character I would love to hate, he has moments I love him and then there are times I would love for him to get smacked across the face. I think as the series goes on we will learn a lot more about him and a lot of the mystery surrounding his character will make more sense.

The side characters in this book I began to like more such as cookie, but some still make me beyond angry and annoyed but I also think this allows character development in future books.

I ended up rating the second book 3.75 out of 5 stars. It would of been more 4 stars but me liking characters effects the way I rate a book and too many annoyed me with this book. I do believe however this is a series that will get better and better like other series I have read and ended up becoming new favourite series of mine.

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Thanks to the publisher for a copy to read and give my honest opinion.

After cracking open book one in this series, I've suddenly had a great new series dropped in my lap. Charley Davidson as the grim reaper strikes a positively charged second book in this series. Beautiful execution! As usual there is always more than one thing going on in the book to kind of keep your attention from waning.
What did I like? The world building in these books are very strong not to mention a fun cast of characters. Charley's dry wit, and her love affair with the "Big Bad" is positively swoon worthy. Her ability to see dead people causes quite a stir in several scenes which had my lips twitching to smile. I fully recommend to anyone who loved the Stephanie Plum series.
Would I buy this book? Yes, I love series and since there is quite a few already released in this series then it will be quite awhile before your hammering for another book.
Thoughts for the author? I'm hooked, I'm going to recommend this series far and wide. I'm enjoying the heck out of them.

Five beautiful stars of entertainment!

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I really enjoyed First Grave on the Right so I was looking forward to catching up with Charley and her friends in Second Grave on the Left. This really is such a fun series and one that never fails to make me laugh while I'm reading it, from the T-Shirt slogan chapter headings, to Charley's snarky commentary and to the witty banter between the characters I giggle my way through the stories. I'd been a little nervous that the humour wouldn't be as good in the second book but I wasn't at all disappointed and I can't wait to get my hands on the next installment.

Cookie's friend Mimi is missing and she has asked Charley to help find her but the deeper they dig the more they come to realise that something big is going down. Not only is Mimi missing but more and more of her old school friends are turning up dead, someone has a secret to hide but can Charley figure it out in time? At the same time she is desperately trying to track down Reyes' body before the demons who are torturing him can destroy his body. Reyes is visiting her in spirit and is determined to let his body die but when he admits that he may end up back in hell if that happens Charley knows she will do anything to prevent it. But the demons want nothing more than to get their hands on Charley and use her as a portal to heaven and Reyes isn't prepared to let her risk it.

Charley is a great main character but I love this series as much for the crazy side characters and of course the sexy son of Satan Reyes. Charley's best friend Cookie is a hilarious sidekick and watching the pair of them working together reminds me of Stephanie & Lulu from Janet Evanovich's series. Charley really needs a friend like Cookie who always has her back because it seems like most of the people in her life are keeping secrets from her. I think I was most annoyed at the actions of her dad though, it wasn't so much what he did (that was understandably in a twisted kind of way) but the fact that he didn't warn her what he'd done. I can't say more than that without giving spoilers but I think anyone who has read the book will understand what I'm talking about. I felt that Charley seemed to forgive him for what he'd done a little too quickly but since it happened right at the end of the book I'm hoping she'll make him suffer in the next installment.

I wasn't sure what to make of Reyes in the first book, he started to grow on me towards the end but it wasn't until Second Grave on the Left that he really had me hooked. I still have some questions about him and really want to get to know him better but he definitely has the whole sexy, dark and dangerous vibe going on which is a plus point! I still really like Garrett though and enjoy his banter with Charley and the fact that he is also protective of her. Second Grave on the Left was a great installment to the series and has earned Darynda Jones a spot on my list of must buy authors. I can't wait to see what happens next and thankfully there is less than a month until the release of Third Grave Dead Ahead, it's already at the top of my wish list!

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Time had come for a new case that will be dealt with by Charley Davidson! A PI and Grim Ripper - the ONLY one on this side of Mars - hard thing, right? Everyone is coming to you for help (ghosts), and well you are the only one who can do something about that... There will be a lot of strange names coming this way and they will be HILARIOUS - trust me!
This time case comes from Cookie (Charlie's assistant) - her friend went missing! There will be lots of information from the past, hidden truths, and cold dead body that was hunting some people that were concerned with it! Who is killing them? Is there any way to find it out before all of those people will be dead? Charlie will have a HARD job with this one!
Add to if family problems - sister that was not talking to you AT ALL; dreadful stepmother and father that did something that made my blood went cold! But I have high hopes for them - especially Gemma, she has something in herself!
There will be also Reyes, yes THE REYES! He will be as always HOT and for sure secretive. Can you imagine him in the first scene that ended almost with THAT? Tension will be great and almost overpowering!
This book will give you cry, laugh and will give you great entertainment!

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A great follow up to the first book! Honestly, the humour in the writing is brillant! I spent much of the book worrying over Reyes, hoping Charley would find him before it was too late and wanting to hit him for being so stubborn and sucidal. The scrapes Charley gets into are unreal and if she wasn't what she was she would probably have died a long time ago but I love that she learns a little more about herself and what she's capable of.
Although I can understand their fear and prejudice, I'm getting sick of how the dead and a few of the living are so resolutely negative of Reyes and determined to file him in the bad news category without giving him a chance. They've just written him off even though there is a lot more to him then they will ever see if they remain determined to hate him, just cause of his parentage.
I'm really looking forward to (hopefully) learning alot more about Reyes as the series progresses, in particular what he knows that he isn't telling Charley to protect her and what he and Charley are capable off. I'm hoping he'll get salvation as well, to be free of the stigma he's judged on and to be out of his fathers reach so he no longer has to live with being a tool for his fathers machinations.

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Second Grave on the Left is one book all paranormal readers can enjoy. This story is full of mystery, suspense, twist and turns, steam and chemistry and so many laugh out loud moments that make this story both creepy and funny at the same time. My favorite characters are definitely Charley, Cookie, Reyes and Uncle Bob. I love Charlie's relationship with Cookie. Cookie is more than her assistant and their friendship is one I love as they are so entertaining together. I laughed so much at their antics and I absolutely love Charley's t-shirts. Charlie and Reyes is one relationship that I always want more of. They were meant for each other and Charlie is determined to find his body, but finding it may cause her more than she thinks. I can't believe the story ended that way but I can understand how Reyes felt betrayed. It's far from over and I can't wait to read the next book in this series. Would I recommend it to by paranormal loving friends? Absolutely!

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Second Grave on the Left is the second is the Charley Davidson series. Charley Davidson, PI/grim reaper takes a missing person case for her assistant/best friend Cookie. Cookie's friend is missing and a lot of dead bodies are turning up related to the case. To top things off, Charley's sexy protector/ son of satan is still on the run from the FBI after walking out of his long term care facility after a miraculous recovery. The icing on the cake, he keeps appearing to Charley with dire warning and looking like death warmed over. Charley is running out of time to find his corporeal form and he's ready to die for the good of the team. Action-packed and light hearted, the story moves quickly, the mystery roots you to your seat, and the humor sweet talks you to the end of the story- the perfect recipe to leave you wanting more. Reyes is a walking, talking, overprotecting, dark dream -too good to be true. Charlie is smart, sarcastic, and a trouble magnet. The stories are outrageous fun with strong, paranormal mysteries. My voluntary, unbiased review is based upon a review copy from Netgalley.

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Book Info
Original Title Second Grave on the Left
ISBN 1250005914 (ISBN13: 9781250005915)
Edition Language English
Series Charley Davidson #2
Characters Charley Davidson, Reyes Farrow, Garrett Swopes, Cookie Kowalski
setting New Mexico (United States)
Other Editions (34)
Source:Netgalley EARC

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Take it from Charley Davidson, part-time P.I. and full-time Grim Reaper. The deceased find her very sparkly. Demons find her irresistible. And one entity in particular wants to seduce her in every way possible…

When Charley and Cookie, her best friend slash receptionist, have to track down a missing woman, the case is not quite as open and shut as they anticipate. Meanwhile, Reyes Alexander Farrow (otherwise known as the Son of Satan. Yes. Literally.) has left his corporeal body because he's being tortured by demons who want to lure Charley closer. But Reyes can't let that happen. Because if the demons get to Charley, they'll have a portal to heaven. And if they have a portal to heaven…well, let's just say it wouldn't be pretty.

Can Charley handle hot nights with Reyes and even hotter days tracking down a missing woman? Can she keep those she loves out of harm's way? And is there enough coffee and chocolate in the world to fuel her as she does?

My Thoughts

When read first in the series Charley was just starting out and she did not have my full attention to continue with the series after reviewing that book.

However since given the chance to read books 2-12 from Publisher and Netgalley took the opportunity presented to me and happily in this second book felt more in tune and appreciated the main character much more.

I was pleased and thrilled to find that not only did Charley come across as more of a character that was easy for me to connect to, with her penchant for bad decisions and the ability to attract trouble over and over, the story was also more solid as the earlier details of the series were already set up so therefore easier to follow this second time around.

Having now fully invested myself into the world, the characters and the magic/mayhem that this series embodies looking forward to the rest of the books to be read, after all there is a little Charley Davidson in all of us at some point I think.

This was a fun/frivolous/humorously written example of why you never give up on a series after just one introduction to it.

Continuing happily with book 3 soon as anticipating what kind of trouble the intrepid duo of Charley and Cookie find themselves in next.

[EArc from Netgalley]

On every book read as soon as it is done and written up for review it is posted on Goodreads and Netgalley, once released then posted on Amazon, Barnes and Nobles as well.

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Great series! I've never read this author before but I'm really enjoying it. Can't wait to read the next one!

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Ridiculously good. Sassy and sexy with plenty of mystery to go around, both supernatural and corporeal.

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I fell in love with this series in First Grave on the Right, the first book featuring Charley Davidson. The cast of characters in the "Grave" books rivals Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum cast. Between her daytime job solving murders, either with or without her policeman father and uncle, and her night times with Reyes, the son of satan, Charley's life as a grim reaper is never dull! How will she save the day before the demons find and stop her? Read on and enjoy!

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Re read 12/30/2014
I liked I just didn't love.
Charley makes me laugh. She is so snarky and I enjoy her sence of humor.
Cookie is my all time fave. Best side kick/assistant EVER.
I still think Swoops is hot.

Reyes. Oh you.

I just can't get into him. He is moody and I don't like how Charley gets all swoony (its a word now. Deal.) around him. He growls all the time and pouts and gets cranky. He is like a girl perpetually in PMS mode.

The first part of the book spends too much time going over everything from the last book. Sweetie, it is a series. If your reader didn't read the first book then shame on them. Stop making me read explanations.

I guess my rant comes from the fact that I want to much to like this book more than I do. I am going to continue with the series because I do enjoy the writing. I just hope the story picks up a little more.

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This is the second book in this series about the grim reaper. I really enjoyed it and am waiting to read the next book in this series

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I love this series by Darynda Jones, and it's one that is a must have, especially if you love a snarky, kick ass heroine! Any book series worth it's salt has to have one of those, as well as a sexy man who walks into your wildest fantasties/dreams! Very well written, and a series worth reading over and over!

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Five Stars! The second book is even better than the first!

Second Grave on the Left picks up just a few days after the dramatic conclusion of First Grave on the Right. Charley is awakened at an ungodly hour by her best friend/secretary/ neighbor/ gopher/ shoulder to lean on, Cookie. Cookie throws a clash of clothes at her and urges her to get dressed immediately. After much prodding, Cookie gets Charley out to her car with little explanation. When Cookie tries to shove Charley in the trunk, Charley puts her foot down. She refuses to be stuffed into the trunk because she really does not want to ride in the trunk at this time of night without good reason, and there is a dead guy's ghost in the trunk. Finally, Charley drags it out of Cookie where they are going and why. They are headed to a coffee shop, but not for coffee much to Charley's dismay. Cookie's best friend, Mimi, is in trouble and is insisting on meeting Cookie alone. Needless to say, whenever Charley is involved you can expect a hurricane of trouble. Charley and Cookie find themselves plunged into a missing person investigation when Mimi fails to show. More disturbing, Mimi's high school classmates are dying. On top of the new investigation, Charley manages to find that her biggest problem of all is Reyes. He is mortal danger again and Charley is in a race against time to find him before his mortal body dies. Reyes, however, has other ideas and is not cooperative. Can Charley catch a killer, find Reyes and manage to stay in one piece?

What I Liked:
*I love that this book immediately picks up where book one left off and drops us right back into Charley's chaotic world. This book is just as good as the first, if not better. Charley is back with all of her saucy, sarcastic commentary. I adore Charley and I can assure you that this never a dull moment in a day in the life of Charley Davidson. You can expect a passel of trouble, gallons of coffee, ghosts, interesting wardrobe selections along with a Bugs Bunny comforter and a good dose of flippant remarks thrown into to all the chaos. If you are looking for a new heroine who is sure to make your laugh, look no further, Charley is your gal!
*I like that Ms. Jones always weaves a complex story with many interlocking story lines. This book presents numerous plots that converge to form a fun read. This book has a lot going on!
*Again there are ghosts popping in and out of Charley's day. From the strange homeless man found in the truck who leers at her in the shower to her crime fighting partner, Angel. Mr. Wong remains a ghost of few words...make that no words. This time around there aren't quite as many ghosts popping in and out of the book so it makes for a bit smoother read.
* Reyes returns and he is sexy, sultry, and a load of trouble. I liked that in this book there are more revelations regarding him, and some are jaw dropping. All in all, he remains a bit of an enigma. It seems that he just might be able to bring about the apocalypse with his unique heritage. Still, he proves that he is devoted to Charley and it seems he is going against his destiny all in order to protect his Dutch. He might be a big pain in Charley's ass, but he can sure steal a scene when he shows up.
*Charley manages to earn a few more bruises and injuries, basically she gets her butt kicked a few times. This time, though, she grows and begins to tap into her own unique abilities and she starts using some of her powers. I like that she is evolving and hopefully soon she will be able to kick some butt and take names!
* I love that this series always ties everything off at the end and refrains from cliffhangers!
* Once again, this book is full of hilarious t-shirt and bumper stickers at the beginning of each chapter. I find this quips so funny and I think they are a great addition to the book.
And The Not So Much:
* I was a bit disappointed that Reyes didn't have as big of role in this book, and that there were no toe curling, smoldering scenes. Again, he spends the entire book in his incorporeal form, so that doesn't allow for the sexy hookups that readers are craving. Take heart, there are still some intimate encounters with lots of sparks, but we aren't treated to the "get out the fan out" scene that we got in book one.
*As I mentioned, there are not as many ghosts in this one, and I kind of missed Charley helping all the ghosts to the other side. There is something very rewarding when she helps a deceased find closure and move them on. However, less ghosts popping in and out makes the read a bit less chaotic.
*Ms. Jones again presents a busy plot. There are numerous characters coming and going and it is a lot to keep track off. This is not an issue if you read this in a reasonable amount of time. If you take your time, you may find yourself flipping back to refresh your memory on who is who in this one and how they all fit into the plot.
* I still can't figure out what Garrett's role is. I get the feeling that he could be a love interest for Charley, and he is obviously interested in her. Yet, there is no movement toward a romantic relationship. Truth be told, Charley would have an easier go with Garrett vs. Reyes. I love the scenes with Charley and Garrett, they have one of those fun, antagonistic relationships that I adore.

Darynda Jones proves once again that her first book was no fluke. The Charley Davidson Series is one of my favorite series right next to Kim Harrison's The Hollows and Karen Marie Moning's Fever Series. If you are looking for a fast, furious read with a snarky heroine who just so happens to be the grim reaper, get this. In fact, drop everything and go get these books now! I am just sorry that I delayed in reading the sequel. You can bet I will be starting book three Third Grave Dead Ahead ASAP!

Favorite Quotations:

"I'm an excellent liar. Ask my dentist. He swears I floss regularly."

"With a sigh,I realized I was getting way too much exercise. I'd just have to counteract it later with cake."

"Cookie was excellent at keeping the coffee fresh and the hugs warm. Or maybe it was the coffee warm and the hugs fresh."



"Or maybe I'd have my bikini area waxed by a German female wrestler, which would be more fun than talking to my sister on the phone."

"I did a search on how to detect demons and received a slew of no-help whatsoever for my effort."

"I woke up at four thirty the next morning---also known as five minutes past ungodly---and lay in bed, wondering why in the name of St. Francis I'd woken up at four thirty in the morning."

"Because you're the reason I breathe."


"You're about as helpful as a spoon in a knife fight."

"Oh, no, you don't," I said as Cookie headed for the maker. Well, not the Maker, not like God, but the coffeemaker."

I purchased this book. All opinions are my own and I received no compensation for this review.
Published @ Rainy Day Ramblings.

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SECOND GRAVE ON THE LEFT is the second novel in Darynda Jones’s Charley Davidson Grave series. Once again, written in first person POV, we follow Charley and her side-kick Cookie as they investigate a missing person’s case and a cryptic message left on a bathroom stall wall. Blending humor and mystery, Second Grave is another powerful storyline that delves deeper into the relationships that make up Charlotte Davidson, PI (aka Grim Reaper). Oh and we mustn’t forget her bunny slippers, Bugs Bunny comforter, Danger and Will Robinson and the heart stopping Reyes Farrow ;)

Unlike First Grave, there are NO recently departed following Charley around hoping for resolution about their own deaths. But, that is not to say that some spirits do not make a re-appearance=Angel, Rocket Man and Strawberry Shortcake to name a few.

Second Grave begins when Cookie receives an urgent message from a high school friend-Mimi, who is in need of Charley’s services. But like all good mysteries, Mimi is no where to be found and although no witnesses recall seeing the woman, Mimi has left a cryptic message on the bathroom stall at a local all-night café. And to complicate matters, her husband believes she has been having an affair, and has been threatening those he believes are responsible.

Searching through the past, Cookie and Charley stumble upon a 20 year old secret that may soon reveal itself, amidst a Senate campaign. When all clues point to a cover up, Charley and Cookie soon discover that everyone who knows about the secret is suddenly dying under mysterious circumstances. Although the clues point in one direction, Charley is forced to confront those who do not wish the secret revealed.

At several times throughout the storyline a trio of ‘FBI agents descend on Charlie, posing a threat to her life. But unlike in the previous storyline, Reyes Farrow aka Big Bad has not been present to serve and protect. And this has Charley worried. In First Grave, Reyes professed his lifelong protection of Charlotte Davidson, but he is currently derelict in his duties, whenever Charley is faced with a life-threatening situation. Two knife attacks and a shoot-out do not bode well for Charley, and resulting injuries must be attended. But Reyes will finally explain, that he will be present-if truly needed.

Again, there are several secondary storylines and investigations. Charley and her father must face some realities as it involves his previous career as a police detective in the APD. When someone from his past threatens his family, Charley’s father seems willing to risk the life of his daughter to save those that he loves. Garret Swopes is injured in the line of duty and the prison warden is well aware that Reyes Farrow is not all that he appears. And like the headlines from gossip magazines and horror stories, Reyes has a following that will both surprise and force you to withdraw into the world of ‘ick’ knowing that there are people out there, willing to do anything for attention and money. Oh and we mustn’t forget about the spirit riding around in the trunk of Cookie’s white Taurus. His identity will come as a shock to everyone but Uncle Ubie.

Reyes and Charley’s relationship grows as Reyes reveals more about what destiny has in store. As the story continues, Reyes’s corporeal body’s whereabouts is still unknown as Charley searches in vain. Knowing that Reyes is continuously tortured for information and the map, Charley hopes to find his body, to stop Reyes from allowing his own death. But Reyes has warned Charley that she should not interfere. As the son of Satan, Reyes is well aware of the prophecies and who is the KEY to both heaven and hell. But Charley’s interference and refusal to back down will now place everyone at risk, and her relationship with Reyes will take them into another direction-one that she isn’t willing to accept.

Second Grave on the Left is another wonderful instalment in the Charley Davidson series by Darynda Jones. Darynda writes with plenty of humor and just enough sexiness that your will find yourself laughing out loud. The character of Charley is a no-nonsense woman, who readily speaks her mind (sometimes without thinking), but as a reader I love the first person POV, as we are able to hear the thoughts and what truly goes through a characters mind when caught in a compromising situation.




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