Member Reviews

I am and have been a die-hard fan of Diana Palmer and have read every single book she's ever written, and yes, I know her predictable formula by heart: a pure, virginal heroine, her parents deceased in some sort of tragic accident, a wealthy, rude, jealous, obnoxious but handsome, sex-obsessed, hero with lots of black chest hair who is usually 11 years older than the heroine, and who is usually dating a cold-hearted, demanding but beautiful woman who is after his money (Micah and Lydia, respectively), plenty of incorrect assumptions about the virginal heroine who had a bad experience in the past with some man trying to rape her, leaving her terrified of sex, and also long passages about history and cattle. This novel has all but one of the aforementioned, but what surprised me was that in this novel, the heroine, Karina, was an Olympic figure skater who broke her ankle and who was told that her injury meant she could never skate again. Since she has no money and no degree to fall back on, she takes a job babysitting Janey, the 9-year old, skating-obsessed daughter of the aforementioned hero, who lives on a remote ranch in Wyoming, and those changes in topic were the primary reason that I gave this novel 2.5 stars rather than the two stars I felt that it actually merited.

Karina's relationship with Janey was, in my opinion, the best part of this novel. Since I'm also a huge fan of figure skating, and once, as a young child, also had dreams of Olympic ice, I fell in love with Janey and her Olympic dreams, and I loved the way Karina's need to teach her to properly figure skate slowly overcame her own fear of the ice. However, since she didn't use her professional name when she applied for the job, she's secretive of her past and the World Championship gold medal she and her pairs partner, Paul, received prior to her training accident. It doesn't help that that Micah's self-absorbed and nasty fiance, Lydia, once won a bronze medal for skating at a small, regional competition and she does nothing to properly encourage or teach Janey anything about skating, and does nothing but yell at and belittle her attempts to skate, all while Micah does nothing to support or defend his only daughter, being too sex-obsessed with the incredibly obnoxious Lydia, and putting his libido ahead of his daughter's verbal and emotional abuse. To say that it was impossible to like Micah is putting it mildly--I thought he was grossly neglectful of his child, sexually abusive to Karina, who was his employee, and totally clueless about his uber-nasty girlfriend, who belittled Karina and Janey endlessy, and then flat-out lied about Karina's relationship with her former pairs partner, Paul, turning Micah against her without even questioning the lies Lydia told. Frankly, I couldn't understand Karina's interest in a man who was pretty much an absentee father, and one who put his sexual needs above his daughter's abuse.

My other issue with this novel was how incredibly repetitive it was. I often found myself skimming over passages I'd read more than once, among them the story of the plane crash that killed Karina's parents, which was repeated at least four times, Karina's prior injuries to her left leg, and her fear of getting back on the ice, repeated ad nauseum, her internal debate about her future, Janey's issues with Lydia's treatment of her, and on, and on, and on. At least I was spared long passages about the cattle on the ranch, which, for a change, weren't Santa Gerturdis, Ms. Palmer's favorite cattle breed, and also, thankfully absent, was the history of Wyoming, something that was ever-present in Ms. Palmer's Long, Tall Texans series. Since all of her Wyoming Men novels are more lengthy than her Long, Tall Texans novels, it seemed to me that all the repetitive passages were simply there to pad her word/page count, rather than to add to our understanding of the characters and the motivations behind their often irrational and erratic behavior. The good news was at least Karina never once referred to the hero as "dishy."

Yes, of course, there's an HEA ending where the always abrasive Micah suddenly becomes Karina's romantic fantasy boyfriend, but again, he never discusses his plans for their future with her, he just barrels ahead and plans their wedding and their honeymoon without ever asking Karina for her opinion about anything, let alone asking her to marry him before making his plans. It would have been a very nice change if somewhere along the way Karina developed a backbone, stood up for herself and told Micah to stop steamrolling right over her, but sadly, that didn't happen, and although Karina got her happily ever after, as I reader, I thought this novel left a lot to be desired.

I voluntarily read an advance reader copy of this novel. The opinions expressed are my own.

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Karina is a champion ice skater whos still healing mentally and physically after accident that hurt her leg and dealing with the aftermath of living when her parents died so recently. While shes out of commission shes going to be a nanny for Micah Torrance who has a sassy little daughter. Micah is wealthy and works hard on his ranch and needs to make sure his daughter is being taken care of while he is working and with his fiance.

I can honestly say I really enjoyed this book. It had so many ups and downs there where times I hated Micah's character. While he was fiercely protective of his daughter when it came to others bothering her, but also wanted to give her that space to learn to do things for herself there was the issue of the Fiance. Don't even get me started with the fiance, I there was so many times I wanted Karina to reveal her little secret to the women, just throw it in her face because she was a horrid women. But when it came to Karina's character I just loved her, she was sweet and kind, she was supportive when needed and fiercely loyal and protected. There was even on situation where I thought she was just plain crazy for getting her self in a situation to save something. You know what there was so much to love about this book and its so hard to talk about what that is without revealing too much so here's what I will tell you, read this book its pretty fantastic I really enjoyed it.

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I love Diana's books so much. I love the storyline, the characters and the drama. I'm Wyoming Legend we meet Karina who is a Figure Skater recovering from and injury and at a crossroads in her career. Micah is the father of a little girl with whom she has applied to watch. As the story progresses ensues. I absolutely loved reading this book. As a big fan of Figure Skating, I enjoyed reading this book so much.

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This is a great new book by Diana Palmer other books, and I loved that it is a little different from her other Wyoming series as the character Karina is willing to stand up to Micah Torrance, who is a total alpha male!

Karina is recovering from a fall during practice when she and her partner were skating. She broke her ankle and so she has been recovering. She gets a temporary job with Micah to take care of his daughter Janey who is a beautiful little girl that wants to ice skate so badly. Unfortunately Micah's girlfriend picks on her and makes her feel really bad.

Karina tells Janey she will help her learn how to ice skate when she sees that everything she was taught wa not right. It is good for Karina too, as she has been off the ice and she is afraid to get back on the ice.

All kinds of complications arise and it is out of this that Karina learns that if she wants to skate again and win gold she has to do so no matter what! I gave this book 5 awesome stars!

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After a bad accident and break, Karina had to think of another career since she could no longer skate. In the mean time she was running low on funds so she takes an in-home babysitting job at a ranch for a 9 year old girl. Janey seemed much older than 9 years old and she just happens to love ice skating. Her soon to be step mother has been teacher her but she's been teaching her some wrong things and she has no patience for the child. So Karina starts taking her to the ice rink and giving her pointers.

Karina almost leaves at one point because Micah is a big, grumpy man who tends to yell when he's mad. Karina doesn't like getting yelled at so it's a good thing he apologized before she quit. Things seemed to get better between them after that, but he's still dealing with a soon to be wife that likes to boss him around, which isn't sitting well with him.

I really liked this story but the employer/employee relationship started right off with a lie and a big one. Karina never told Micah that she was a figure skater and that's how she broke her ankle. But he was more than just grumpy, he was at times a real jerk. I would have told him where to go a few times. I know I would have quit that job instead of staying there taking this guys BS. There's just no reason to talk to someone the way he talked to her a few times. Plus, he saw how his fiance was treating his daughter and how it hurt her and he did nothing. I actually didn't like either of these characters until about 75% into the book and then things seemed to change a bit. But it's hard to change my opinion of these two when I've seen the dark side of their personalities.

Things do get better between these two and they fall for each other. It was nice seeing him change from a grumpy jerk into a romantic nice guy.

Disclosure: I was given a copy of this book for free via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review but all opinions are my own.

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I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review. Yet another awesome book by one of my favorite authors.

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I have read every book Diana Palmer has written, so obviously she is a favorite, but this book, meh. This book had her typical tropes - older, rich, experienced man with a young, naive virgin. I guess I keep hoping for something different. I'm wondering if I will just have to accept that there won't be anything new, ever. There were 2 major issues I had with this book.

The first issue - Micah. He was a total jerk. I truly do not understand why Karina would even be interested in this arrogant, abusive, horrible human being. He does nothing but demean her, and is abusive to her. I would have walked away from him as an employer from pretty much the beginning. As a love interest - never. Also he tries to have sex with her while still engaged and with his fiancee in the house. This is not an honorable man. He keeps saying how much he loves his daughter. He is never home with her, and he allows his fiancee to abuse and vilify her. His excuse - oh he didn't hear her he was too busy on the phone. No Father of the year award for you!!!

The second issue - repetition. So many things are repeated, over and over again. I don't know if this is a writing issue or an editing one but, boy was it annoying. Telling me something over and over again just becomes filler where it isn't needed and distracts from the story. I kept saying to myself - I have read this at least a dozen times, I get it. Why so repetitious???

This book just did not work for me on so many levels.

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Karina is a world class skater recovering from a broken ankle. She isn’t sure she can ever get back on the ice so she gets a job as a live in babysitter on a ranch. When her charge starts skating lessons Karine starts thinking about trying again as a skater. ARC from NetGalley.

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This is classic Diana Palmer. I have read her for so many years and have always enjoyed her books. I know she may not write the super suspenseful and deep books but you always know that her books will put a smile on your face. She is a go-to author when I want to lighten up after reading something dark. or intense. In this story, the couple is a cowboy and an injured ice skater who fall in love while she is helping care for his daughter.

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Great addition to the Wyoming Men series, this is the 8th book. Micah and Karina's love story was great to read. I also enjoy Ms. Palmer's book. Highly recommended.

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Karina and Janey are cute together and a really endearing tale. You can't help but appreciate the character growth of both Karina and Janey as they get to know each other. I would of been happy with just their story.

Micah is rude and self absorbed. I found it very hard to find anything likable about him except for his deep down love for his daughter. I kept thinking he’d get better but at 75% he was still horrible and abusive ...then an instant personality flip. Then he still didn't learn from his over-reactions and continued to make rash conclusions. In the end, I didn't buy Karina and Micah insta-love relationship.

If you tell me once, I got it. If you tell my twice, its a little repetitive. But telling me something over and over again just becomes filler where it isn't needed and distracts from the story.

2 stars because I really did like Karina and Janey but this was not the book for me.

I received this ARC copy of Wyoming Legends from Harlequin - HQN. This is my honest and voluntary review. Wyoming Legends is set for publication October 30, 2018.

My Rating: 2 stars
Written by: Diana Palmer
Series: Wyoming Men
Mass Market Paperback: 384 pages
Publisher: HQN; Original edition
Publication Date: October 30, 2018
ISBN-10: 1335041087
ISBN-13: 978-1335041081
Genre: Contemporary Western Romance

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I loved the storyline between Karina and Janey. Getting an inside look at the life of an Olympic ice skater was by far a much better story than the romance between Micah and Karina. Micah was pretty much an jerk both to Karina and Janey. Micah's allowing someone to continually be mentally abusive to his daughter made me pissed that I even was reading this book. I used to really enjoy Palmer's books but this one really let me down.

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Wymoning Legend is a romance book about a figure skater who broke her ankle and is scared to get back on the ice. She takes a job as a babysitter and falls in love with Janey. Janey who wants to become a figure skater herself.

My synopsis did not mention the male love interest because to me the books real love story was between Karina and Janey. Their story was absolutely touching and really sold the book for me. Janey's father was just an extra that did not really add anything for me. Actually it detracted from the story. Micah was a jerk who let somebody belittle his daughter. I have no time for that. I really liked a lot of Diana Palmer books and was excited to pick one up again because it had been awhile but this was a small let down.

Im giving three stars for NetGalley rating system because I maybe recommend this book just for Karina and Janey, On Goodreads I would give two stars because it was an OK book but I've read much better by Diana Palmer.

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I've been reading Diana Palmer for over 20 years---since I was a student in college. This book does NOT disappoint. I can always count on a good heartfelt story that keeps me wanting more.

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I was surprised how much I enjoyed this book. While the author still has some issues with the dialogue ,Overall it was enjoyable. I have previously read some of Diana Palmer's older work that was good as well. I hope to continue reading more of Ms. Palmer's work ,

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For fans of Diana Palmer – which I readily count myself – WYOMING LEGEND has a few twists on her usual character development. Sure there is the uber alpha male and lovely young woman. Diana Palmer can’t help herself with casting her book. But in WYOMING LEGEND the female lead actually stands apart as a very independent successful character with an amazing resume of her own. In this newest book by a very prolific author two characters find love although they seem inclined to ignore most of the signs. Luckily for us Diana Palmer is steadfast and stubborn.
Micah Torrance is a very wealthy businessman with a ranch and a young daughter Janey. Janey’s mother died in a tragic accident – is there any other kind. Micah isn’t a very doting father with all his business responsibilities that take him away from home way too often. But Janey is a lovely girl. And when Karina Carter arrives at Micah’s ranch she feels pretty confident that taking care of Janey will be a delight.
Karina needs this time away from the hustle and bustle of city living to get her own act together. After a skating accident left her with a broken ankle that is at the end stages of healing Karina has a lot of thinking to do. This latest incident has left her with many fears and self-doubts about reentering the field she absolutely loved – pair figure skating. She and her partner Paul were on their way to the Olympics. And this injury is playing with her head.
To be fair to Paul, Karina has given him the green light to find a new partner. They’ve been skating for many years and have a deep friendship that extends to his wife and children.
Karina can’t even seem to get the strength and courage to go back onto the ice. That is until she meets Janey. Janey has visions of being a competitive skater. Problem with that is Micah and his fiancé Lindy were less than supportive of her desire. In fact Lindy is a very destructive influence in Janey’s life and although everyone else is fully aware of her spitefulness it seems to have escaped Micah.
Here’s where we have an intelligent businessman who seems to have lost his ability to see things as they actually are. Living in a cocoon one might say. A world built around his holdings and this witch he calls his fiancé.
But Micah’s world is about to be turned upside down with the arrival of his daughter’s new baby sitter – that’s what he calls Karina even though Janey is nine years old. Karina sees herself as more of a companion for Janey and accompanying her to skating practice has given her an opportunity to rethink her options. Janey is so brave, forging on in spite of the nasty comments from Lindy and bullying at school. Karina wonders if she can garner some of that bravery for herself.
WYOMING LEGEND has many of the usual components of a Diana Palmer story as I mentioned before. But I loved the idea that the main female has more inner strength than the male counterpart. Brave intelligent women who face down their fears and doubts without leaning on a man make me smile. WYOMING LEGEND will definitely make you smile. It’s the good against the evil thing Diana Palmer style. And if you are a fan of the ice dancing competitions that part of this story is equally delightful and entertaining.

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I used to love diana palmer books. But I feel like now there are all the same older hero younger heroine.

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This book had all the usual elements of a Diana Palmer romance - an alpha male who treats the virgin heroine meanly, lots of misunderstanding, pushing each other away etc. Still I liked the story. There is comfort in knowing what to expect when you begin a book.

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Wyoming Legend, the 8th book in Diana Palmer’s Wyoming Men series, published under the Harlequin brand. When champion ice-skater, Karina “Miranda Tanner”, whose life and dream where to be on the US Olympic Team, suffered an icing accident. Karina must now ponder if her dream was just that...Dreams.

Caring for little Janey was supposed to be temporary. Something to do until her body heals or come to a decision if she should hang up her skates for good. But the longer she spends with the Torrance family, the more she is drawn to put down roots away from the spotlight. Until little Janey Torrance becomes Karina inspiration to go for the Gold!

Wyoming Legend was okay. It was interesting enough to maintain my focus long enough to complete which in my eyes is a good thing. I didn’t want Wyoming Legend to become the first title of Diana Palmer books that I wrote off as a DNF.

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A sweet comeback story with the type of romance that makes your heart sigh. I had been enjoying Ms Palmer’s writing for quite some time...she has a captivating way of drawing you into her stories and creating a true connection to her characters. This a story that is not to be missed.

This ARC book was complimentary, provided by the Publisher and NetGalley. I am voluntarily providing my honest review.

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