Member Reviews

I have to apologize for not being able to post a review for this book before it was archived. Unfortunately, between 2012 and 2021 I had to have 12 surgeries on my low back and neck and spent so much time in the hospital with infections and recovering from surgeries, that I just wasn't mentally, and even sometimes physically, able to put together a review and type it up. I have finally over the past year returned to a somewhat normal life., although I was left with numerous disabilities following all the surgeries, and I'm trying to get back to one of the things I love the most: reading books and reviewing them. So, again, I'm very sorry that I've been out of commission, and I hope you will pass on my regrets to the author.

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I had initially marked this book as I will not give feedback, as I requested/DLs in 2012 and upon a review of my netgalley titles I was no longer interested in this title as my reading tastes have changed since then. In trying to improve my netgalley ratio I have learned that titles marked as not giving feedback do not count as a review. So writing this to thank you for the approval but I will not be reading or reviewing at this time. If that changes in the future I will leave a review on instagram, goodreads, storygraph, and amazon.

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The cover was beautiful and the synopsis intriguing but to slap Steampunk on this story was just wrong because there was very little. Started out so good and then it just started skipping all over the place and quickly I lost interest in it even though I so loved Noli's character.

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Another amazing steampunk book! I can't get enough of this genre. The writing is fantastic in this one and it felt like i just dropped right into the pages and it all played out right before my eyes.

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Just wasn't a book for me. Found it hard to stay interested in the story and characters. The steampunk genre has produced some of my favourite fiction and this one has to be my least favourite.

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Originally reviewed in 2012 on a blog I no longer run. Only just noticed the review was never submitted on netgalley. Please accept my apologies for not submitting this review until now.

I hadn't intended to read this book, in fact I had never heard of it till I stumbled upon it on Netgalley. The Steampunk edge, which was obvious from the cover, drew me to it straight away. I've always had an interest in Steampunk. Combine that with one of my other favourite things, The Fae, and you have a winner (In my eyes)

I was not disappointed.

This book is a good story. It's not too complicated and it isn't too taxing to read. The writing style is nice and it flows well. I very much enjoyed it.

I like the characters, how each on intertwines with another. Each one was it's own defined character and personality. They were really great to read about. It reminded me somewhat of Throne of Glass thought with the love triangle.(But i didn't mind it so much in this one as not all the characters went soft)

The twists were somewhat obvious till one hit near the end I hadn't expected. They made it more exciting and somewhat sad that Noli was still fighting at the end. What a crazy journey she had.

I hope there will be a sequel, mainly not focused on Noli but maybe that has her as a supporting character? I think most of her story is done now. I wouldn't like for what has been done to her to be undone. It would defeat everything. Would be nice if the sequel follow Lottie considering there were things left undone.

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I didn't get a chance to read this before it expired on my nook. I'm sorry! I do hope to one day buy and read this!

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