Member Reviews

Not only is Nick’s heart carved in stone, but so is his opinion of so called psychics which puts his best friend’s little cousin squarely off limits not matter how much the sassy Cajun, spitfire appeals to him. A serial killer is using psychic Evangeline Broussard’s small bayou town as his own personal hunting ground and she is forced to work with Special Agent pain-in-the-behind, Nick Garrison whose cynicism toward her psychic ability is matched only by his hotter-than-a-Louisiana-summer sex appeal. A leak in the police department puts her in the crosshairs of the killer and she’s the only one who can save them all.
This romance has strong, bold characters that stand out and their chemistry sizzles and pots whether their having a heated clash of wills, trying to resist their magnetic attraction or giving into the passion that burns between them. This couple are perfect match for each other but quite stubborn which keeps the relationship on a rocky slope and full of emotional turmoil that not only entertains readers but lets them get a ‘real’ feel for their personalities.
Thrilling suspense and intrigue keep readers on the edge throughout this fast paced plot as Nick and Evie try to figure out who the killer is and surprising twists keeps the characters on their toes. The author has created a small town story as the perfect setting and a group of characters that are interwoven with realistic interactions that allows readers to really get to know them. In fact, while the story appears to be standalone, readers would not be averse to reading more stories from this small town…like say Remy for instance. But regardless of whether the author brings readers more stories related to this one or not, she is definitely one to be put on the TBR list.

This was my first Tricia Tyler book and I enjoyed this story. While I liked the chemistry between Evie and Nick, even though he's as skeptical as they come when it comes to his beliefs about psychics, but there's no denying he's clearly attracted to Evie. I realize that this is a romance first, but I do wish there was a bit more that focused on the sinister side of the story.

Dark Water is a tale of the bayou and of a serial killer that is out for psychics. You get a real Southern feel for the area and what it is like to live in the Bayou.
Evangeline 'Evie' Broussard is a true psychic and not only that a good one as well. She is back home on her house boat for a holiday and to mentor fellow psychics who don’t know how to use their talents. But she feels a dark storm coming her way.
Nick Garrison is down South as a favour to a former military buddy. A murder that the FBI aren’t in on, but he shadows it nevertheless as it seems to be a serial killer. A serial killer that has it out for girl women and stealing body parts.
Nick is a cynic when it comes to all things paranormal and when he finds out that the detective in question is going to see his cousin Evie who is psychic, Nick becomes Special Agent Pain In The Ass. Although there is underlying chemistry it takes a while for the animosity between these two to disappear. Once it does though these two are really good together.
I really liked Evie and Nick. But I love Remy more. With his Cajun accent of Cher and Ma Petit. Be still my beating heart I just swooned. The overall plot is good and strong, and the author depicts a great backdrop to the story/plot at hand.
Not quite in the minority here but although this book is enjoyable alas it is a plot that I have read twice already now just replaced with different characters and some different things included. IT seems to be the beginning of a series when the second one comes out I’ll decide then if I’m going to continue.

There’s a killer hunting in the backwoods bayou town of Barfleur, which is where FBI Agent Nick Garrison is headed, as a favor to his army buddy. Three victims thus far, with no clues whatsoever as to how the killer was selecting victims. That is until heroine Evangeline Marie Broussard (Evie) comes into the picture.
Evie is a gifted psychic, who works as a private investigator. However, working on crimes like the one her cousin Remy Boudreaux is trying to solve takes a lot from Evie. But knowing that there is something she could do to help before the killer strikes again is something that Evie cannot turn her back on. Even if it means facing the scorn and contempt on the face of the FBI agent who comes along for the ride.
Nick has had his run in with psychics and learnt the price for it. He has never forgiven, nor forgotten the way people can abuse a family’s grief for their five minutes worth of fame. There is nothing Nick would love to do better than dissuade the notion that Evie could be of any help in the investigation, at all.
However, even with all the disdain he feels, Nick is man enough to accept and acknowledge the fact that no woman has moved him in the way Evie was, ever since he walked into her life. For Evie, the connection is just as intense. No matter how much she tries to protect herself from the onslaught on her senses, she finds that it is a game she is going to lose, spectacularly.
As the killer draws in, taking someone whom Evie considers to be very dear, it’s time for the hunted to become the hunter. There is no stone that Evie would not turn to get her friend back, which is how she is led right into the lion’s den, with nothing but her wits to use in the fight for her life.
I picked up Dark Water on a whim when I happened across the title on netgalley. I seldom request books on netgalley now because I usually do not end up reading them, unless they are authors whose work I am already familiar with. However, I have always loved me a good suspense, and with the cover calling to me, I decided to check this one out. I am so glad I did (even though the review is a tad late than I would have liked), because I enjoyed reading Dark Water immensely.
I loved the sexual tension that is palpable and intense throughout this novel. I loved how the author brought the sizzle into the scenes and made me sit up and take notice, even when there was plenty happening otherwise. When sexual tension reaches its peak and the culmination of it all is as explosive as what took place in this story, then the author has done it right.
Nick was a delightful hero. Sexy, broody, and the take charge type with a core of sensitivity that works well when it comes to Evie. His need to create and restore beauty in contrast with the kind of darkness that his job usually invites was a fascinating aspect to him. I loved seeing both sides of him, and it helped me see a long term future for both Evie and Nick because there was so much more than just good sex, hot enough to scorch your reader, between them.
I liked Evie just as much. Her vulnerable nature is evident once you see her through her grandmother’s eyes. The visits that her grandma’s spirit does was a charming facet to the novel. Evie’s preference to be alone was also understandable given the weight of the ‘gift’ that she carries, and how her past has taught her to be stingy with her trust when it comes to love.
The only thing more I could have asked for was more details on the villain in the story. I wanted to learn about what created the monster residing within, rearing it’s ugly head until the desire to kill is satisfied. A good romantic suspense delves deep into the darkness that manifests within the killer as well, and I felt a bit cheated out on that aspect. Regardless of that little fact, I enjoyed the suspense that went into the story, and how the dots were connected towards the end.
Recommended for those who love the slow heat that comes with romances packed with the Southern charm. This little number certainly delivers.
Final Verdict: Dark Water delivers a story that thrums with the tightly wound sexual tension and the dark and evil energy of a killer who had lost his way a long time ago. Definitely recommended!
Favorite Quotes
“This is a mistake.” His body gave lie to his words as he settled deeper into her. The rough material of his jeans rubbed against the sensitive skin of her thighs, heightening her senses to a fever pitch. Every move, every shift, sent a craving through her until the only thing left was a deep hungering need for more. An ache thrummed within her lower belly, spreading until it encompassed every part of her. Bon Dieu, she was in serious trouble. He’d barely touched her, and she was ready to explode.
“A mistake? Yes…most definitely,” she said, shaking her head slowly back and forth. It was one her body desperately wanted to make. Giving in to her body’s demands, she rubbed herself against him. She knew exactly what she was doing to him. It was empowering to realize the effect she had on him. He was a prisoner to the same hunger controlling her own reactions.
His grip on her hair tightened. He released her hands, sliding his slowly down her arm and across the length of her body until he cupped her ass, pulling her up and closer. Frantic, she blindly reached for his shirt. Buttons flew until smooth hard muscle lay beneath her fingertips, threatening her sanity. Sucked in by her own body’s traitorous reaction, all she could do was enjoy the ride. She didn’t give a rip at the moment about the little voice of reason inside her.
Jolts of heat ran up and down her spine like little devils racing in a marathon.
Bon Dieu.
He pulled in another ragged breath. Reaching between them, he grabbed the string along the side of her thong and yanked it off without regret. He’d buy her a new one. Hell, he’d buy her a drawer full as long as the last barrier between them disappeared. Catching her gasp with his mouth, he drove his tongue inside as he slid and plunged two of his fingers into her. Hot and wet, her muscles clamped around him.
“You’re so damn tight,” he mumbled against her mouth.
“It’s…it’s been too long,” she gasped, her body writhing beneath his ministrations.
Satisfaction swept over him knowing she hadn’t been with anyone in a long time. He refused to dig too deeply into why he felt that way. If he did, it might scare the hell out of him.
“Sweetheart, you’re killing me.”
“Bon Dieu…I want to feel you inside me now,” she begged. “Please, Nick. Now.”
He claimed her mouth as his own in a quick, bruising kiss. “Tell me you’re ready,” he demanded, not sure he could hold out any longer.
Her legs gripped him tighter, pulling him against her. He meant to go slowly, but the warmth on his cock sent him over the edge. He plunged fast and deep with the first stroke. She closed around him tight and sweet, and the rest of his body wanted to follow. All thoughts of taking it slow fled.
“You’re mine.” He lowered his head until they were nose to nose. “Say it.”
Her breath hitched, and her pupils dilated.
He lifted his hips until only the head of his dick remained inside her. The need to hear her say the words overwhelmed him and scared the shit out of him all at the same time. The need was stronger.
“I want the words, Evie.”
“Yours. I’m yours.” The words tumbled out on a shuddering breath, filling him with relief.
“And you’re mine,” she whispered, her expression fierce.
She tightened her muscles and bit the inside of her cheek, attempting to clamp down on the fire spreading through her. It was neither the time nor the place, and not the right man for God’s sake. Unfortunately, no other man had ever made her feel this way with just one look.
“Fuck. You can’t look at me like that and not expect me to respond,” he said, with an edge to his tone. He stepped in closer crowding her against the vehicle, determination engraved in the lines of his face. Reaching out, he clasped her face with both hands, and his lips crashed down on hers. Fast, deep, and hot. Oh…so very hot.
Purchase Links: Amazon | B&N | iTunes
Rating = 4/5 (GREAT READ)

I really enjoyed this book, which was part dark mystery, but a larger part romance. I have to say I have a weakness for psychic vs. serial killer plots, and I like spending time in a world rich in magic and mysticism, and this book left me satisfied on both fronts. The author also does a good job of incorporating the Louisiana/New Orleans setting into the atmosphere of the hunt for the killer. One thing I got from this book that I hadn't expected was the strength of the romance between the two main characters FBI agent Nick and Psychic Evangeline, which grew deeper and evolved as the story progressed. I was also impressed with the supporting characters from Evangeline's extended family to the other locals, they all added extra dimensions to the story and fill out the world. I wouldn't mind reading a sequel or two featuring the cousins Remy and Luc or even more stories follow Evangeline and her career as a PI.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing a free copy of the book for my review.

Thank you to Netgalley, , the publisher and the author for the opportunity to read this book in return for my review based on my honest opinion.
This is the first book I’ve read by this author. I do like a good thriller, and I don’t mind a little romance in with my thrillers; but I felt that the sex was a little much and this book. It was well written, I just felt like it was a little out of place. I enjoyed the storyline of the book and I enjoyed the romantic view point of the book.
Lawman Remy gets a friend of his brother, Nick a special agent to come assist with a serial killer that is stocking the bayou. The victims have been killed horrifically, and they’re trying to find the similarities between the victims;, Remy decides it’s time to bring in outside help, a psychic. Nick is not a fan of the whole psychic idea and feels That it will add nothing to the solving of the crime, little does he know that when he meets Remy‘s psychic and cousin, Evangaline, it will change his life in ways that he could never have imagined. Nick and Evangeline butt heads instantly,neither seems to be able to accept the other. Karma has other 0lans for them, and ultimately Evangeline‘s life is on the line, but will Remy or Nick be able to save her in time Will they be able to stop this demented killer in time?

A little slow to start but definitely fell into the story. The paranormal side was a little different for me, but I did enjoy.

It's set in the Bayou and they have two murders and one possible murder (haven't found the body) and they are at crunch time. Remy's brother Luc has an FBI friend who is on leave from his job and he asked him to come and help Remy out on this case as just an advisor.
Evangeline is a psychic and Remy's cousin. He wants to take Nick to go meet her and see if she can help them because they want to get it solved before any more young women get killed. Evangeline is a private detective and after an incident she doesn't work with the police anymore. She can't refuse her cousin though and the thought of those girls gets to her so she decides to help.
Only thing is Nick is not a fan of psychics and he has a good reason. He believes them all to be phonies and thinks it's a complete waste of time but it's not his case so he can't really say no. So he agrees to let her go with them to check out the site where they found the murder victims.
There is definitely some lust at first sight going on in this book as they both seem very attracted to each other and determined not to even think about it. They bump heads quite a bit because of their difference in opinion about psychics but when some things put her in the line of sight for the killer is protective instincts kick in.
I really liked both of the characters so it was easy to overlook any shortcomings I felt about the romance side of things. Evangeline is a no nonsense type of gal and she doesn't cow down to anyone not believing in her ability, not even if he is really sexy. Nick though having a hard time deciding what he thinks about psychics can't help but feel a pull towards Evangeline and wanting to protect her from anything that is going on. I really liked that about him.
Despite the instant I just want to have sex with you atmosphere that I am not a fan of I actually really enjoyed this and loved the suspense part very much. I had my suspects and I was pretty close with the right one just got one thing a bit backwards but I was so close...lol. So I wasn't really surprised to find out who it was but I did get the motive part kind of wrong. Makes for a good read!
I really liked this one and I only seen this book on the authors goodreads so I am guessing she is new and I will be watching out for more from her when I am in the mood for a romance read.

A tried and true plot line but well written enough to keep the reader intrigued. Steamy, suspenseful, action-packed, and fun.

Something sinister is brewing in the Louisiana bayou town of Barfleur. Three women have gone missing in the last three months and two of them were found dead. Is there a serial killer loose in the bayou? Nick garrison is an FBI agent currently on medical leave and is asked by his army buddy Luc to come to the bayou unofficially and help with the case. Nick works closely with Luc’s younger brother, Remy, to try to help and solve the case. But, when Remy has a lead and it turns out to be his cousin, Evangeline “Evie”Broussard, Nick is none to happy with the psychic. Nick does not believe in psychics and feels as if they are out to make a quick buck, so his faith in Evie’s talents is very very low. Yet, he can’t help but to be attracted to the beautiful Evie regardless if he thinks she is a fraud. But, when the killer sets his sights on Evie, Nick will do everything in his power to make sure she does not become the next victim.
Tricia Tyler does such a fantastic job of bringing the bayou to you with her descriptive writing making you feel like you can really see the bayou and see and hear the sounds. She incorporates such a rich history in describing the bayou and its folklore. Louisiana happens to be one of the places I would love to visit one day and Tyler makes me realize how much I really want to see the bayou and experience the culture and lure for myself.
The sexual tension between Nick and Evie is explosive. Even though Nick does not trust her, he can’t help being attracted to the cajun spitfire. Nick is pure alpha through and through and you can see it in his actions as he tries to protect Evie. Evie is a force to be reckoned with. She stands on her own and lets nothing get in her way. Evie has never been attracted to a man with such intensity before which scares her as Nick matches her in each and every way and they share a connection and a bond that gets stronger and stronger the more time they spend together.
The suspense really builds throughout the story as they search to find a killer right up until an explosive finale. Although, I had ideas on who the killer might be, I never thought there would be a twist that just blew this story out of the water for me. The psychic aspect of this story really had me interested right from when we first meet Evie. it also plays into the lure of Louisiana and the New Orleans French Quarter. So, I felt it really enhanced the ambiance of Louisiana.
Dark Water by Tricia Tyler is an intense and suspenseful thriller that blends richly drawn characters, a sizzling romance, an evil killer and the lure of the South in a wonderfully written story that I could not put down. I highly recommend Dark Water if you are a fan of thrillers mixed with romance.

Mystery and suspense...check.
Paranormal goodies and gifts...check
Sizzling chemistry...check
Creepy setting...check
Serial killer...check
Ghostly grandma...double check!
Dark Water by Tricia Tyler is all I could have asked for in a read. Inhaling it, not wanting to put it down and getting that feeling we all get as the book is fast coming to an end; I wasn’t ready...I’m still not. I want...need more. Be ready Ms. Tyler because you are definitely my new go-to for my reading enjoyment!
Ms. Tyler did a phenomenal job with this story with her smooth flow, steady progression, engaging storyline and captivating characters...I fell in love with it all. A+ all the way Ms. Tyler!
An ARC was generously provided in exchange for an honest review of which this is both honest and completely voluntary.

Psychics and the bayou - what's not to like? I really wanted to love this book but there were a few things that just didn't work as well as I wanted them to for me. This book has a serial killer who is killing young women and taking body parts. The cop in charge of the case, Remy, is working with FBI agent Nick, who is on leave but helping out at the request of his friend who is the cop's brother. When Remy goes to his cousin, Evie who is a psychic, for help Nick is not shy about letting them know he doesn't believe in psychics at all.
It's quickly determined that the serial killer is going after psychics and this is where I had a bit of a problem. The town they are living in isn't very big so the idea that there are that many psychics in the area seemed fairly preposterous to me. Since Nick is a huge cynic a great deal of the book is spent trying to prove to him that Evie is a genuine psychic and can be useful on the case. I wanted there to be a bit more of the actual investigation happening and this book seemed to be about 70% about the relationship between Evie and Nick and 30% about the actual case. The relationship between Evie and Nick takes a bit since although there is a lot of chemistry his disbelief causes quite a bit of animosity between the two for the first half of the book. While I liked Nick and Evie, Remy stole the show for me and I really loved him. I enjoyed the backdrop and thought the author gave a great depiction of the location.
So while I enjoyed this book I wanted a better balance of suspense/crime to romance. I did love Remy though and so if the second book revolves around him I will probably give it a try before I make a decision about whether to continue with this series.

I hadn’t read anything by this author before but she’s quickly jumped to one of those whose books I’ll always look out for. I thoroughly enjoyed this paranormal romantic suspense and found it to be a real page turner. The reader is placed into the action from the very start when the mutilated body of a young woman is being examined by the police. Nick Garrison is an FBI Special Agent who is on medical leave after being injured and he’s journeyed to help the local lead investigator, Detective Remy Boudreaux, at the request of Remy’s brother, Luc, who served with Nick in the armed forces. This is the third young woman to go missing and the second body to be discovered. As the search for the serial killer continues, Remy asks his cousin Evangeline Broussard, to help. She’s a psychic and Nick doesn’t believe in anyone having genuine psychic powers so, despite the mutual attraction between them, his scepticism and antagonism cause friction between them. Can they work together to discover the murderer? Can Nick overcome his prejudices and protect Evie from becoming another of the killer’s victims?
The author brings the characters and settings to life in the pages of her book. Her evocative descriptions paint pictures in the imagination of the reader and made it easy to relate to the people and places in the story, helping the reader build connections and to feel involved in the search to discover the killer. The build up is dramatic, the plot well developed and I found it an engaging and enthralling read. I have no hesitation in highly recommending this to anyone who enjoys their romance spiced with some cajun flavours, psychic talents and a serial killer to be brought to justice. I really hope this proves to be the start of a series as I’d love to read more about Evie and her cousins in future.
I requested and was given a copy of this book, via NetGalley. This is my honest review of the book after choosing to read it.

Creepy, atmospheric, dark thriller about a psychic called in to consult on a murder case (of course). And as usual, there is an FBI Agent who completely doubts her ability and resents that she is on the case.
Even though the story is a bit formulaic, it is entertaining. The serial killer is somewhat obvious, but the story and romance entices the reader to keep reading, albeit with the feeling that I should leave the light on at times.

Special Agent Nick Garrison is in Barfleur, Louisiana to help catch a serial killer as a favor to an army buddy, Luc. Girls are missing and it may be the work of a serial killer. Evangeline Broussard is a psychic and PI. She doesn't want anything to do with this case but her cousin Remy, Luc's brother needs help as he is an Investigator with the police department and is working on the case. Evie knows the link between the girls is that they are all psychic. Nick has a real problem believing in psychics. It's a book that you will not want to put down until it is finished. I hope this is a series as there are several great characters in the book that I would like to know more about. I have a few questions that I didn't get answers to but it is not a cliffhanger. If murder, mystery, psychics and love is your thing, this is your book. It is well written. Great book. Surprise ending. I received this book from Net Galley and Entangled Publishing for a honest review and no compensation otherwise.

Dark Water by Tricia Tyler is the 1st in the Psychic Evangeline Broussard series.
First, let me thank NetGalley, the publisher Entangled Publishing LLC, and of course the author, for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.
My Synopsis:
FBI Special Agent Nick Garrison is on medical leave, but a friend who is currently deployed in Afghanistan asks him to visit his home town of Barfleur Louisiana to help his brother try and solve the case of a couple of missing women. Nick is happy to help. But when Detective Remy Boudreaux enlists the help of his cousin, Nick’s dander rises.
Evangeline Broussard is a psychic, and whether Nick likes it or not, she will be assisting in this case. He will have to put his past experience, his doubts and his distrust of psychics on the back burner. Even though he is suspicious of her gifts, their physical attraction to one another cannot be denied. Soon his protective instincts take over, and Nick finds that he doesn’t want to leave her side.
Meanwhile, Evie is struggling. She realizes that the missing women have one thing in common…they all have psychic abilities, and that means that Evie is now on the list of potential victims. She sees the killer in her dreams, and tries to connect with him, only to have him fight back. She is left exhausted. Nick’s emotions are overwhelming her, and her abilities seem to be at a standstill.
My Opinions:
I am not a romance reader, but the paranormal aspect of the book interested me. I didn’t have a problem with the sex scenes, and to be honest, the romance actually added to the overall plot of the book. However, at times I felt that the romance should have taken a backseat to the actual murders….but that could be me.
The writing was good, the plot and characters were captivating, and although I guessed who the perpetrator was early on, there was enough happening to keep things interesting.
For a debut novel, I really thought Tricia Tyler did well. I am also hoping for a second book to follow Evie, and her gifts.

Dark Water was an enjoyable read. That although a little slow to start, soon had me engaged, thanks to an intriguing storyline and really likable characters. As well as a great blend of romance and suspense. Not to mention, descriptions of the bayou that really pulled me in and an ending that at times had me on the edge of my seat.
And I would happily recommend it to others.

Dark water is a dark mystery\romance that will have readers wanting more.
Evangeline Broussard is a Psychic feisty, strong and female. Nick Garrison is an FBI agent who will do anything for this friends even when he doesn't believe in the sexy, smart mouth Evangeline Broussard.
Mystery, sex, lust, dark murders and so much more. I found this story hard to put down.
As a reader the story at times felt like it was book two in a series as the author would refer back to a different case an it wasn't until half way though the book readers learned what the case was.
Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher Entangled Publishing, LLC (Amara) for the advance copy of Tricia Tyler Dark Waters

Wow wow wow! I loved this book. The characters are great. The settings are fantastic. The mystery is compelling and draws the reader in and keeps you guessing. Evie is a wonderful heroine. Nick is a complex and frustrating character you can't help but love. I am hoping we get more books from this author that will feature Remy and Luc. I'd love to learn more about them. You get intrigue, action, humor, sass, and sexy romance all wrapped up in one great read. I highly recommend this one!

Great read! 4.5 stars. I loved the setting and the author did an excellent job of creating atmosphere.
I loved how Evie and especially Nick fought their growing attraction. It was fun to watch the sparks between these two.
I think the author did a wonderful job with the psychic aspect to the story. It was easily understandable plus Nick’s reaction rang true.
I figured out the villain fairly early on but it didn’t diminish my enjoyment of the book. The suspense along with the developing romance had me turning pages until the end. I enjoyed both aspects of the story and look forward to more stories. I would love to see what happens to some of these other characters.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book through NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.