Member Reviews

Thanks to netgalley for a free copy if this book. I really enjoyed this book and found it hard to put down. It was beautifully and sensitively written. It certainly made me want to travel to Seville! The writing was very funny and I loved all the references to Glasgow, they rang very true, especially the reference to the “Glasgow kiss”.
Will and Lu have been married for 30 years, they are back in Seville during the Easter holy week, a reunion of their original honeymoon. Sadly, now they hardly speak to each other, Will is always on the phone frantic to continue to achieve sales to support their comfortable home in Richmond. His wife, Louisa perpetually anoys him with her sighing. Louisa feels invisible and unloved. Shortly after arriving in Seville, Will sees himself and Louisa on their original honeymoon in 1988. Throughout the week, he follows the younger versions around and begins to fall in love with his wife again. He sees his troubled younger self, with his anger and inferiority issues. He begins to understand how much he is at risk of losing. I really enjoyed this novel and would recommend it to others.

The description of this book sounded good. Couple enjoying a second honeymoon in Seville after a 30 year marriage. Their marriage is on the rocks, they can’t remember why they fell in love in the first place. Then they meet their younger selves in Seville .....
Despite being intrigued by the description I found this novel very hard going. I kept putting it down as the writing style did not grip me. The names were confusing- the younger selves being Will and Lu, the older ones William and Luisa.
I just couldn’t warm to the characters either and so despite giving the book a good chance, reading till 42% I finally gave up and did not finish.
The book did not hold my interest but others might enjoy a slower paced read and get more out of it.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for my arc in exchange for an honest review.

When I saw this on Netgalley , I was in love with the cover design ( see I told you covers are important , first impression really do matter haha) the fonts and the airplane tickets ahhhhh. The description made the book sound pretty good too, so I started to read it .
To me, I think this book has an interesting plot , the book talks about a couple going to seville after thirty years of marriage to relive their honeymoon. The husband was always on his phone and walking extremely fast and the wife felt alone. Somehow they met a couple which is *spoiler* themselves!!! only their younger selves don't know its them. William (the husband) tries to tamper history and ended up changing history.
blah blah blah
I wont be writing the whole book plot but don't worry its a happy ending. So the plot is definitely a unique one. The characters are well-built too, the couple has very strong characters and created such contrasts its a beautiful work.
ON THE OTHER HAND, I got the names mixed up half the time I mean William and Will , Luisa and Lu . I was so confused and needed some time to think about it. Also, I'll have to say i'm an impatient person. I find this book too slow-paced for me. To me, I think the books plot has such great potential yet due to the pace of the book i even find it boring at times! Such a tragedy for such a potentially better book.
Summing up, this book has interesting, unique plot, strong characters but is a v.slow paced book. If you're interested and is a patient person, I'd definitely recommend this book to you. :)