Member Reviews

Received this book through Netgalley. The description made me think this will be a very good book. Even the beginning of it was good. Then I had to stop at 10 percent. It was so repetitive and needed drama. It's a journal of of her dating her sugar Daddies. The ending was horrible I'm sorry to say. We never hear if she gets a happy ending or not.

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A memoir about Monique’s life as a sugar babe. It was interesting and a look at a life I was not familiar with. This book was categorized as erotic romance when I picked it up, that’s not what this book was at all. I did enjoy the story, but there were parts that dragged on a long time that I skimmed over (like food descriptions) and the writing style was a bit odd and almost felt like English wasn’t a first language for the author (apart from the foreigners dialogue which is expected).

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Sad to say, the style of this book did not resonate with me.
The style seems too generic rather than drawing me into the protagonists world.
The progression through the book also felt staccato rather than having a genuine flow to it.

I have a rule to only publish positive reviews so I will not be posting about this book on Amazon, Goodreads or Kobo.

Thanks for the opportunity to try this book

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I wasn't sure what to expect going into the book. I originally thought it was a romance type tale but it was more memoir. I didn't mind it but I expected more saucy stories I guess. Monique is a sugar baby who is a single mother after separating from her husband. She has two girls to raise and isn't sure what to do for income. Her friend Amanda recommends trying it out and seeing if she likes it. The book details her customers and where they are from and what kind of interactions she has with them. There were some parts like seemed to drag but overall it was alright. I wouldn't read it again but I'm not big on memoirs.

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Book Title: Sugar Daddy

Author: Sawyer Bennett

Publish Date: May 24, 2016

***ARC was provided to me by NetGalley and the publisher for a fair and honest review***

Overall rating: 3/5 1st person POV recounting her tail of how she became a Sugar Babe and her life beyond in a memoir fashion.

Personal Review: This story wasn’t wasn’t really my style but it was told in an interesting way that kept me turning pages. It is presented in a way that feels like Monique is sitting down and recounting her tail to you, just telling her story from the beginning. There isn’t much dialogue, more of just an inner monologue.

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I enjoyed reading Sugar, I did find it got a little bit repetitive at points and felt like it dragged a bit. I did generally enjoy the writing and did want to keep going and finish the book.

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A fascinating insight into the sugar lifestyle, and how easy it can slip from being new and exciting, to being desperate and forcing yourself to do things you swore you'd never do in order to put food on the table.
Just as apt a synopsis for this book would be one woman's very impressive struggle (and success) at leaving her deadbeat ex, and making a new home for herself and her two children. Finding it difficult to support herself with a waitressing job, a friend (who is a former high-class escort) points her down the road of the sugar life, and away she goes !
Some of it is a tad repetitive, and Monique seems very defensive, almost - she spends a lot more of her time feeling guilty than maybe she should.
Definitely worth a read through, either out of interest or sheer morbid curiousity. Personally, I think she managed brilliantly considering the situation that she was left in.

Many thanks to Netgalley for the ARC, which received in exchange for my honest review.
#sugar #netgalley

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This book was all about our character Monique and her life as a single mother as well as her life
as a sugar baby. She talks about how she balanced the two and when being a sugar baby was like for her.
This was a topic that I've heard about before but it was really interesting to read about it and get a deeper
meaning. I do think however that the whole thing is a little selfish and greedy but hey to each their own.
I found it interesting how casually she talks about accepting money from strangers to be their arm candy
almost. The thing I liked the most about this book however was how she had both a positive view and also
expressed her concerns in the beginning so you know the whole thing wasn't candy and roses. What I didn't like
about this book however was how our main character caved on her morals after like the first day doing this
sugar baby thing.I also found her very reckless with her life and her beliefs especially considering she was
a mother with two young children to worry about. It made her feel a little weak minded. Very interesting read and thank you NetGalley and Thistle Publishing for letting me read this.novel.

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I didn't love the story. While I understand the circumstances, this line of work is difficult to endorse. The travel and food writings seemed more descriptive than the erotica parts of the story, which were a bit cut and dried. and also without buildup. I felt, with the exception of the cranky mother-in-law, and crazy ex-husband, the characters were very one-dimensional.

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I enjoyed this book. It was definitely a fast steamy read. It was fun to read about where Monique was going to travel. I think I would have enjoyed some more detailed scenes or maybe make them a little steamier. Overall this was a fun read that I would recommend.

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This book just dragged on forever and was awful. I know it was an unedited ARC, but GOOD GOD, usually that doesn't mean completely unedited - the typos! And the writing itself is just so bad. The first half is okayish, but then about halfway through it just gets super repetitive and I don't know why I didn't just have some sense and DNF, but I think I was like "No, I made it this far, I'm finishing this thing."

Not my cup of tea (or bag of money).

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I really thought I would enjoy this book but instead, I’m just so relieved that it’s over. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I couldn't tell if this was a memoir or a fictional story. That being said I felt like if it was a memoir then the author was very blasé about the world of Sugar Dating and her experiences.

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This book was well written and I enjoyed the character drescription. I thought the sex scenes were brief.

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If this is supposed to be an autobiography, it is too flimsy, breezy, and non-committal to be a believable memoir.

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Sugar" eBook was published in 2018 and was written by Monique X.

I categorize this novel as ‘R’ because it contains scenes of Mature Situations and Mature Language. This is the autobiography of Monique.

Monique is recently divorced, the mother of two young girls, around 40, and having financial problems. To have some much-needed fun and to help her through her hard financial times she turns to 'Sugar Dating'. That is, she begins dating wealthy older gentlemen with an expectation of their financial 'assistance'. 

She meets several different men and travels around the world to 'date' them. Some of her experiences are better than others. She very definitely distinguishes what she is doing as different from being a Call Girl. They simply take the money and 'perform', while she as a 'sugar babe' establishes a personal relationship with her 'dates'.

I found the 7 hours I spent reading this 328-page biography were interesting. This is not the normal kind of book I would choose to read, but when I was approached by the publisher I decided to give it a try. I found Monique's trips abroad to be interesting as I have been to many of the places she visits. This is not going to be a book for everyone as she does go into mild details of her sexual experiences with her 'dates'. I did find the book on the whole to be a bit of a slow read. I do like the selected cover art. I give this novel a 3.6 (rounded up to a 4) out of 5.

Further book reviews I have written can be accessed at 

My book reviews are also published on Goodreads (

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This memoir follows Monique and her experience as a Sugar Daddy after her divorce. Monique has never had money to spend. While married, she was basically forced to be a stay at home mom while her husband got himself into all kinds of trouble. Once she finally gets out of this relationship, she realizes that she has no real job experience, but won't settle for any part time job. After talking with a friend who use to be a high end escort, Monique turns to a Sugar Daddy website. Monique relays her experiences as a Sugar Baby but I had a hard time really loving her. It didn't seem like she enjoyed all her Sugar Baby experiences, but then came across as if being able to travel was better than anything in the world. Afterwards, she would talk about how her kids were the most important thing. I feel like she felt like she was entitled to large monetary exchanges even though she could not commit to most of the relationships the men wanted. Overall, I was expecting more from Monique's story as a Sugar Baby. However without fully committing to this lifestyle, the book was underwhelming.

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This book is a easy read all about the sugar baby/daddy world. I found it really good and hated to put it down at times. If you want an easy book that will allow you to get lost into a different world this book is for you.

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I was not very impressed with this book. Too much of a documentary rather than an outright novel. But thank you for the opportunity to read it!

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I enjoyed this book. The main character Monique sufffers childhood trauma, and an awful marriage to end up as a happy single mom living her life for herself and her daughters. The various countries Monique visits were so beautifully detailed in the book, I actually put them on my bucket list as places to visit. While Monique starts off a bit timid, by the end of the book she is a confident woman who doesn’t care what others think and takes her own sexuality into her own hands. If you dont like explicit sexual scenes this may not be the book for you. I did find myself sometimes frustrated with the main character as she continuously put herself in situations that made her almost have to continue dealing with sugar daddies. I was on edge wondering if Monique was going to end up in a situation with a dangerous sugar daddy as she frequently went home or to hotels with men she did not even know. This book is definitely an adventure for the main character and the reader.

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