Member Reviews

I devoured this book! Sugar is filled with a peek into the Sugar Baby/Daddy World that you cannot look away. I was craving an Erotica book and Sugar filled the spot. The book began with the main character getting ready for her date then the book went back to the past for how she emerged as a Sugar Baby then it never went back to The Current/Future.
The book is not really a romantic Happily Ever Romance, but it is filled with some book porn scenes...
All in all the book engaged me despite some of the writing as I was curious about this Sugar World that's not exactly an escort but at times it felt like it...

It took me a while to acclimatise to the fact that the book is written in broken English. Dreadfully poor, broken English - yet we’re led to believe that the narrator is an Oxford-graduate from Kent!
I tried. I really did. I got as far as the first sex scene (at 17%), where a cock is described as “Majestic Greatness”, and then, dear reader, I capitulated that life is too short to suffer through a horrifically badly written book. Perhaps one for lovers of Fifty Shades, not for me. The one star rating is for having the balls to publish it.

THought this would be a fun read, but it was not. The main character was so back and forth and in denial. She was a prostitute but thought of herself as a sugar baby. Um. No.

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. Sadly this was not my cuppa tea. When the story began I was excited where this was going but unfortunately the h sure was acting and being an escort but instead calling herself a sugar baby???? Yeah, not buying it.

I was excited to read this book because I think the whole world of sugaring is interesting, and was expecting a romance. This book was more of a pseudo-memoir about being a sugar baby while also juggling motherhood. To be honest, it just wasn't my thing. I definitely had an issue with the narrator having affairs with married men, which is not my idea of a great erotic romance novel, but that's a personal preference. The writing definitely needs work. It feels scatterbrained and tends to repeat the same thing over and over, which makes reading it really tedious.
I DO think the author is onto something with her erotic scenes. These were very well-written.
Again, some of the content was just not for me, and maybe that made me overly critical of the book as a whole. I recognize that. If you are fine with infidelity, give it a shot! You might like it. :)
I received a copy from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Rating: 3.0/5.0
This memoir is about a single mother who has a secret life of being Sugar Babe looking for Sugar Daddies who will pay her for her services!! We all know what other words this is called! Monique after her divorce gets into this business of dating older men, wealthy ones so she can milk them!
The book has lots of explicit sexual scenes, so if you are not comfortable with that you should look somewhere else. In this memoir we get to know how Monique started, the men she met, the countries and towns she visited all to play that part from her secret life.
I thought the book was interesting in the first few chapters but somehow in the middle, I feel it just went into circles where Monique was repeating the same thing again and again. I don't want to say it got boring because it did not, but again I was not feeling the whole thing anymore. It felt there was no purpose. The ending of the book could have been a little bit longer though. It would have been more interesting if we got a more clear picture of Monique after her Sugar Babe's business. I feel we did not see that part of her enough.
The cover of this book is gorgeous and fits the title. The book is somehow entertaining and for its entertaining value, I am going to rate it 3.0 stars out of 5.0. I grabbed this book from the Read Now section in NetGalley and this is my honest and unbiased review.

I gave this book a 5 out of 5 star review. It was an enjoyable and I would recommend. to others. Generously provided to me through NetGalley

There's nothing quite like reading an entire book, and still wondering when the story will start by the time you reach the end. It may be titled “Sugar,” but not an iota of sweetness has been left in my memories.
The book’s first chapter walks readers through Monique's ritual to prepare for her sugar dates—which are dates she has with older men, keeping them company (sexually or not) in exchange for money. But as we're told about 300 times throughout the story, it's not like being an escort. The narrator breaks the fourth wall a couple times here, but that can be excused, if it had been an isolated incident (spoiler: it’s not).
After the second chapter delved into her terrible childhood and former marriage, I figured the book would jump back to the present. So I read chapter three... then four... and eventually got to chapter 30, aka the final chapter. As I flipped the final page, disappointment assailed me. The scene that had us in the moment in chapter one never returned.
Instead, the book rambled about one man after another that she dated in her Sugar Life. That was the purpose of the plot, but it was told in the most boring way possible as the author employed the long lost art of "tell, don't show." I found my eyes glazing and skimming over mass chunks of flat dialogue and boring travel scenes. The many male characters all morphed into a single Generic Horny Middle-Aged Rich Man.
When I grabbed an advanced reading copy of this book from Netgalley, it was mostly because of the awesome looking cover (which I give 1 star to by itself) and blurb, but also because I figured the categories on the site (it was listed as Erotica, Romance) don't lie. This "erotica" book had sex scenes that would have made my teenage imagination proud. They were sometimes weird, but mostly as boring and flat as the dialogue.
After I finished the book, I flipped back to the cover, and then jumped to the “front matter” section, which appears before the table of contents, and is automatically skipped when you load an eBook. That's how I discovered that “Sugar” was a memoir, unlike what the book blurb would like you to believe.
Well, then. It's cliche to pity people in romance books, so I won't do that here, either.
Actual Rating: 1.5 stars

I received this book as an advanced readers copy,I loved this book so much. I could not help but to be hooked and there is a new plot in every chapter which made it such an enjoyable read.

Sugar was a very very steamy read. I definitely sat reading on the couch with the tips of my ears a bright red - especially if there were other people in the room. It was exciting right until the end.
Monique leads a quite the double life: on the one hand she's a loving mom, who wants to create a "hyggelig" home for her two daughters. On the other hand she's a Sugar Babe who discovers a whole new side to sex during her days as a SB. This isn't a day/night thing, because she also meets her Sugar Daddies during the day, when the kids are at school. Nevertheless, Monique never forgets to take care of her kids. Because of this, I read this book with a big respect for Monique. She merely does what she feels like she has to do to survive and it's getting hard to stop. Eventually it becomes more of a lifestyle and Monique notices that she ends up only thinking about money to get by.
Although I was never bored while reading Sugar, it still was a little repetitive at times. She decides to meet a Sugar Daddy (a new or previous one), meets him and eventually goes home to her girls. It was only in hindsight that I noticed this though! In this repetitive, yet super exciting, life, the reader can still notice that Monique goes through a huge personality change while still being Monique. Where she was a obedient woman at the start of the story, she knows what she wants at the end and isn't afraid to ask for it.
All in all, I really liked reading Sugar. Maybe especially since it's a memoir, so it's all based on true events! It was fun to read about Monique's travels to lots of different countries and about the different personalities she meets. I have to note, though, that eventually Monique ends up as an escort rather than a Sugar Babe. In the end it's all about money and sex, but fortunately, that didn't make the story less enjoyable!

I was really confused by the book, the premise and blurb states that its a erotica romance about a recently divorced mum who dabbles into the sugar daddy world. Halfway through due to the writing style I then start to think is this actually someone's memoirs? The main character is the only view point throughout and after a while the writing for me became very repetitive.
This book just wasn't for me. Thank you for the ARC. .

Really enjoyed it.
I really enjoyed this book. It was actually quite addictive, fun, that little bit different.
Memoir, my favourite genre. Mostly medical, travel, and moving abroad memoirs. This is not my usual type, but I enjoyed finding out more about a different world I didn't know about. And a normal, everyday person who ended up in it. She'd had some hard times; relationship issues, divorce, money problems, mounting debts, and she had two young daughters to support.
So began the author's secret life, and a way to make some much needed money. She was encouraged to go for it by her friend Amanda, a school friend, who had been an escort, had gone to Paris, modelling, had done well for herself.
This was honest and revealing. I soon got into the book and had to keep reading. It was very easy to read, the words just started tumbling out and I was gripped. I like how this book wasn't just sex all the time-not straight to it-about 17% before an appearance. I couldn't stop reading it. It was curiously entertaining.
There is quite a bit of travel in this book: To Barcelona, Paris, Singapore, Hong Kong, Greece, Japan. Travelling, and experiencing the cuisine. I really enjoyed this. But there were quite a few mistakes which interrupted my reading flow, otherwise, it's a very good book.
It won't appeal to everyone but I enjoyed it. There are explicit scenes, but not too many, not all the time-and there's certainly far more to the book including travels. Certainly, nothing in it offended me or made me want to stop reading -quite the contrary-I was intrigued how things would continue and it was a fun and addictive read.

After her divorce, Monique decides to inject some fun into the drudgery of life as a single mother, by dating a wealthy older gentleman, which is known as ‘sugar daddy’ dating. It all starts out as a bit of fun, but when discovers a thousand pounds in her wallet, it changes everything. Soon she is living a life of luxury, travelling here, there and everywhere, all while having a stable income to support her children. Now she realises the truth: she needs to find a way out.
I really enjoy how this book started - with a bit of a glimpse into the life Monique is living, before jumping back to before it all began and unpacking how it is that she got into the 'Sugar Babe' business. However, it was after that that I honestly started to get a little bored. While it starts strong (and saucy), it all becomes a bit the same after the first sugar daddy. While I was hoping to be caught up in the romance and the life of luxury, I just got a bit bored....

Great book! Fun fast steamy read. Great characters made for a fun holiday read.Cant wait to see what the author has in store next!!

This is not the genre of book that I would normally read. The story of a mother, following the breakdown of an awful marriage, who casually enters the high-end sex industry to provide for her family. Being the girlfriend of a Sugar Daddy is only slightly removed from being an escort, although she does not quite see it that way.
At first the book was quite entertaining and titillating, with vividly described sex scenes. However, they soon became quite predictable and somewhat monotonous. I enjoyed reading about the many interesting, yet sad, characters she met on her way.
The author's very detailed descriptions of the food the character ate at the various up-market restaurants became tedious and contrived. They didn't add any real value to the story.
There are a number of grammatical and typing errors in the book which I found quite frustrating, they detract from a fluid read. I hope the publisher will edit the work before it gets widely distributed.

A funny sort of story, told as a part of someone else's biographical experience and part of their own experience., involving travel, dating website connections in exchange for monetary support, including the ins and outs of the journey.
Some of the grammar needs editing as words in places are either transposed or missing from sentences.
I felt I shouldn't have noticed that, if this book was as hot as the reviews indicated.

OMG! Thank goodness it’s over! I feel so bad getting anvance copies of books and then not enjoying them. Thanks to NetGalley and the author for my ARC. I wish I had enjoyed it more, but I didn’t. The main character is so frustrating! Back and forth and desperate for a man to save her while in denial about what she is. She’s a prostitute and that’s fine by me, but own your life, girl! Be confident in all you do, even being a Sugar Baby. Even though at 40, she’s not really a SB, come on! Not to mention the atrocious writing! Come on! Learn the difference between a plural and a possessive. The difference between to and too. And how to properly write an ellipsis if you’re going to use them ALL OF THE TIME! Also, dessert, not desert is s good course! Winger not wince! It was like reading a middle schooler’s memoirs, even the terrible sex was boring! I teetered between 2 and 3 stars and I guess I felt so bad about such a terrible book! It was terrible. Dreadful. I’m sorry. Sorry I can’t stop reading hooks once I start them because I had to suffer through this entire miserable book! I need a 5 Star read soon or I might die!

Thank you Thistle Publishing for a copy of Sugar by Monique X.
The premise of this book sounded interesting at first, then I didn't realize it would have SO much sex explicit sex at that. I thought the book The Swing Of Things by Linda Keir was explicit. That book was minor. The only part I liked was the places that it took Monique, you can almost envision it. It was good to hear she only did it for two years. People should not lower themselves to be used for sex. Specially with two little girls, what if something happen to her? Her poor daughters. Monique said she would get a vibe if something wasn't right, she got those vibes and still stayed. Then to mention she met these people online is even worse. A lot of parts in this book had me shaking my head.
Thanks again Thistle Publishing

This was a different kind of story. I liked it but I didn’t love it. The sex scenes we’re good though.

This book is written by Monique and recounts her experiences as a ‘sugar baby’, a rather classy sort of escort serving the super rich (sugar daddies) with companionship as well as sex. The story travels from a range of clients to a range of locations and an equally wide range of sexual equipment, positions and peccadilloes. It also includes a large number of restaurants and exotic menus, as well as the odd swinger club for good measure.
Monique is a separated mum with two daughters so, clearly, has a heart of gold and only does this, at least from the start, to support her family. At the end of the novel, she has written a story about her life and and her writing will now support her so she can give up her rich clients.
Hard to know what to say about this book. You might think it was a bit of a turn on but since each episode involved the exchange of large sums of money you might have thought these rich men were mugs. The accounts of what Monique has to eat are an education in themselves in terms of the details she provides so you could end up quite hungry if not aroused.
What else? She seems to find something good to say about all of the sugar daddies. I wasn’t altogether convinced by this and we have no sense of the unsavoury end of prostitution rearing its ugly head. And, despite her wonderful motives, her moral code is suspect. Most of these sugar daddies seem to have wives and families already.
The book goes out of the way to suggest that it is real with acknowledgements to the sugar daddies but I had my nagging doubts. As a piece of writing I’m quite envious because all these trips to Japan and Dubai and elsewhere could probably all be charged up to expenses and I began to think there was some product placement when she went back to the same exotic Japanese restaurant near Liverpool Street. At times, I felt the whole thing was a concoction of Wikipedia and Trip Advisor but maybe I’m just cynical! I suppose it’s all harmless fun but you could imagine some misguided and foolish women thinking that this was the life and getting into some very nasty places as a consequence and that’s slightly worrying.
Anyway, Monique will probably be interviewed on TV soon and turn out to be an absolute charmer and all my doubts will have to be dispelled. In the meantime, if you catch flu or are laid up with a bad back this will keep you occupied and distracted for a while and, in spite of everything, she does keep the story rolling along.