Member Reviews
A supportive book with lovely illustrations designed to prevent separation anxiety in toddlers. Includes an instructive Note to Parents and Caregivers, a hallmark of these fine Magination Press publications. Thanks to the author, the publisher and NetGalley for the ARC; opinions are mine. Pub Date 30 Oct 2018. #ByeBye #NetGalley
Wonderful illustrations. Good book talking about a difficult time for kids when parents leave. Read with kids they will like the story and illustrations. Good read.
This is a fun story that my daughter really enjoyed – and she is right within the target age group too so that is a massive plus for the book - we are currently going through a phase where if I leave the room she cries so this has hopefully helped, along with the fact that I do come back! The story is only short but it is easy to follow. The images are lovely too. 3.5 stars from me for this one, rounded up to 4 stars for Amazon and Goodreads – a really enjoyable story!
This story is sweet and simple. It teaches an important concept in a comforting way. It reminded me of the episodes about this topic on Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood. The illustrations are appealing.
Teach toddlers that mommy and daddy always come back.
Toddlers do not have a concept of time and are often afraid when parents or caregivers leave. It is important to reassure them that you will return after a particular thing occurs – nap, lunch, bath, etc.
The story helps toddlers know that after they do a particular activity mommy or daddy will come back. The back part of the book helps parents understand why toddlers are afraid that their parent will not return and how to handle the situation.
A good book to teach a child that you will return. A good discussion for parents to understand the reason behind this belief and how to handle it.
I received an eBook ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. This in no way affects my opinion or rating of this book.
Whereas I usually review individual books, today I’m taking a look at a series of three titles published by the American Psychological Association: The Terrific Toddlers series, consisting of the titles Boo-Boo!, Bye-Bye! and All Mine! Each book is aimed at toddlers and deals with a specific everyday issue, namely: injuries, saying goodbye, and sharing (or defending!) possessions.
The stories are written in a straightforward, realistic style that toddlers can easily understand. However, what makes these books unique is the “Notes to Parents and Caregivers” section at the back, explaining this difficult developmental stage and giving advice on how to support a child and teach them to express their emotions. The stories thus serve a dual purpose of entertaining picture book and parental help guide!
The illustrations calm and reassure the reader with their simplicity and soft palette, while nicely complementing the stories. A cute, entertaining and subtly educational series of books for young children and their parents!
This book is supposed to be a lesson to parent on how to handle “bye byes”. There is even a note to parents page in the back. The story is simple enough, and nice enough. If I have any complaints it’s that “always comes back” is the constant refrain. The notes to parents says to have a constant refrain, and I do this too (with my dogs: Bye Bye babies, I’ll be back”) but it’s the “always” that gets me. Always isn’t always.
I really like these books! They teach both parents and kids how to deal with hard situations. My son is going through a separation anxiety phase right now (He's 1) and this book was fun to read with him and helped ME make the process easier when I have to drop him off places. The pictures are simple and relatable, the tips for parents and caregivers in the back are an added bonus. This would be a great gift for grandparents or new parents!
Where was this book when my daughter was 2??? Nice little book of mommies and daddies going buy, most importantly, coming back to their littles! Small ones will appreciate this book. I'd like to think it will prepare them for the inevitable. I liked the illustrations of happy kids and parents hugging!
My last (for now, because I have no more) review in an excellent series for toddlers and their caregivers. This time, the toddlers don’t want their mom or dad to leave. In a sweet and repetitive way, this picture book reinforces that parents “always come back,” The adults in this simple read aloud acknowledge their child’s feelings and respond supportively. As is true for the other books in this series, the section for adults at the end of the book is excellent. Highly recommended for all who say byes to their young children.
A book from the Terrific Toddler Series and the American Psychological Association. A very cute and colorfully illustrated book on young children fears of parents leaving them for a short period of time to go to work or run an errand. It gives different examples of parents having to leave for a short period of time and having to say bye-bye but always returning. It is written in an age appropriate way in order for them to understand and have discussions with your child while reading. It also gives suggestions for parents at the end such as: Acknowledge their feelings; Keep calm; Give them a time frame; and Say I’ll return.