Member Reviews

I was intrigued by the premise- what kind of weirdo targets the handicapped as victims? Surely a truly twisted psycho. The real story is the woman and her two men- and the amazing bad luck they have. He was terribly
injured and we aren't sure if she really was responsible for what happened.

Tying the older crime to the current rash of kings seems a stretch but it all gets tied together. Its an Ok, story, the reason for the killings seems a bit tenuous but serves for the story. Its more about relationships than crime detection.

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A cozy mystery with a love triangle and plenty of twists and turns, “Reason to Die” had me guessing about the outcome of the story and having doubts about the presumably good guys and the identity of the villains.
The author, Debbie De Louise, takes her time to unfold the love triangle, showing a heroine full of guilt and emotional baggage and the two men who love her. Fortunately, there will a happy ending for all.
The disabled detective is full of contradictions: on the one hand, he has just returned to active duty after a severe, life-altering injury, which is a very refreshing depart from our average fictional injured in service officer. On the other hand, his need for help with some daily activities one would expect to have been dealt with by some physiotherapy/occupational therapy and describing or characterizing him as “crippled” left a sour taste in my mouth.

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Detectives Courtney Lang, Mark Farrell and Bill Thompson have a unique partnership. Courtney and Bill were once an item but being shot during a chase left him in a wheelchair. He warned her away and now she is in a relationship with Farrell. As one might guess, tensions run high among the three of them.

Lang and Farrell have been put in charge of apprehending The Handicapped Strangler. So far, this killer has targeted a blind woman, a deaf young man, and a female with only one arm.

So far the only connection is that they were all disabled, and all had been robbed or mugged prior to their death. The masked man has never been caught. Lang is certain that the mugger and the strangler are one and the same. Her superior .. and Mark ... feel otherwise.

This is a riveting murder mystery with twists and turns that kept me guessing. Action prevails throughout at a fast pace. The characters are solid, well-drawn and mostly likeable. The romance and the problems it presents only adds to the story. The ending came as quite a surprise.

Many thanks to the author / BooksGoSocial / Netgalley for the digital copy of this police procedural. Opinions expressed here are unbiased and entirely my own.

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