Member Reviews

Fallon Gentry is known for being the "rich" girl in town. After a bad breakup, she leaves a small town for Dallas. She gets married and goes on with her life until she catches her husband in bed with her best friend. She comes back to Chisholm Falls to make a fresh start. Her mother has plenty of money and a place for her to stay but she wants to stand on her own two feet. When she finds a place, her landlord happens to be the man who broke her heart years ago. Lucas Chance is as surprised to see Fallon as she is to see him. The attraction is there and stronger than ever. Both are fighting it as each believes the breakup is the other one's fault. Lucas is not rich, just a regular guy. In town, he is the resident ladies man. With his good looks, he could have anyone he wants. When Fallon can't find a job, she starts work at Lucas' bar. The woman, whom Fallon believes slept with Lucas and caused the breakup comes in and Fallon doesn't take it well. When Ken, Fallon's ex husband shows up and starts a scene, Lucas finds out what happened to break up the marriage and why Ken blames it on Lucas as well as Fallon. Will Lucas be able to prove to Fallon that he doesn't want anyone else and let her into his life? Will Fallon believe Lucas loves only her? I enjoyed reading this book of second chances. Loved the characters. I received this book from Net Galley and the publisher for a honest review.

I found this to be a very enjoyable read. An entertaining story-line and great characters keep your interest extremely well. Watching the evolution of the relationship between these two was a treat. Add in drama and steamy passion and you have a good read.

I did not read the first book in this series, but after reading this one (the second in the series) you can bet I will be hunting the first down! The flashbacks were clearly defined by italics which made it easy to discern past from present. The metaphors used were amazing and helped paint such a vivid picture. The flashback in Chapter 10 ripped at my heart. I especially enjoyed how the book comes full circle. Absolutely wonderful, this book engulfs you! I could not stop reading.
I received this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. The opinions expressed in this review are those solely of my own.

This was an intense novel, full of angst and heartbreak. Fallon comes back to her hometown after divorcing her ex husband and leaving everything behind. She's looking for a place to rent and finds herself renting an apartment owned by her ex boyfriend whom she's never gotten over. What follows is a series of misunderstandings and confrontations that always seem to end with her leaving and Lucas feeling like he's dying inside from the heartbreak. I loved that Lucas never stops loving her and remains faithful. He's never cruel or vengeful just patient and kind to her. I wish he would fight for her a little more rather than letting her walk a way but I get it, Fallon also has to learn to talk things out instead of taking the easy way out.
Pleasant story, definitely checking out other novels by the author.
Thank you Netgalley for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

3 1/2 star review....
Only Chance had a lot going for it; second chance romance, time to reflect on past errors and an opportunity for mother and daughter to rebuild a relationship fracture by criticism and judgement. I did feel somewhat overwhelmed by the constant flashbacks, but understand that they served a purpose in telling the back-story of Lucas and Fallon’s history. Lack of communication, misunderstandings and self-recrimination all combined to erect barriers that really didn’t exist. Only chance is a good story with a nice ending. I’m sorry I missed book one in this series.

This is a voluntary review of an advanced copy.
I love second chance romances and this was a fun read. Flashbacks seemed over done but I guess it was important to see how they met, the progression of their romance, and what caused their split.
Overall, they really needed to talk to each other and even when things were straightened out there was still issues that they needed to work on. Most were Lucas feeling unworthy and letting his pride get in the way. Fallon seemed to be mostly normal and not rich and stuck up.
Loved that Fallon's mom helped out in the end and brought them together. Good HEA.

It’s not easy to go home again. Especially after divorcing a cheating ex-husband and refusing her wealthy mother’s offer of “room and board”, yet Fallon is determined to make it in life on her own… even if she isn’t qualified to do so, at all. A twist of fate, cruel or not, put her on the doorstep of the young man she’d once loved and walked away from. But now Fallon cannot afford pride as she needs a place to live and the other half of this duplex is perfect for her… in spite of her neighbor.
The troubles of the past for Fallon and Lucas are pure and simple miscommunication issues. Lucas is from the poorer side of town and never, ever felt he was “good enough” for Fallon. Add in some growing up needed to be done and having a huge fight over totally different issues that each thought were something else entirely and you have the fuel for a young love break-up. Now that Fallon is back Lucas knows his feelings have not changed but in many ways he has as during those years in-between he’s done quite a bit of growing. Has Fallon? I’ll let you decide that, Lucas’ changes are more obvious.
At times watching Fallon and Lucas was like watching two fighters in a ring neither knowing who would end up making the first move that would cause pain. I liked them both, often felt if they would have just talked to each other honestly a lot of their difficulties would have been avoidable… but this is Romance so, you know how that goes.
In all, Only Chance is an enjoyable story with likable characters and interesting secondary characters. These two have to straighten out their past before they have even a hope of a future. The journey to get there is emotional, at times hurtful and a lot of growing up will be involved. I enjoyed this one and I believe you will, too.
*I received an e-ARC of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley. That does not change what I think of this story. It is my choice to leave a review giving my personal opinion about this book.*

I really enjoyed this book. No immediate forgiveness, faults on both sides, much more realistic than many romance stories where you forgive the wrongs against you immediately. Good flow and build up and the requisite happy ending.

After being gone for several years, Fallon is back and divorced. She can’t handle living with her mother so she hunts for a place to live. She checks out a little duplex and finds her ex boyfriend as the landlord. Lucas has loved Fallon since they first met but let the fact that she comes from money get between them. The heat between is still smoking but will they ever be able to have their own happily ever after?
First time reading this author and it was excellent. Sex, misunderstandings, and secrets. Sexy bartender and a beautiful divorcée. Short but totally worth reading.
* Voluntarily read and reviewed this for Netgalley *

Overall rating: 3/5 This was out of sub-genre for romance novels, I tend to dislike the rekindled love plot line but this story was good
Heroine (Fallon): 4/5 She is a fish out of water as she goes from having everything handed to her to trying to make it on her own. It’s a choice not to accept her mother’s money and house after her divorce and making a go of it, trying new things like laundry. I think hindsight is 20/20 and she could have talked a bit more with Lucas before ending it, but if I were her in the moment I would've likely drawn the same conclusions.
Hero (Lucas): 3/5 He is shown to be a nice, very attractive rough and tumble, tatted up bar owner. I wish there was more of a description of his tats and at least one with meaning for the story, but that’s just a personal wish. Lucas has some big problems with how he thinks other people perceive him. From the get go of the past storyline he believes he could never be enough for Fallon because he grew up on the wrong side of the tracks. He needed that seven year break to really grow more confident in who he is and what he wants.
Plot: 3/5 The main plot was character based, it was about overcoming some of their flaws and accepting flaws in the other. Honestly, I’m not sure if I would ever allow the level of miscommunication in my own real life relationships as these two do in theirs, but I’m glad it works out in the end.
Personal Review: Fallon hopes to escape her cheating ex husband and ends up in her home town where she finds her first real boyfriend in the role of her new landlord. Things had ended between the pair due to a pile of compounded misunderstandings and holdups on the part of Lucas. Our hero Lucas had trouble seeing himself having a future with someone born on the right side of the tracks as he and his father struggle to make ends meet. During a fight that ended their relationship seven years ago, Lucas and Fallon thought the fight was over very different things.
The story is about learning to communicate with your partner and learning to trust them while letting go of some of your fears. It’s about being strong enough to believe the relationship is stronger than the fears that hold you back. Lucas is held back by fear that he could never be good enough for Fallon and she is held back (to a much lesser extent) by the fear of infidelity.
I liked the story but I found myself yelling at the pages on my tablet for the two to just TALK about their problems! It was a good frustration, as it shows I did care about the pair and just wanted them to work things out. I find it’s a common problem in the romance genre as it’s an easy way to force some distance and tension between the pair. It frustrates me because I’m a ‘to the point’ kind of person but I understand the point of the trope. Both characters were likable enough despite their inability to actually communicate what bothers them. Fallon’s mother could have been a little more developed or just at least shown on page what specifically made her have a change of heart toward the end of the book, just a simple conversation between mother and daughter like Lucas has about mid way through with his dad would have sufficed for me.
The pacing was good, right up to the last few chapters where it is a bit rushed. There were a lot of revelations in the span of a couple pages when I think the pair should have had a bit more time to discussing certain things separate from the officially getting together scene at the end (it’s a romance novel, that’s not a spoiler).
Overall I had a good time and will read the next installment in the series when it arrives.

This was a nice quick read from an author that was totally new to me and I was impressed and will look for more of her work
Fallon seems to be a nice girl even if she does what she is supposed to do and not what she wants to do she came across as a bit of a goody two shoes. She definitely needed to get rid of her boyfriend which thankfully she did. Lucas was a great guy may have been from the wrong side of the tracks but he's all heart The only thing was he let his pride ride him but haven't we all done that at some time. They both came across as a little bit immature. Overall a great story that I thoroughly enjoyed
I was given a copy of this book but this is true and honest review

Fallon is back in the town she fled 7 years ago. She ends up having to rent a place to live from Lucas, the ex she was fleeing from all those years ago.
Its a second chance romance, where they need to work out the mis-communication they had in the first place.

I liked Fallon. She was Ron into money, but wasn’t a snob. She had a huge heart and sweet nature that always seem to find the bright side of things. However, she was sort to fluke a robot, always doing what was expected of her and not necessarily what she wanted to do. Her ex was a definite douche she was better off without, but I felt bad for the hand life dealt her, even if some of it she did to herself with poor decisions.
Lucas was sweet with a side of jerk. From the other side of the tracks, he was a diligent worker, and devoted to the care and keeping of his dad. His own insecurities caused a wedge between him and Fallon. And darned if I didn’t want to knock some sense into his thick skull! He refused to let his pride rest and see what he’d been missing until it was too late.
Fallon and Lucas are supposed to be 26 and 29 respectively, yet they came across more immature than I was expecting. I could grasp the scope of things better if they’d been in their early twenties with no experience, but for Fallon to have a four year marriage under her belt among other things....the immaturity bugged me. So here’s where I got stuck. Miscommunication isn’t one of my favorite tropes to read, so it drove me nuts that Fallon and Lucas lost so much time because they failed to communicate! Granted, I realize that was the point behind this book, but they could have resolved things sooner. Then, I could have spent a more enjoyable time reading about their relationship and character growth.
Overall, this was an okay read with room for potential. Although it was loaded with a variety of tropes, it wasn’t super crazy OTT. The miscommunication was my biggest hang up. The romance was decent and the characters reasonably fleshed out. I haven’t read this author before, but liked the writing style enough to give another book of hers a whirl.
I voluntarily read and reviewed a copy of this book from Netgalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.