Member Reviews

This was kind of mediocre. The romance and character were fine but this wasn't a ground breaking read and it's definitely one you can skip as there are better lesbian romances out there.

What a great little book ... it it had been any longer I think my e-reader would have overheated. I haven't read anything from Larkin Rose before and was really pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed the book. This is closer to erotica than romance - but it still hits the romantic mark in an odd way. Both MCs are not looking for relationships for different reasons but it's pretty incendiary when they meet ... and meet again ... and again. Not the most complex plot but Gin and Carmen were smart, funny and likable. My only quibble is each of their reasons for not wanting a relationship - Gin's philandering ex was a cop and now she's sworn off all first responders and Carmen not wanting to hurt a potential partner in the event that she dies as part of her job - were a bit over the top, but it kept them apart enough to make the push and pull of the building relationship work.

If you are looking for a funny and very sexy book I suggest this story. I loved the story line of the player being played. The side characters aka friends were all great and add to the story. Read it! As a side note..why would you review a book that you accidentally purchased and how do you not know this is a Lez Fiction book. Kills me!

The first book I read of Larkin Rose was Visions. I personally loved the book but many peoples reviews took issue with it. I guess you could call Rose an author of controversial story lines. Hey, I love those too.
This one is no different. Maybe not as controversial but definitely outside the box.
The two main characters are more than what they portray. Carmen is a firefighter and first res ponder. Gin however is busy trying to maintain her grandparents dream. Also, she writes a column regarding good but mostly bad dates. Gin hasn't had much luck in the dating department. Carmen is the complete opposite dating for her is one night stands and as much attachment as possible.
I did have a tiny issue with Gin's dating and reporting. You'll have to read it to make up your own mind. But that is my issue. In a story I'll admit it was quite funny. Especially with Gin's posse helping her out. But can you really make a judgement on someone in only thirty minutes.
Anyway, it's a good story about two people who like each other but refuse to accept it. I enjoyed it. Even if I didn't agree morally. I'm still giving it 5 stars. Enjoy!
*ARC provided by publisher via NetGalley*

This was a okay read even though the two main characters Gin and Carmen continue to going on about not being great in a relationship even if it seems they want to but afraid to go beyond. Although going to give it three stars because it was a ok read I just think it coulda been better. I'll still will recommend it to anyone.
I received an ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

An honest review thanks to NetGalley. I love Larkin Rose's romance novels, so I was very excited to see this new one. It did not disappoint, the sexual chemistry between Gin and Carmen was brilliantly written. The storyline pulled me in and made this book an amazing experience to read. Rose did not disappoint; if you are looking for a sizzling romantic read, this is the book for you.

When you have two hot women who dislike each other but have sizzling chemistry, you know you're in for a good read. There's lots of angst and lots of steam and plenty of pace in this book. I love how the characters were written and it's easy to connect with the leads, Carmen and Gin. I'm almost ashamed to admit this is my first Larkin Rose book but I'm already on the lookout for her other books.

Perfectly illustrates guarding your heart but then realising that you’ve prevented yourself from living. This is a hot well written romance that has you rooting for the hero. Includes a great code system for a friend based extraction from bad blind dates; excellent advice is given.

This is a book about Carmen who is a fireman and Gin who owns a gas station and is trying to keep it afloat because it's her grandfather's legacy. The gas station is on it's last leg and Gin will do anything to get money to keep it solvent including taking a contract with the newspaper to write a blog about her dates. It is on one of these dates that Carmen and chin meet. It is lust And hate at first sight. The sparks and the heat that come off of both women is astronomical. On the surface these two women are on opposite extremes however deep inside both of these women want the same thing, everlasting and true love. Carmen does not believe she should ever enter into a relationship with anyone because she knows as a firefighter her life might be cut short as was the case with her father, grandfather and other family members. She's clear to tell women what she wants from them in the one night of sexual ecstasy they will share. Gin on the other hand was badly betrayed by her ex lover who was a police officer so Gin swears off anyone who wears a badge being a cop or a firefighter.
Despite the hate that Gin has for Carmen they find themselves being thrown together often and in moments of untamed lust find themselves in bed. The eroticism between these two whether they are in bed together or thinking about the other is off the charts fantastic. Yet how can these to ever realize that deep down they both want the same thing and they want it with each other. They're both very stubborn and apparently unmovable. Can the heat that these two find themselves in melt down the walls that surround their heart?
Larkin Rose was one of my favorite authors who wrote beautiful erotic love stories until she stopped writing a few years ago. To say I was thrilled to see she published this book I couldn't wait to get my hands on. She not only is back but she's back stronger than ever. If you're new to her work take a chance on this book and I guarantee you will be hooked because she such an excellent writer.

<a href="https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/42373794-breaking-the-rules" style="float: left; padding-right: 20px"><img border="0" alt="Breaking the Rules" src="https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1539823966m/42373794.jpg" /></a><a href="https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/42373794-breaking-the-rules">Breaking the Rules</a> by <a href="https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1256070.Larkin_Rose">Larkin Rose</a><br/>
My rating: <a href="https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2574590864">3 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
Gin and Carmen are the leads in this romance with angst, drama, sex and a twist on the usual storyline. I am happy Larkin is writing again.<br />Recommend with 3 stars. I rec'd an ARC from NetGalley/Bold Strokes Books for review.
<a href="https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/31134832-gail">View all my reviews</a>

Gin was glaring at her computer, she had to write yet another article about her latest date. Gin was not a writer. As far as Gin was concerned her last date was a waste of time. She didn't want to be nice about the date. Cynthia had said she wanted something fresh. Something out of character for a dying column.
Yet every word, every sentence, every paragraph was ripped apart by Patricia then sent back to Gin to revise and send back a second time. Her desire to keep her grandfather’s dream alive- the gas station- was the only reason Gin had agreed to do these articles. She agreed to one article a week for 26 weeks. The little paycheck she got from this was the only thing that mattered.
I couldn’t get into this book. First off i think i chose this one on accident as i don’t enjoy M/M or F/F just not my thing, Bit also this didn’t keep my attention with the whole plot. I am sure others will love this just not for me.I wouldn’t have rated this if zI could have got away with it but you have to rate to submit a review.

'Breaking the Rules' by Larkin Rose is one hot, non-traditional type of romance about two women, both of whom have sworn off love and commitment, though for very different reasons. Firefighter Carmen Johnson believes she is cursed to die as a firefighter and refuses to leave a grieving widow to mourn for her. Virginia (Gin) Ward had her heart broken in the past by a former lover and no longer really believes in happy ever after, especially with so-called heroes in uniform. The two dislike each other almost the moment they meet, but the chemistry between the two blazes so hot it is a wonder the pages of the book don't burst into flame.
This is one hot steamy, raw, sexy and erotic romance. This is not a Princess Charming and her damsel in distress kind of story. These characters are way too strong-willed and opinionated for that. The story is bold, straightforward, and a good read. I liked the setting/background to this story. There's a good reason for that. I am a former South Carolinian, and once lived in the area that Larkin Rose more than likely based this story's setting on. That is probably why the setting feels so real to me.
This is my first Larkin Rose book, but not my last, and I hope she continues to write many more tales. I really liked this story, and can recommend this one if you love strong characters and sexy romance.
I received a free ARC from Net Galley and Bold Strokes Publishing for an honest review.

Breaking the Rules is a good romance with great sexual tension. Larkin Rose has written interesting characters and plot. I enjoyed this book and would recommend it.

Breaking the Rules is a good, straight-forward romance - with some added heat. Carmen is a firefighter and a player, who believes she is fated to fall in the line of duty and therefore refuses to commit. Gin just wants to keep the family service station alive and writes about awful dates for extra money. Having been badly hurt by an ex, she wants nothing to do with heroes or hookups. Unfortunately, despite their rules, they have an instant attraction and amazing sexual chemistry…
As expected, the writing is good and the story flows well. The only minor issue the book had, in my opinion, is that it seemed to be unsure if it was a traditional romance, or an erotic romance, and therefore both elements could have done with “more”.
This was a good, enjoyable read, and gets a firm four stars.

Virginia Ward makes extra money writing about the experiences she has dating . So far none are worth a second date. She needs the money to keep her late grandfather's gas station open. And she never ever dates first responders. Having her heart broke by one has painted them all as users. Carmen Johnson works as a firefighter like her father and grandfather before her. She thinks having a relationship is the worst thing she can do because all of those before her had died while on the job. Thing do get interesting when the two meet. I’ve read some of Ms Rose works and always enjoyed them. While this isn’t what I would consider a great book it’s still a fun read. Actually I very much enjoyed it.
eARC via NetGalley

This is romance book in which the main character has to break her own rules to give herself a chance at love.
Virginia (Gin) Ward sole purpose is to save her grandfather's service station and while she believes in love, she is convinced she would never find it in a hero. Carmen Johnson is a firefighter, a hero, who doesn't shy away from bedding women when she wants and needs; that is, of course, until she meets Gin.
This book was a good and quick read. The supporting characters were good and interesting. The chemistry between the main characters grew as the book progressed; however, I would have liked a bit more romance. Having said that, the sexual tension and sex scenes were really good.
Overall, it was a good book. If you want a light, fast, not overly sweet and romantic book; then you would enjoy this book.
I received an ARC of this novel in exchange for an honest review via NetGalley.

I thought it was sexy and fun. Both main characters were easy to like, with big interesting personalities. The conflicts were sometimes difficult for me to care about (firefighter curse), but I still enjoyed it till the end.

This was a read with two leads that were not typical because Carmen, the firefighter believes she is cursed to die on the job and so she sleeps with women with no regard for how they feel. Gin the gas station owner, needs money and struggles to believe if she will find the one. I was not captivated by the story line and the push and pull as well as the repetitive nature of their potential relationship.

I really enjoyed this book. It has amazing sex scenes. This book had continuous drama, in a good way. No lulls with extra internal dialogue to add pages. Either occupational, relational or sexual, there's always something happening. I don't want to give away any spoilers, so I'm keeping this short and generic. However, I am giving this FIVE bold stars for a super read. If I had any complaints at all, it's that the book is a tad short. I would have enjoyed this book more if it was twice as long. I am looking forward to reading more from this author! I received a copy in exchange for an honest review. You can see from my other reviews that I'm not afraid to say what I don't care for in a book.

I gave this book four stars because I was entertained throughout. There is something refreshing and hot in how the two main characters talk to each other and about sex. It's blunt, vulgar and sexy. There is almost a quality about it that is stylistic to the author, and I was down for it.
BUT, there are a lot of things that this book is not. You're definetly not getting an in-depth story that is well thought out with tons of details. Examples: No family on either side of Gin and Carmen appear. That partially makes sense for Gin, but not at all for Carmen. What town did this take place? Seemed like a small town, but there are so many lesbians that Gin can go on 20 plus dates and still not run out of woman? There are a lot more of these instances but I don't want to give too much away.
Side note to the author: This is a book where it would have been lovely to have an epilogue. You can't end it like that and not give the reader a make-up section. That's the gravy, or cherry on top, or whatever you want to call it! Give us the after sex cigarette.
Overall it was fun to read but not anything that's going to keep you thinking about it afterwards. But hey, sometimes there's nothing wrong with that!