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Based upon the story description, I was looking forward to this read. However, this book was a huge let down in the real depth to this.
I got an ARC of this book for an honest review

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When I saw the summary for this book, I thought it was going to be a deep dive into religion and how it could intersect with desire, but that’s not what this book was about.

I don’t like Insta-Love which is the trope that this book uses for Maggie and Alex’s relationship. Right from the first page the reader knows that Maggie is already interested in Alex. I couldn't understand or sympathize with Maggie's struggles as I couldn't understand why she wanted to be in a relationship with Alex in the first place. They never really seemed to talk about anything important or even get to know each other at any point in the novel. Even once I had finished, I didn't feel like I knew anything about Alex or Maggie as people.

I was also expecting Maggie to struggle more with the desire instead of giving in right away and having sex with Alex. Considering the fact that the book is about a nun, I was expecting very little sex, maybe just one scene at the end. Instead, the sex happened way too quickly and way too often! If I took out all the sex in the book, then this could have easily been 50 pages or less as there really isn’t much else to this book. Even the things that weren’t related to sex were very repetitive. Maggie and Alex would do the same things over and over again: eat dinner, swim in Alex’s pool, have sex, go to Mass, etc. There was a trip to Italy as well which I was hoping would change things up a bit but was also uninteresting to read. I would have rather there was more talking and character development than lots of descriptions and actions that didn’t add to the story.

The only plot point in the book was that Maggie had to make a choice between being with Alex or staying with the Church as a nun. It was very frustrating how instead of looking inside herself and figuring out what really makes her happy, Maggie let others influence her. I wanted her to confront this head on instead of looking for signs and excuses. That was the whole reason I picked this book so I was really disappointed that that was how the author decided to handle it.

Unfortunately, I would not recommend.

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This book has left me no other choice. We have Maggie, a nun and Alex a construction worker. Before the first chapter is done Ms Williamz already has them in bed. You are never given a chance to get to know either of them. Erotica in a book has never been a problem for me. I actually enjoy it but not without getting to know and care about the cast. I have read and very much enjoyed other books by Ms Williamz but this will never be on that list.

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The storyline had all the potential to be a great read. A nun, Maggie, who was questioning her vocation meets construction worker Alex. Unfortunately, once you've read the first three chapters you really don't need to read any further. It was impossible to feel any connection to the characters as they were not developed at any stage, the terrible sex scenes were frequent and completely monotonous. In fact the whole book was monotonous.
A disappointing read...may have worked better as a short story.

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There was a lot to like about this book, just as any other MJ Williamz book. The only thing is that it seemed repetitive at times. The bulk of it seemed to be them getting together each Sunday, and doing the same thing. I did really, really, like that the nun didn't have tons of angst about being in a sexual relationship (and especially with a woman). It seemed an "appropriate" amount, not overly so.

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‘Broken Vows’ is a hot story of conflicted nun meets butch construction worker. It is jam-packed with steamy sexual encounters. If you enjoy erotica and erotic romance then this certainly ticks the boxes. It’s an erotic story written by a woman for other women loving women. Sister Mary Margaret has a lot of trouble keeping to that pesky vow of chastity. When she meets parishioner Alex she can’t seem to help herself. What starts off as just sex seems to delve a little deeper. This is a book to squirrel yourself away with for some me time.

I was given this ARC to review.

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I stopped reading at about 30%/65 pages into the book. I thought it to be quite repetitive and the story wasn’t what I thought it’d be. I expected to care about the characters more than I did, but they stayed flat and the dialogues appeared quite static. The choices Maggie made, which were life changing, weren't thought through well enough to my liking.

I’m still curious how it will end, but right now it just feels like a waste of time.

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couldn't read the book because i read some of the comments while i was waiting for an approval from the author, what i read got me disappointed and so frustrated because i was excited to read the story.

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<a href="" style="float: left; padding-right: 20px"><img border="0" alt="Broken Vows" src="" /></a><a href="">Broken Vows</a> by <a href="">M.J. Williamz</a><br/>
My rating: <a href="">1 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
At first glance the storyline was intriguing but apart from lots of sex, never fully developed. Even the sex scenes seemed random and at times unnecessary. I struggled to finish the book and can only give it 1 star. A bit of a disappointment.<br />I rec'd an ARC for review from NetGalley/Bold Stroke Books.
<a href="">View all my reviews</a>

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I have read MJ Williamz before and I was looking forward to this book. This was not her finest book and was a bit disjointed. I hate to ever give bad reviews because I know how much hard work goes into writing. I won't be publishing this review anywhere but on NetGalley. Having said that, I won't give up on this author and hope to read her next book, because I know she writes better.

Was this review helpful? Based upon the story description, I was looking forward to this read. A nun struggling with her vocation. It would have been helpful to share a little more information about Sister Mary Margaret. Who is she? Where did she come from? Why do I want to care about her. The same can be said for Alex Foster. There was definitely a sexy connection between the two characters but I wanted and expected more story.

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I wish I could give this book 0 stars, it was really terrible. This book was about a nun named Maggie who falls in love with a carpenter named Alex.. That story barely matters, tho. This book is all repetitive bad sex, there is barely any story. I have never read a book by this author, so I have no idea if all of her books are like this. This book immediately has sex between the nun and Alex. There is barely any tension or drama with the nun sleeping with Alex, which is not what I expected at all.

The story line for this book sounded a lot more exciting than the actual book. I was excited to read this book at first, I thought it would involve a long battle over the nun and her vows, but there was barely any of that. There was a lot of sex for someone who is supposed to feel remorse if she breaks her vows. You would think as a nun, that Maggie would not immediately jump into bed with Alex and repeatedly continue to sleep with her, but you would be wrong. The sex was not even well written or that sexy. It was just very repetitive and boring. The actual book was horrible, I don't think I could say that enough. It was a waste of time.

I would not recommend this book to anyone. This book is not good and no one should read it. It was not a good read and even the ending was abrupt and not good at all. There was an attempt for some drama, but it is not well done at all and was poorly landed. If you are looking for a book which has the same half page to page of sex over and over again, then go for it., I, obviously, hated this book, it was a complete waste of time.

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If you follow my reviews at all you know I hate having to giving a bad one. This book has left me no other choice. We have Maggie, a nun and Alex a construction worker. Before the first chapter is done Ms Williamz already has them in bed. You are never given a chance to get to know either of them. Erotica in a book has never been a problem for me. I actually enjoy it but not without getting to know and care about the cast. I have read and very much enjoyed other books by Ms Williamz but this will never be on that list.
eARC via NetGalley

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What do you do when your heart loves to competing forces that are incompatible? That's the premise when a nun falls in love with a parishioner and makes a decision to break her vowel of chastity. The nun by the name of Maggie is attracted to a parishioner named Alex. Well they do their best to sneak around and not be caught by the reverent mother, the reverent mother does have eyes and can see that these two have a deep connection together. She does her best to try and convince Maggie that she needs to be careful or she could lose her desire to live in the convent. Maggie loves her life as a nun and teacher and as well regarded as being excellent at both. Both she and Alex know what they are facing if their love affair is exposed. But yet the heart wants what the heart wants even if there's a conflict.
This book is build as in a Erotic love story and clearly there are many sex scenes with in the book. However it is not my idea of a erotic mainly because all the sex scenes are the same. I love erotic stories however the sex depicted in this book is very "the vanilla". There is also a lack of intensity between these two characters as there is very little dialogue between them to really know how they feel about one another. I love M J Williams as an author but this book does not match up to the excellence of her other books.

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I got an ARC of this book.

I need to start this by saying that I probably have an unhealthy obsession with nuns. I am not Catholic, nor have I ever been to Mass. However, I love nuns. I love the idea of nuns. If you have been fortunate enough to be forced to listen to go on and on about nuns, I am very sorry. I will never give up my fire breathing nun wind-up toy. I will be buried with it. 

So when I saw this book, I was SO EXCITED. I missed the part about it being an erotica and was expecting a really angsty romance. I am not against erotica, but I was expecting some plot. Any plot really. Instead I got dozens of super repetitive sex scenes. By 20% I was texting my best friend and letting her know that even my love of nuns couldn't get me to care about this book. I started skimming the sex scenes, which made the book bearable again. If you skip at least twenty sex scenes then this book becomes readable. 

There was some angst and some romance, but not enough to consider this a romance even when I was skipping EVERY sex scene. The characters were flat. There was no connection between the characters at all either. The book starts with Maggie already being physically attracted to Alex and masturbating which is a sin. Then the book just goes downhill. It gets to the point where I just think that Alex and Maggie are alcoholics and are in a lesbian porn directed by a man. There is no substance. No emotion. Nothing except really boring and tedious sex scenes. 
There was a whole one scene that started to try and take it back from being the exact same sex every time, but even that fell flat. The big change was a single sex toy and nothing all that dramatic. It was a rabbit vibrator. That was it. Like Alex is supposed to be this big bad butch player. They are both super into penetration. I was expecting a strap-on. 

I just don't get why this book was exciting. I love nuns and I couldn't even be bothered to read half of the words. Half of the "plot" was an Italian vacation, yet even that was boring. There was more details about the food and the buildings than the character's feelings or setting the scene for the major plot of: will Maggie leave the church or will she leave Alex. The plot didn't even matter. The decision was beyond easy to call. I just wanted something more from this book. I wanted sex scenes that were hot or at least tepid. I wanted some serious slow burn angst. I wanted something that made these characters want each other. There was no reason they were together. There never was any hint of why they ended up together at all. It isn't like Maggie was in the habit of breaking her vows or anything. I am disappointed in this book.

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While I don't normally read erotica, I can and I have in the past. I can even deal with nun love stories. But when a book (any book really) starts out with sex right off the bat, that is a sign I am not going to care for the story. Simply because there isn't a story. I like a plot to go with the sex. Sorry.

Just can't give this one much of a rating. Some people will want it simply because of the sex, but it just wasn't for me. I just did not like this book.

I was given an ARC from the publisher for my honest review.

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ARC received from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This was a new author for me, and I though the premise sounded interesting. There aren’t too many lesfic books about nuns out there. I was expecting some sort of slow burn story with two women becoming friends and the one who was a nun being torn between her faith and her desire for another woman. This is not that book.

First the characters of Maggie and Alex aren’t well fleshed out, Maggie is a nun who teaches, Alex is in construction, is supposed to be a player (although there’s little evidence of this) and is gay. That’s pretty much the character development. The only other character that’s really given any sort of story is the Mother Superior, and it didn’t make her (or Maggie) any more sympathetic.

I honestly didn’t care about either character. They didn’t know each other long enough before jumping into bed for me to believe in their relationship and it seemed all about sex and not much substance, which I think would be required for a life change like Maggie goes through.

If all you want is two characters going at it all the time and that’s made more interesting by one of them being a nun, this should do it. I wanted more depth to the characters and their interactions, and was disappointed. The writing and dialogue are also very choppy, I just couldn’t get into the style of writing. 2 stars.

Everything I disliked about the book is in the spoiler tag (which contains major spoilers) on Goodreads because it’s impossible to say what I didn’t like without revealing the plot.

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I was so interested in this book when I read synopsis, but this turned out to be one of the greatest disappointments. He book lacks depth, variety of eloquence, even during sex scenes we see few phrases constantly repeating throughout the book (“orgasms washed over her”, “now it’s my turn to return the favor”...)... first half of the book is nothing but Maggie escaping convent to have sex with Alex, and even that wasn’t skillfully written.
I won’t be posting this review on Goodreads, it stays only for NetGalley and BoldStrokesBooks, because I don’t want to be public on Goodreads and influence the sales with such poor opinion of mine.

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If you're looking for erotica then MJ Williamz certainly knows how to write that. I found myself a bit bored with the sex scenes they were a bit repetitive. Reading the brief I thought this is a real taboo theme that I would enjoy reading but it the book didn't live up to my exception. Maggie gave no thought before jumping into bed with Alex, surely after taking a vow for 20 years she would have thought a bit more about it and been torn with her emotions....Just saying

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This was a a good romance. Sister Mary Margaret is struggling with her faith and her desire for one of her parishioners, Maryann Fosters but in the book the name change is Alex so in your synopsis you need to change that. Through out the book she struggle with staying in the convent or being with Alex there are some great love scenes.

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