Member Reviews

Hadley, my dear Hadley. Oh so sweet and gorgeous and Disney Princess-like to a fault. In fact, there are times I pictured her as Giselle from Enchanted, haha.

I've been looking forward to this book ever since Eyes Like Those, which is the first of the Seven Shores series and my absolute fave, followed by Sparks Like Ours. Meaning that I'll rank this as third. Not bad, but I wanted a bit more to meet the ranks of the aforementioned two!

More, you ask? Yes, I'm aware that Melissa Brayden writes top-notch romance. So, what happens is I rate her books in relation to each other. I loved a lot, and I'm reminded of nitpicks I've always had with her writing, too.

Let's start with the good. HADLEY COOPER. Wow, wow, wow, she is a stellar character and I can't imagine anyone but Brayden to deliver someone like this. I imagine Brayden's inner voice similar to Hadley's, if not a little toned down. Her personality's stayed consistent through the entire season and I'm so pleased because she's a winner.

Then, we have Spencer, our kick-ass designer! Points for having a gorgeous WOC as Hadley's love interest. To me, Spencer and Hadley had great chemistry. And oh my god to their sexual compatibility. But first! My biggest Brayden complaint: voice! I could see her trying to um, make POC characters talk more...urban? However, mixed with Brayden's all-encompassing tone, it comes off quite awkward, to where characters--Kendra or Spencer's awesome mother, for instance--turn into Autumn or Hadley or Brayden herself. There are ways to vary voice without getting offensive.

Back to the good! We saw some range in Hadley. Even though it crushed me, I appreciated watching her move through bad situations. Also, seeing her navigate around Spencer, who's much less peppy, was a treat. Actually, I'd wished for the full-on ice queen treatment for Spencer. It would've pushed their dynamic. Spencer melted and realized her attraction to Hadley a little too easily. I wanted a bit more push-and-pull conflict.

Speaking of conflict, this book isn't a stressful one. The Paris-Venice mixup drove me CRAZY, but not in an angsty way. For that, I'm pleased. I didn't need too much angst in my life. I mean, you've all seen the news.

"Disneyland on fire" is hilarious, along with many of Hadley's other sayings. I chuckled. Per usual, I highlighted so many bits. Their Breakfast Club meetings grounded me as much as they did Hadley. I love their friendly bond.

Hadley is a mix of super sweet and low-key foxy and that is CRAZY HOT. Her whispering swear sexy. I imagine Spencer as a heartbreaking model type, so their trysts are quite enjoyable. Delicious.

Another pet peeve! Brayden's obvious preference for blue eyes. I believe Spencer waxes on and on in her mind about blonde hair and blue eyes...but wouldn't Hadley obsess over Spencer's features just as much? Was Spencer's hair curly? straight? Was it dark or light? Simply mentioning she's black doesn't fill in all the gaps. I'd love to read about her "luminous brown eyes" just as much from Hadley's perspective.

Brayden's a favorite, so I really hope she takes these comments into consideration. I love falling into her worlds of lovely lesbian goofballs.

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This is the fourth and final book in the Seven Shores series. Each book follows a different couple so no need to read them in order, but it is nice to follow all four friends stories from the beginning. This is Hadley's story! At last she meets the love of her life!

Hadley is looking to make some big changes at the upscale clothing boutique she works at on Rodeo Drive in LA. She meets Spencer, an up and coming designer, and works her damnedest to bring Spencer's unique clothing into her shop. Spencer isn't sure she's willing to make the big changes to meet the boutiques style, but Hadley is just as stubborn as she is and attractive to boot. Their relationship blossoms, but are they willing to take a chance on love as their careers take off?

Hadley is just adorable but she is also FIRE. She's so strong and courageous and it was a joy to finally get to know her better. Spencer was her perfect partner, with all the FIRE and courage to match Hadley's. I wish I could see her clothes too! Their chemistry was insane, I loved how it was written, and the romance was the perfect amount of sweetness to balance it out.

I love the big beautiful collection of characters that we've come to know and love over four books. It's such a feel good experience reading one of Melissa Brayden's books.

Ahhhh the ending was soooo romantic! I felt like I was watching a classic romantic comedy like Sleepless in Seattle. It was so perfect and beautiful and ah I just melted. Melissa Brayden is a master at romance. She is great gift to this world.

I’m so sad that this series is over, but I’m always looking forward to when comes next form Melissa Brayden.

I received an ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Well, this novel was a bit of a bummer. Not because of the story, that was slightly different and cool, but because it's the last in the Seven Shores series (I think).

This time it's Hadley's turn. She's the character that through the previous three books has believed most in the true love stories, and has a dreamer quality to what she wants out of relationships.

Spencer isn't quite like that. When it comes to relationships she has a more realist view of them.

The two women meet because Hadley wants to make the Rodeo drive clothes store where she's the manager, Silhouette, better, more diverse, just much less stuffy. Spencer is the up and coming designer who Hadley thinks can do that for the store. And so they meet and they start working together to get Spencer's clothes into the store, and, of course, at the same time they start falling in love, but, as I said, their ideas about love don't exactly go well together, so, the question is, can they bridge that?

It was also fun to read about the other stuff going on in Gia, Autumn, and Isabel's lives and it dovetailed nicely with the main story. And then two Autumn/Kate kiddos were so darn cute.

Like the others, this book was such a fun ride and even kept me guessing re: the main story, too.

I received this book via Netgalley thanks to Bold Strokes Books.

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Amazing! Melissa Brayden consistently delivers great romance reads. I'm always disappointed when her books come to an end but at the same time can't seem to stop reading. Hadley and Spencer's romance unfolds beautifully. This one definitely ends up on the reread list. Can't wait to see what comes next for this author.

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I received a advance copy of 'Love Like This' from NetGallery for a honest review. Thank you to NetGallery, the publisher and Melissa Brayden for the opportunity to review this arc.
'Love Like This' is the 4th in the Seven Shores Series. I have not read the previous books though I feel you can read them as a stand alone. Admittedly, with reading the other books in the series, one would get a better backstory of the main characters.
This is my first Melissa Brayden novel and I have to say I enjoyed it. I did find it to be a bit slow paced at times but, it did keep my interest with the quirky humor and the wonderful friendship amongst the key characters.
You will find 'Love Like This' to be a fun/cute love story to read.
I will be looking forward to reading more books by Melissa Brayden!

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I actually really enjoyed this installment of the seven shores series. I like that the author stayed true to Hadley's character in this book. I was afraid that in order to make this book interesting the author would create a heavy storyline for Hadley to balance out her perky personality but this book was exactly what I needed it to be.

Spencer was a perfect balance to Hadley, she wasn't to brooding and she defied the butch femme stereotype which was amazing.

All in all this was a definite winner for me, especially with the sprinkling of drama.

*4.3 stars

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Melissa Brayden knows just how to get her reader’s hearts beating faster. Her stories are full of the most joyful romantic moments that literally take my breath away. ‘Love Like This’, the final book in the Seven Shores Series is a perfect example. We have followed the love lives of the group of friends living in the Seven Shores Complex in Venice Beach and this time it’s Hadley’s turn. What she doesn’t know about fashion and how to make customers happy is not worth knowing. She is sweet and caring and a ray of sunshine but has yet to find that special someone who will make her life complete. An eternal optimist, she truly believes that her ‘Big Bang’ moment is just around the corner. Spencer Adair, on the other hand, does not believe in finding a one true love. She’s open to finding someone for now, but not forever. How can these two world views ever come together?

It was wonderful being back with Gia, Isabel, Autumn, Kate, Taylor and Elle. It was like a homecoming for all of them and it felt right. I loved finding out more about Hadley this time as she has always been the happy, thoughtful friend but never centre stage. I adored her even more by the end of this book. I can’t imagine anyone not falling in love with her. We got to see more of her and at a deeper level. After spending so much of her life being there for other people I wanted her to fall in love and get that ‘happy ever after’ she always wanted. I liked that Spencer was so different from Hadley. The contrast really worked well and I couldn’t stop smiling as I read this beautiful romance. As this was the last in the series I read slowly as I didn’t want it to end, but Ms Brayden has rewarded her loyal readers with a feel-good wrap up that will leave us all swooning for days. I highly recommend ‘Love Like This’ - and now I’m off to read the series from the start again!

I was given this Arc by Bold Strokes Books and Netgalley for review.

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ARC received via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This is the final story in the seven shores books, and we finally get to Hadley’s story. I loved Had in each of the other stories, and she’s just as delightful here. Her love interest is Spencer, who is a POC, which we still don’t see enough of in lesfic. Hadley works at an upmarket boutique and Spencer is an up and coming designer that Hadley wants to feature in the store (although to be honest I didn’t really buy that the opinion of an assistant manager of a store would sway a designer to change their designs).

Sparks fly immediately (so much so that I honestly think the titles of the last two books should have been switched) and the two start to date. Only problem is Had wants commitment and Spencer doesn’t believe in forever. This lends some angst to the proceedings and there’s the usual to and fro and a breakup to contend with before everything wraps up in a nice big bow.

I really loved Hadley and Spencer and how their story unfolded, and I also liked that Hadley called her friends out for taking her for granted, which they all totally did. Both families and Kendra were nice additions, and the continuation of the previous stories (particularly August and Isabel’s) was nice. I did think the ending seemed a bit rushed (and telegraphed) and the epilogue was a touch heavy handed, but with no more books I can see why Ms Brayden wanted to fill in some future gaps.

I’m giving this 4 stars because I enjoyed it a lot, and Brayden stories are usually always enjoyable, but this is not without flaws. I’ve mentioned in previous reviews of this series that one annoying part of any Brayden novel is that most of the characters sound the same. This was especially grating in any scene featuring the four main friends (with the only difference in their tone being that Isabel swears). The over use of exclamation points for emphasis in sentences was also annoying and could be toned down. Still, this is a nice read, and anyone who’s read the others will no doubt enjoy this.

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What a nice ending to a series. While some of the earlier books in the Seven Shores series had me wanting more, this one pulled me in and was sweet and lovely, much like the book's main character, Hadley. Readers have been wanting this girl to find true love for a very long time, and this story did not disappoint.

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Overall, it is a very nice story and enjoyable read. I found myself drawn into the story and the relationship. To the point I didn't want to put it down until all was fine and dandy with the world again.

Having read one other in this series I found it nice to revisit these friends again.

While it is not necessary to read the other books (I only read one other book out of the four), you may find you want to get to know the friends better after reading this one. I know I will probably go back and read the two I missed out on at some point.

I was given an ARC by the publisher for my honest review.

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Admittedly this wasn't my favorite of the Severn Shores books...While I most of the characters in this group of friends, Hadley and Spencer didn't do it for me. I've liked Hadley in other books...but Hadley with her own story just got on my nerves a little. And That's ok :) We can't like everyone (even though I think Hadley does).

Overall it's a fun story that brings back together these best friends and fills us in on more of their lives and the direction that their last single friend will go...

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I knew before going into this that Melissa Brayden's writing style is not my favourite. But, since I was able to get past it in Eyes Like Those, I thought the same would be the case here. Unfortunately, there was a lot less in this book to actually engage me and keep me interested, so the writing became painfully... well, painful.

Love Like This is the fourth and final book in the Seven Shores series, which follows a group of young to middle-aged women living in an apartment complex in L.A. In this book, the focus is on Hadley, the assistant manager at a boutique on Rodeo Drive. The plot starts with her meeting Spencer, a designer, whose collection she hopes will revitalise the store and improve profits. And, of course, they fall in love. Cue some seemingly major, but in fact minor, obstacles such as: Spencer's fear of commitment (stemming, supposedly, from the fact her parents divorced, even though they remain good friends), Spencer's new job offer, Hadley's complete stupidity regarding this job offer... I could go on, but I'll leave it there. But, to summarise briefly, all problems that could be solved with a good sitdown and some communication! (I mean, for crying out loud, when they come to realise they are In Love, Spencer flies from Paris to L.A. and Hadley from L.A. to Paris. At the same time, so they completely miss each other. When they could have, I don't know, just sent a text?)

So, yes, I had some issues with the fact that all the conflict was created by miscommunication. But, beyond that, I just didn't really get invested in either of the main characters or their relationship. There was just no tension between them. Ultimately, they bored me. The only thing I was really interested in was Hadley's relationship with the other women in her apartment complex. And there wasn't nearly enough of it. (Now, if someone could just point me to an apartment complex of wlw, please?)

There was also the slight awkwardness I felt with having Spencer written by a white author, because, on that front, she seemed condensed down to comments about white people (awkward when it's effectively a white person saying it through a character of colour), and one mention of her having brown skin. Nothing else. Maybe she's Latina (that's probably the best guess I got from the book)? Maybe she's not? It's never explicitly mentioned and she honestly does just feel like someone's taken a generic white character and then changed her skintone for diversity points.

This all being said, there were some cute moments in this book, particularly Isabel's proposal to Taylor and their subsequent marriage. But honestly, that was probably my favourite part in the book. Which really says a lot about the book.

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A charming, happy wrap up to this series. I enjoyed Hadley’s story, and it was nice to finally see a character who looks like me (black) in one of Brayden’s books. Even better was that race was not an issue in the story, as it easily could've been made into. It was refreshing to see it mentioned only once in a brief exchange: does it bother you, no, you, no, done. That’s how it works in real life too a lot of the time, so I was happy diversity in Los Angeles was made to be no big deal, just expected, as it should be. I loved discovering Hadley’s secret wild side, those scenes were sexy. I’m happy the series was tied up nicely, and I’m really looking forward to Brayden’s next offering, hopefully a stand alone!

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I loved reading the last book in the Seven Shores series. It was a nice ending to the story of Isabel, Autumn, Gia and Hadley. I loved the happily ever after.

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Hadley’s story is the final book in the “Seven Shores” series and the one I’ve been waiting for. She’s popped in and out of the others’ stories with her good cheer, wisdom, fantastic fashion sense and gentle humility and, finally, she’s the centre of attention. She’s beautiful, a little geeky, puts her friends’ needs above her own comfort and her toes wiggle when she excited. She has no artifice. What’s not to like?

Hadley needs to find a designer to give the upmarket Rodeo Drive clothing store she works for a new look in order to encourage younger buyers to shop there. Spencer Adair is the designer whose work is fresh and vibrant. Hadley thinks Spencer is too and the attraction is mutual but their long term ideals are poles apart.

This is a beautiful ending to the series – a series which is well worth reading.

Book received from Netgalley and Bold Strokes Books for an honest review.

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I enjoyed this entire series, but this is my favorite of the four. It didn't seem to follow the "formula", which was a nice surprise. I was also surprised by Hadley's love interest, and it really worked. Melissa Brayden is known for her dialogue, and to me it can border on sounding like a sitcom, but in this book it worked perfectly. A satifying ending to a fun series.

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Fantastic ending to an amazing series.
The only bad thing about this book is that we won't get any new stories about our Seven Shores friends.

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Hadley is the sweetest character in book world and she deserves the best happily ever after. I was looking forward to what Brayden had in store for her. Spencer was a good fit for Hadley, I liked how they were different and perfectly complemented each other. I loved how whenever they hit a road bump in their relationship they never strayed too far from each other and talked through their issues. They had fantastic chemistry and felt Hadley's character had another layer as their relationship progressed.

This was a perfect ending to a fantastic series. We got to see some further development from the other characters stories which I really enjoyed. Brayden really knows how to put together a group of friends and make a fun and quirky series, I will miss the seven shores crew!!

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This is the final wraparound of the series involving the friends foursome living in the Seven Shores apartments next to Venice Beach in LA. This fourth chapter develops the relationship between Hadley and Spencer. Hadley is the manager at a fashion store on Rodeo Drive and Spencer is a fashion designer, new but with a promising future. Hadley wants to convince the owner of the store that they must take a step forward and risk with the products they have for sale. And this is where Spencer and her daring designs appear in Hadley's life. Hadley is a romantic dreamer who waits for her better half and believes in happily ever after. Spencer is impassioned but is not in the belief that true love lasts forever. So when they meet and discover their attraction towards each other, they must overcome this difference along with others that seem to distance them instead of bringing them closer.

Melissa Brayden has the ability to develop their love stories in a very positive way and in the four books of this series it proves very well. In each of them there are several moments in which another author would make great dramas and angst in excess.This is not the case with Melissa, fortunately from my point of view. Her descriptions of the situations are colorful and with great descriptive detail of both the environments and the feelings of the characters. And they talk a lot and explain things that happen to them, there is not a lot of inner dialogue and introspection, luckily again. And in all her books she manages to create really romantic situations, those that give you butterflies.

And as a bonus, in each new chapter you can follow the evolution of previous couples, so it is advisable to read the four books in the order in which they are published, if you do not want to miss a detail or if you do not want to know some things before due.

This has been a very interesting series, for lovers of traditional romance, as in classic romantic comedies, making soft music play in your head when you read them, it has been like this for me.

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Very cute story, I don't find them as interesting as the other characters but i enjoyed reading about H.

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