Member Reviews

Sadly, this book didn't work for me. The author writes in these short, choppy sentences that make it impossible for any reading rhythm to build up. Plus it felt like a strange fuzzy filter was set over the story, muting everything from the characters, their relationships or the plot itself. The story is mostly Euodia's introspection and very little actually happened, which made it almost unreadable to me.

Interesting take on dystopian fantasy where the focus is less on the futuristic tech and more on simple living in nature! While I felt that the book was paced a bit slowly, it was still a good read! The characters are enjoyable and their motivations grounded. Definitely recommend for anyone looking to change things up with their usual dystopian reads!
I think this would have been four stars if not for the ending. I loved the story and the growth of Euodia's relationship with Allie. But reintroducing her ex, Orchid, at the last line as a cliffhanger just cheapened the whole thing for me.

I was really looking forward to a great dystopian tale, but this book fell flat for me. It starts well after the "event" that creates the storyline and you never get a clear idea of how they got there. I think this author has a great writing style and I hope to read other books from this author

Her of The Wood
By Veronica Watts
Less Than Three Press
Euodia grew up in a city whee only the young and wealthy are allowed freedom. Freedom to be seen. Freedom to speak. Freedom to live. All others - elderly, gay, disabled- are labelled undesirable and are not allowed to be seen or heard. Euodia is gay and is sure there is a better life-certainly nothing could be worse. When a truck arrives to relocate a load of undesirable elderly people and dump them into the woods to die, Euodia sneaks aboard and finds a thriving community on the other side of the forest. She starts a new life and a new relationship with Ailie. She begins to feel a freedom she never has before until people begin getting sick...
Strong characters and plot blend perfectly in this dystopian lesbian romance novel. It is a suspenseful, riveting story and a great mixture of dark and light. Suitable for YA or adult and a fantastic book.

This was unlike any book that I have read. I thought it was going to be similar to an Into the Woods type of novel but this was something way different. This was an unusual twist that no one will expect. However, the characters are very relatable and the public will easily connect to them and sure to read on.
Her of the Wood tells the story of Euodia as she is on a mission to get out of the city and lands into a convoy of detainees and they are sent to the old lands to die but she gets her glory and meets scouts from the thriving community and she starts her new lifestyle. As she is settling in and finding herself, a horrible plague sweeps over the community and the life that Euodia has grown to love might come to an abrupt end.
This book really was deep and intense, there were a lot of dark places that I went to when reading this book so if you are a fan of sad, dark, scary books than this might be up your alley. This book is a give or take with our community and that is why we are giving this book 4 stars!

3.5 Stars. I thought this was a good read but I must admit I was hoping for more. This is a lesfic dystopian story that feels like YA. I didn’t catch any actual ages but I’m guessing the main character is around 18-20. I liked the premise and the main storyline but I felt like everything was a little muted.
The main story is about a young woman Euodia, who chooses to leave her city behind for a new life. The city Euodia is from is highly controlled where only the rich really have power. Euodia was a worker meant to not be seen or heard from. When a relocation truck, that is dumping older people and undesirables into the woods to die, is leaving Euodia takes her chance to escape. People think the woods mean death, but Euodia believes it’s her chance to really live. Will she be able to make it on the outside?
I enjoy dystopian stories and like I said I thought the premise was good, the problem was I felt everything had a little film over it. I never felt as immersed in this new world as I wanted too. Even the characters felt a bit wooden and hard to really connect to. The scenes that could be exciting, didn’t really come through with the suspense to keep the excitement up. Really all the aspects of the book just seemed a hint off and it stopped me from really connecting.
The romance is PG. It is a sweet romance, but again I felt like because I was missing a good connection with the characters, the romance wasn’t more than just okay.
The way the book ended there should be a sequel. As I was reading the book, I kept waiting for a certain little twist to happen. What I was surprised about is the little twist was the last line of the book. I have to admit because it was at the end it annoyed me a little. At this point I feel like I might skip the next book since I liked where this book ended and I’ll just ignore the final line.
I know I have plenty of complaints. I do want to make clear it was a good read. The problem was I could see this being great so I was disappointed not to love this. If you like dystopian stories with a YA feel, this might be for you.