Member Reviews

Great read! Looking forward to reading more from this author! I highly recommend this book and author to all!

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As a huge fan of Jane Eyre, I loved how M.S. Morris wove elements of the novel into The area Room.

Readers follow Jane, a seemingly frail and timid woman and wife of Adam as she realizes that her husband is keeping secrets from her. With newfound strength thanks to her new book club friends, Jane courageously decides to find out what Adam has been hiding.

Overall, a quick and fun read!

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Just finished reading The Red Room by M.S. Morris. I recommend this book to readers who enjoy tense , frightening.and imaginative plots. The story really revolves around a woman, Jane, who has been isolated for seven years and is just beginning to make friends in her small home village. Her husband is very protective of her and concerned that she will fall apart. SHe had forgotten her past and as the book progresses she remembers more and more. The conclusion is shocking and I won't say more . Read it yourself!

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A psychological thriller with an obedient wife and a seemingly perfect husband. Their perfect life in a small village completely changes due to one letter in the mail. I wish the ending was different, but overall I really enjoyed this book.

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4 stars!
I had this book for three months before picking it up. It sounded good but it wasn’t really peaking my interest.
Well I am so glad I read it because this book not only pulled me in but it it had me so intrigued that when I had to put it down, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I needed to know what in the hell was going on.
The author did an amazing job of creating a picture with her words.
Definitely full of intrigue, twists and times that make you say “what in the what?!”
I do recommend.
Thank you #NetGalley, the author and publisher for my free arc in exchange for my honest review. Posting on goodreads and Amazon.

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I received a copy of the red room from netgalley after reading the plot synopsis and believing it would be my cup of tea, I’ve read somewhat mixed reviews and started the book not knowing what to expect- I actually really enjoyed it. We meet Jane who is quiet, timid and happy with her own company, she lives just outside Leeds in a quiet and isolated cottage not far from a small village with her husband Adam who commutes to London every Monday until Friday for work which leaves Jane alone in their cottage Monday to Friday, they relocated here after living in London as something terrible happened to Jane at their previous house in London which she can’t recall but remembers the room it happened in as the red room. she strikes up a friendship with three other women from the village nearby who are Diane a retired teacher, Cath who owns the villages small shop and Bridget the vicars wife, they soon firm a good friendship and start a weekly book club which Jane keeps a secret from her husband Adam as strangely he dosen’t like or want Jane to mix with or get to know the locals, therefor Jane meets her new friends during the week while Adam is working in London, one morning a mysterious letter arrives and Jane opens it without realising it’s actually a letter for Adam, she is obviously quite shocked to see the letter states Adam has been left a large sum of money from a Victoria? Jane is confused as they don’t know a Victoria... soon curiosity gets the better and she decides to investigate who this Victoria is and why she left a large sum of money to James husband. Curiosity definitely killed the cat in this one, I don’t think Jane was quite prepared for the secrets that Adam has been keeping from her. I surprisingly enjoyed this book and eagerly raced through desperate to find out who Victoria is and what secrets Adam is hiding from Jane, I rated four stars as I did find the ending a bit unrealistic and the ending was unexpected, however I still thoroughly enjoyed the story non the less.

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I received an advanced copy of this book through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This book had me on the edge of my seat the whole time! It was definitely a book that kept you thinking! I would definitely recommend this book to fellow readers. Thank you!

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This book is a perfect example of a thriller with an ending that you won't see coming. I thought I had everything all figured out and honestly, got a little annoyed because I thought it made the story boring. I was SO wrong because I didn't have anything figured out and had to read through the night in order to find out what really happened! You won't be disappointed!

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Did not finish, was excited but could not get into this book. Will let Chapter Chatter Pub know it's released after a small vacation.

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This book was one that I was looking forward to reading, but it fell flat of my expectations. I have been reading a ton of psychological thrillers and this one was predictable. It started off good, but then got to the point that I had to force myself to finish it.

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This was different for sure! Kind of slow moving until about 1/3rd of the way in. However there was great character building in the beginning. I was not expecting the outcome. WOW!

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Jane and Adam Harvey have received an invitation to a New Year’s Eve party at their neighbor’s, Diana and Michael Potts. Adam wants to decline the invitation saying Jane gets nervous in crowds. But Jane insists that they go. Adam works in London during the week and Jane is at home alone. They have lived here for seven years and they don’t know anyone. Jane feels she needs some friends.

Just at midnight at the party, Jane has a flash back where all she sees is red blood. It’s the Red Room again and she passes out. Solicitous of Jane, Adam asks her if she remembers anything before she fainted. She just remembered the smell of blood, being covered in blood, and someone saying, “you can’t do that.” This evidently occurred in their home in Oxford in what was a room with red walls that they called the Red Room. When Adam found her in this state, and not knowing what happened, they moved to this home out in the country. Here, it is a small town and they live just on the outskirts.

Everyone was so kind to Jane at the New Year’s Eve party so when some of the ladies asked her to join a book club, she accepts. They decide to read Jane Eyre. In the book, the “other” Jane is locked in a red room where she also passes out. This scares Jane. Being with the other ladies is good for her and they are nice to her.

But when Jane accidentally opens some mail meant for Adam, she is shocked and begins to think that her husband is not the man she thought he was. Sneaking into his desk and on his computer turns up some shocking things and she is determined to get to the bottom of it.

This is a quick read and I was surprised at the ending. But to read about this helpless, pitiful woman was simply frustrating. The story is interesting though so I’m sure readers will enjoy it.

Copy provided by NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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I don’t like when a character has a lot of questioning instead of letting the story just play out. I’d rather read and decide for myself then the protagonist going over all the scenarios for me

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This book had everything a good suspense novel needs. Lots of suspicion, and a character that doesn't know when to stop digging. Our main character Jane lives in a small cabin with her husband Adam. Jane doesn't leave the cabin very often and when she does for short periods of time she is always accompanied by her husband who gets home from his job on the weekends. I hated the way that he controlled her every move however I hated the fact that she left him treat her that way always staying put and never asking questions. She knows none of her neighbors even though shes been in the same place for seven years, she only has a landline and has to be home every evening to wait for her husband to call, and she can't talk to anyone because then they would ask questions that she never thought about the answers to. While Jane talks about her husband with love and devotion and you can see some of the love he has it is clouded by the abuse and manipulation that he places on Jane. Even though things look weird on the outside Jane has never felt the need to question anything and quite enjoys her life until she suddenly receives a letter in the mail that changes everything. I really enjoyed this book because of the mystery behind it. I had to find out why Jane was in that cabin and what her husband was hiding, and why she kept having dreams about this red room. There was just
enough detail to keep you guessing but not enough to ruin the surprise. I found the characters very enjoyable and even the ones I didn't like, I liked how they were written just not their actual characters. Fantastic book and I'm very glad I got the chance to read it, it was everything a good thriller needs to be. Kept you guessing through the whole book and the characters were amazing flawed but not over the top and annoying. I really liked the ending how everything started to make sense. Great job of keeping the reader on their toes.

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Because the end of this book made me so angry, I’m not going to worry about spoilers. I was actually quite enjoying it until the last few pages, at which point I lost my temper and darn nearly threw my tablet in the swimming pool while watching my kids swim.

The book is told from the PoV of Jane, a woman living a very quiet life in the country. Her husband Adam works in London during the week and is home only on weekends; they appear to have an idyllic marriage. Jane knows, though, that not all is right with her past. There’s something terrible which happened to her in a red room, and before that… there’s nothing.

Tension builds through the story as small discoveries lead to Jane finding out more and more about her husband and her past. She makes a few friends among local women, of which her husband disapproves. When she finds a life insurance policy paid out on his dead wife, a woman named Victoria who Jane has never heard of, Jane realises she doesn’t know nearly as much about Adam as she things.

(This is where things get spoilery). It turns out Jane IS Victoria. Victoria was a high-flying ad executive in London who apparently disappeared rowing on the Thames seven years earlier. But Adam is insistent Jane has never even been to London. In the end, she screws up her courage and takes the train in with her friends, who are going to a theatre performance. In Adam’s London house, she finds the red room - and Adam catches her there. With her anxious friends there too, he finally tells her the truth. Seven years earlier, she got a big promotion at work and told him, on the way home, that she was pregnant. They fought because he thought she should be a stay at home mother. At home, he locked her in the red room (her private study area) because she was trying to hit him. She had some sort of manic episode and apparently caused her own miscarriage.

At this point, he picked her up, put her in the car and drove her, not to the hospital, but their holiday cottage in Yorkshire. In shock, she was completely amnesiac. No memory whatsoever. So he gave her a completely new one. She was now Jane, a stay at home wife who hated crowds, had never been to London and was perfectly happy doing nothing at home alone all week while he worked. Oh, and he also faked her death and claimed the insurance money.

My eyes were in rapid-blink mode by then, because it’s clear Adam is a complete psycho. He wants a Stepford wife, not one with any agency of her own. How the hell much do the authors hate executive level women anyway, to make a professional woman the target of this kind of horrific story?

The ending is so unbelievably awful my can’t even can’t even. Instead of getting Adam locked up as a dangerous, fraudulent criminal and possibly the biggest gaslighter ever to walk the earth, all Jane’s friends decide to support her decision to go back to her nice simple Yorkshire cottage life where she’s perfectly happy doing absolutely nothing and sees Adam only on weekends.

So… everything’s just hunky dory, then? Being a Stepford wife is all an intelligent woman could possibly want as a happy ending?

What. The. Hell. Did. I. Just. Read?

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book for review through NetGalley.

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I received an advanced reader’s copy in exchange for an honest review

Fun little domestic thriller-intriguing twist, strong characters, unexpected ending. A solid four stars- perfect for a cold day in

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This was ok, some good and some bad. It did stall in places. When I first started reading and I came across lines like:

“No one has ever written me before...My first letter”
“I have never been to a party before”
“I don’t like crowds. Or at least, I don’t think I do.”

I think immediately child, abused wife, or nitwit. None of them being a draw to keep the pages flying. But this is not the case as it is amnesia which may actually be even worse. I read somewhere that amnesia (especially where you cannot recall anything from your past vs. just blocking out a specific timeframe) is pretty rare. You wouldn’t know it by the amount of times I’ve come across it as a plot device lately. Moving on...

The characters could have been fleshed out a bit more. The overall plot was intriguing. The writing was quite good. There were some twists and surprises. The conclusion wasn’t all that satisfying. By that, I mean that it doesn’t seem plausible regardless of how remote you are or sheltered... If you need a thriller that is based on a realistic reveal this may not be for you. Overall, it was a decent way to occupy my free day.

Thanks to NetGalley, the author, and Xpresso Book Tours for a copy in exchange for a review.

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*Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to read an ARC in exchange for a fair and honest review.
This was my first experience with M.S. Morris, but I'm quite sure it won't be my last. Set in the Moors, The Red Room draws you in immediately as it introduces the main character, Jane. Jane lives alone in a cottage outside town and rarely interacts with anyone. Her husband comes home every weekend, the commute to London being too far for daily travel. Questions arise as we witness Adam's constant attempts to isolate his wife, continually reaffirming the idea of her as a weak, timid woman. despite Jane's attempts to come out of her shell. What is his motive?

Greatly atmospheric, The bleak winter setting and Morris's descriptive writing allows the reader to actually feel the isolation and loneliness of the English countryside. I enjoyed this book, and plan to read more from this author. Highly recommended.

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A trusting wife, a perfect husband… a buried secret.

Jane likes the quiet life, living in a cottage on the edge of a small village in Yorkshire. Her husband works in London during the week and comes home at the weekends. Jane thinks she has the perfect life. The one traumatic event of her life is safely buried and forgotten – until a letter arrives that makes her question everything she thinks she knows…

This was an intense read with so many dark twists! This dark thriller kept it's hold on me throughout the whole book.

Thanks to #NetGalley, the publisher, and M. S. Morris for the ARC of #TheRedRoom

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Mrs. Jane Harvey receives a letter. Odd as that is, for her, there is no postmark. Jane opens it with, of course, her husband, Adam. It is a New Year's Eve invite from Diana & Michael Potts (retired teachers). Cath, from the general store in the tiny village, introduced Diana and Jane. Eventually ADAM gives in and says that they can go to the party for an HOUR. The relationship between Jane and her husband is a bit trying; he is in London 5 days a week and at home for 2 days. Adam has an apartment in London. She vaguely wonders, at times, if perhaps Adam has a woman on the side... Jane opens a letter addressed to Adam and finds that his account has been credited with $250,000 GBP. Since Adam calls Jane EVERY night at exactly 9PM, that night she asks him about the money. He tells her that it is from a distant cousin that passed away. No one, not even the reader, believes this one!

After the New Year's Eve party at Diana and Michael's (at which Jane faints), the 4 girls; Cath, Diana, Bridget (the vicar's wife) and Jane, form a book club. At one meeting, Diana asks Jane how often she visits Adam in London. Jane's reply, "I've never been..." A flashback occurs to Jane - everything is red"...Now, we also find out that Jane cannot have children. Another flashback for Jane at the meeting.

Jane can no longer stand it!!! She breaks into her husband's study at home - and finds out that his "cousin" was actually Victoria, his WIFE!!! Is THIS marriage even valid? She cannot leave Adam; no job, no experience, nowhere else to go. Now, the book club happens to be reading Jane Eyre - (there is a red room in this book). Jane remembers more of her former life and fears that her life mirrors that of Jane Eyre. Jane, at home, looks up Victoria Harvey on the internet. Victoria was just declared dead after missing for 7 years! WOW! Jane's life here began 7 years ago. She realizes that she must have lived in London. Besides, every "fact" she knew about her life was told to her by Adam. When she sees a picture of Victoria in the internet news, it is her - Jane. She remembers coming home one day from work and her house had been ransacked. and about the Red Room...and blood... After what happened in the Red Room, why did they not go to the police? Why to Yorkshire - 2 hours away from London?

Eventually Jane heads out to London to go to her husband's house (under the guise of attending a play with her book club friends). She remembers being Victoria (an ad executive) at a New Yea's Eve party - she had just got a promotion...

She leaves her friends at the play and goes to the house in London where she had lived. Jane then finds the red dress she had worn at the New Year's Eve party as Victoria - torn apart, dried blood... (Adam had told her he burned it). Now, she HAD to go to the Red Room... She reaches out to touch the key - she hears a sound downstairs... a key turning in the lock...

Anything more would be a spoiler! Such a great book that I kept forgetting to take notes! Lots of interesting parts and a ton of suspense! A super read! I definitely recommend!!!

Many thanks to M.S. Morris and NetGalley for a chance to review !!!

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