Member Reviews

This was not at all the fun girls holiday read I was expecting. The timeline this book follows in just such a short space of time seemed to such an extent. You hardly got any time with each character before moving on which made it hard to connect and overall it just wasn't for me.

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A lot of Fuss about a Duck is such a fun and cheerful book.
I have to mention the title which did make me giggle, and the cover is so sweet and pretty.
I've not read this author before but I will certainly be seeking more of Ms Lowes books in the future, I loved the story, it's got great pacing which kept me engaged throughout. it leaves you feeling very happy.

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Quite frankly I had enough with the first chapter. Nothing but moaning and dreariness. I DNF'D it because it just made me so depressed.

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It took me awhile to get into this book....You just start to read about each girl each chapter then it moved onto one of the other girls. Disappointing.

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Lovely feel good summer read. What’s not to love sun sea and sadly ur reading about it instead of living it. Easy to read and flowed well. Perfect summer book

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If you're after a book that follows three individuals as they handle the trials and tribulations of life then Lauren, Julia and Olivia are for you. An easy summer read with plot lines that are relatable to any group of friends as they embark on their own individual paths.

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To be completely honest the reason I clicked on this book was because of the word duck. I love ducks so I was hoping that there was going to be something about a duck in here, but sadly I was disappointed on that. What I found in this book was a sort of story about 3 friends who go on a trip but also about their lives. When I read the synopsis after I finished the book, I immediately felt that it didn't fit the book, this makes it seem like it's some girls trip kinda book like idk sisterhood of the travelling pants style, ya know, friendship and all that mumbo jumbo.. but no.. I am a little upset about it, plus the writing felt disjointed, it seemed like it was one voice telling three stories instead of three voices each telling their own story. I just kinda really feel disappointed..

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First let me say that I still don’t get the title even after finishing the book. Secondly, this was a total disappointment.

LOFAD is a book about three friends; Liv, Lauren and Julia. Throughout this book, we learn a lot about these characters. We learn about their love life or lack of, friends, struggles, likes and dislikes over a period of many months. It was like reading a memoir of some sort about these characters.

If I am being generous, I would say that this book was okay. But that was all it was. There was no point to the story which went on and on with no end in sight. What I liked the least about this book was the long passage of time from the beginning to the end.

Case in point, one of the characters who was single at the beginning of the book, manages to get a guy who she moves in with, gets pregnant and by the time the book is concluding the baby is about three months old.

All in all, it is obvious that this book was not a favorite of mine. It was definitely not the funny “three best friends go on a trip which changes their lives” story that I was looking for.

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I liked this book, It is a sweet romance that was eady to read. I like the characters and the story.

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I really struggled to get into this book. You seemed to barely get into reading each chapter then it moved onto one of the other girls.

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Lauren, Olivia and Julia have been friends since school but have drifted apart a bit, Lauren has just got married, Olivia has a high flying job but drinks too much, and Julia is always single. So when they decide to go on holiday together to the South of France there could be fun ahead!

A lighthearted easy read book ideal for the beach when you just want to relax and not think too much

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Perfect relaxing read to kill a few hours. It was funny, easy to read and overall just very enjoyable. Hadn't read anything by this author before but I'll be on the lookout for more by her in the future.

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Three different women who have been friends forever. And they are now on a girls getaway trip! sounds like a lot of fun.
This book was a quick and fun read. It gives us insight into three individual lives and their problems. It was an absolutely delightful read.

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A rather quirky out look to life in many respects showing great friendship loved being the other friend can highly recommend this book it deserves 5*.
Thanks to netgalley for an early copy from in return for an honest review.

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I enjoyed the constant change of perspective in this book. I felt the friendships were realistic given that the girls had all gone in different directions. As one reviewer stated, I did think it ended abruptly but sometimes books do. I received a copy from NetGalley and this is my honest opinion.

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"Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for the advance copy of this book, in exchange for an honest review."

Loved this book very much. It had just enough comedy & sweet romance and the storyline was great! I highly recommend!

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I read this book on the beach and I loved everything about this book. The felt drawn to the characters and all the twists and turns going on in their lives. A feel good book about friendship, hoping there will be a part 2.

Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the review copy.

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Lauren, Julia and Olivia have been friends forever. Now that they are in their twenties their friendship is tested. Lauren is recently married, Olivia is quickly becoming an alcoholic and Julia believes she might never find love.

​The narration by each of the women grabs you from the beginning and you are immersed in their lives. Each character rings true and you follow their ups and downs as if you are the fourth in their little group.

​Fast paced, humorous and sometimes sad, this story carries you through to the end before you know it. Being able to read it in one day makes it a great book for the beach or your next vacation.

I received an eBook from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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After seeing the cover of “A Lot of Fuss About a Duck” and reading the description I had high hopes that I would enjoy this book. The book is a quick, lighthearted read and it would be perfect for a rainy afternoon or by the poolside on vacation. The book, however, felt rushed to me and at times I felt like I was reading an outline. I did enjoy how the author jumped from one perspective to the next and appreciated how she left some details out for the readers to figure out for themselves. However, I feel the author skipped ahead too far sometimes making the time line hard to get. I feel the author also left so many details and explanations out that could have made this book even better than what it is. The characters are very relatable and I saw a part of me in each of their stories. I don’t understand how the title fits in with this book though- the duck is only mentioned once or twice. If you are looking for a quick, fun, chick-lit book this would be a good pick for you. But if you’re looking for a book that you will want to reread time after time- this would not be it. Thank you Netgalley for the copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Sadly, I was not too taken by A Lot of Fuss about a Duck. The story felt like it would unravel too many times with attempts to pull the threads back together. It has a third person voice that fell flat and felt more like a verbal story than a written one.

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