Member Reviews

A rather quick and somewhat enjoyable read. It's an overall okay story with somewhat interesting characters. I don't hate it but I don't love it. It's a little too cliche for my taste.

Diana would give up absolutely everything to save her father. His health has deteriorated and he has only moments to live. She makes a bargain with the devil to give up 8 days of her life. Seems to be easy when you get to save one of your parents. She will save more than her father with her bright exuberant personality changing them for the good.

Unfortunately, this book was too formulaic for my taste. I DNF, which is a shame because I do enjoy the show Lucifer and I thought this would be my cup of tea. Unfortunately, it wasn't.

I didn’t know what to expect going into Midnight with the Devil. It’s a mashup of Lucifer with a very mild Fifty Shades is Grey vibe.
As in, he wants to own the girl and there’s some mild tying up . . . none of the dominance stuff, however. A simple deal with the devil, you’ll do what I say kind of thing.
I actually really enjoyed it. I obviously had my suspicions of what was going to happen. As is the way that a lot of these “romance/erotica” books work.
It was actually kind of cute, though. Diana wasn’t going to take any crap, and Lucian liked that because he wasn’t used to it. Everything that ensued was part of the story that I won’t spoil.
The ending . . . I could see it coming, like I kinda knew how it was going to play out. And it came out of nowhere, too. It was slightly rushed. Honestly, though, it was cute.
If you like the idea of making deals with the devil, a little “dirty fun” with the devil and all his charm, then this one is for you. It’s a quick read with some action — ooo la la — tossed in here and there.

If you're a fan of the show Lucifer then you will love this. This was a quick and light read. I enjoyed the characters and the sweetness of their budding relationship. I wish it was longer since the ending was just there in that presumed HEA bow.
I don't know if this is the beginning of a series but there are too many unanswered questions for it not to be. So I will be waiting for some answers in the next book. Definitely worth a read.

Oh for goodness sake, you are so gonna want to read this!
A sexy, erotic, romantic, humerous ride of a story. A sweet mix of angelic heaven and devilment hell, with comedic situations and banter, all rolled up into a happy ever after ending.
Truly an enjoyable read that you wanted to get to the end of, but also wanted it to go one for ever.
An author to watch out for.

I wanted to like this book so badly! It had many romance elements I love but unfortunately I found the plot lines a little too cliche and the characters less than interesting.

This was a quick sexy (more romantic) read with way less smut than one would expect in a book about spending nights with the devil. I guess that’s the point here, though.
Diana is willing to risk anything to get her dad better. He’s got no hope of survival, so when the devil offers her his health in exchange for spending a few nights with him, she gladly accepts. The devil, Lucien, has to collect some decent souls to sure up the boundaries of hell, but he’s less than enthusiastic about doing it. Something about Diana draws him in and these two end up spending less time in bed than one would expect from a dirty devil.
After a few twists and turns, we end up with the budding romance between these two strangers. The devil is more of a romantic than expected and Diana is a little dirtier than she expects. They really balance each other out, which is what ultimately gives them their happy ending.

I had high hopes for this one, but I’m sad to say I’m slightly disappointed.
This seemed like a bit of a rip-off from the tv show “Lucifer” at times, starting with Lucien’s name and the fact that he owns a club and all that.
I loved the concept and it started off real good with the whole ‘deal with the devil’ and trying to get Diana to the dark side. The way this was described, I just expected it to be a lot darker than it actually ended up being.
The way they fell in love so quickly (I’d almost call it insta-love and we all know I don’t like that) just didn’t add up at all. Lucien is supposed to be the devil and thus super old, badass and powerful but I found him to be pretty tame in all aspects (even in the bedroom). I just wanted something more I guess.

Midnight with the devil Is about a girl Diana being offered to make a deal while being in the hospital chapel on the last night of her fathers life. Sell your soul and I will save your father. If you watch supernatural you know the deal. I can't wait to read more by Emma Castle myself shes a light easy read.

I voluntarily read an advance copy of Midnight with the Devil.
All thoughts and opinions are my own.
This was a decent book. I liked the romance and the honor that the characters shared. One thing that I noticed, thought that I didn't like as much, was that I kind of felt that the entire book was pretty predictable--almost as if it followed a specific formula or pattern. Though some parts of it absolutely did, quite a bit of the book just didn't flow naturally I guess. I hate to give spoilers, so I will just say that I began to expect a similar outcome in certain situations after the very first one. Getting exactly what is expected leaves a reader feeling almost disappointed when there could have been a little extra or a small twist. I loved the concept and the ending. The description was spot-on most of the time. I did enjoy most of it, but like I said, some of this novel could have been less predictable.
Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC.

I would like to thank the author and Publisher for letting me read this ARC in Exchange for a honest review!
Already starting honest, this kind of book isn’t really my style! I’m not much for it, but the name as well as the synopses called my attention. If there’s one type of trope I love on my books is a deal with the devil! I’m really into books where we have the Devil, demons and all that in the mix! So really, I HAD to try and give this ARC a shot! And Oh, I’m glad I did!
I loved the writing style, the world building around Diana and Lucian Star! The chemistry and all that!
Diana meets Lucian, or Lucifer, as she’s on her father’s deathbed basically, and she makes a deal with him in exchange of his life. His life for her soul and body for 12 Fridays. As the Fridays pass by, all her thoughts on the king of hell start to change and feelings grow as it is. And so does our feelings! And so went my feeling of books that aren’t YA fantasy!
With lessons about morality; with the growth of the characters and plots, with their chemistry, Midnight With the Devil is a book that will snare you and make you devour the pages at the same time wanting for it to not to end!
5/5 stars! Totally recommend it!

Midnight with the Devil by Emma Castle is an enjoyable concept. The approach here is a deal with the Devil. Diana's father is in the hospital, dying of cancer. Lucian Star, as the Devil calls himself in this instance, overhears Diana's plea for her father's life. Realizing Diana could be useful to him, Lucian agrees to save him. His general goal is the corruption of her soul, to safeguard the gates of hell with the act.
Diana's part of the contract requires Friday nights, for three months, be spent in Lucian's company from dusk till dawn. Lucian is, of course, the ultimate bad boy. And bad boys are an attraction. Diana spends a good deal of time fretting over the attraction/lust she feels for Lucian. Finally giving into her primal urges, Diana discovers there are many things she got wrong about the Devil, and how he fits into her sense of morality.
Overall I enjoyed this story. The mythos created here was entertaining. In a dominance story, the women are occasionally too submissive, but in Midnight with the Devil, I never felt that way about Diana. She kept a level head and realized when she had things wrong. Lucian is what you would expect from the Devil if the Devil wasn't evil incarnate.
However, something felt off to me. Maybe it was the flow between actions. Segues did not always seem smooth to me. There were times I felt there should have been more to the scenes, or maybe some further background to things. In the end, the mythology kept me intrigued, and the chemistry between Diana and Lucian was engaging. I received a copy of this book through NetGalley for my honest opinion. I encourage all readers to reach their own conclusions

I finished this book in 2 days. This book was very hot and steamy. I loved that Lucien actually was a fallen angel and there were several references to it. This was not one those analogy type stories. This was the real deal and I loved it. I love the relationship and the purpose for the entire situation taking place. It is hard to talk about the book without giving anything away but there is a true love story in this book, besides the steamy sex. I loved the snippets of Paradise Lost place at the beginning of every chapter.
My only complaint is that it ended somewhat abruptly but it was a good ending nevertheless.
This is great quick read.

"You're immortal. You never die," she said. "But I will...someday. All the things in this world die except for you. Death is frightening and permanent. When I see something so fragile, so beautiful, and I see it has only a short life, it makes me appreciate its beauty all the more. "
This book was a refreshing take for this specific genre. There was a lot of actual story in this book which I really liked. We get to know both Lucifer and Diana and truly care for them. Diana agreed to sell herself to Lucifer in order to save her father, but she also made sure to protect those around her as well and wasn't tricked like I was afraid she might be. Lucifer also really wasn't that bad of a guy. He treated Diana well and mostly stuck to her boundaries to a certain point when it came to certain things. Of course, he broke some rules she put in place but that was to be expected and she liked them having been broken.
The ending was something I wasn't expecting and I surprisingly liked it.
Overall I did enjoy this story and I'm interested to see what Emma Castle writes in the future.

This was a sweet, spicy romance with a HEA ending that I did not see coming. Castle's imagining of the fall of Lucifer and the repercussions for him as an individual were new and intriguing, and I found myself smiling at Lucien's antics, sarcasm, and sweetness throughout. Though the ending was a little lighter than I had hoped, overall it was satisfying and endearing.

Disclaimer! Thanks to the author and the publisher for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review and it is definitely an honour to read this beautifully written story.
Description: He’s sexy as sin and hotter than hell and—oh wait.
What would you do to save a loved one’s life? Make a pact with the Devil?
In Diana Kingston’s defence, it was the middle of the night in the deserted hospital chapel… surely it was just a dream. She hadn’t really sold herself to a brooding stranger to save her father’s life, right? Then she wakes and her father is fully recovered and a mysterious letter arrives from the tall, dark, handsome—um, Devil? Yep, it was right there on the contract, Lucien Star, aka Lucifer Morningstar, that had been his name in the dream… Gulp. What would the Devil himself want with her? Sex. Three months of hot, sweaty, Friday night sex.
Ooookay. Breaking a pact with the Devil doesn’t seem like a smart move. So she’ll do it—but she won’t like it. Not much anyway. But she starts liking it – a lot—and every night they spend together, she likes it and Lucien a little more. Being with him allows her naughty side to come out and play, but Diana starts to see more than just a sexy-as-sin, rock-hard … er…Anyway, he might be Satan, but even he was an angel once. Kind. Noble. And she sees glimpses of that man still inside him… But how in Heaven’s name do you save the Devil from himself?
My opinion: This was an unexpectedly wonderful story. I loved the lessons of the book and how the unredeemable can sometimes have some saving grace. If you are looking for a book that will give you all the feels and is not your typical storyline, grab this one, it is just what you’re looking for. This story captivated me from the very beginning. It’s hot and steamy, but at the same time sweet. Who would fall in love with the devil, and does a devil can love? It’s nice to read a book like this, with a great storyline, interesting characters and writing pen that simply make you glide through pages.
Diane's father is literally on his deathbed when she meets Lucifer and makes a deal with him. She agrees to save her father's life in exchange for her soul and her body for 12 Fridays. Yes, he is exactly who you think he is... he is the King of Hell. What starts off as a deal becomes love and affection for these two.
This story may be short, but I quickly developed empathy for both Diana and Lucifer. I loved both of them and was rooting for them since the beginning of their story. It was so heartfelt and emotional and the ending so beautiful and powerful enough to make me sob. I wish it didn’t have to end, the epilogue was a perfect conclusion, yet it still made my heart ache. Wonderful job, I can honestly say this deserves a perfect five out of five stars.

I loved the book
I loved how we find out about the character background
I was surprised at the ending

Un bellissimo Retelling della serie TV Lucifer... in questo libro troviamo un diavolo che si ritrova fregato al suo proprio gioco...
Lucien ha bisogno di un'anima pura per per rafforzare le porte dell'inferno. Un giorno in ospedale vede Diana in chiesa che prega per suo padre. E cosi decide che lei è quella giusta che fa per lui. Le offre un patto. Per tre mesi con lui ogni venerdì notte, lui cura suo padre da ogni male. Da anima pura quanl'è accetta. E cosi ogni venerdì sua lei che lui cadono nella morsa dell'amore.
All'inizio della storia i due personaggi non la smettono di combattersi. Lui che si insinua nella sua vita e lei che cerca un cavillo per non soccombere alle tenebre. Arrivando anche a farsi amica una strega bianca. Ma l'amore li cambia inevitabilmente. Lei accettando il suo lato oscuro e lui diventando sempre più emotivo risentendo sentimenti umani che non dovrebbe provare.
Una bella storia d'amore che avrei preferito più lunga. Mi son trovata a finire il libro con l'amaro in bocca per la velocità con cui si conclude. Il finale bellissimo da strappalacrime, ma i capitoli finali che lo precedono sono troppo rapidi.
La scrittrice ti cattura con cura, facendoti amare e odiare Lucien e poi come se nulla fosse, ti ritrovi con un diavolo al limite del romance smielato.
Mi aspettavo più dramma e più oscurità. Tipo un bel colpo di scena. E invece son rimasta a bocca asciutta.
Ma tutto sommato lo considero un buon libro! Le scene di sesso sono erotiche ma non estremo ne volgari, i personaggi son ben descritti, e con i viaggi che lui fa fare a Diana, sogni e parti con loro nelle mete lontane che visitano (Giordania, Belize,Giappone...).
4 farfalle meritate. E aspetto con ansia un altro libro scritto da questa autrice.

This was a different kind of read and really what wouldn't you not do for a parent. The love you have is undeniably unselfish. That is where this read take a us and the devil makes a deal to help strengthen the gates of hell. Lucian is lost and stuck in a rut. He misses heaven as being the most Beautiful angel. This takes us on a ride of love no matter the circumstances. This has a HEA and it just worked.
I received this ARC from the publisher via Net Galley for my honest review. The opinions written are my own. Thank you NET Galley!