Member Reviews

I really had a hard time getting into this book. It was not what I expected and I stop reading 35% in.

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I really enjoyed this book! The writing was great. I was prepared not to like it, but I was pleasantly surprised. The subject was fascinating. This book was sexy and steamy to the perfect degree. I will read more from this author.

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This book's premise intrigued me, and even though I'm not normally a traditional "romance novel" reader, I was hooked from the start. However, the plot felt a bit rushed, the character development was lacking, and at the end of the story, I was left wanting more. I think this could serve as the start of a really interesting novel, but it just wasn't satisfying at the end of the day.

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I tried to finish this book and to push through to see if I’d change my mind but it was a little too dark for me. Diana literally sells her soul to the devil to save her father and Lucian Star aka Satan introduces Diana to his life and how pleasurable it can be. She only owes him three months and I didn’t get that far. If you are into dark books about the devil romancing a pure heart to keep the gates of hell strong this would be right up your alley and I’m sure you’d like it.

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I was hoping for more with this book but not too far in I got a heavy Lucifer vibe and not really in a bad way. Just in an "I feel like I know where this is going' way. The premise is interesting and the execution was pretty good but I had a hard time not drawing comparisons and I think it took away from my enjoyment of the story.

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Midnight With the Devil seemed interesting when I started it however it became predictable very early on. So much so that I was unable to finish.

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***ARC was provided to me for a fair and honest review***

Overall rating: 5/5 What if you could invite the man of Sin itself into your bed?

Heroine (Diana): 5/5 She’s a 21 year old college student who would do anything to cure her dad of cancer, even sell her soul to the devil.

Hero (Lucien Star): 5/5 He’s the fallen angel Lucifer, but has rebranded himself as Lucien Star and owns a nightclub. Lucien was sinful but never evil. His brand of sin is more about pleasure than anything anyone would consider truly negative.

Plot: 5/5 Diana sold 3 months worth of her Friday nights and her soul to the devil himself, Lucien to save her dad from dying of cancer. Hot and heavy nights turn into sweet days and Diana is soon hoping the end of their contract never comes.

Personal Review: I just finished binging Netflix’s (previously Fox’s) show Lucifer and was thrilled to find this book. I loved the show and absolutely loved Castle’s take on the devil finding love.

Castle took the typical formula for the romance and flipped it with this one. What starts as a purely sexual relationship quickly starts to turn into something so much more.

I loved the set up but I started to worry toward the end; how do you create a happy ending between a mortal and an eternal being? And not to worry, Castle does indeed deliver on a happily ever after for the the beloved devil and his girl.

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Well, this was quite a treat! I didn’t realize going into this that it was paranormal. I read this in one sitting, and would definitely recommend it.

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I really loved this book, Lucien x Diana were a great pairing. It’s an easy read that perfectly shows the power of love in it’s many facets. The theme throughout the book was selflessness rather than selfishness.

Lucien AKA the Devil wasn’t evil or horrid. He was portrayed as the fallen angel that he had become. Diana was a great heroine, she wasn’t weak or a push over but she also didn’t dominate. Her character showed the purest of love or was it Lucien?

For a moment I thought I was going to have to have to hate the book because it was shaping up to be like a direct quote from the book:

“It wasn’t just the steamy sex scenes that fascinated her, but the deep, emotional connection the hero and heroine formed by the end of the book.”

Truthfully the author blatantly told the reader how the book was going to develop and I was annoyed when it was happening, it felt like a cheap trick; but, the ending of the book completely redeemed the borderline cheesiness the story was heading. The ending was so good it eradicated all negative feelings that had began to grow in my mind. NO cheese in this story. There are steamy scenes but even in the roughness of it at times, utter love was always present.

The epilogue. I tend to cringe when I see these because so many romance authors no matter what sub genre they fall under tend to screw up a perfectly good story in the epilogue. Usually an unnecessary engagement, marriage, or pregnancy/ birth is written in at this point. Nope, not this one, it only made me love the story, characters, and author even more.

LOVE. REDEMPTION. SALVATION. This was a perfect love story.

I can’t wait to read the next Emma Castle novel. Sign me up now to be on the ARC/ street team I will promote on my Instagram account:

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Wow. This book was a fresh take on making a deal with the devil! Sexy, thought-provoking and well-written this book kept me turning pages. I finished it in one go and then went to see what else I could read by Emma Castle. She did an excellent job with pacing. I grew to truly love the characters, and when things went wrong I felt it.

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I usually like paranormal fantasy, but this one couldn't keep my attention. I believe this is more of a "it's me, not you" thing. I didn't feel connected to the characters. The sex was just a-okay for me.

Will I read more books written by the author? i'm definitely open to read another one, just to see if this was a one-off.

Two out of five stars.

ARC provided by Netgalley and IBPA in exchange for an honest review.

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Very sexy book!! A bit cringeworthy at a few points but definitely hot and well paced, I would recommend this book to any romance fan.

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Midnight With the Devil by Emma Castle is the story of Diana Kingston and Lucien Star.
Emma is desperate to save her father somehow made a bargain with Lucien who acted on her need to help her father. Now Emma is on a course with the 'devil' who ends up not being to devilish so this turned out to be not to dark of a romance for me, which I liked.
Overall enjoyed this book and will look for more from this author.

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Wow this was enough better then I anticipated!! This was funny, sweet, sexy HOT and enduring all rolled together. I'm not going lie I cried... like ugly tears, but the end was beautiful. Mr. Star was compelling and sexy.... and Diana was so sweet and head strong sexy, both written well. I did not agree all all with a few of the other reviews and I'm glad I was able to review this book

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The book was interesting to say the least. Based on the description, I wasn't expecting the real devil but I should have. Lucian is literally the king of hell, a fallen angel. And he wants something from Diana, a women with a very pure soul. In exchange for her father's life, Diana make a bargain of a lifetime.

I enjoyed the book and disliked it at the same time. The majority of the book was really well done. It was hot and sweet and amazing all at the same time. However, I disliked the ending. Let's just say that I don't agree with how the author finished the delema with Lucian and Diana. I get why the author went in this direction but I don't agree with it. It feels like the author wanted to get rid of the devil.

That's the issue with paranormal or fantasy books that take a large portion of their lore straight from religion. Alot of people will disagree with how you wrote the book. I've read books with the devil as the hero before and honestly found their plotline to be done alot better. Again, I liked this book but not as much as I enjoyed similar books.

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I read through half of the book a couple of things just bothered me.
Okay yeah he the devil and she knew that did she let her concern for her fathers' health cloud her mind? yeah maybe but still the devil and she made a bargain. *shrugs*

If she had fallen at his feet her appeal to Lucian wouldn't have been the same I get that, but the oh what have I done, poor me I let him touch me. I don't know for me maybe she could have handled it differently.

the characters themselves I liked Lucian, okay but he seemed a bit wishy-washy. He ruled hell and wasn't happy *shrugs. I'm not sure what I expected but halfway through it, it didn't pull at me.

I won't rate it or leave a review on Amazon. thank you for the opportunity to read the story.

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MIDNIGHT WITH THE DEVIL is a standalone romance by Emma Castle. Lucien Star aka Lucifer is the ultimate bad boy. When Diana Kingston makes a deal with the devil to save her father, she finds how delicious it is to be in Lucien's clutches. Although heaven and hell are referred to for obvious reasons in MIDNIGHT WITH THE DEVIL, this is more erotic fantasy done exceptionally well, rather than any type of morality play. There is something about Diana that draws Lucien to her and, although he insists she is just a novelty for him to enjoy, it is he who becomes entranced by Diana. Her devil's bargain entails that for every Friday for three months, Diana must be tempted and tormented by Lucien's sensual assault on her senses and forfeit her soul to him when she dies.

Lucien is a complicated character -- somewhere between a straight-up villain and anti-hero, depending on how far into the story the reader gets to. I love the idea of the Devil becoming bewitched and intrigued by a human woman. It's not that Diana is any paragon of goodness, but it's her ability to be self-sacrificing for someone she loves that initially reels Lucien in. For Diana, Lucien is hard to resist in spite of all her good intentions. Lucien doesn't need to browbeat Diana into his arms but uses his silken words, devilishly good looks, and irreverent charm. To have all of Lucien's intensity and seductive powers focused on her proves to be a highly potent cocktail for Diana. The longer their arrangement goes on, Diana develops tender feelings for Lucien while remaining uncorrupted by him, and a little of her goodness unexpectedly transfers onto him. A white witch, Diana's guardian angel, and Lucien's BFF Andras are witness to the unexpected and unlikely romance play out and try to influence things. The scintillating encounters between Lucien and Diana will take your breath away as their passion burns bright.

MIDNIGHT WITH THE DEVIL is an erotic invitation that romance fans must accept. Emma Castle weaves together a story of sacrifice and love while throwing in a few laughs and a whole lot of holy-wow-hot. As Lucien and Diana's relationship progresses, the level of eroticism is still there, but Emma Castle injects a playfulness and some domesticity as well without totally transforming the bad boy character. Lucien keeps the things Diana and the reader enjoy most about him, while still giving him greater depth and have him go through some changes as well. This book has made me an Emma Castle fan and I eagerly await her next book.

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Midnight with the Devil is my first read by Emma Castle and I found myself swept into a virtual T.V show. The overall plot was good, with some interesting bits and pieces, and the concept of fallen angels always appeals to my love of anything supernatural. Unfortunately, what was missing was a deeper, darker storyline which I expected from the title and genre described. A good book, but too sweet for my tastes.

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I received this book as an advanced readers copy,I loved this book so much. I could not help but to be hooked and there is a new plot in every chapter which made it such an enjoyable read.

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I am not usually a fan of paranormal romance, but the blurb of this story intrigued me and I am glad I gave it a chance. Midnight With the Devil was a well-written story full of suspense and hot sex. I really enjoyed the characters and the storyline. Castle did a great job with the character development, giving the reader characters who were richly layered and interesting to read about. The pace of the story was good and the storyline was well balanced. Nothing in the story was over the top, and I liked the way things ended for Lucian and Diana. I am glad I discovered this author's work and look forward to reading more from her in the future.

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