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Darryl Wood Gerber continues the Cookbook Nook mysteries along with recipes in Wreath between the Lines.
Jenna Hart is coping with a visit by her niece Lacy and sister Whitney who is pregnant and thinks her husband has been seeing someone else. Meanwhile Jenna's friend Jake is poisoned and his friend Geoffrey murdered. Murky family relationships complicate the story. Christmas cozy with lots of red herrings.

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A Christmas themed cosy mystery book set around the holidays and someone murdered with Christmas decorations. This book was the seventh in the series but I didn’t find it hard to read despite the fact I hadn’t read the rest of the series.

In this book, Christmas season is one of the busiest times for cookbook shop owner, Jenna and her friends and family. She lives in a small town that has more tourism at Christmas than at any other time and there is more than enough events going on, many of which carry on throughout the book despite the man being murdered near the start of the book. Throughout the book, Jenna is investigating the murder, or rather asks the right questions to the right people, and ends up discovering who the murderer was in the process.

I really liked the whole town of people. I soon gripped who was related to who and who was married, local, a tourist, had kids and so on, which boded well for the actual writing considering the cast of characters going on. Everyone had their own unique personalities and I was just as interested in the goings-on of the village as I was with the murder mystery.

On the murder mystery part, I guessed who the murderer was pretty early on in the book but the motive behind the murder was far more surprising. I really liked how Jenna found out about the murderer, it felt organic in how she was led to the answer (though I did feel sorry for the poor guy who she thought was the murderer through most of the book for the simple fact that he was grumpy and didn’t like Christmas after his wife died). I did find the way the police let her in on the investigation a bit of a stretch but I figured that was something that came up in the first six books.

This was a really enjoyable Christmassy murder mystery and I’m only sorry I didn’t get my review out sooner. I definitely want to check out the rest of the series.

4 stars!

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The holidays have arrived and so has Jenna's older sister and family along with some holiday drama. As Jenna is trying to save her sister's marriage, her father's friend Jake experiences a horrific present in the murder of his friend. Jenna takes it upon herself to solve the murder in time for a holly jolly Christmas day.

This is my second book (but the seventh in the series) that I have read and it has whetted my appetite for the series. I am interested to read how it all started. I agree with other readers that each book can be read as a stand alone but you will get more from the series if you read in order. The author does a superb job in giving enough background information for new readers.

I love that the author includes recipes at the end of the book. A huge pet peeve of mine is reading about such delicious dishes and no recipes. It has been known to turn me off on a series.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Beyond the Page through NetGalley. Any and all opinions expressed in the above review are entirely my own.

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Any day I can venture back to Crystal Cove is a good day...and if it is at the holidays, it is a great day! I have loved this series from the very first can you not, a cookbook store with an adorable orange tabby cat? I love cookbooks and the thought of an entire store dedicated to them always makes me swoon...throw in a cozy mystery and a fun cast of characters and you have a hit in my book! Once again I was served up a great mystery with lots of twists and turns. And look at that cover...another beautiful addition to the rest of the covers of the series!

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I thought this was an enjoyable and fun cozy mystery. I especially loved all of the great recipes included at the end of the book. A good addition to the cozy mystery bookshelf.

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Thank you Net Galley for the ARC. I didn't finish this book. I just couldn't really get into it and the story was kind of cheesy. I also didn't like the fact that there were so many characters to try and keep track of.

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Wreath Between the Lines
By: Daryl Wood Gerber
Beyond the Page Publishing
Publication Date: November 08, 2018
4 Stars

Christmas is fast approaching in Crystal Cove, California. Jenna, her aunt Vera, and the rest of the staff at the Cookbook Nook are getting it all set up for Christmas. Things seems to be going great until Jenna’s older sister, Whitney, shows up in town unexpectedly. Whitney comes loaded with drama as she is having trouble with her teenage daughter, Lacey, and she is worried that her marriage is in trouble. Things, however, become tragic when Jenna’s friend and neighbor Jake, comes over to ask for help because he had found his friend Geoffrey murdered. Jenna not only feels bad for Jake’s loss, but she would also like to help him find out what happened to his friend. When Jenna realizes though how much Geoffrey and Jake look alike, she is afraid that Geoffrey’s death may the case of mistaken identity. This makes Jenna even more determined to get to the bottom of things.

Wreath Between the Lines is a great Christmas cozy mystery, and it is the 8th book in The Cookbook Nook mystery series. This book is filled with all the right ingredients to make it a great Christmas mystery story: the mystery itself, the christmas lights, the plethora of baking, Christmas music and carols, Santas, Elves, and most importantly friendship and love.

As a new reader to the series, I found it easy to jump right in and mingle with the story’s characters. There was enough background information given that I was able to understand and enjoy the characters and their storylines.

The story is complex, but in such a delicious way. The author has many different pots simmering with different dishes and is able to bring them altogether at once to serve up a delectable Christmas meal.

On top of a really great story, the reader is also treated to wonderful descriptions of cookbooks. I have sworn away from cookbooks as I already have too many, but I had to go and look up many of the cookbooks described. They sounded so wonderful. If the cookbook recommendations aren’t enough, there are also yummy recipes included at the end of the story.

Thanks to Net Galley and Beyond the Page Publishing for an ARC of this book. #NetGalley #WreathBetweenTheLines

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Jenna Hart, protagonist of The Cookbook Nook series by Daryl Wood Gerber, is busy or the holidays, but no so busy that she can’t investigate a murder. Wreath Between the Lines is a delightful mystery where Jenna’s Jake, an elderly neighbor who is a friend of her father, is most likely the intended victim of murder, but his visiting friend who is about his same size, is found wrapped in Christmas lights and stabbed with a decorative star. Jenna sticks her nose into the investigation and finds several suspects while trying to protect Jake who is poisoned at an event at the bookstore. She also puts herself in danger. While this series is light and fun, and is considered a culinary mystery, it does have some suspense which builds throughout.

For food lovers and culinary mystery lovers, this is a fun book to read for the holidays.

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This is book 7 in the Cookbook Nook Mystery series. I enjoy it and always attempt the recipes included with the story. Jenna is decorating for Christmas when her older sister and niece turn up unexpectedly. It seems there is trouble on the homefront. When someone tries to kill Jake but gets his friend instead Jenna is alarmed and when several more attempts are made she knows she has to act to save the older friend. I liked the story and the family aspect made it even more appealing. I received a copy of this ARC in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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I got this as an ARC from NetGalley. I have read the first 4 in the series, but not the ones right before this one so was wondering if I would miss something by reading them out of order as I usually like to do. However, this one was good on its own although I am sure the one before might have explained a couple of things. However, it did not take anything away from the story. Jenna is getting the Cookbook Nook ready for Christmas along with Katie, Bailey, her clairvoyant aunt, her boyfriend Rhett and others. Her neighbor Jake comes to her house frantic one night that his drifter friend staying with him had been killed. Since Jake was a good friend of her father, Jenna felt obligated to find out who had killed Jake's friend, Geoffrey, and why. The list of suspects starts getting long along with the question bothering Jenna as to if Jake was the suspect instead of Geoffrey. The story never has a dull moment and all the characters are so believable. The recipes included also look yummy! Now I have to go back and read the ones I skipped!

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Princess Fuzzypants here: There is a surplus of Christmas spirit around town and in The Cookbook Nook. It is all building up to a most memorable holiday for Jenna, her family and her friends. Some of them are struggling with relationships, others are wondering what the future will hold. There is one big grinch in the pack and he or she is murderous. Jenna’s friend and neighbour is crushed when a visiting friend is murdered at his home. For a brief moment Jake is considered a suspect but when he and a fellow cookie judge are poisoned, it becomes clear someone else is the villain.
Jenna, at the urging of her father, tries to help the Police Chief who replaced him. While Cinnamon appreciates her help- sometimes- Jenna does manage to trod on a toe or two. It is all in a good cause. She helps the people closest to her reestablish relationships that were faltering or been severed, she unmasks the culprit and she uncovers some long held secrets in the process. As a reward for her efforts her own relationships flourish. Is it any wonder? A heroine who brings her kitty along everywhere she goes shows remarkable class.
It is a light and easy read for the weeks up to the holiday season. Four purrs and two paws up.

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Jake, a friend of Jenna’s father, shows up to tell her that his friend has been murdered, and then winds up poisoned himself. Worried that he may have been the intended victim, Jenna decides to investigate before the killer can remedy the mistake.

I love Daryl Wood Gerber’s books and the Cookbook Nook series has become one of my favorites, so I was thrilled to get the chance to read Wreath Between the Lines. The cover is beautiful, I really enjoy the cookbook shop setting, and Christmas themed cozies are always a hit with me. Jenna is a smart, capable sleuth and this puzzler of a story kept me guessing and in the holiday spirit all the way through.

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The town of Chrystal Cove, California is getting into the Christmas spirit, and Jenna Hart is busy with a bunch of Christmas themed events at the Cookbook Nook. Her life is more complicated by the fact that her sister and her family are visiting, and Jenna gets pulled into their drama. But things take a huge turn when her neighbor, Jake, comes over in a panic one night to report that a friend who had been staying with him has been murdered, trussed up with Christmas light and stabbed by a Christmas star. Who would want to kill a visitor to town? Or was Jake the intended target?

If you are looking for a cozy filled with Christmas spirit, you've come to the right place. This book is filled with Christmas. The mystery is a little weak since a couple of sub-plots crowd it out, but we do still get some twists before reaching a creative and fun climax. The series regulars are all here, and it is wonderful to catch up with them again. Once you've finished the book, you can keep the Christmas spirit with the many recipes for holiday goodies at the end.

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This is the first book I have read by this author. I did not know what to expect and I found the story to be very interesting. The characters were very well described and the story had me from the start. I started reading and did not want to put it down. I am looking forward to reading more books by this very talented author.

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Jenna is preparing for Christmas. Her sister, husband and niece come to visit while their father and Lola are on a trip. Family friend Jake loses a friend to murder and Jenna thinks that he may have been the target. The investigation is on and despite Cinnamon's disapproval Jenna is checking into a number of suspects.
I enjoyed getting to know more of Jenna's family and friends. The investigation leads to stamps, Santa costumes, estranged relatives and Christmas cookies. This is an enjoyable addition to the Cookbook Nook Mystery series. It is book 7.

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This is a great book with a wonderful story and well developed characters. The story flowed very well and was very enjoyable. This book will keep you reading long into the night and you will not want to put this book down until you finish. This was such a great read and full of surprises. I am looking forward to reading other books by this great author.

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Author Daryl Wood Gerber has started off my Christmas season right with this murderous holiday themed tale.

I know when I have a new Cookbook Nook Mystery to set aside a day where I can read the book from beginning to end. Seriously, I want no interruptions. With WREATH BETWEEN THE LINES I have set a new record for finishing a book in one setting. I even went back and reread my favorite parts!

There was more than one story happening in WREATH BETWEEN THE LINES. The question is, are they all connected? (What? I’m not telling you!) There were so many plot twists, each one was like opening another gift. And trust me, that made for a lot of unwrapping. But the author unraveled the tangled ribbon of clues and deceptions and delivered a reveal that I never would have guessed!

I love every minute I get to spend with Jenna and friends. I always feel like I’ve come home. The way author Gerber writes this series, I can hear the character’s voices as I read and envision every detail. I truly I feel as though I have walked every square inch of the Cookbook Nook, and every mile of Crystal Cove. Writing like this is what made me the reader I am.

There is one more important ingredient of book. Recipes! Over a dozen wonderful, mouthwatering recipes!
Daryl Wood Gerber had outdone herself with WREATH BETWEEN THE LINES!

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Dollycas’s Thoughts

It’s almost Christmas in Crystal Cove and Jenna is excited about all the upcoming festivities until her father’s friend Jake arrives at her door with tragic news. He arrived home to find his friend Geoffrey tangled up in Christmas lights and stabbed with a tree star. He asks for Jenna’s help with the police, he is certain that his crotchety neighbor is the killer but Jenna is not so sure that is the case. She thinks the killer made a mistake and that Jake was the intended victim. When Jake is poisoned at a holiday event she knows she is right. Luckily he survives but before the killer has another chance she is determined to catch them as fast as she can so everyone in Crystal Cove can enjoy the Ho-Ho-Holidays.

Again the well-developed characters shine within this story. The drama between Jenna’s sister Whitney and her husband is having a big effect on their daughter and Jenna tries her best to lend her support and smooth ruffled feathers but her main focus is solving the murder. The supporting cast plays a huge part in enabling her to do both. The dialogue is crisp and relationships stand out. We are getting to the point where a cast of characters list at the beginning of the book may be necessary as the cast grows, especially for new readers to keep everyone straight.

The author serves up a wide variety of suspects. As Jenna investigates we get to know several in depth. The clues are spread out for us to see but as the title says it is “between the lines” where things start to become clear. I enjoyed how officer Cinnamon tried to keep Jenna out of the investigation but even while on vacation her father was able to convince Cimmamon that just wasn’t going to happen.

The merchants of Crystal Cove are all decked out for the holidays. A wreath contest finds a unique wreath on every door. The events, the lights, all the decorations put this reader in a very merry holiday mood.

One of the things I really like about this series is the book title name dropping, sometimes with great descriptions of the books. Real cookbooks with great recipes and colorful photos. Cozies fitting the theme of the story, this time Christmas. It is a good idea to have a place to jot down these titles so you can check them out later and add them to your wish list. There are also recipes in the book to tempt you, so again a place to write them down is helpful.

A wonderful holiday read! Make yourself comfortable, with a cup of hot chocolate or cider, sit back, put on your sleuthing cap, and enjoy this fun holiday trip to Crystal Cove.

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Looking for a Christmas inspired Cozy mystery then look no further than this book. Jenna Hart is getting the Cookbook Nook ready for all the Christmas inspired festivities when Jake’s friend turns up murdered implied with a tree star and tied up in Christmas lights. Yet was that the true victim or was someone after Jake. Before time can run out and the killer strike again Jenna needs to figure out who did it.

This is book 7 in the series and it was the first time I read it. I wasn’t lost and I enjoyed the writing. I really enjoyed this book. Lot’s of twist and turns and you are always wondering who could have done it and why. A great Christmas Cozy mystery and you get some yummy recipes at the end so how can you go wrong. Pick up the book and cozy up in a blanket with a warm drink and try to figure out who did it.

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WREATH BETWEEN THE LINES (November, Beyond the Page) by Daryl Wood Gerber is a cute, holiday-themed mystery which takes place in Crystal Cove, California. Jenna Hart is busy getting the Cookbook Nook ready for the festivities when her older sister and niece arrive. There's all kinds of family tension (sibling, parent-child, and marriage) in the background as Jenna seeks to investigate a bizarre death. Her friend, multi-millionaire Jake, finds his guest impaled on a star and wrapped in Christmas lights. Gerber is a prolific author and Agatha award winner; here, suspects in addition to Jake (or is he perhaps the intended victim?) include Jenna's brother-in law, a grumpy neighbor and an envious stamp collector. Light and diverting for the holidays.

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