Member Reviews

I really enjoyed the first Cooking with Nonna book. This second one follows the same formula; delightful anecdotes from the Nonnas and their recipes, thoughtfully preserved in these books. I am neither Italian nor American, so many of the holidays were unfamiliar to me, and it was interesting to read about the food served on these occasions. For me though, there are not as many recipes that I want to try as in the first book which was a little disappointing.

I thought this recipe book was inspiring, enjoyable, educational and fun. Offering a wide range of delicious recipes that cover things from the basics to much more elaborate dishes. The recipes are divided not by chapters but by Holidays. So if you are looking for inspiration for a complete menu, the book will provide it for you. Or it is easy to just find a single dish to tempt your palate. The pictures are beautiful, the stories charming and the tips helpful. This is a truly delightful recipe book that should appeal to everyone.

This is a lovely Italian cookery book that provides traditional nonna recipes for a variety of different holidays throughout the year. Originally I thought this would just be a book on Christmas dishes being a 'holiday' book but it is much more.
The book is split into ten sections: New Years Eve & Day, Valentine's Day, Carnevale, Good Friday, Easter Day, Little Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Saints Days & Celebrations. Some of the days are obvious and don't require explaining, however I could not see any explanations for either Carnevale or Little Easter, though it was provided for the Saints Days. It's interesting to see what is eaten at different times of the year, such as lots of fish dishes on Christmas eve.
There is a variety of recipes throughout: starters, mains, desserts, biscuits and cakes. Recipes are in imperial and metric measurements and only some of the recipes include colour photography. Each recipe comes with the explanation of why a nonna uses that recipe on that day.
With Christmas coming up, I'd certainly be interesting in making the panettone from this book.
I received this book from netgalley in return for a honest review.

This book definitely lives up to its title! It's a Holiday Treasure Trove of Italian Holiday Cooking and baking! While not every recipe has a picture, this has more than enough to keep even the pickest abreast of what the recipes should look like! This has all the Italian favorites you would expect in an Italian cookbook and a must have in my kitchen! I loved the book, and see myself using this for all the holidays! (and in between). This would make a great gift this Holiday Season, for your favorite cook!
"I voluntarily reviewed this book for an honest review"

Eloquent without any sense of superiority, Cooking with Nonna will be a pleasure to those of us who have not had the privilege of an Italian grandmother, and a warm cozy to those of us that have. Seemingly authentic (your reviewer is of Dutch, English, and Scottish descent) but not so complicated that it will scare away beginners. The ingredients are realistic, and the stories from the nonnas are touching.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book, as a vegan I swapped out and made substitutes on various recepies but overall some great ideas as basics to work with.

When you visit Nonna make sure you have a healthy appetite because she cooks meals that fill your body and soul. I will definitely be trying one or two of these recipes for a harvest meal or Sunday dinner. I mean tell me how can you not want to try Amaretto Pumpkin Pie or Pumpkin Risotto. there are so many yummy Italian recipes it's hard to choose just a few. This would make a great gift for chefs as the holidays are fast approaching and if they make any in November or December then there are Easter and New Year recipes as well.

This is the book for if you didn't get your Italian grandmother's recipes, or if you didn't have an Italian grandmother and wish you did! Filled with lots of mouthwatering photos and recipes organized by holidays (from the major ones through some Saints days), I am inspired to try some of these great Italian dishes. Lots of traditional things, cookies and baked goods, and special items.
I received a digital ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review after downloading.

Great Italian family holiday cookbook. I enjoyed reading all 150 recipes and have picked out half a dozen to try. I was happy to see pictures along with most of the recipes. Cookbook reminds me of the two years I lived in Rome.

Tonnes of traditional recipes covering many celebrations. If you love Italian cooking then you will love this book.

Beautifully put together book. I loved the short write ups from the different contributors. The layout and photos are very helpful. The recipes steal the show! I saw some old recipes I haven't had since childhood....oh the memories they brought back! This year pumpkin tiramisu will be on my Thanksgiving table as well as Sicilian Potatoes for Christmas. Will purchase this one!

Another gorgeous cookbook by Rosella Rago, filled with delicious recipes, stories by her nonnas, and lots of color photos of her wonderful food!
This book is focused on holiday food and recipes from her family traditions and as in her previous cookbook, all of the recipes are well explained and many are accompanied with colored photographs.
My family is from the same part of Italy as Rosella’s family, so for me., many of the foods were reminiscent from holidays past. I can’t wait to try many of them! This cookbook will be a nice addition to the library collection to go with her first book.

Who more can you trust to provide traditional Italian meals other than Nonnas? I was so happy to review this book because there's (horrible, I know) a side to me that doesn't completely trust some 'traditional' cookbooks, but this one is great. The recipes are easy to follow, very well laid out and of course -- tasty!.

This book is a great Italian recipe book, with the interesting story of the different Nonnas interviewed in the book. It is greatly organized by time of the year, which changes from usual cookbooks.

Nobody cooks better than a grandma. This is a great Italian family cookbook. Recipes are divided into holidays many of them Italian holidays. There are special family memories and stories to go with the recipes. I can't wait to try the Battered cauliflower and baby artichokes. This is an interesting twist to some classic vegetables. Now I don't think I will be trying the Octopus salad though.
I love this quote from the book. " Food in an Italian family not only feeds your family, but it also feeds your soul and your heart." That is what I think of when I think of Italian food.

This is a beautiful and loving tribute to traditional holiday Italian cooking. Interspersed with wonderful, classic and traditional Italian recipes from all over Italy are personal stories and family pictures. The recipes are provided by Italian grandmothers, of course, because really, does ANYONE know how to cook better than your grandmother? Above each recipe, the book tells you which grandmother provided that recipe (for example, Nonna Rosa Carmelo's Savory Scallion Pie), which I thought was a really lovely touch. There are beautiful full color pictures of many of the recipes. The book follows the course of the year, going from Holiday to Holiday, featuring recipes that might be served at New Year's Eve and Day festivities through Christmas Day, and then ending with a variety of recipes for various Saints' Days. The author is Rossella Rago, host of web TV series Cooking with Nonna. There is a wide variety of recipes here, they are well written, and the instructions are detailed and clear. Each holiday includes recipes for several different courses, from several different Nonnas, from different parts of Italy. The book is a feast for the heart and the eyes. As with many traditional Italian recipes, many of these dishes are complex and time consuming, but if you are looking to learn to make those traditional favorites, or to bring more traditional Italian dishes to your family, who better to learn from than grandma? There is no nutritional information provided for the recipes, and there are not pictures for each recipe, but otherwise, this is an excellent book.
I received a digital ARC of this book from Netgalley and Quarto Publishing in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed are entirely my own.

Italian recipes fit for each holiday SIGN ME UP! Who doesn't love an authentic Italian meal shared from Italian Grandmothers?!?! I enjoyed how this cookbook grouped each recipe for a certain holiday to inspire you to add an Italian flare to your holiday meal. Some of my favorites are from Easter & practically all the Italian cookies!
I only wish that there were more pictures to go with the recipes. Great cookbook with delish recipes that don't call for a ton of ingredients and look very elaborate to host during the holidays!

Really liked this second addition to the Cooking with Nonna series by Rossella Rago. Fascinating dishes that seem unique but delicious. I love the regionality and the use of different Nonnas and their beloved dishes. Such a fun addition for any cook that loves to create Italian dishes!

This is a nice cookbook filled with lots of recipes that look like real Italian food. There is a wide variety of recipes that cover everything from appetizers and main courses to desserts and cookies. Some of the recipes that really stood out to me were pasta e fagioli soup, Sicilian pizza, Italian bundt cake, and soft lemon cookies with limoncello glaze. Lots of pictures are included and the directions look easy to follow. If you enjoy Italian cooking I think you will really enjoy this holiday cookbook.

I love the layout of this book, it is full of recipes I can't wait to try and I hope that when I recreate them they look and taste as good as they do in print. Each occasion has a set of perfect recipes so you'll be spoilt for choice. I love the pictures and little stories from other Nonna's as they give the book more of a personal touch. A must for anyone who loves Italian dishes.