Member Reviews

Another sweet story. I like how strong Naomi was in her convictions and that she didn't let Abe push her around. I would have liked to see more from Abe's perspective. It seemed he was just suddenly in love. Otherwise, this was a nice, short read.

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Naomi came into town to help her friend take care of her newborn baby but she was also concerned for her friend. She had heard about how her marriage came to be but her friend told her things had changed and they were madly in love. Now here she was getting ready to face the hardest journey in life meeting her partner in life yet they still don’t know it. Abe was supposed to pick up Naomi from the airport but he had other things to do but there is something about Naomi when he first sees her. He can’t stay away and ends up taking her sightseeing something that he has never done before. They spend time together and the more time they spend together the more he wants to know about her. He at time misses her their talks and these feelings that he is starting to have for her are foreign. She knows that she can’t have anything to do with him because he is a liar and already has a relationship even though it is a contract relationship but doesn’t mean that she doesn’t miss him. She misses their talks, their kisses and them just being together. Their journey to a happily ever after will take some time but they will eventually have one.

I totally recommend this read!!

Received ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an Honest Review

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A big thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin for the ARC. I am voluntarily reviewing this book. This is an ok, quick read. Naomi lacks self confidence. Abe is a grumpy gruff billionaire. He apparently falls in love at first sight! I rate this a 3.5.

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This book was very boring and because of that it took me weeks to finish it. Naomi had a really boring job and I thought that towards the end there was going to be something interesting about her but no, nada. Abe was rich, good looking and he was rarely around so it’s difficult to warm up to him. There seemed to be a lot of inner thoughts going on in Naomi’s head, not interesting at all. At one point I just started skipping pages. The ending was good and because of the I’m giving it the extra star.

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For tycoon Abe Devereux, women have their uses but none of those uses include marriage. When he meets his brother's new nanny, Naomi Hamilton, he sets out to add her to his conquests. Naomi, on the other hand, sees no reason to reach for anything beyond her station in life. When her best friend hires her to be her newborn nanny, she expects to spend six weeks with the family. She doesn't expect to be pursued by Abe.

Can two people with major trust issues learn that not every man runs from responsibility, and not every woman is cruel? What will Abe do when Naomi informs him that she's been saving herself for marriage and has no intention of falling into bed with him?

Carol Marinelli is one of my favorite HP authors because of books like this one. If you like Harlequin Presents, you'll love this story!

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Naomi cared little for The Christmas holiday season. Christmas was just another day for Naomi. But a lonely day. Naomi had been born on Christmas Eve. For what little she knew her first few weeks of life were spent on a maternity ward before the first of many foster care placements . Now she was a There had been no dates maternity nanny. Her job was to look after the newborn and mother during this very precious tumultuous time before the permanent nanny takes over.On a day such as Christmas her role was to make it seamless for the new mother as possible . Naomi usually ate in her own room alone. But this year it would be different because it would as it was her best friend’s baby. Merida was an actress who had come to NYC with Broadway on her mind. She had landed a part in Night Forest but she had not seem opening night as she had gotten pregnant by Ethan Devereux and entered into a marriage of convenience Naomi wanted to be there for Merida. Naomi was excited as she had never been out of the U K. She lived where ever work took her and Naomi didn’t have a home as such. She had shared a flat with Merida for a couple of years but since then she lived with the families she cared for. Generally she arrived two weeks before the baby’s due date and stayed between six and eight weeks after the baby was born. Naomi was tired of it, not the work but living out of a suitcase. Naomi knew that that the next few weeks weren’t going to be plain sailing. Merida was totally in love with Ethan and he had only married her to give the baby his name. The plan was they would divorce after a year. Naomi just wanted make these precious first weeks peaceful, and calm as she could for the new mother Merida and now little Ava, who were the closest Naomi had to family. Naomi awoke starved close to midnight. She had not slept on the plane and had went to bed shortly after getting to the mansion. So Naomi ordered a pizza then she went downstairs in the Devereux house to wait for the food to be delivered . But Abe came in before the delivery. He made Naomi’s heart quicken. But Naomi let it be known she was Ava’s nanny but also a friend to Merida She offered Abe a piece of pizza and started up the stairs when he didn’t answer but then Abe said yes he would like a piece of pizza . Abe may not be close to his father who was in the hospital fighting for his life but Abe admired his father more than anyone in the world. Abe had closed off his heart and far from hiding his feelings he chose not to feel them. Naomi twisted Abe’s heart in a way no one else had could and a lot had tried. Naomi realized in the space of an hour she had a huge crush in Abe and that was something she didn’t want or need and she was afraid of being hurt by Abe . There had been no dates, no romance in her life ever. Her job made sure of that. Naomi guarded her heart with the same ferocity she guarded her tiny charges. The next morning Abe was in the kitchen when Naomi came down for breakfast and Naomi lied to Barb who was the housekeeper and said she didn’t do breakfast and she was going out this morning. Abe was doing the oddest thing to her heart rate without trying. She felt like a teenager. The rules Naomi lived by didn’t seem to apply when she was with Abe. Abe had her ride to Macy’s with him. Then out of nowhere Abe decided to take the day off. Abe kissed Naomi and it was her very first kiss. Abe made her yearn. She felt a new hunger, one she she had never known before. Unfurl inside her . This knowing sensual man had been feeling the same way she had. Then Merida brought up Cadance and the relationship “she believed” Abe had with her. When she went home that night she just told Abe to just forget the kiss and then walked away from Abe. Abe thought maybe it was for the best with everything going on and he hadn’t been back since that night in the last couple of weeks.
I absolutely this book. It had me from the first page until the last. I loved Naomi and Abe together and how they interacted.. It was insta/lust but Naomi wouldn’t let too much happen as she said she would wait until she was married. I really enjoyed the author’s description of the scenery and events in the holiday season in NYC. I also loved how Ethan fell in love with his wife Merida and daughter Ava. It was sad about Jobe but I was happy both sons made peace with him. I felt like I was there with Naomi and hurt for all she didn’t have until she came to NYC to be with her best friend and baby when born. I couldn’t find anything to criticize in this book happily. I loved the plot and pace. I loved the characters and the ins and outs and I highly recommend it.

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The Billionaire's Christmas Cinderella by Carol is the story of Abe and Naomi.
Abe is a distant cold person due to his mother's lack of love for him and his father who seem to be indifferent to them. Abe did have a brother who he tried to protect. Naomi grew up in foster care but she isn't bitter and has went forward to help new mothers with their babies for the first few months of their birth. When her friend is about to have a baby she goes to help her and meets her friends brother in-law, Abe. Naomi is attracted to Abe but tries to keep her heart in check after being warned that he isn't someone that would be in a relationship. Abe is thrown off by Naomi, who is everything he didn't know he wanted. Abe tries to resit Naomi's lure but its a game he isn't winning.

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Abe was a closed off and cold individual. A Mother who was all about herself and not nurturing at all, she died when Abe was nine years old. And his Father wasn't much better a man who was distant and never really there contributed to the issue that Abe had. Now Abe's Father is terminally ill and he's struggling with the fear of losing his father and what if's.

Naomi is a sweet, caring and strong heroine. She grew up in foster care but she instead of making it a negative she found a passion for baby's/children/family in becoming a nanny for newborns and helping the new Moms. We open with her arriving to help her best friend, Merida, with her new baby. Her best friend is married to Ethan, who is Abe's brother.

Naomi is staying at Ethan and Abe's Fathers home (Ethan and Merida home is being remodel so they are temporarily staying at Ethan's Father's home). Naomi, sweet and caring meets cold and closed off Abe. They meet when she mistakes him for the pizza man. Abe arrives upset as he just visited his father at the hospital. His mood wasn't the best but when he meets Naomi she seemed to lift his spirits. And that is what Naomi does to Abe's she melts his heart and softens him. Naomi finds Abe fascinating and is drawn to him. As the two spend time together feelings develop as well as some issues of a "other woman". Abes fights his feelings and attraction. Naomi works through and finds the truth out about things about Abe.

This was a sweet romance. It was a nice and above average read. Not great but good story line and pacing.

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Abe is a playboy who does not believe in love and Naomi is a very innocent heroine. Naomi comes to work as a nanny to take care of her friend and her friend’s baby. While there, she meets Abe and they start to spend some time together. I liked that Abe never mistreats Naomi or thinks that her innocence is a lie. From the very beginning, Abe starts to fall in love with Naomi and he begins to clean his act. Though he keeps on denying his interest in Naomi, he continuously looks out for her and even misses work to spend time with her. There is a bit of Christmas and New Year’s celebration which makes this read a lot more romantic. I really recommend this book as it was very refreshing to see a strong heroine and a hero willing to go the extra mile for her. Great read. I received a free copy via NetGalley.

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Abe is a billionaire who doesn't show his emotions. Then he meets, Naomi, his brother's nanny and everything changes. A fun tale of how two people determined never to fall in love found each other. Thank you, Netgalley.

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I really liked this story. Naomi is best friend's with Abe's brother's baby mama. I must have missed a story about Abe's brother and Naomi's friend, but I could still follow the story. Naomi is a nanny for family's with new borns. An orphan herself she has never had a real home, so she makes sure to never get too attached to any of the families she works for-there will come a time for her to leave and she won't risk her heart being broken again.

Abe is a workaholic who has never let himself be swayed by love. But when he meets Naomi something about her softens his sharp edges. Slowly he starts to open up his past and exposes some of his past to her. She is what he has never realized he needed. But Abe has had quite the past with women and that past is going to tear Naomi apart.

Can two people, so afraid to love, be what the other needs?

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This was a really fun book. I think its more inline with Beauty and the Beast rather than Cinderella. Abe is the Beast. He has a horrible rep and is very cold and beastly to just about everyone, even Naomi's best friend who is married to Abe's brother. The best friend has had a baby and Noami is in town to help take care of the baby. She is very sweet, innocent and kind and she absolutely charms our beast.

However, in this story for 90% Abe is with this other woman and that was one of the reasons I did not love this story. It is a business like relationship but its also open and so it techically is not cheating. N is beautoful inside and out and she refuses Abe because she does not like his arrangments.

Abe and N fall for the other even with the distance and I loved that Abe despite being beastlike, he also is kind hearted and sweet with Noami.

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**ARC provided to NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**

Now this was is the type of Harlequin Presents a reader can enjoy. Interesting unique plot and likeable characters with a dash of romance and hot steamy sex. A definite 4 star book.

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