Member Reviews

AT THE CEO'S PLEASURE is the first book in a new series by Yahrah St. John. Ayden Stewart broke his promise to himself about workplace affairs by having a one-night stand with his assistant, Maya Richardson, who happened to have a major crush on him. When he treats her casually the next day, she quits her job and moves on. Years later, Ayden is desperate for a new assistant and he offers Maya her old job back with a hefty bonus. However, it doesn't take long for their sparks to ignite. Can two guarded hearts open up and find real love?

I enjoyed this book, and I'm currently working on the third book in this series. If you like good chemistry and romance, give this one a try.

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Ruggedly raw chemistry! With the first book in The Stewart Heirs series, Yahrah St. John makes her Harlequin Desire debut and her voice shines! The story line grabbed my attention from the start and the characters brought the story to life on the pages. There were a tad too many plot twists trying to steal the scene here and there, and an almost raunchy feel in a couple of spots, but overall a really entrenching read. I enjoyed it a lot and look forward to more from the Stewarts!

When Ayden Stewart finds himself in need of an assistant, he can think of no one better than the one he let slip through his fingers five years ago. Temptation led to a night of passion and the fallout had Maya leaving her job. Now he'll promise her just about anything to get her to return to the company fold!

Maya Richardson never expected to get to live out her most secret fantasy of a night spent with the guy she'd been crushing on for years, but that's exactly what happened ... but the way he reacted the next morning broke her heart. Her life was enough of a roller coaster at the time without adding awkward days at the office to the list, so she found another job. Now Ayden wants her back, and she happens to need the ridiculous money he's promising her.

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Ayden and Maya both work together and they slept together one night which ended their working relationship. Several years go by and Ayden is in a bind and needs Maya to help him out. With the way this book was setup I was expecting an angst filled story. Sadly, I didn’t get that with this book. I liked Maya but she was such a pushover. She let everyone walk over her from Adyen to her own family members. I’m also getting tired of reading books that use sex to fix all the couples problems. For example,

Female Lead: I want marriage, babies, the white picket fence. I deserve nothing but the best.

Male Lead: You’re right but I can’t give it to you and you are incredible and deserve nothing but the best but it won’t be from me.

But we can still have sex. Ugh. This really NEEDS stop. He doesn’t respect you enough for a real relationship but you’re good enough for casual sex?! I’m also tired of the male leads treating the women badly and they don’t even have to work hard for trust to be earned back. They just show up a few weeks later with some lame apology and all is forgiven. We need to do better! Women know your worth!

This was my first time reading this author and honestly I’m not sure if I will be continuing with this series. I didn’t connect to the couple or feel their chemistry while reading this book.

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A typical story about how a boy gets girl, boy loses girl, then boy gets girl again. No surprises and the chemistry between Ayden and Maya is lacking the explosive content I was looking for. Never got the sense that their relationship would ever stand the test of time given their backgrounds and the angst they dealt with because of it. The storyline could have been improved if the reader understood Ayden and Maya better and if the author had brought the couple together sooner. Would have liked to see more involvement from the other characters in this book as well.

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Enjoyed the story. Very interesting family dynamics and play on the chemistry between the H/H. The type of story that makes me want to look for other related books featuring the secondary characters.

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Ayden and Maya compromised their working relationship when they slept together. Five years later, the pair are reunited and the chemistry is just as strong. But both struggle with family issues that could deter them from opening themselves up to true love. Luckily, their bond is strong and we enjoy their journey to HEA.
Thank you Netgalley!

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